Afraid to Fall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

1.1M 31.7K 13.7K

In the eyes of the alumni of Beacon Hills High School, Kennedy Martin is the picture perfect girl. She has be... More

Afraid to Fall
Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture
Chapter 2. Not Just Some Guy...
Chapter 3. Danny Boy
Chapter 4. Catching
Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl
Chapter 6. Bowling Buddies
Chapter 7. The Dark Knight Brings People Together
Chapter 8. The Notebook and a Bone Saw
Chapter 9. Mall Invitation
Chapter 10. Mountain Lion
Chapter 11. I'm Her Peeta and She's My Katniss
Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours
Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?
Chapter 14. Never Letting Go
Chapter 15. Drunken Slurs and Proposal Idea's
Chapter 16. Sharpies, Kissing, and Danny
Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting
Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale
Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!
Chapter 20. Parental Issues
Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 23. Questions and More Questions
Chapter 24. The New Alpha and More Apologies

Chapter 21. The Betrayal

34.6K 1.1K 840
By simplystiles-


"Call it again." Scott demanded as he rifled around with his nightstand, pulling the drawer open and then dropping to the floor to check underneath it. 

I rolled my eyes dramatically, "It's not here." 

"So you lost your phone? Why can't you just get a new one?" I continued as I watched him leap over his bed, dropping to the floor once more to sift through the pile of clothes. His room was an absolute mess. I guess that's understandable considering he really doesn't have any free time to clean it at the moment though.

Scott huffed as he pushed himself up off the floor, "I can't afford another new one. And I can't do this alone, we have to find Derek." 

"Well, A, you're not alone. You have me." I grinned as he completely ignored my statement. I sighed and continued on to the other topic of discussion, "And, B, didn't you say that Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead." 

After I left Kennedy's last night I had no idea that I would end up getting a phone call from Scott in the early hours of the morning. He had caught me up on his nightly adventure, which was far more action-packed than mine. Apparently Derek had taken Jackson and tried to kill him or something, why Scott decided to stop him is beyond me, and then the Argent's showed up like a freaking small military squad and unloaded their guns into the barely-standing Hale household. Scott had gotten hit by a stray bullet and Derek ushered him out before he literally walked out the front door into the gunfire. Scott then told me that Deaton had found him and patched up his wound, Peter showed up at the animal clinic threatening to get to someone more "vulnerable" to get Scott to join his pack, ergo Scott thinks he meant Allison. 

"The Argent's plan was to use him to get to the alpha. They're not gonna kill him." He breathed out as he stepped into his excuse of a bathroom, it was more like an extra closet or storage space to him than anything. 

I sighed again, "All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter, problem solved."

"Not if Peter is going after Allison to find Derek!" He shouted as he stormed out of the bathroom, dropping a pair of jeans onto his already cluttered floor, " I can't protect her on my own, which means we need to find Derek first." 

He then sped over to his desk and began pushing his books and small nick-knacks aside as he inspected the shelves for that small black device, "Just--just help me!" He pleaded desperately. Scott then threw a rubber ball and it bounced off the side of my head. 

I shot him an annoyed glance, "You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that? When he was trying to kill you? After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" 

Scott stopped his assault on his desk and let out a heavy sigh, "He wasn't going to kill anyone, and I'm not going to let him die."

"Could you at least think about letting him die? For me?" I asked seriously. Derek was such a hindrance in our lives. Ever since Scott got bit, Derek has literally been the cause of every problem we've had to deal with. Again, I'm sensing a pattern here. 

The sound of the breaks on the car that Scott and his mom share flitted into the room and once again, Scott stopped what he was doing and froze momentarily. "What?" I asked in confusion. 

He sighed as he pressed his backside into his desk, "My mom just got home from work."

I watched Scott's face portray sadness and guilt as his eyes remained fixed on the floor. He was listening to her, that much was obvious, but we don't all have super-sonic werewolf hearing so I have no idea what is going on or why Scott looks so upset. 

"Is she okay?" I asked tentatively.

He shook his head from side to side wordlessly. I bit down on my lip and watched him start to blame himself for all of this. It hasn't been easy these past couple weeks, but it's not his fault. It's Peter's fault, and Derek's, and the Argent's. We're just victims of circumstance is all. 

"What's she doing?" I  inquired. 

Scott sighed, "Crying." He then plopped down on the end of his bed directly in front of me, his gaze downcast to the floor. 

"Scott, you can't protect everyone." I said quietly, praying that he would take this to heart and truly believe that he is not responsible for keeping everyone in this town safe. 

He glanced up at me and blinked once, "I have to."


"Hey! Kennedy!" I glanced up from my locker in confusion to see Allison briskly approaching me. She had a look of pure determination on her face, so I took that as my cue to just stay still and wait for her to get to me. I haven't talked to her in days, mainly because she's closer to Lydia and well, Lydia kind of despises me at the moment. 

I offered her an uncertain smile, "Uh, hi?"

"Where have you been? It's literally like you disappeared." She said in exasperation, placing her hands on her hips. 

Did Lydia not tell her that she hates me because I'm taking Stiles to the Winter Formal and she isn't okay with it? Lydia never misses an opportunity to gossip, so why would this argument be any different?

"I've just been really busy, dress shopping, dealing with... things." I explained vaguely. I really don't want to open up the whole my mom is dating Mr. Harris thing in the school hallway.

Allison chuckled, "You already got your dress? Lydia and I were going to get them tonight... do you want to come and help me?" 

"Uh, I don't know... Lydia's kind of pissed at me." I said.

She rose an eyebrow, "Pissed at you? She hasn't said anything to me about it... please come! I could really use your input, and plus Lydia by herself can be a bit overwhelming." 

I opened my mouth to respond to her but before I could a wild Jackson appeared right beside my locker. His face was layered in sweat and his eyes were wide, "Hey so what time should I pick you up for the dance tomorrow?" He asked Allison quickly.

My eyebrows shut up in amusement, "Uh... Jackson are you okay?"

He glanced at me and offered me fake smile, "Yeah, great. I'm just excited to go to the formal. With Allison. As friend, just friends, just--just friends." He stammered. 

Allison and I started laughing and Jackson awkwardly joined in, he didn't look like himself that's for sure. I guess him and Lydia broke things off because why else would he be asking Allison to the formal. Normally, I would hate this entire thing but since Lydia is being a complete and utter jerk to me for no reason, I'm actually happy that she is dateless for the formal.

"Well on that note, I'm gonna head to class." I said with a sigh, wiping at my eyes in case a stray tear fell from my obnoxious laughter. 

Allison rounded on me, "Please come shopping tonight?"

I sighed loudly, "Okay."


With Scott's oh so brilliant plan to have a 24-hour protective detail on Allison, that meant I was one of the people he was enlisting to keep an eye on her. Thankfully, when I told Kennedy that I was going to the mall after school she had said she was going as well and therefore I get to kill two birds with one stone; hang out with Kennedy so I don't ever upset her by ignoring her again, and keep a watchful eye on Allison. It's a win-win.

I was waiting for one of the three girls to show up, so I was busying myself with looking at the fragrances on the counter. The one that I had accidentally sprayed in my face the first time I hung out with Kennedy was staring right at me. The clear crystal glass bottle with chiffon pink colored perfume inside of it. 

"Yeah, you might not want to spray that in your face again." The lady behind the counter chuckled. I glanced up in confusion and then caught sight of one of the girls that had been here the day I sprayed myself. The old woman that shouted at me wasn't here, thank god. 

I chuckled awkwardly and pushed the bottle across the counter, "Trust me that won't be happening again." 

"So, are you looking to buy something or..?" She trailed off with a raised brow. I glanced at her name-tag, Madigan.

"Oh, no. I'm actually waiting for someone, or well... I guess several someone's." I stated as I threw a glance over my shoulder to see if Lydia, Allison, or Kennedy had arrived yet-- still nothing. 

Madigan grinned, "That's exciting. Are you from Beacon Hills High School?"

"Yes... why?" 

"There are so many girls buying dresses because of that dance. I was just curious. Do you have a date for the dance?" She inquired, apparently working the fragrance counter at Macy's isn't all that exciting because she seems much more interested in talking to me than doing her job. 

I nodded and smiled at the thought of Kennedy, "Yeah. It's actually kind of amazing, the girl I'm going with is the one person that I've liked since the third grade." 

"Oh my god! That is so cute! Has she gotten a dress?" Madigan squealed in excitement. I grinned wider, talking about Kennedy makes me entirely too giddy. 

"Yes, she actually bought one here the other day. It was a white one, she said it's really beautiful." I gushed, feeling like a complete girl talking about pretty dresses with an employee of Macy's. 

Madigan's eyes went wide, "Oh my god! Oh my god! You're Stiles?! I know exactly who you are! Kennedy was here, yes! She checked out and told me about how she is going with you and how you have to get a silver or white tie!"

We both started laughing at just how small of a world this store was, what are the odds that the girl who helped Kennedy pick out a dress happened to be working the fragrance counter the night we first hung out. That's so weird. 

I checked the escalators and caught sight of Lydia and Allison, okay it's showtime. "Well it was great talking to you, Madigan, but I have to go." 

She grinned, "Good luck with Kennedy! I hope you two get married and have beautiful children!"

My face heated up at the comment, but I smiled nevertheless. As I approached Allison and Lydia, I noticed the grim expression on Allison's face and the angry one plastered on Lydia's. What did I miss? Why isn't Kennedy with them? Maybe they didn't drive together? 

"Stiles, I need to speak with you." Lydia said suddenly, Allison shot her a bewildered look. 

"Lydia, not now. You shouldn't do this in public." She hissed. 

I glanced between the two girls in confusion, "What's going on?" 

Lydia grabbed my forearm and tugged me into the racks of the clothes, away from Allison. I tried to pull away, considering the sole reason why I'm here is so stay close to Allison and watch her, but Lydia's grip was iron tight and she wouldn't let me go. 

"Lydia seriously, what the hell is going on?" I snapped as I firmly planted my feet in place, causing her little tantrum to fall short. 

She spun around and faced me with a hateful stare, "You can't go to the dance with Kennedy. I don't want to hurt you, Stiles, but you can't. She's lying to you okay?" 

For some reason I found this entire little act entirely too amusing, so I laughed. Loudly. Lydia looked beyond confused and I was practically doubling over because I know that Kennedy isn't lying to me. What the hell could she possibly even be lying about? If anything, I'm the one lying to her and I shouldn't be going to the dance with me.

"Why are you laughing?" Lydia shrieked, her bright green eyes were wide. 

I settled down and coughed a bit to calm down, "I don't know what you're trying to do Lydia, but Kennedy isn't lying to me."

"Yes she is! She doesn't even like you, Stiles! Everything was a bet!" She hissed. 

I quirked an eyebrow, "A bet? What was a bet?" 

"This entire thing! Danny, Jackson, Kennedy, and I all had an idea one night... it was actually Kennedy's idea, something about being bored of stupid guys at our school. She said that she could get any guy she wanted to fall in love with her and go to the Winter Formal with her. Danny and Jackson called her bluff, saying that she wasn't that good, and then Jackson offered up money if she could get any guy of his choosing to fall for her and go to the dance with her. Danny suggested you and Jackson loved it, so then it was decided that she would pick you and work you until you fell for her. I helped, and I feel like a total bitch for doing my part. I kept giving her ideas on how to get to you, on how to talk to you.. Stiles, I'm so sorry. None of it has been real." Lydia rushed out.

I blinked rapidly as I tried to process everything that Lydia has just said. There is no way that Kennedy would actually want to do that, right? She's different, she cares. She is not Lydia or Jackson, or hell-- even Danny. What kind of a sick person would do that? Not my Kennedy, not her. She likes me, she tried to kiss me, she said I make her feel safe. She wouldn't do all of those things for a bet, would she? 


"Lydia shut the hell up!" I snapped as I stormed away from her, farther into the racks of clothes. My head was pounding and my ears were ringing. This can't be true. Kennedy would never do this, would she? No. I--I don't... I refuse to believe that she would do this. I love her, damnit! What the hell! Why would she do this to me? 

I stumbled out of the clothes racks just in time to bump into someone, a small someone with brown hair and brown eyes. The moment she sees my distressed state a frown crosses her face, "Stiles? Hey, hey are you okay? What's wrong?" 

Before I can stop myself I ask her the one thing that I need to know, "Is it true?" 

Her eyes went wide and she literally gulps, "What did Lydia say to you?" That's all I needed to hear before I shove past her and stumble down the escalator to the parking lot. 


And here was the betrayal. Lydia really is determined to ruin any possible chance Kennedy could have with Stiles, isn't she? I really want to get the rest of this book written today, but we'll see how that goes. It all depends. 

Fan, vote, and comment! xx

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