Wolf Talker

By RevyRogue

983K 46.2K 1.6K

Luna is a single white female working as a worker in a supermarket, her only other job which is more like a p... More



37.1K 1.7K 84
By RevyRogue

With an arm full I hit the back door bar open with my ass, and stepped out into the bright sunshine. It took me a few seconds to adjust my eyes, before being able to see straight. Using my foot to push open the chain gate we had to keep small animals out, I started tossing the trash bags one by one into the dumpster. The small fence that surrounded the dumpsters had hunter green slats woven in between each hole, this was great for keeping raccoons from climbing the fence and also to keep yourself from being found out if you were smoking something illegal, or in my case keeping anyone from seeing my boss just closing the gate behind me as he grabbed me by the arm.
    “Boss?” Now I was worried.

    “Luna.” Pushing me against the dumpster. Yeah this was the least sexy place to have someone try and make moves on you. My boss was a creepy looking man, and I’m not just saying that cause I’ve seen what Werewolves look like. I’m saying that cause he was creepy, thick glasses framed dog shit brown eyes. His hair was a black color with way to much moose and grease added. He was skinny and was to long for his own body, not to mention his breath smelled like rotting fish and tobacco. He reminded me of a nerd who had gone wrong.
    “Boss, get…get off of me.” Pushing him away.
    “Don’t be like that, come here. I’ll be really good to you.” Pushing his head into my neck, and doing something that felt like kissing. My skin started to crawl, oh hell someone please get him off of me.

    “Stop, get off.”

PAUSE: Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with getting a male off of me, but only if it was a werewolf. They don’t frighten me like a human man does. Sounds crazy that I was more scared of this human than of the Alpha, but it’s the truth. I had been abused when I was younger by a human male and it never really left me. I also have a condition where if my blood pressure gets to high, I start panicking and can’t see straight. My father had me seen by a medicine man when I was a child, and I was given special meds to keep everything to a normal level.
    I took them a lot when I was younger, but as time went on I started needing them less and less, so I didn’t bring them with me to work any longer. Now I wish I had. UNPAUSE:

Shaking heavily he didn’t take it as a bad sign instead he pushed more on me. Didn’t help hearing him repeat my name over and over again. Feeling more dizzy than usual I felt like I was just gonna drop to the ground. The sound of the gate opening, gave me a little hope.
    “Who the hell are you?” My boss asked pissed off that someone else was coming out here.
    “Move!” That voice…I know it from somewhere.
    “Screw you, bug off I’m busy.” He returned to me, and did something with his tongue that made me want to toss my lunch.

    “Foolish human.” Alpha? I thought just by the sound of the arrogance. My boss was removed from me and tossed inside the other dumper head first. I could hear him yelling swears and begging to be let out. My eyes fluttered in and out of vision, as a tall shadow stood in front of me. Using my hands I pushed on what felt like his chest, it was hot and hard. Something soft like a silk shirt, feeling small buttons running down the center.

“Alpha?” Nervous for more then one reason.
“Yeah.” Taking me off my feet and getting me away from the decaying trash. My work clothes were jeans, and a logo t-shirt, nothing special. Resting my head on his shoulder, I felt a little better, both from being away from the smell and from my boss. He didn’t say anything, but opened a door to a vehicle and placed me in side. Then closed the door and headed to the drivers side. The engine started-not my truck- it sounded more like a sports car. If I would have to guess a Chevy model, maybe a corvette or a camaro.
    A while later we hit a dirt road that felt similar to -mine-, the smell of chickens made me think it really was my road.

    “Home?” I whispered seeing less and less.
    “Yeah.” pulling onto my driveway and stopping in front of my house I fumbled around to find the handle as he got out of the car, just as I found the handle. I hit the ground with both hands and knees. His foot steps got closer, but I gathered more energy and stood up on my own. Grabbing my head with one hand and figuring it would take me fourteen steps to my deck another three to the door. And twenty to my bedroom where my meds where.

    Tripping up the stairs a few times, he grabbed me around the waist helping me back to my feet. Shooing him away I hit the screen door with my hand and made a hole in it.
    “Shit.” Finding the handle and pulling it open. Keeping straight was harder than I thought it would be, I hit one side of the wall more than the other, and almost ended up in the bathroom. Alpha pulled me before I fell through the bath door and kept me straight till we reach my bedroom door. Moving quicker I left his hands and hit the bed with my knee causing more pain, but I pushed through it and slammed into the nightstand reaching for the draw and feeling around for my bottle. Hearing it rattle I grabbed it, twisted the cap off franticly and when that didn’t work I pulled it off with my teeth.

    The pills dropped over the floor, and I found one dry swallowing it. Leaning against the bed in a ragged breath. It didn’t take long for my vision to return, Alpha was resting in front of me squatting down. His arms leaned off his knees, and his big eyes watched me carefully. We looked at each other in silence, it felt weird having him back in the house again. Finally I broke the silence.
    “What are you doing here Alpha?”
    “I drove.”

    “That’s not what I meant, don’t be a smartass.” Taking a deep breath and feeling a lot better.
    “Are you going to shoot at me again?” He sounded cocky and looked it too.
    “I dunno do I need to?” Raising an eyebrow. Then closing them.
    “You going to let me stay here?”
    “Why?” Opening both my eyes for his answer.
    “Personal.” That’s rich, rolling my eyes and closing them again.
    “Huh! Personal, how personal are we talking here?” Pulling one leg to my chest.
    “Very!” Pausing and looking at the bottle I was still clenching onto. “Are you sick?” He was genuinely concerned.

    “Not really, its more personal.” Smiling a little. He huffed and picked up a pill.
    “What do they do?” Putting it between two fingers. I reopened my eyes, taking the pill from him.
    “They keep my blood stable, and don’t play with them.” Picking up the others and closing the cap.
    “Blood stable?” Tilting his head to one side.
    “Yes.” Pulling myself up using the bed. My balance was still somewhat shaky and I fell backward after getting to my feet. Hitting my back against his chest he instinctively wrapped around my sides. It was silent except for the rhythm of our breathing. Stepping away from him, I did my very best to hold myself up.

    “Why does your blood need to be stabilized with pills?” He was reopening this subject. Quietly sighing, I gave the best answer I could.
    “Because if it gets to high, I can’t see and I go into a fit.” Fixing my hair and realizing I was still wearing my work uniform I silently groaned.
    “Sounds like a wolf thing!” My eyes widened, and a bead of sweat slipped down my forehead. Laughing it off, I turning around.
    “Nope, just a stupid human problem.” Grinning stupidly. Either he didn’t like my answer or bought the whole thing. Either way he headed for my door.
    “Take a shower you stink.” Waving at me like a child, I slumped on my bed as he went into the kitchen. After a good shower I called Lacey and asked her to hold my keys for me. It was late and I knew I needed to call him, but with the Alpha right down the hall, I wouldn’t be able to have a private conversation.
    Flipping my cell open and hitting a few buttons I started a text.

Luna: Are you awake?
Father: Yes, something wrong?
Luna: maybe…
Father: Call me?
Luna: Can’t, I reacted today
Father: Are you alright? Do you need me to come get you?
Luna: Yes I’m fine, no at home
Father: Then call me
Luna: Can’t Alpha down the hall
Father: Did he see?
Luna: Maybe, not sure
Father: Are you sure your okay?
Luna: yea, I got one in time
Father: been a while
Luna: Yea, scared me a little bit.
Father: did the Alpha cause it?
Luna: no, a human male did
Father: You know what I would tell you
Luna: Yes, I’m on it.
Father: Good, everything else okay?
Luna: Yes, I’ll call you sometime soon
Father: Okay, sweet dreams love
Luna: night dad

Flipping the cell closed and placing it on the nightstand, I did my best to relax..
My father is a busy man, but he knows all to well about my problem. When I really need him he helps me, my mother is a hard working woman, but she has her own life with her new boyfriend. My parents spilt up when I was about twelve and stayed friends through most of my childhood. But my mother couldn’t handle seeing me go through my disability and it broke her heart to much, so I ended up living with my father at the Indian Reserve. This is how I met Sam, his father and mine where great buddies. Sam was a sweet boy and looked out for me, he knows about my blood problem, but not like my father does. He would just watch me when my father wasn’t around to, and make sure I took my pill if there was a problem.

     I could see my father worrying about the Alpha causing the attack, but I doubt he would do anything unless I asked him to. Laying my head on the pillow watching the fan spin around, the TV in the living room rang down the hall, and I knew we were going to have to talk sooner or later.
    Leaving my room and walking where he was, he had polished off two steaks and a baked potato. Shutting the TV off and folding my arms with a death look, he glared at me for shutting it off.

    “We need to talk.” Not wanting to do this as much as him.
    “What for?” Getting up and putting the dish in the sink, keeping his back to me.
    “Because I need answers from you.” Following into the kitchen. He spun around so fast it made my head hurt.
    “Answers, huh so you wanna get to know me? Am I your pet now?” Moving to me.
    “No, your not my pet, I just think it would be better.”
    “Better for who?” His eyes caught the lights rays and they lit up.
    “For both of us.” Feeling a little sorry I even brought this up.
    “What could I possible want to know about you?” Acting smug, I called him on it.
    “So you have nothing you wanna ask me, nothing at all huh? Okay.” Leaving the kitchen and picking up his keys and tossing them at him.

    “Bye Alpha.” Making my way back to my bedroom. My arm was seized and held firmly. “Did you need something?” Looking over my shoulder at him.
    “Why…err why do you smell like that?” This got my attention.
    “Smell like what, I took a shower so its not wolf or my boss.” He growled trying to find the words.
    “You don’t smell like a human, or a wolf. Why? Why do you smell like this?” His anger increased.
    “I’m really not sure what you mean.”
Snarling at me because my response didn’t answer anything, he flung my arm away.
    “Useless!” Heading for the sofa.
    “It could be the pills” Looking up at the fan, he stopped and turned around.
    “The Pills?”

    “Yea, my father said they have some side effects, but I never saw any. Maybe that’s one of them.” Shrugging my shoulders.
    “I don’t like it!” Turning away.
    “Gee how sorry am I, I normally don’t take them.” Getting annoyed cause he was acting like an ass again.
    “How long ago did you take one?”
    “Besides today, maybe a few days ago, but until you arrived I haven’t needed them.” This got his attention real fast.
    “You saying its my fault you take those stupid things?”
    “I never said that, I just said I wasn’t taking them till you came along.”
    “So you are saying its me!” His teeth snapped when he spoke.

PAUSE: Werewolves hate being blamed for things, doesn’t matter if they did it or not. Since the media has found out about them, its been a huge deal. A lot of innocent wolfs were locked up because someone said they saw one do something he never really did. A few states even band wolves from crossing the boards, so it was no wonder they didn’t like humans. Yes we said it on tv that we didn’t have a problem with them living amongst us, but we were close minded and didn’t want to look like raciest. So behind closed doors the humans secretly hated the wolves. Just like the KKK and the Mexican haters, there were Werewolf haters as well. Some just stayed clear altogether while others, used the wolves as there pets for dog fights. It was sad really, a lot of hate was still thick in the air. I didn’t blame the Alpha for what he must of seen through his years. UNPAUSE:

“Maybe we should talk later!” Feeling as if this wasn’t going anywhere.
    “No, we talk now.” His English was going south, as he blocked my way out.
    “If your going to yell at me, then I don’t want to talk to you.” I was tired anyways.
    “ERR Stop doing that” slamming his hand threw my wall. Great another one I have to fix.
    “Please stop ripping my house apart. And stop doing what.”
    “Stop belittling me, I hate it!” Using his body to push me back into the living room.   
    “Well then stop bossing me around. I’m not a toy” Pushing me on the sofa and growling louder then he has to.
    “Stop talking.” Feeling stupid for even trying to have a normal conversation with an Alpha, I sat there quietly.
    “Your more annoying now, then when I first met you. I can’t take this, you smell strange and I can’t get the scent out of my nose. Your always so lovely with that sticking pup, makes me sick.” He was yelling, but he was also talking so I let him say his peace.

    “Trying to fix wolves, what gives you the right to interfere? You can’t even handle a stupid human boss, how can you even help a wolf? And that stricken Indian…” I cut him off.
    “That’s enough Alpha, your more then welcome to spit on my name, but you leave Sam out of this. He’s a good man, he’s done a lot for your kind so don’t be talking shit about him when you know nothing about him.” I had somehow gotten up close to him. I continued when he didn’t speak.

    “As for what right I have, what makes you so upset about me helping out a wolf? I have every right to help whom ever I want to, just because I have some problems of my own doesn’t mean I can’t help someone else out.”
    “Its none of your business medaling in wolves affairs.” My heart started to race.
    “Why cause I’m a stupid human? Or because I’m a woman? Which is it?” Shouting at him.
    “We don’t need your help, stay out of it.”
    “Who says? What makes you the boss of every wolf? Cause last time I check it was the Monarch who called the shots, and he hasn’t given me a call yet.” I had now reached full anger mode, and wasn’t going to stop.

    “You know nothing about the Monarch, how dare you speak his name.”
    “I know plenty about the Monarch, so don’t you dare tell me shit.” Shaking cause I was reaching my limit with this fool.
    “Your not annoying your stupid, the Monarch is a secretive man, he doesn’t just let anyone know things about him. The royal family is by far, greater then you’ll ever know.”
    “Screw you I am the royal family” I clapped my mouth shut, I went to far. The glowing eyes of an Alpha pierced threw me like a dagger to butter. Grabbing my throat and pulling me to him.
    “What did you say?”
    “Nothing, I said nothing.” holding his arm. Thinning his eyes at me and tossing me to the sofa.
    “What secrets are you hiding in those pills?” Looking at my room.
    “No…don’t” Trying to beat him to my room. He grabbed the bottle and headed for the bathroom.
    “Stop it, please” Trying to get them away from him.
    “Enough hiding” He was enjoying this, as he flushed the pills down the toilet.

    “No…..what. What have you done.” I watched as the last one disappeared. Sliding to the floor and hugging the bowl, as if I had just lost my life.
    “Lets see how brave you are now, without your meds.” tossing the bottle at my feet, and walking out. The screen door closed and his car started up. Crying in my bathroom, I panicked for myself. Curling into a ball and crying myself to sleep, my nightmare began.

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