The Alpha nerd and The Bad As...

By Perfection_Dreamer

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Bradley Wrightworth is the future Alpha of the Silver Stone pack, known for their tough warriors and fearless... More

The Alpha Nerd and The Bad Ass Rogue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

655 19 5
By Perfection_Dreamer

Chapter 1



I must admit that I'm not the most popular kid in school, the girls throw themselves at me but I ignore them, the guys basically ignore me and that's how I like it. I'm basically a wallflower, it's different for an alphas son to not be hanging around with the popular kids in school or to never have had a girlfriend or even a date. I have never had a friend because I liked being by myself, standing in the shadows, never wanting to be noticed. My father tried to get me to become friends wih the betas son, Keenan, but we were just total oppisites and didn't get along very well. I don't get bullied at school because I'm the alphas only son and I have that small feeling that he's dissapointed in me for who I am. I do work out, I have a very fit body with an eight pack but I never show anyone. I spend my spare time reading or finishing of any work that needs to be done. I'm finishing off some algebra homework when my mother walks into my bedroom.

"You need to leave now if you want to get to school on time." My mother says as she leaves the door open for me. I put my hand through my blonde hair as I walk out the door and into the garage to hop into my beat up ford truck. I hate attention so I boight myself this truck insted of driving the fancy audi that my dad bought me for my eighteenth birthday. I arrive at school and as always, the schools biggest slut, Melissa, runs up to me and hugs me. I find her repulsive and so does my wolf but who wouldn't in that skimpy dress she was Wearing, it showed half her butt and way too much clevage.

" Hey baby. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place after school. I can satisfy your taste and you might even get youself a new luna for the pack." She sounded like she was drunk and she just wouldn't stop. She was the betas girlfriend but still wanted me and it was discusting.

"You aren't my type and I'm not looking for a girlfriend." I say as I walk off into the school. Before I close the door, I hear her shout,

"I will get you Bradley Wrightworth! I will become the luna of Silver Stone!" She had no power in her voice as she spoke and I was so glad that she wasn't my mate.




I wait by the front desk since I have to go to the local high school. I could have been put into jail but they wouldn't have been able to handle me. I would love to be in a pack again but just as a normal pack member, my father was beta of our old pack but that was a long time ago. I was standing next to my older brother, Lucas, as we wait for the lady at the front desk to stop taking on the phone. She finally stopped, sniffed the air and growled at us knowing that we were rouges.

"What are you doing on Silver Stone land? I should just report you to the alpha, he despises rouges." This lady was in her early fifties, had dyed blonde hair and the most caked up face of make up I had ever seen.

"We are here for an education, is that too much to ask for? Now we would like our timetables please." My brother and I were The dynamic duo by everyone but he was the most confident one out of the two of us but I was still a very big bitch.

"Here you two go. Have a nice day." She forcefully said and pit on a fake smile. We walk to our first class, English.

"What do you think the school will be like?" Lucas asks me and I just shrug my shoulders.

"I serioisly don't know. I actually hope that I'll meet my mate." I did want ro meet my mate and be back in a pack again. I know that Lucas desperately wanted to be in a pack as well and he hopes that his mate isn't a huge slut. We walk into the classroom and I smell the most wonderful smell ever. It was amazing and my eyes darted to the back of the empty classroom where a boy no older than eighteen, was writing notes in a book.

-MATE, MATE! GO TO MATE!- My wolf, Scarlet, was screaming in my head and it was hurting. I walk up to him and as I sit next to him, he raises his head to look at me. He had the most adorable blonde hair the floped a bit in his eyes and beautiful green eyes with a few specks of gold in them. He was perfect. He turns his head back down to his notes, turns a page, starts to write something the rips he page out and passes it to me.

-I know that you are going to reject me so just get it over with. You are far too beautiful to ever deserve someone like me, the loner with no friends.- I was suprised that he didn't want to reject me. Didn't he smell that I was a rouge.

"I would never dream of rejecting you, heck I thought that you Were going to reject me. Do you belong to the Silver Stone pack?" I asked as Lucas sat in front of me as the bell rang.

"Yes." I hear him whisper and start to write some more notes in his book.

"What rank are you?" He turns in his chair so I look him in the eyes. I could stare into his eyes all day if I could.

"You would never believe me. Nobody believes me." He looks back at his notebook, the whiteboard saying that the teacher won't be coming in today and then he looked back at me.

"I promise whatever you say, I'll believe." I stare into his eyes once again and feel like melting as he touched me and sparks flew everywhere.

"I'm the alphas son." I was shocked. I thought that all alphas sons were huge players that went out with the head slut and was best friends with his future beta, not a wallflower that sat at the back of the class alone, with only a notebook to keep him company.

"I believe you and I'm happy that you are honest with me. I'm Franchesca but you can call me Fran." I hear him chuckle a little bit.

"Well Franchesca, I'm Bradley." I had shivers when he said my name and they were the good kind.

"I have been waiting to meet you forever." I pull him into a hug and sparks fly everywhere.

"Me too." With that, the bell rings and we head our seperate ways.

"You look very happy." Lucas says as we head to the lunch room a few hours later.

"Yea. I got to meet my mate and I'll get to see him again." I thought of Bradleys smile and his eyes, oh those eyes were Enchanting. We enter the lunch room and I see Lucas sniff the air and starts to walk around the tables until he stops behind a table and sits down, just to stare at a girl who looked like a complete slut, kissing some dude. Lucas' eyes were full on black and his jaw was locked. I ran up to him and tried to see what was wrong.

"Is she your mate?" I ask and he nods.

"She's a complete slut and is kissing some other dude in front of me like I'm not even here." He probialy felt like he was worth nothing. He stands and walks out the doors, only to walk to the library. I catch the scent of my mate in here and I see him sitting in the empty library reading a book.

"I think that the moon goddess hates me. She let our pack get destroied and now she give me that sad excuse for a mate. Why does my life have to hate me so much Franchesca." He hugs me as he sobs into my shoulder. He never cries so this was all new to me.

"I'll always be here for you and you know it." I deepen the hug as Bradley comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I'll go get you a happy book to read. You stay right there." I stand up and turn to Bradley, grab his hand a walk to a section in the library.

"Can you please find me a book for Lucas." He looks throight the rows of books and pulls out a couple of books.

"So what did his mate look like?" He handed me a few books that I had never heard of before a d sat down on a nearby seat.

"I didn't get to see her face but she had dyed blonde hair and a very Short pink dress on. She was also kossing some guy with short red hair." His eyes turned a darker shadeof green when I said that.

"He doesn't deserve Melissa as a mate. Nobody does." He stood up while offering me a hand and we walked up to Lucas.

"We got you a couple of books to help you." He gave me a weak smile as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"You stay here. I can tell the librarian that you can stay here. She will listen to me." He walks off to find the librarian as Lucas opens the first page to some romance novel.


I have been wanting to write a book like this in ages.

I know that Franchesca hasn't shown much of a bad girl side to herself but you'll see how much of a bitch she is in the next chapter.

Please vote, comment and read my other books. I'll be updating Only His tomorrow.

Till next time


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