Book 7 - The Wild Child (Girl...

By themoonlightdemon

270K 10.8K 1.5K

After the Vera and The Christ Crime Family joining with the marriage of Jac and Natalia, almost every distri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (END)

Chapter 11

9.8K 470 27
By themoonlightdemon

"I can't seem to start my bike!" Cathleen scream and hit her super bike. "Why can't you just give me a break for a day!!!" She scream again to her bike. Kate chuckle watching her. She look up. "This is funny huh?" Kate quickly shake her head and smile. "Well we have to walk. Marshall used my car today."

"Is it far?" Cathleen gave Kate a sheepish smile while scratching her head. "Kinda." Kate smile. "If that's so, just use my car." Kate happily pointed at her striking red Lamborghini Aventador. "But you have to drive." She reach for her keys in her handbag and threw it at Cathleen.

"But I don't know how to drive a super car." Cathleen caught the key and watch Kate went to the passenger seat. "It's like driving any other car. Just faster." Kate wink at her before getting in. Cathleen pull her bike keys and went to the drivers seat.

Cathleen look around in the interior and confuse by all the buttons. "Seriously, a car need this much buttons?" Kate chuckle. "Enter the key here and press 'Start Engine.' See. Simple. You don't have to turn the key around." Kate said.

Cathleen did as told and was surprise to hear the car roar. Bystander turn their attention to them when Cathleen accidentally step on the accelerator. "The gear first, don't worry, it's automatic. And the handbrake here. Let's go to the school fair. In style of course." Kate smile.

Cathleen was nervous she would wreck the car. But as they started to drive, she gets the hang of it and finally manage to understand how the car goes. Kate was enjoying the view when she notice Cathleen turn to the familiar road. "This is the way to the orphanage? Correct?" She turn to Cathleen.

"Picking Bianca up. If that's alright?" Kate nod and smile. While Kate was waiting for them both, she received a call from Jacob stating he's going on a date with Vanessa and will not coming home by midnight. Kate open her door when she saw Bianca knocking on the windows.

"Batman!" She said before jump in the car. Kate chuckle and pick her up to sit on her thigh. "Batman? No no. Bianca's!" Bianca was so excitedly to be inside a car for a change. Cathleen went to the drivers seat and smile at the sight. She never saw Kate so close to a kid before and it's really a sight for her.

She started driving to the school fair. The ride was fill with Bianca's excited scream. Kate always have and always will love kids. To her, without them life will be dull. Except when they're naughty. Now that's a handful.

"Wooo. This year turns out to have a lot of people coming. I wonder why." Cathleen said when she drove inside the school gates. "Hey there's carwash. You need them." Cathleen joke. Kate turn to be direction Cathleen refers to. "Sure. Park it."

"I was only joking." Cathleen said.

"It's fine. We can help them, right." Cathleen smile and park their car near the car wash booth. Kate and Bianca got out. Kate pick Bianca up and turn to Cathleen who's having trouble locking the car. "Here." Kate said as she walk towards Cathleen.

"This little lock logo." Kate smile and watch bystander gather around her car. Cathleen went to the booth and inform them about their car. Cathleen pointed at Kate's direction. Several teen boys gawking at the car sight. Cathleen patted their back before walking back to Kate.

All three walk towards the school building. Kate never been to a school fair before. Her school never even held one. Gala's and dance, yes, but not a fair. This is truly a first sight for her. Kate notice the school green field were fill with family and kids having their little picnic.

Bianca was pointing at the mini inflatable world but Cathleen suggest they should go to the gym first. Because that's where the fun is. Bianca sulk but Kate manage to persuade her by telling her they will go there after visiting the indoor booth.

"You made it!!" A group of teens that Kate knew from the orphanage suddenly appear in front of them. "Come to our class. We held a mini cafe. You guys can have some refreshment." Bianca was playing with Kate's soft blonde hair. Cathleen agreed and followed them.

Kate was impressed to see the student's hard work. They actually turn their classroom to a classy looking cafe. They pick a table near the windows and was given a menu. "You guys actually have caramel tea and cappuccino?" Cathleen was skeptical. The teen boy just smiling.

"Don't embarrass us Cathleen." He said under his breath but still keep a smile on his face. Kate kick her legs lightly. "I'll like a Darjeeling tea." Kate said. "Same and soda for that little turd." Bianca turn to Cathleen with puffy cheeks. "Heyyy! Don't call her that. She's a princess."

Bianca smile at Kate. But still glare at Cathleen.

She smile at Bianca but she just turn her head away from Cathleen. "Ooooo you made the princess angry." Kate joke. Cathleen shrugs and waited for the refreshment. "Look." Cathleen said and pointed at something outside the window.

"A huge running unicorn! Waiting for a certain princess!" That caught Bianca's attention and stood up on her chair. She looks outside and her eyes landed on a unicorn stuff animal. She turn back to Cathleen who grin at her. "Does princess want that?" Bianca slowly nod.

"And you shall." Cathleen laugh and pinch Bianca's little nose. The same teen walk up to them and place cups of tea and a soda on the table. "On the house." He said and place a plate of chocolate chips cookie. "For Bianca!" The boy warned Cathleen who's preparing herself to snatch some from the plate.

"Geez! Such cheapo." Cathleen under her breath.

Kate gracefully took a sip from her cup like a lady and was impress even more. She raise her cup showing it's delicious. The group of teens smile wide. Kate help little Bianca to open the soda can and pour some amount on her own cup.

She was enjoying the view outside the window when her eyes landed on someone familiar. "Is that.. Benjamin?" Kate pointed. Cathleen turn around and it is him. "Yea that's him alright. And I bet 10 bucks thats Caravan's daughter."

Cathleen said while her eyes shooting dagger on her brother.


"Butterfly!" Bianca said as she chase the flying butterfly while Cathleen lay on the green grass. Kate was worried Bianca might fall. "Don't worry. If she falls, she will get up, and continue chasing it." Cathleen said while turning her body to face Kate.

"Dude, you have a very beautiful face. You know that?" Cathleen suddenly said and earn a furrow brow from Kate. "Are you by any chance is drunk?" Kate ask. Cathleen chuckle and turn her body to the other side. "Nah. I'm sober. I'm just stating the obvious."

Kate blush. She focus on Bianca instead of Cathleen. Now that she have nothing else she's focusing on, she notice Bianca have a slight resemblance to Cathleen. Except for the hair it's brown. "Hey Cathleen, is that your natural hair colour?" Cathleen turn to her.

"No. I just colour them. It's actually brown. Why?" Kate shake her head and smile. Cathleen got up to a sitting position and wave for Bianca. Bianca waddle towards them and it made Cathleen laugh. "Let's go to that mini inflatable world." Kate nod and grab her things.

She let Cathleen walk first when she felt someone is watching them. She turn around and search for something out of the ordinary. Nothing. She turn back to Cathleen who's looking at her. "What's wrong?" She ask. Kate shake her head and went to Cathleen's side.

"Nothing. Let's have fun."

Kate was waiting for them both outside the huge inflatable funhouse when she felt somebody touch both of her shoulder. Kate turn to see Vanessa's smiling face. "Hey Kate." Kate was surprise. "I thought you're with Jacob." Kate said. "He's at the games booth. I saw you walking here."


"What? Hey I'm using one!" Vanessa said.

"I mean my brother." Kate said as she watched her brother shooting at the cans and won some stuff animal for Vanessa. "Hey sis." He said before handed the stuff animal to his girlfriend. "Where's your shirt Jacob?" Kate ask. "It's hot." Kate face palm herself.

"You're scaring the kids." Kate said.

Jacob look around and she was right. He gave everyone a sheepish smile before put on his shirt. "Relax your tit sis." He said and wrap his arms around Vanessa's shoulder. "Where's your date?" Jacob ask. Kate's eyes widen. "Shut up! It's not a date." She whisper. Jacob smile.

"Kate is on a date.." Jacob sang before smile even wider when Cathleen appear with Bianca. "Awww. They have a kid before us babe." Kate turn to Cathleen who look at him weirdly. Kate look at Vanessa helplessly. "Alright big boy. Let's leave them alone." Vanessa said while dragging the tattooed man.

"But I'm not done yet!!" Jacob said. Vanessa keep on dragging him away and ask him to get that stuff animal for her. Kate was glad Vanessa manage to do such thing. "What a day huh." Cathleen said beside her. "I know. Let's continue. Where should we go next?" Kate ask.

Cathleen look around and smile when she saw a familiar looking booth. "Follow me." Kate follow. She make funny face to Bianca and she laugh. Kate love to hear her laughing voice. She's such a gem. "Oh hell no..." Cathleen suddenly said and stop walking.

"What?" Kate ask and look up to what Cathleen was looking at.

"Is that even allowed? I mean it is a school ground." Kate said. Cathleen swallow a huge lump in her throats and grin. "I don't know but I'm loving it." It was Bianca who cover Cathleen's eyes instead of the other way. "Who are those woman?" Kate asks.

Cathleen remove Bianca's little hands from her eyes.

"Well. My wild guess will be the girls from the university. What I don't get is why they using their two piece clothing. I mean there's no beach or pool available except for the one the swimming club use." Cathleen replied. "Now I'm wondering how would you look like wearing those striking pieces."

Cathleen turn to Kate and look at her from head to toe. Kate push her a little. Cathleen chuckle and turn back to the college girls. "I see those guys having fun." Kate turn and sigh. "Guys. Have no sense of sensitivity at all." Kate said. Cathleen notice how some of the father's would drool and the got hit by their wives.

Her eyes landed on Jacob and Vanessa who just simply walk passed the group of half naked girls and not even once Jacob turn to them. Either he's a gentleman or afraid of Vanessa's wrath. "Hey! It's Neon Jungle.. trouble is playing." Cathleen said. "You love this?" Kate ask.

Cathleen nod and gave Bianca to Kate.

"I'll be right back." Kate nod and waited. She's playing with Bianca who's playing with her soft blonde hair. Few minutes later, Cathleen came back with rainbow cotton candy. Bianca was so happy and thank Cathleen. Kate let her down and wonder off. She make sure she's not far enough from her sight.

"Where do we go after this?" Kate ask as she took a little piece of the candy with her fingers and eat it. She was doing three things at the same time, watching Bianca, talking to Cathleen and eating candy. Cathleen look around. "How about some barbecue?" She pointed at the food booth.

"Those ribs look delicious."

Kate nod and call for Bianca. Cathleen pick her up and walk up to the barbecue booth. They ordered and sat down on the tables provided. "Ahhhh. Black Widow. Classic." Cathleen was moving her body the song when their food came. Everyone were looking at her for being weird.

"What? You never dance? Have a life!" Cathleen said before feeding Bianca some chicken. Kate were enjoying her food when someone suddenly standing beside their table. She was chewing and look up to the person.

She cough out some of the food from her mouth when she notice it's her mother. "Mommy?!" Natalia smile at her.

"Hey Kate.."


Bianca just staring at the perfectly dress middle age woman next to Kate. In her pretty little head, she was aiming to grab the phone that Natalia has been using since she sit down with them. Bianca was getting herself ready to pounce when Cathleen grab her hand and ask her to sit properly.

"What are you doing here mommy? I never knew you're a fan of school fair." Natalia chuckle at her daughter's statement. "I went to a public school when I was a teen. I did participate in some school fair." Cathleen was speechless. "Wait wait!" She said and look into Natalia's orbs.

"You, literally a princess, went to a public, I repeat, PUBLIC school?! And not some crazy ass overly expensive private school?" Natalia nod. "My parents thought the experience could teach me to be a human being instead of... that." Natalia pointed at a group of college woman in two piece clothing.

"Got it." Cathleen said.

In matter of seconds, Bianca went up to the tables, knocking everything off the table, grab Natalie's phone and let her tongue out to the poise woman. The little girl jumps off the table,  and ran away from the scene. Kate and Cathleen look at each other, obviously surprise themselves.

Natalia stood up from her seat and literally running around, chasing Bianca. Bianca was laughing, trying to get away from Natalia. It was when Bianca hit someone and fell on her butt she stop running. She was about to cry but Natalia pick her up like she always did to Kate and Jacob years ago.

"You have a granddaughter now?" Natalia know that voice. She coos Bianca from crying. "Since we're young, not even one kid likes you Timothy." Mr Caravan scoff. "It's a wonder you even have kids." Cathleen and Kate went to Natalia. Cathleen try to take Bianca away from the woman but the little just refuse to do so.

"Bianca...." Cathleen whisper but the little girl just tighten her grip on Natalia's neck.

"What are you doing here? I thought kids weren't your liking. That's why you're trying to shut down the orphanage." Natalia came in hot. Mr Caravan didn't like how he was treated but he notice how many of Natalia's bodyguard near her. He straightens up his suit and smile.

"My daughter insist. I can't let her down. She's my only princess." Natalia look at him skeptically. "I don't trust you. You're up to something. But, whatever your planning, won't work even a bit. You know me Timothy. I won't stand down even it was the last thing I do." Natalia gave him an award winning smile and turn her back to him.

She glance back at him over her shoulder.

"Watch out Caravan." Natalia wink and leave him alone with his thoughts. "Mommy what are you doing? You've made him madder." Kate said behind her mother who's playing with Bianca. "I'm not afraid of him one bit. He's the one looking for war and war shall he gets. Isn't that right Bianca?"

Bianca nod and smile as she buried her face on Natalia's neck.

Kate excuse herself to the ladies and it leaves Cathleen with Natalia. She never been alone with Kate's mother or shall she say her future mother in law alone before. She's nervous. "Why are you nervous?" Natalia suddenly ask. "You're shaking."

Cathleen didn't even notice she was.

"I'm sorry ma'am. It's just, we never been alone before. I'm just a little nervous." Natalia chuckle. "Is it because I'm Kate's mother or is it because this child right here, who's literally sucking my phone... is your child." Cathleen choke on her own saliva.

"How..." Cathleen didn't get to finish her sentences when Natalia cut her off.

"How did I know? Mrs Markinson told me. But don't blame her, she did try to back you up but I know how to deal with people." Natalia smile. Cathleen look down to her child and sigh. "I'm sorry. But it's best that no one should know. It's a matter of life and death." Natalia felt sorry for her.

"It's okay. I know. Bert can be quite a handful." Natalia suddenly chuckle. "I never dream of having a granddaughter from that bastard before but she is quite lovely. A perfect Christ." Natalia suddenly said leaving Cathleen baffle. "Oh please. I saw how you look at my daughter. Don't worry. I approve. But you need to work with my wife." Natalia smile.

"She's quite protective of our princess. If you can get to her good side, you pass the test." Natalia smile. Cathleen look up to Bianca who's now chewing the phone. "Hmmm. There's go my gold." Natalia laugh and pinch on Bianca's nose.

"Gold?" Cathleen turn pale.

Natalia wave it off. "I do have a question. Where's the twin?" Cathleen turn paler. "You know that too?" Natalia smile. "I'm old friends with the hospital director, the place you gave birth to them. Now tell me." Cathleen sigh heavily. "Indigo, she's at another orphanage outside of town. I have to do that. It's for their safety. But Bianca here.. I just can't leave her alone.. it's... I don't know how to explain it.."

Natalia smile. "That my dear, we call motherly instinct." Natalia lean in. "Don't look now but I think someone is eavesdropping on our conversation. Look at me." Cathleen nod. "I'll ask Jacob to pick Indigo up from the other orphanage and Bianca will be in the orphanage. I'll keep them safe while you, keep yourself safe."

Natalia took a glance behind Cathleen and made eye contact with a guy behind them. The guy quickly turn his glance away from Natalia. "I'll keep the twins safe. Don't you worry." Cathleen nod and was about to cry when Kate made herself known. "What a long line to the ladies!" She notice Cathleen's teary eyes.

"Are you alright?" Cathleen nod.

"Let's enjoy this day shall we?" Cathleen smile widely and took Kate's hand.

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