
By Gray18

537K 17.8K 1K

A horse ranch. That's where I lived at least. I know, not very exciting to those of you who don't care for th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part one)
Chapter 9 (Part two)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Part 1)
Chapter 22 (Part 2)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 32: (Lia's P.O.V.)
Chapter 33: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 34: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 37: (Part 1)
Chapter 37: (Part 2 - Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 50: (Part 2 Mature)
New book!
Cover Contest!
It's Out!

Chapter 29

5.3K 190 13
By Gray18

I woke up thankfully in my own bed this time. I no longer have any idea how many days I have been here because I wake up multiple times per day and I have no window to tell whether it's day or night time. They have this place locked down and I so far have not found a way out. I'm still hoping Adam will come, but I know I also need to try and make it out of here myself with Lia.

I don't want to relive my time here. It's been horrible and the clothes have just been getting worse. Sure, sometimes there are better covering clothes but not all the time. I was scared to even look at what I was supposed to be wearing today.

First, I stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up only to feel something rolling down my leg. Shit! I saw blood. I was on my freaking period now and I have no way to stop the blood flow. Dominic decided it would be best apparently to go without underwear all the time so I can't wear any to bed either nor can I use it to help stop the flow, no matter how disgusting that would be. Maybe there were some tampons in here, I just need to dig around since I haven't been able to find any yet.

I crouched down below the sink and opened the doors. I then started digging through everything to hopefully find a tampon. It took a minute but when I did, I let out a breath of relief. Thank you, I prayed and hopped in the shower to wash the blood off of me. I was in and out quickly and I quickly dried off so I could get ready for whatever horror I had this time.

Dominic loves to make me stay in the same room as him all the time which is why I was thankful this time I was in my own. I was also never anywhere else besides his bedroom or the dining room. I didn't know many other places and I always had someone watching me so I could never really sneak off to find my way out. Today, I needed to try though so I put on the clothes which had the least cover yet, a skin skirt that ended right below my bottom and a skin tight bra. I paused when I saw another item under them. It was a blue sundress, an actual regular looking dress. For once, a smile came on my face and I put that on also.

I then saw a note written in Lia's hand writing.

Master Dominic wants you to go straight to his room as soon as you're ready and awake from bed.

                                  I'm sorry, Lia.

The fear of going to his room never got old but I had to suck it up so I wasn't punished. I started for the door but when I opened it, for the first time, there were no guards, which I found very surprising. Was I suppose to go there by myself?

No, I'm going to take this opportunity to see if I can find an exit out of here. I quickly left the room, barefoot like always, and walked down the hallway as quietly as possible. I went through many different ways and I found it amazing no one caught me and that I've seen no guards around at all. I wondered where they all are.

I definitely was taking this opportunity and came to a T in one hall. As I was walking by it, making sure no one was down that hall of course, I believe I felt a little draft so I paused and started walking that way. Any chance I got I was going to take. I still crept quietly and slowly, making sure not to be caught and I turned in the hallway one more time only to find two guards there who were startled when they saw me.

Shit! I cursed again and turned around and sprinted back the way I came but it didn't take long for them to catch to once they got over the shock of seeing me because of their vampire speed.

"No! Let me go!" I cried but they ignored me as they pulled me along in a familiar direction. Dominic's room. That would be a double shit. I've noticed I've taken up more cursing since being here than I had before but this is all relevant to the situation.

They pushed me into the room and they spoke to Dominic. When they left, he turned to me with a look on his face and I was scared. But I held on to one string of hope and that was seeing a door to go outside. That's what those guards were guarding and I planned to get out of here soon. I just needed to get through this this time.


And stop! I'm joking, I was going to stop here but I decided to keep going. Enjoy! Also, if you don't like mature content, I would advise you not to read this.


"You are going to wish you never tried to escape," he hissed and walked menacingly toward me which I backed up to. He then paused and took a wiff, which I was very confused about. What was he doing? A terrifying smile then came across his face and he looked at me.

"So, you've finally got your period. That's perfect. You know, I thought I was going to have to speed it up but it looks like I don't have to anymore. Don't ya know blood is much more sweeter closer to home?"

He stepped toward me and when I went to take another step back, I couldn't. I became that much more terrified especially when I looked at him and I found I couldn't speak. "Ah, ah, ah, we can't have you trying to get away now, can we? You, my dear, must be greatly punished and I know the perfect plan now."

Before I knew what was happening, the sun dress was off of and i had a chain wrapped around my hands and raised above my head. I was then let out of my compulsion and able to move, which I did, kicking and trying to scream but I was still compelled not to so no sound came out.

The chain was now connected to the ceiling and he pulled on it, lifting me up off the ground slightly. He directed toward a chair. "Stand on that chair." I cried, letting out tears and didn't make a move but he pulled more and lifted me farther off the ground. I cried out again and moved toward the chair, standing on top of it now.

Dominic pulled again until my arms were straight up, lifting me off the chair slightly. The ceiling was tall and I was still no where near touching the top of it. This must be a reason why.

Next thing I knew, I was pulled further up till I was no longer touching anything anymore to relieve my arms of my body's weight and pressure. I cried silently again and hid my face in my arm.

"Look at me," Dominic said. When I didn't move, I felt my head turn against it's will and look down on him. "I said look at me. Was that so hard?"

I didn't answer and just continued looking at him and started to feel his hand creep up my leg.

"Do you know how long I waited for you to mess up this badly so I could do this to you? this is going to be so much better. And I even have my own endless blood supply for a week or longer, depending on if I decide to make it last longer of course because I can manipulate your body to do certain things even against your own will."

 He reached my skirt and pulled it straight down, exposing everything to him. He took a huge wiff of air and smiled before climbing up onto the chair behind me. His hands picked up off where they left off earlier and he moved upward slowly until he reached my bra. He whispered in my ear, "this is going to be so much fun." My bra then was completely off, ripped open because of his claws and I watched it fall to the ground. He cupped my breast and started squeezing and playing with them however he wanted while I silently cried, not able to move or wiggle one bit because he made my body not able to move once more.

After what seemed like forever, he got down off the chair and came back around to my front. This was the first time I have ever been fully exposed to anyone. It was absolutely and completely terrible and I was also completely petrified. I actually believe I've passed that a long time ago.

He kicked the chair away and grabbed my legs, resting them on either side of his head. He then looked at my most private part of me, causing me to cry even more, especially since it was right in front of his face, exposed and open to him. He shook his head. "No, no, no, this won't do." He grabbed the string of my tampon and pulled it straight out, tossing it away. "No tampons are allowed for you ever while you're here. We can't have you stopping the blood flow, now can we?"

He looked up at me and my ability to talk was now back but I couldn't find any words now to say. Even if I said anything, it would make no difference at what was about to happen.

He grinned and looked down on me again. I turned my face away because I couldn't watch especially when I felt his mouth attach onto me. I never felt so violated before and I cried harder, feeling very disgusted as he licked and sucked on the blood I was producing.

I absolutely hated it and he moved his hands so now one was at the entrance to my vagina. He then stuck two fingers in without mercy, widening me and getting a better entrance. I cried out when he did. It was very uncomfortable and it hurt slightly. The biggest thing ever gone into me was a super plus tampon.

My body was not making any movements which he didn't seem to like because next thing I know, I feel this pressure building up inside me and I start bucking my hips against his mouth and fingers. My legs of their own accord pull him closer. All this time I am hating every second of it but my body is not responding the same.

I know he is manipulating it because my body was having no reaction to him at all and before he did that, he became much harsher.

This build up of forced pressure started getting worse and worse until I finally let go and everything came rushing out. I could tell this was his favorite part by the way he reacted, squeezing me tighter to him as I bucked and rode my wave against him, letting out a loud moan that came along with the forced climax.

He lapped up all the juices and blood until he deemed I was clean enough and let go of my legs and back away. I shook as I crossed my legs at my ankles, disgusted with myself and with how everything turned out. Why did this have to happen? It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I know I'm never going to get over this and if I do, it would take a very long time.

He put the chair back under me and he lowered me enough so I was flat on my feet and I could also rest my arms in a more bent position. He wiped his mouth and said, "you know, that was even better than I thought it would be."

I felt exhausted and still very self conscious of myself but I couldn't cover myself up no matter how I tried. He kept staring at my body seeming very satisfied with the look. Once he was done staring at my body, he came over with something in his hands and spread out my legs forcefully. "We can't have you keeping your legs together. That's not right." I then felt him attach something to my hole and something put right in between my legs so I couldn't press them back together, forcing them apart. Whatever the thing was, because I didn't see it before he put it there, was attached to a string or chain like thing that was going inside me and holding it there. Whatever it was, I hated it and I hated this place, him, everything. I just want Adam and be in his arms again. Not live in this nightmare.

"There we go, this should work to catch blood when I'm not here. Don't think your punishment is over either. That is just the first of many you will be having. And I may change it up a little bit and maybe even bring in some other vamps too. You deserve what's coming to you for not listening to me."

He kissed my area one more time before looking up at me, "and don't think I won't make you walk around this place naked now a few times. I know some vamps who will absolutely love that. Have fun. Your punishment is just getting started."

He the walked out the door and I was left there crying, wanting out of this place and wishing them all dead, especially Dominic.


I know it's a little weird and is a very terrible thing that happened, but Dominic is very twisted and likes to make gross things we never would have dreamed of into something terrible. He's also a kidnapper to her so before you complain about how this should not be in here, remember kidnappers aren't nice. I don't want to remind this all the time but I feel like it should be addressed.

There's also happy news coming in a few chapters. Yay! I bet you can guess what that is... :) So stay tuned.




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