Catch Me When I Fall For You...

By rachienyc

491K 13.3K 1.9K

"Sometimes, nobody will be there to catch you when you fall. It's just a part of life." Shailey Costello was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Thank you note.
Bonus chapter{one}
Bonus chapter {two}
Bonus Chapter {three}

Chapter 35

6.2K 181 16
By rachienyc

Jax's POV
My mind was still occupied with what Shailey told me yesterday; that she doesn't care what her mum wants and that she wants to still be friends with me.

A small smile played on my lips unknowingly as I thought about how she cares for me or that how I'm important to her.

I was glad she talked to me and we went back to how we were before.

The loud ringing of the school bell reverberated thorough out the school, signalling the end of lessons and effectively breaking me out of my little reverie.

I tapped my fingers against my table impatiently, waiting for Mr Nigel to end his boring class. But instead, he continued to drone on and on about some molecules.

I grumbled loudly once it's past five minutes while narrowing my eyes at Mr Nigel.

He made eye contact with me and looked away as his lips curled upwards into a smug smile while he carried on with his lesson.

It was only after 8 minutes since lesson ended that he released us.

"That's it for today class," he announced and I quickly stood up, grabbing my already packed bag before walking out of class.

"Should have said that 8 minutes ago," I mumbled under my breath.

I walked out to see Shailey walking down the hallway alone, I took that opportunity and quickly rushed up to her.

"I need your help," I told Shailey but in reality, I just wanted to spend some time with her.

"Help in what?" She asked as she quirked a perfectly groomed eyebrow at me while keeping her arms crossed.

"Biology," I said as I gave her a lopsided grin. "I got a biology test tomorrow," I informed her and it was then I remember how she didn't take Biology.

I face palmed myself mentally for that stupid mistake but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

"But I don't take..." She started to which I cut her off by taking her tiny wrist in my hand and dragged her out of the school.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed excitedly with a bright smile on my face, giving her zero chance to say no.

"Jax what are you-"

"Get in the car," I demanded after I pulled open the car door for her.

"What am I? Your dog?" She asked, a little insulted as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"No, you are my bae," I replied then thought how it might be too soon for this. I panicked a little then quickly hide it with a playful wink, hoping she didn't catch me panicking.

I chuckled softly and heaved a sigh of relief knowing that she probably didn't notice my mini panic session when she responded with an eye roll.

"You suck Jax Merico," She commented childishly while making a face and sticking her tongue at me. I thought she looked cute.

"Oh really? Because you swallow," I retorted cleverly and lifted my head up a little, proud of my comeback.

"That's where you are wrong. I attract," She replied swiftly with a smug smile on her face. Shocked by her response, my mouth fell open a little. 

"Wow, since when are you so good at these?" I asked, surprised, as I looked into her bright green eyes intently.

"I always am. I just didn't show it," She continued speaking after a small pause. "It's a secret talent," she added with a failed wink.

Instead of laughing out loud at her failed attempt of winking, I bit my lower lip to stifle a laugh that was about to escape my lips.

I just gave her a blank look and gestured for her to get into the car.

"Just get in the car Costello."

"Fine," She said. "But just so you know, I'm getting into the car because I want to, definitely not because you told me to," She told me and I clearly noted how she emphasised the word 'not' before climbing into the car unwillingly.

"Good girl," I teased with the thought of ruffling her dark hair but didn't in the end.

"Don't you dare..." She grumbled under her breath as she narrowed her eyes at me, trying to look scary but she looks like a harmless bunny instead.

"Alright, alright," I quickly said while raising my arms up in mock surrender, without commenting on how cute I thought she looked.

"Where are we going?" She asked curiously as soon as I got into the car and started driving.

"My house?" I suggested as I kept my eyes fixed on the road ahead of me.

"Your house?" She asked with a tone of disbelief and shocked. It was only then did I realised she had never been to my house.

"Yeah, I mean my parents are not home and I thought maybe we could..." I joked.

"JAX MERICO!" She exclaimed loudly and smacked me in my arm. If I looked closely, I could see the slight blush on her face.

"What?" I asked smugly as I turned to look at her when the car came to a stop at he traffic junction. "I wanted to say that we could study since it will be quiet," I added as I gave her one of my most innocent looks.

"Hmph," She muttered and turned around to look out of the window as we past by rows of trees.

"Aw come on," I cooed as I ruffled her hair, making her turn around almost instantly.

"Don't ever mess with my hair," I warned as she glared at me.

"I do whatever I want to do," I replied smugly as I continued to mess up her hair.

"I won't kill you because you are driving right now. But you better watch your back later," She retorted, shooting me a 'I'm going to kill you so badly, you are going to regret what you did' look.

"Sure," I drawled as I let a cheeky smile fall on my face.

I soon reached the destination I had in mind and found a good shady spot to park my car at. A small smile was on my face as I thought about the cheese burger I am going to have in a while.

"Erm Jax?" I heard Shailey called out to me.


"Where are we?" She asked as I watched how her curious eyes scanned the surroundings.

"For lunch!" I chirped happily, excited about the thought of food, more specifically, the best cheese burger I have ever tasted in my life.

"For lunch?" She echoed, giving me a blank face. "Aren't we suppose to study for Biology?" She asked as she furrowed her eyebrows together, confusion embraced her soft features.

"Oh sweet, innocent Shailey. Since when do I study for tests?" I asked as I let my lips curled upwards into my signature smirk.


Munching on my freshly made cheese burger, I watched as Shailey struggled to eat the giant burger.

When she finally took one good bite of that burger I watched her sank back into her seat with a contented sigh, knowing that she satisfied with the meal.

"This is so good," she commented to which I responded with a nod since I couldn't speak with my mouth full.

Shailey grabbed some fries with her free hand as she continued to stuff her face with the burger.

Out of nowhere, I saw how her face cringed in disgust, making a face.

"You don't like it?" I asked worriedly, hoping it didn't sound too obvious.

"No, no," She said immediately as she started shaking her head exaggeratively. "It's fine," she added.

I watched in amusement as she removed the bun and carefully picked out every single piece of lettuce, without sparing even the tiniest piece.

It would a lie if I said she wasn't weird or that I wasn't judging.

"Shailey?" I called out to her, making her look up from her burger that was torn apart by her.


"What are you doing?" I asked, a little disgusted.

"Can't you tell that I'm picking out the lettuce?" She snapped, quirking an eyebrow at me. "I have a mild hatred of lettuce," she explained and I gave her a small nod.

"That's interesting..." I mumbled under my breath after a short while.

"You are weird," I commented as she finished picking every piece of lettuce out and placing the bun back at the top.

"I'm weird? Have you not seen yourself?" She retorted.

"How am I weird?" I asked, knowing she probably had nothing to day because she's the weird one in the relationship. I mean friendship. It's the same thing right? Friendship is a type of relationship and...

"Whatever," I heard her mumbled, breaking my train of thoughts.

"Loser," this time I was the one mumbling under my breath.

"What did you say?" She asked even though I knew she probably heard me the first time.

"Nothing!" I quickly said, giving her a lopsided grin as she narrowed her eyes at me and mouthed "you better watch out".

We soon lapsed into comfortable silence as the both of us continued to munch on our own burgers.

I just love how I didn't feel the need to talk to her and all I need is her presence. Isn't weird how we feel that it's necessary to talk to someone you aren't really close to for every second but when it comes to someone whom you are close to, it doesn't mater?

"Shailey!" I called out as I noticed a cheese stain at the corner of her lips, making her jump out of her seat a little.

"What?" She snapped at me.

"You got a little something..." I muttered and leaned forward to reach out and wipe the cheese stain off.

I didn't know how fast my heart could beat until then. I never knew being that close to Shailey makes me nervous and fluttery.

My palms were starting to feel clammy but I told myself that it's no big deal.

"There," I said as I gave her a charming smile, trying to act cool about it where in actual fact, my heart was racing like a race car out of control.

I leaned back into my seat and wiped my fingers on the clean piece of napkin on the table.

It was only then did I realise that Shailey's face was as red as a tomato. If she were to take part in a completion to compete for the reddest face, she have a good chance of winning I would say.

She stared at me blankly and all she said was "woah."

"You are cute when you are blushing," I blurted out then mentally slapped myself for doing so.

What the hell are you doing Jax? I questioned myself every darn time.

"What?" She asked as her bright eyes widened a little, her mouth left hanging open.

"I think you are cute," I told Shailey yet again then proceed to face palm myself mentally. And to think that no one makes the same mistake twice.

Damn it Jax, what's wrong with you today?

I need some self control, someone help me.

Hey y'all!!! 🤗🤗🤗 I have been too busy with school and writing that I forgot to thank all of you for the 3k reads! 💓 It's amazing what you guys do and the support you show!

If I haven't already thank you, thank you. Thank you for everything 😘 I'm excited to see how far this book can go

Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you enjoyed this chapter! 💞 Hope you guys enjoyed Jax's POV

Can't wait for the next update! 🌚

Much love,

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