And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Just a case of waiting
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Our little girl
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
Here's my ring
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Never again
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Broken Heart
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Hate Desire
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

All a lie

1.2K 65 147
By englishrose19

"Excuse me miss...."

Tabitha looked over her shoulder and frowned at strange boy before looking him up and down and smirking over at her friends who all looked at Billy "Can I help you?" she asked raising an eyebrow. Billy looked at the woman for a moment, she was very pretty and had long blonde hair, her makeup was loaded onto her face that made her look like a tart not to mention the very low cut dress that showed off far to much cleavage then necessary. She looked like she could be trouble and now that he stared into the face of the woman who had caused his mum so much grief Billy had to try and hold back from blowing up. He hated her! She hurt his mum!

"Hey?" Tabitha clicked her fingers in front of his face as he seemed caught up in his own little world which made her friends laugh as subtly as they could.

"There is someone outside who want to see you, You should follow me" he said feeling awkward now that her friends were whispering about him to each other behind their napkins. He didn't like it, he felt like a fool or at least she made him out to look like one. "Who's outside?"

Billy looked back at the blonde "Oh he didn't tell me his name, he just wanted me to pass on the message" Billy was on fire. This thinking on the spot was really working out for him, maybe he should consider acting?

Tabitha scoffed at him before turning to her friends "I'll be back in a tick guys" she said rolling her eyes at them as if to say this kid is getting on her nerves. Billy began to lead her through the restaurant checking that she was still following him. She already seemed annoyed that she was being dragged away from her group of friends and for that Billy felt nervous again, he just hoped Johnny knew what he was doing.

Walking out of the restaurant Billy continued to walk across the street making Tabitha stop suddenly "Hey kid, where exactly are you taking me? who is this person?" she asked rubbing her exposed arms now that the chilly wind had hit her skin and there was a lot showing as well. She was wearing a short gold dress that hardly covered up anything of her body no wonder she was cold. "Just follow me" Billy said calmly watching as she huffed slightly before following him into the darkness where no light from the streets were showing. It was pitch black and very cold.

"Hey Kid! If this is some practical joke..." she began angrily before seeing Johnny appear from behind a car. "it's not a joke" he said looking into her stunned face. 

"Oh fuck" she cursed sighing in annoyance that she had been tricked into seeing him. "Piss of Johnny, I don't want to talk to you" with that she turned to leave only to find him grab her quiet harshly by the arm. "Listen lady you're not going anywhere until we have a little chat" he spat as she tried to push him away and free her arm. "get off me" she yelled struggling a lot now that Billy had to take action.

Rummaging through the black bag left on the floor he pulled out the rope "Johnny" he called as he tried to stop her from getting away. As soon as Johnny looked in his direction he took the robe and him and Billy quickly tied it round her as she struggled furiously. "What the fuck!" she yelled now that the little kid had tied her up tightly, Johnny had his hand covered over her mouth and smiled as Billy also began to handcuff her. This was so badass even for Billy. "!" she said trying to kick Johnny as he held her in place.

"Open the door" Johnny instructed Billy as he avoided Tabitha's attempts to swing at him with her feet. She was really struggling against him and Johnny just hope there were no eye witnesses.

Now the car door was open Johnny pushed her inside and slammed it shut hearing her yell and curse viciously as she struggled to get free, she was trapped her hands were cuffed with fake toy handcuffs and she was wrapped tightly in some rope. This was fucking kidnapping, she'd kill him as soon as she got her hands free. Billy and Johnny got into the front of the car before turning round and looking at her as she glared at the pair of them.

"Get me the fuck out of this car!" she yelled her eyes flashing dangerously at Johnny.

"Listen! you'll get out as soon as you answer a few questions and please refrain from swearing in front of my boy" he said warningly. Billy was not used to hearing such language and Johnny knew Helena would kill him knowing Billy had heard the F word about 5 times already this evening. "If this is about that bloody night Johnny...." she spat angrily before squinting her eyes as the young boy suddenly flashed his touch in her face.

"Answer our questions!" Billy said forcefully making Johnny shake his head at him subtly "Billy...put the torch away son" he said softly as Billy sighed again.

"Oh come on Johnny the rope and handcuffs came in useful, I still have lots more cool stuff to use" he complained making Tabitha frown at the weird child still squinting as he held the flashlight up in her direction.

"Billy, you said you'd let me handle this..." Johnny whispered "But Johnny..."

"Put the flash light away...."

Her eyes flickered back and forth as she watched them bicker. "Will the pair of you pack it in, Jesus christ! can you let me go for gods sake!" almost forgetting Tabitha the pair of them looked at her, Billy pouted while he stuffed the torch back in the bag. "It is about that night" Johnny began as Tabitha rolled her eyes.

"We never had sex! alright!" She blurted out frustrated that this was what this whole thing was about. To her it was pointless, it didn't mean a thing as her life had changed so much since then, she was in a proper relationship now and had a different life. She didn't care now if he knew, it didn't bother her either way.

"What?" he whispered shocked while Billy simply smiled at Johnny.

"I tricked you, made you believe as if we had sex, you pissed me off that time that you turned me down, I wanted to get back at you so I tried to ruin your marriage, but no you passed out before I got the chance" she explained still trying to set herself free from the handcuffs. why were they so damn hard to get off they were kids ones not even real!

"You never cheated" Billy whispered in shock as he smiled at Johnny, so completely astonished by this sudden news. Johnny too couldn't believe his ears, but he needed more questions as this was probably his only chance. "But the photographs?" he asked even as Tabitha growled in frustration that she couldn't set herself free.

"It was a set up ok" she sighing giving up and telling him, maybe if she told him all the bloody truth then they'd let her go. Blowing a strand of hair from her frustrated face Tabitha continued "I drugged you Johnny, you were so drunk that night you didn't even realise" his jaw dropped slightly in disbelief. He had thought that there may have been drugs involved and now she had just confirmed the there were. He was innocent. "You slipped something into my drink" he said softly still astonished by this wonderful yet still slightly disturbing news.

Gritting her teeth as she gave up struggling to get her hands free Tabitha sighed loudly in annoyance. "YES! you idiot! now let me go!!" she screamed eyeing both him and Billy angrily.

Johnny looked over at Billy who only seemed to smile gleefully at this news. He was innocent, this whole thing had been a set up, he never cheated. Billy couldn't help but kneel on the leather seat of his car as he stretched his arms out to hug Johnny to which he excepted with a small laugh. They were both so happy, both so relieved. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you Johnny, I always knew you would never hurt mum" he said breaking away slightly to smile at him.

"Course I wouldn't I'm just sorry you all had to suffer though all this" he sadly placing his hand on Billy's shoulder as he spoke.

Narrowing her eyes on the pair of them Tabitha rolled her eyes again "I'm sorry to interrupt" she said sarcastically "But now you know the bloody truth will you please let me go, I have friends waiting for me" her eyes were still hard and angry and Johnny so desperately wanted to shout at her to shut the fuck up. She had caused so much grief on his family and right now he didn't like her tone.

"No, you're not going anywhere...I'm taking you to the house and you are going to talk to Helena and explain" he said more as an order then anything as he began to start up the car. Billy gulped suddenly, he wasn't sure whether this was good idea. He knew that his mum would be upset by this and for that he wanted to say something but could see how determined Johnny was.

"Don't you dare! I'm not speaking to her!" Tabitha spat. "Oh yes you are, you caused her so much pain with your stupid little revenge plan, she was pregnant at the time and ill. You have no idea how you ruined both our lives and now you will tell her the truth. I'll drag you by your hair if i have to because one thing is for sure, you will fix the mess you created and tonight!" with that he quickly pulled the car out onto the pain road causing Billy to quickly buckle up and for Tabitha to fall onto her side as she lost her balance now that her arms were tied to her body.

"I will not!" she yelled trying to sit back up straight as they speeded down the road.

"If you don't I will release this story to the press and make sure you are ruined not to mention your father!" he threatened and even Billy was scared at just how angry Johnny was looking as he gripped the steering wheel and stared straight as if nothing mattered to him then getting home right now. "You're bluffing, you wouldn't do that!" the worry in her voice made him smirk. "Wont I"

"B-but you like my father he is innocent here!" she said really starting to panic now.

"So was my fiancee! she's been though hell because of you and now you will fix this!" Billy smiled slightly when Johnny referred to his mum as his fiancee, were they engaged again? He so hoped they were.

Tabitha stopped her yelling and remained silent in the back of the car. There was nothing she could do. She loved her father more than anything in the world and if Johnny was to sell her to the papers then she would be ruined not to mention he would be too. She had got into trouble before but not to this standard, this could ruin lives. She was happy now with the easy going life she had and for that she didn't want anymore drama.

"fine" they both heard her whisper from the back. She was defeated he had blackmailed her and for that she saw no way out, she had done wrong and would have to suck out the poison now of her venous actions.



Smiling at her daughter as she snuggled down in her bed ready to go to sleep Helena kissed Nell's forehead and chuckled as she hugged her tightly by flinging her small arms around her neck. "I love you mummy" she whispered before Helena gave her a quick peck on the lips and gently removed her arms from around her "I love you too sweetheart" Nell giggled at this and pulled the covers over the tops of her shoulders. It was getting a little late now into the evening and Helena was beginning to wonder where Johnny and Billy had gotten to. Surly the meeting with his headmistress wouldn't go on this long. After putting Rose to bed and Nell for that matter Helena checked her watch worryingly to read 9:00 o'clock. It was past Billy's bed time and they both had school tomorrow.

As she headed down the stairs she sighed in relief as the door opened to reveal Billy who walked in first "There you are I was beginning to get worri..." she was instantly cut of as soon as she noticed Johnny walk in with none other then the very person that even now made Helena's heart grow cold. Tabitha. She was standing there in her door way. On her threshold. It was like all the wind had been knocked from her system the moment she laid eyes on the little tart.

Seeing Helena's shocked expression Johnny tried to speak only he was cut of by her instantly "What the hell is going on?" she asked her eyes narrowing on Johnny as she looked between the pair of them. What the actual fuck was happening right now? why was Tabitha standing here in her home and why did Johnny and even Billy look as if they had been planning this.

"Hellie don't get upset" Johnny began walking over to where she was standing on the stairs just a couple more steps and she would be down to his level. "Don't get upset" she practically hissed at him harshly now he was close enough.

She couldn't believe what was happening right now. Tabitha was in her home! Tabitha! The very woman who had caused all this agonising pain all this heart ache, quiet literally. The very woman that had broken their relationship, the very woman that had slept with Johnny. Now as she looked at Tabitha she could feel her tears begin to brim in her eyes the very sight of her made her sick to her stomach. She was beautiful, sexy, had long blonde hair and had half of her bloody body showing with that nothing of a dress she had on. Just the thought that Johnny had cheated on her with this very woman made her want to cry again. she felt like such a potato compared to her beauty and body shape.

"Please don't cry Hel" Johnny whispered sadly seeing just how upset this was all making her. As she brought her eyes to him she felt nothing but anger now, why was he doing this? why had he brought her here! to their home! "You went out to bring her here! and you included Billy in all this" she said angrily stepping down the last few steps and heading over to her son.

"Mum you must listen to what she has to say" he said desperately even though she didn't seem to listen.

"Go to bed Billy" she said calmly as she pushed him to the stairs "But mum..."

"Now" she ordered him to which he simply shot Johnny a worried look only noticing him giving him back a comforting smile before descending up the stairs. He hoped she would listen, he knew she was upset but she just had to hear him out, had to hear Tabitha out for that matter.

"Hellie" Johnny began again trying to reach out for her only to find her move away. "Leave me alone Johnny" she said the hurt building up inside her again as she looked from his face to Tabitha's.

"I brought her here to talk to you ok, please just hear her out, please" he begged while Helena frowned at him.


"Helena please"

"No Johnny...."

"He never cheated" Tabitha said quietly causing the couple to look at her suddenly. Helena frowned again at this. Tabitha just wanted to get this over with, her friends were probably worried sick and she wanted to get away from this bloody nightmare of an evening. Not only that but she was worried that if this damn woman in front of her didn't hear her out then Johnny would go ahead and sell her story to the police. She couldn't have a scandal such as this brought to the attention of the press. It was life ruining, she could even serve time in jail for what she had done.

It had been about quarter of an hour now. Johnny was sat opposite Tabitha in the living room holding Helena's hand as she explained the going's on of that night and why she did what she did. Johnny noticed that Helena didn't seem to react at all, she mainly looked slightly stunned but he wasn't sure if she was really taking all this in. A part of him felt that she wasn't believing any of this. He sure hoped that she did though.

After about a minute of awkward Silence Johnny squeezed Helena's hand as if trying to bring her back to the present. Her mind seemed to wonder off into another world. "Hellie?" Looking at him Helena gulped a little before clearing her throat "Johnny can you leave me with her for a bit, I want to talk to her on my own" she said making Tabitha frown slightly.

Johnny looked between the two woman nervously before he hesitantly got up from beside her and left the room. He didn't want to leave completely as he was still concerned about her. She hadn't said a word all evening and now that he left them alone he only hoped to god she would be alright.

Looking at Tabitha now they were all alone Helena leant back against the sofa she was seated in "Tell me truthfully did he pay you to say that?" she asked as Tabitha scoffed and smirked at this "If only, no him and the boy had me tied up in the back of his car the only reason I'm here is because the pair of them had basically kidnapped me" she stated with slight bitterness to her tone whereas Helena found it quiet sweet that they had done all that just for her.

"Did anything else happen? or is that all of it?" Helena asked letting all this new information sink in. She was surprisingly very calm and collected even though inside she felt like slapping this bitch for all the torment she had put her family though. She had drugged Johnny, had taken advantage of the fact he was drunk and had made him believe he had cheated when in reality it was all false.

Trying to think Tabitha shrugged "I suppose he didn't know that when he was kissing me he thought it was you....the drug made him hallucinate and so I played along pretending I was you just to get him to take me to his hotel room" she confessed remembering that part of the story she had forgotten to mention.

"But then like I said he passed out on me and so I had to improvise with taking the photographs" she almost sounded guilty and for that Helena couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the blonde as she looked to the floor as if ashamed. "he had no idea" she whispered finally. As disgusting as this all was Helena had to admit she did feel a twinge of guilt. Johnny had been innocent, all this time he had believed he had cheated when really it was all just a big lie.

"If that's all you have to say..." Helena sighed sadly now that all this was sinking in.

Standing up Tabitha was quick to her feet. "Listen, I'm sorry" she said truly feeling bad for the actress in front of her. She didn't even think it was possible to feel sorry and yet seeing how distressed and upsetting this all had been for this lady she did feel guilty. She mainly wanted to get back at Johnny not at his fiancee.

Helena acknowledged her apology as she walked past her without a word. She would never except it, never in a million years and therefore she stayed silent as she opened up the front door to the blonde. "I assume you have your own way of getting back" there was still a lot of bitterness to Helena's tone that obviously didn't surprise Tabitha. She didn't expect them to be the best of friends after all of this.

"Yes" she lied as she stepped threw the door way onto the porch. She had no idea of getting back but she would walk if it meant she was now free to leave. Turning around one last time Tabitha watched Helena close the door on her slowly shutting her out. Shutting her out for their lives for good.

Taking a deep breath Helena felt her eyes tear up again. It was over. Over for good. wiping away a tear that escaped her eye she walked her way up the stair case slowly and as soon as she opened the door to the bedroom she noticed Johnny sitting on the edge of their bed with his head in his hands as if he had been waiting like that this whole time. Closing the door behind her softly made him look up quickly from his hands hopeful that she would be alright, hoping to god she believed Tabitha.

He watched as she leaned her back against the door and watched as her eyes began to glisten with fresh tears. "Hellie?" he whispered sadly before he noticed her finally look at him. He still couldn't read what she was thinking her face was just sad, he really didn't know what that meant. Walking over to him at some pace Johnny was shocked when she flung her arms around his neck and her legs were also quick to climb up around his waist before she slowly and carefully pushed him back against the mattress hugging him like a koala bear strapped to a tree. He could hear her muffled cries and could only hold her tightly against him as they laid on the bed for a while without a single word.

"You never cheated" he heard her whisper by his ear which made him only smile into her neck before kissing her jaw. She believed him, not only that but she believed Tabitha.

"I know...It was all just a set up baby" he said stroking her hair as they continued to hug on the bed.

Lifting herself up a little so she could look at him Helena smiled sadly cupping his face with her hands "I'm sorry I never believed you, this whole time you had been convinced that you had slept with her when you never actually had" she said almost happily now even though her tears still fell down her cheeks. It was all such a relief like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Lifting his thumb up he wiped the tears off her cheeks before smiling brightly at her "No more tears" he whispered before cupping her jaw in his hand and gently pulling her down to kiss him which she did so lovingly and so sweetly. "I'm so happy" she whispered breaking the kiss and looking into his also relieved and happy eyes. "Me too"

Her eyes flickered down to his lips once again and she could feel a rush of desire flush over her. Months they had been apart, months they had spent without each others company, months and months they had laid in a cold an empty bed. Her heart was hammering away against her chest as she looked into his warm brown orbs that also showed that hint of wanting, that hint of desire they had both gone so long without.

"Make love to me" she whispered already feeling his hands being to travel slowly up and down her back.

Pressing his lips against hers Johnny ran his hands up under her arms before turning them over so he was in complete control. Her legs were still tightly wrapped around his waist while her hips began to move slowly against his lap causing him to moan in pleasure as he kissed her more roughly this time. She already began working her way on getting his shirt unbuttoned and as soon as she reached the last button she slowly slipped it off from his shoulders while kissing him back just as hungrily now. Their lips were dancing together but now began to slowly attack each other as she hurried to remove their clothes. Johnny was quick to use one hand to unfasten her blouse while his other one gripped on her behind making her smile against their hungry kiss.

Breaking away for some much needed air Johnny removed his shirt completely and brought her legs down from around him so he could get to work on her trousers that seemed to have so many random zips and buttons that it made him frown as to where to start. Smirking at him Helena pushed herself up on the bed which instantly made him look up to see what she was doing. "You're hopeless with my clothes" she chuckled beginning to untie and unbutton them herself.

"It not my fault you wear the most bizarre things, I mean what woman has padlocks on her trousers" Johnny stated with a small smirk as she rolled her eyes. "I do! besides there not padlocks Johnny their just different ties, I like to accessorise" she stated finally removing them and chucking them to the floor leaving her in just her underwear and shirt. Pulling her back under him Johnny smirked again as she began working on his belt buckle.Her face was gleaming again and he had missed seeing that fire and love in her eyes, such happiness lit up her beautiful face.

"Well for times such as these I would prefer you in something that could just slip of easily, I don't like having to do a maze every time I want to undress you" he stated glancing at her as she pulled of his belt free from his jeans. "thought that made it all the more thrilling" she chuckled before kissing him again and running her fingernails softly up the arch of his back.

"frustrating more like"

"Oh shut up Johnny" she chuckled pulling him down against her as she kissed him.

Feeling his hands run up along her body she couldn't help but smile against his lips as he began to explore her body like it was the first time. His touches made her tremble and his kisses made her moan into his mouth as they found each other once again. Never in a million years did she ever think she could feel this happy again. Never did she believe that she could ever truly forgive him. And now after everything that has happened it turned out to be one big lie. Johnny had been faithful this whole time and right this very second she wanted to show him just how much she had missed him, just how much he meant to her, Just how much she loved him.

A/N: I tried to update the soonest I could so here's the second part! what do you think? please let me know in the comments, thanks to everyone still reading glad you are enjoying this <3<3<3

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