Fame Or Love 🎙

By Giftedchic

893 95 6

Jesus Christ, she is losing too much blood. We are losing her and the baby... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My eyes cont... More

Devon Richardson
"Game On"
Lights Camera Action!!!!!
Inner Pain.......
Gifted VS Zahara
Keep It Real
Strictly Business
Business Proportion
Next Destination
The Meeting
Back Home
Famous Records Talent Show
The Results
Fame And Love
The Plan
First Time
The Interview
Studio Session
Measuring Devon❤
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Photoshoot
The Accident
The Miscarriage
So Gone Challenge remake
Dinner With Devon
More Drama
Kissing Devon Richardson💋
Mixed Emotions💔
Lyrics And Pain
My Secret
Darkness Comes To Light
Regret, Sorrow, Lies, Secrets, And Pain
Deepest Pain 💔
Misconception Of Love 💔
Tell The Truth
Fame Or Love
The End


168 8 2
By Giftedchic

Gifted Presents:

Fame Or Love🎙

"In life, we face many challenges, hardships, heartbreaks, including misfortunes. We face many obstacles while pursuing our dreams. With fame, and love comes sacrifices, and these sacrifices have to be made." "We tend to say we want something, but as soon as we find out the miles, or steps we have to take to become "successful," we tend to give up."

"To become successful, whether it be love, fame, or even wealth, we have to be willing to endure, and embrace our struggles because it's our "determination," that determines if we are willing to fight for what we want, and need."

"In the end, we ask ourselves which is better to have Fame Or Love?

Chapter 1:


See I never thought I would fall for him. I never thought I would lose my child. I never thought I would be on this hospital bed fighting for my life and I never thought I would have to choose between fame and love... This is my living testimony to Fame and love...

Let's go back to how it all started...

It was January of 2018. I remember the day vividly.

"It's times like this I would lay awake in the dark, and my deepest thoughts would tend to escape."

"See I'm a person who has experienced many hardships."

"I Gifted, am a person who has been through so much, that I could write a novel."

"All my life, I had to fight for what I wanted, and needed."

"I never had any hand me downs despite my struggles or circumstances."

"Even though I was raised in the ghetto, I never allowed the "ghetto" to validate who, and what I stood for as a person."

"Despite what I have endured, or have been through, I chose to be a "survivor," and not a "victim."

"I am Gifted, and one day the world was going to know who I was."

"I was determined, to make my dreams come true, no matter how many "obstacles," or "challenges," laid in the way."

"Even though I was a 30-year-old single mother, currently pregnant with my "unborn child," I still had a "vision," and a "dream." "I was determined to make my dreams come true."

"I currently lived in Philadelphia, PA what most perceive, to be the "ghetto," but don't get it twisted, I didn't plan on living here forever because I had a baby on the way, and I wanted him, or her to grow up in a better "environment."

"Until that happens, I was working 2 jobs to make ends meet that includes going to school to pursue my "dreams."

"I loved to sing and write my songs including poetry.

"Even to this day, it's still my passion and my drive."

I was born, and raised in Philly all my life that includes my parents."

"West Philadelphia, to be exact."

"My parents died in a bad car accident, so I was taking care of myself ever since they left me like I said I'm a "survivor", not a "victim."

" My parents died when I was in my early 20s." "They were coming to visit me at the apartment I currently live at now when they died which makes the "tragedy," even worse."

Both of my parents loved me deeply.

"I was blessed to have them as my parents, but that blessing came to an "abrupt end," when the car they were driving in collided and slammed into another car."

Both of my parents winded up flying out the glass window headfirst.

They were later rushed to the emergency hospital."

"The person driving the car also lost their lives as well. I remember rushing to the hospital, just so I could hear that my parents were "dying."

I rushed in to see them, only to find out they couldn't save my "mother, or Father."

My mother's last words to me were, "I will always love you remember your value, and worth." "Fight for your dreams there will come a time where you will have to choose Fame Or Lov......." and then that's it, all I heard was the sounds from the monitor showing a flat line on the screen.

"I watched as my parents took their last breath.

"Yeah just like that, "both of my parents" were dead, "they were gone."

Several years were dark for me afterward.

"I shut everyone out so-called "friends," "everyone."

I didn't open up to anyone like that so I used my gifts as an escape to "numb the pain." I worked two jobs went to school came home, and repeated the cycle each day all over again."

Love?? What was that?

"I didn't want it, that is until I met him "Stephen Evans."

I attended a performing arts college, to pursue my dreams as a "Recording Artist", and "Song Writer" that's what I want to be a "Recording Artist," and a "Song Writer."

"I also wanted to "self-publish my book" as well."

I write poetry too!! I have the drive the "potential, and the passion I just needed the right person to see it at the right time."

"Being at a performing arts school, I maintained a 3.2 GPA! I took drama, classes, and vocal lessons."

"Stephan Evans was someone I grew to know."

He was someone I also, fell in love with but little did I know the same "love I had for him wasn't the same love he has for me."

" It's funny I think the pain I now face, was "self-inflicted" because I seen the warning signs yet, chose to ignore them."

"He was here with hopes to become a "well-known rap artist." "Your typical "sex money, and violence" type of guy. "I admit I fell for his good looks, and "smooth talk." "He too was raised in West Philadelphia with hopes of being​ discovered."

At first, I turned him down but as months went by I let my "guard down," and that ended up being "the worst mistake of my life" because he cheated on me, and broke my heart so here I was now, lying in the bed awake in the "darkness" three weeks pregnant by a guy, who never "loved me."

Was I hurt?


"Would I get over this eventually?"


"Was I bitter about my current situation?"

"No, because we are all human, we all make mistakes."

"I don't judge others who make mistakes."

"In the end, it's how we can grow and evolve from our mistakes, that matters the most."

I was currently working two jobs to take care of my unborn fetus.

I didn't tell him I'm pregnant, because he wouldn't have cared.

"He would have told me to just abort it."

"I wasn't doing that!"

"See inside of my womb was another human being."

I'm against abortions because the fetus eventually becomes a person."

"That tiny life didn't ask to come into this world."

" Killing my fetus is like me killing an innocent human being."

"A person who is innocent, and didn't ask to come into this world."

"I was going to fight for my child's future no matter what so if I have to work 2 to three jobs, and go to school just to take care of me, and baby then so be it."

"I remained assiduous, but apart of me longed for more."

I was currently on a "no sex diet!"

I didn't want to be with anyone after what I went through with him.

"I didn't want to be hurt again like I had been hurt in my "past."

"I didn't want to get my hopes up high for nothing."

I told myself, " I would never let my guard down nor, open up to someone until I was given a sign it was okay too."

I became more "robust minded," and refused to let any guy hurt me despite being left with "emotional scars." "I had to be at work at 8 in the morning yet, here I was wide awake thinking about life, and where it was about to take me."

"I started thinking about my mother's last words"

"I would have to make a sacrifice between Fame, and something else what was she trying to tell me?"

" I didn't know but eventually, "fate" would make me find out."

"Ugh I can't sleep," I said lost in my train of thoughts.

I woke up, and started writing some poetry the title of the poem was called "Scars."

Scars.... before I could write my first line I started to experience a lot of "cramping, and pain."

I looked down, only to realize, I was losing a lot of blood then the next thing I knew, everything around me went blank.

"Little did I know, this was only the beginning days of my deepest "sorrow​, and pain."

End of a chapter of 1

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