Oh! My Darling Teacher

By lailamehtaab

217K 15.3K 1.9K

Meet Shah Brothers... Muhammad Zulqarnain Shah, 27 years old, handsome, humble and one of the best actors... More

Chapter# 12
Chapter# 13
Chapter# 14
Chapter# 15
Chapter# 16
Dear Readers
Chapter# 18
Chapter# 19
Chapter # 20
Chapter# 21
Sorry Readers
Chapter # 22
Chapter # 25
Chapter # 26
Chapter# 27
Chapter # 28
Chapter# 29
Chapter # 30
Chapter# 32
Chapter# 33
Chapter# 34
Chapter# 35
Chapter# 36
Chapter# 37
Chapter# 38
Chapter# 52
Chapter #53
I am sorry

Chapter # 24

5.1K 303 51
By lailamehtaab

Not edited.

Hira's POV:

"My fingers are too tired to write." Tahir whined like a little kid.

"This is no excuse." I said without looking at him.

"I am not making an excuse, all I am saying is why can't to take an oral test?"

"You're not a prep student and in Pakistan studies your writing speed matters the most." I said monotone.

This is becoming a daily routine of mine to bear Tahir's pointless whining. The only day they took their study time seriously was the first day. After it, they slowly start to show their true colours. Faiq turned out to be a genius in four of them but he doesn't open his mind until asked, while Zaid is the one who doesn't hold himself back in throwing or asking things, he also has a good brain which he likes to use to confuse others. Ahmer, on the other hand, is the extremely moody person, he will obey if only he feels like and Tahir, he knows how to keep others' hands full because of him. He only shows his interest in studies when we are starting something, or ending something. According to him, his mind went on 'Pause' mode in the middle of his studies and this problem has no cure. But it's a different thing that because of his hopeless behaviour I have become to know these four better than before.

"Please, Miss..." He whined, again.

"Look, Tahir, if you give me this test without disturbing others I will give you a chocolate." I said putting the book on my lap.

"What?" His eyes widened for a moment, "Do I look like a kid?"

"You're acting like one." I said nonchalantly.

"Fine, but only if you feed me with your hands." He grinned and receives a hit on the head by Ahmar sitting beside him.

"Oye!" Tahir turns back massaging his head.

"Kaam karo (Do your work)." Ahmar glared at him.

"Tumhe kiya hai (what is your problem)?" Tahir shouted at him.

"Dimagh na khao (don't eat our brains) and pay attention to your work."

"Mind your OWN business." Tahir put extra pressure on 'own', on which I heard Zaid's sighing.

"Excuse me, Miss." At Faiq's voice, I turn my head to the right.

"Can you sit at my place?" He asked politely.

"...Okay!" I said and got up from my seat.

Faiq silently settled himself in my place and start looking at Ahmar and Tahir who were still arguing.

"Tahir!" Faiq put his hand on Tahir's shoulder, "Chal yar, parhte hain (come mate, let's study)." And with that, Tahir starts giving his test.

And I thought I am the boss here...!


"I heard you were going to your friend's house to stay." Ahmar asked when I was about to go on my floor after dismissing four of them.

"NO WAY! You're going to leave us?" Tahir threw his bag on his shoulder and strides towards us.

"No, I am not." I said to Tahir and turn to Ahmar, "I changed my plan."

"Means you not going to attend their wedding?" Asked Ahmar.

"I will be attending but not going to stay there. It wouldn't be easy to go on the job from there and besides I have to tuition you too."

"We aren't kids who couldn't study without a tutor and besides who will go to drop you and pick you every night from there?"

I don't know...

"No one. I can manage on my own, so you don't have to worry." I said with an assuring smile.

"Huh? Why would I be worried about you? Quit dreaming Miss Heera." He said angrily and left.

Wait, what did he just call me????

"Heera! Nice name yar." Tahir said to Ahmar, walking behind him.

"You can go, miss, we will catch on with our studies later." Said Faiq standing up from his seat.

"It's not a problem at all." I assure him.

He nodded and said, "Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz... and Allah Hafiz to you too Zaid." I addressed Zaid who was going outside with his head hung down. On hearing my voice he raised his head and left giving a curt nod.

He is looking so down today...


Ahmar's POV:

"Tujhe Kiya howa (what happened to you- informal)?" I asked Zaid as soon as we leave the house.

"Yar... Miss Hira is really your paid guest?" Ha asked out of nowhere.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, that she isn't your relative or something?"

"No, she isn't, why are you asking?"

"Nothing special, just thinking that your mother seems quite attach to her."

"Yeah, she is." I sighed.

"But why are you so down." Asked Faiq.

"I wanted to discuss something with her, but don't know how to start the conversation. I thought if you are her relative, your mother could be a channel."


"NO WAY! I didn't know you are so interested in her." Tahir gasp dramatically and said it like a girl. Only to receive a punch on the back from me.

"Idiot." Zaid mumbled and continue. "This area is not safe for a girl to walk alone twice a day. Tell her to be careful." Zaid said dropping his bag in the car.

"I still don't get it." I told him.

"We will talk about tomorrow." He said sliding inside the car. I also didn't ask anything further, knowing that he will eventually share it.


The morning is cooler than yesterday and I always like morning like such. Therefore, without lying around like usual I quickly get ready and leave for college early, so early that our paid guest couldn't come downstairs for breakfast. But to my luck, my bike got punctured and I had to wait till it fixes. After wasting many minutes of my precious time, I was able to back to the track towards college. I couldn't get any far when I saw our beloved teacher walking to the bus stop where she uses to wait for Miss Mashal. Head down, fast steps and clenching bag straps tightly, I was looking at her odd way of walking today when I noticed a car slowly following her near the footpath.


I stopped my bike and turn circle around from the service road to observing the two of them. Miss Heera was walking as fast as she could but the car not leaving her side, and crawling along with the footpath. Suddenly something was thrown from inside the car and her face snapped towards it. On the second moment, she quickly walks several steps back and stopped the coming Rikshaw (local vehicle like a cab). She gets inside the Rikshaw and as soon as it passes the car, it also starts to follow it.

What the hell???

I also start my bike and slowly manage to come between the car and rikshaw but before doing so, I didn't forget to see the face of the driver. He was in his late thirties, probably married, from the face he didn't look like a person who will do cheap things as following girls, but who knows, maybe she knows him or something.

The rickshaw stopped at the main gate of our college and the car passes us by. I also turn my bike in the parking area and after parking, I made my way towards my friends.

"You're late." Faiq said shaking hands with me.

"My bike got punctured." I made a displeased face and Faiq nodded.

"Where is Zaid?"

"Right behind you." Said Tahir and I turn around to find Zaid slowly coming towards us, while his face was towards the college building.

"Assalam o Alaikum." He mumbled reach over to us, dropping his bag upon Faiq's bag.

"Don't ruin my bad." Faiq quickly picks his bag.

"Where were you?" Asked Tahir to Zaid.

"Behind Ahmer."

"Huh?" I said, as I clearly remember the person behind me.

"I was following you and that man." He said leaning against the tree.

"MAN??? Ahmer, since when did you start stalking men?" Tahir asked me with wide eyes.

I frown at Tahir and turn my face to Zaid, "But I reached here before you."

"I wanted to see where he works." Zaid shrugs.

"Wait, what are you guys talking about and why were you following a man?" Asked Faiq looking back and forth between me and Zaid.

"I've been noticing for a while that a guy follows Miss Hira daily to the bus stop where she took a bus for coming here, along with Miss Mashal. At first, I ignore it and thought she might know him. But lately, he is starting to follow her till the college gates and both she and Miss Mashal is worried about it."

"I thought you live in the opposite direction of Ahmer's house. So when did you saw him following?" Asked Tahir with a frown on his face.

"Yes, but from where Miss Hira change her bus is in the way of my route to here. And if you ever pay attention that almost every public transport comes from that route to reach college." Zaid explains.

"So that's why you were late today?" Faiq asked looking at me and I nodded.

"Teacher is here." Tahir said checking his phone. And we all make our way to the class.

Later that day Zaid told me informed me how dangerous it could be for a girl walking alone in our neighbourhood, as that area is always quiet because all of the residences have their own private cars. No matter how much I don't want to do anything with Her, but I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Therefore, we decided to do a little background check on the person.

After college, we directly went to the place, which Zaid thought to be his workplace, but to our luck, he doesn't work there, he came as a visitor. So having no clue what to do further, we all went to our secret base to group study but ended up playing our guitars.


Hira's POV:

'Don't wait for me, I will be late.' I texted, Mashal and quickly tie my hair.

I slept late yesterday, as I was busy preparing my dress and jewellery for Saba's Mayon ceremony today. I was planning to go after giving tuition to four of them, means I had to ready everything yesterday. Adjusting my dupatta on the head, I slid my feet into sandals, grab my bag and rushed down. aunty meet me in the kitchen, as usual, I Salam her and stuffed two slices of bread, as quickly as I can.

"Hira, slow down." Aunty scolded.

"Sorry aunty, but I am already late." I said, taking a sip from tea.

"Then Zulqarnain will drop you. But eat properly."

"You don't have to wake him, aunty." I smiled.

"He will eventually get up after a few minutes. He goes to the gym at nine."

"Oh!... oaky aunty. Allah Hafiz." I abruptly get up, before she wakes Zulqarnain.

"Ary, wait Hira, I'll wake Zulqarnain up." She also stood up from her chair.

"No aunty, I am fine. Thank you." I said and leave the room.

"Hurry, hurry hurry." I said to myself taking a fast step.

"Miss Heereera." I abruptly halted hearing Ahmer's voice.

Why this kid likes to mess with my name???

"Ji? (yes?)" I turned to him.

"I am... going by car. So, I can give you a ride to college." He said looking at the door of the house.

Unconsciously, I gaze followed him back towards the house but found nothing there.

"What are you looking there?" I jumped at his strict voice.

"Why were you looking there?" I question him back.

"Were you mocking me by copying my movements?" He frowned.

"Why would I mock you?" I asked.

"Because you like to irritate others."

"When did I irritate others?" My eyes went wide.

"You do it every time."


"Anyways, we don't have time. Come." He ordered and starts walking towards its car.

"Thank you for your offer Ahmer, but I can go by myself." I said walking towards the main gate.

He didn't say anything and silently drove the car out of the main gate.

Asking me to give a ride to college. Well, that was a nice change...

I smiled looking at Ahmer's sports car but my smile soon faded, when I witnessed him parking his car in such a way that I could not pass the gate.

"You have two options and five minutes to choose from. One gets in the car and ride with me to college or go back home." He said with a straight face.

What's wrong with him????

"Ahmer, move your car." I ordered and he shook his head.

"Do you want me to step on your car bonnet and jump another side?" On this, he smirked and motion to 'go on' my point his hand to the bonnet.


"Come on Ahmer, I am getting late."

"Then hop in"

Hop in??? I am no rabbit...

"Ahmer, I need to go." I said in a strict voice.

"You only have ten seconds to come into the car." he said looking at his wristwatch.

"Or what?"

"Nine, eight, seven, six..." He starts counting and I stay stood glaring at him.

"Two, one! Are you coming or not?" he asked and I didn't answer.

"Don't tell me I didn't war you." He said and pressed his hand on the horn.

"Ahmer, stop. What are you doing?" the loud horn sound is making me deaf but he was sitting calmly as nothing happen.

"Ahmer?" I called him again but he didn't answer me nor stop the horn.

I am starting to get worried that people will be disturbed by it and soon will come out.

Therefore, putting my ego on the side I walk over to him.

"Ahmer, for God's sake. Stop it."

"I will if you agree to some with me."

"Fine I will go, just please stop the horn."

And finally, he made me agree to his condition...


Salam and hello everyone!

Sorry for the long wait and unedited chapter. My editor was busy and I have already made a promise with you all. I will put up the edited version soon.

Follow me on Instagram 'Laila_mehtaab' for news about updates

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Take Care

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