Wherever You Are|| l.h

By starrysaturn

451 37 0

It always will be you, wherever you are. More



216 4 0
By starrysaturn


I am woken up by the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I stretch out of my bed and make my way to the kitchen of my small

apartment. I grab a banana chocolate chip muffin and make myself some green tea. I take a seat at my two-seater table and begin chewing on my muffin.

Suddenly, I am interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating, which means I got a text message. I reach over to the counter and grab my phone. I unlock it, and I see that I've gotten a new text from my boyfriend, Luke.

It read,

L-Hey, I need to talk to you right away. It's important.

I then reply with,

S-Okay, I'll be right over.

Hmm, I wonder what's going on. I hope it's nothing bad.Probably just something to do with his band.

I push that thought out of my head and finish eating my muffin and take a few more sips of tea. I then go and have a quick shower, get dressed, do my hair and then I apply a bit of makeup. Once I am satisfied with my appearance, I speed out of the door and make my way to my car.

I start it up and cruise over to Luke's house. When I finally reach his house I pull my car into the cobblestone driveway, shut the engine off and jog up to the front door. I knock three times and the door opens almost instantly.

"Hey babe," I say cheerfully while grabbing Luke in a hug. But Luke shows no sign of reaction, and just stands there with my arms wrapped around him.

"What's wrong?" I say shakily, while I pull away.

"Look, Sophie I need to tell you something, and this will not be easy for either one of us," Luke tells me.

"Okay," I stutter,while my expression drops.

Luke leads me over to the plush couch and we sit down. He gazes into my eyes and grabs my hands in his. I can see tears forming in his eyes.

He begins talking, "Listen, you know I love you and you're one of the best things that's ever happened to me,'' he pauses and sighs, " but I don't think our relationship will work out. Like since the band is going on tour soon, and we will be gone for over half a year and we won't see each other at all. The band will be gaining fame too which means there will be hate, and I would not be able to live like this knowing someone is hating on an amazingly beautiful girl like you and I just don't think this will work out. But remember, I'm doing this all for you, I don't want you feeling hurt or lonely. I'm doing this because I love you Jess, and maybe someday this will work out, but now isn't the right time. I really hope you understand,"

"O-okay, I understand," I say with tears streaming down my face. Luke obviously knows since he will be famous that everyone will fall in love with him. He'll get to date some beautiful super model instead of an ugly girl like me who barley makes enough money to live off of.

"Sophie,listen to me when I say this. I'm doing it for us, because I love you and I don't want you end up hurt," he says.

Hah,well he's hurt me already by leaving me like this. I guess he's not the old Sydney boy I once knew anymore.

I then speak up,"Well, I need you to remember one thing. No matter how famous you get, what you do, who you meet or what anyone tells you, please,don't forget about me."

"I won't, I promise."


I hope you guys like it so far. I've been wanting to do a 5SOS fanfic for quite a while. Please Vote and fan, it'd mean a lot!

(P.S sorry if it sucks and doesn't make sense. I tried)

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