Teddy Bear Contract |k.k|


36.3K 2K 975

"How embarrassing! One of my workers saw me sleeping with my teddy bear!!!" Do Kyungsoo discovers his boss sl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

2.7K 173 82

It was a dark cloudy afternoon in Busan, there stood a thin and messy looking Minseok handing out flyers. "Twenty percent! Get your coupons!" He cheered happily smiling not caring for his looks or his economical status.

"Here ma'am have a coupon to our restaurant." He smiled to an old lady.

The lady took it and happily smiled while heading into the restaurant, Minseok followed behind with a huge smile. He hurriedly put on his apron and grabbed a notepad.

"May I take your order?" He smiled kindly.

"Oh how cute, do you run this restaurant?" She asked while smiling back at him.

The old lady looked around the old restaurant, the wood looked like it was rotting off, the tables were dusty from no use. The counter was empty and there was hardly any decoration.

"It's my mothers but she's sick right now so I'm helping." He answered cheerfully.

The lady nodded, "I'll have black bean noodles." She said.

Writing it down on his little worn out notebook Minseok smiled a wide smile, "your order is coming right up!" And with that he skipped to the kitchen.

It had been their first customer in over nine months, Minseoks mothers hospital bills were coming in high but she was still very ill. Minseoks charm had been attracting customers and gaining them money for a little while but that didn't last. Business went terrible and now Minseok was hanging by a thread by himself.

"Ahjumma! It's ready." He grinned while bringing out her order, but when he did he was greeted but a empty table.

"Ahjumma?" He looked around, he searched everywhere even the bathroom but she was gone.

Setting the bowl down he sat down and stared at it, the feeling of defeat and frustration started to well up inside until he bursted, "Mother! What do I do? What do I do? I can't do this I can't run your restaurant it's dead, so dead! How am I going to help you get your treatments! How!? Mother help me please!?" He sobbed into the table when the door suddenly opened.

Puffy eyed Minseok looked up to see a nicely dressed man and a perfect jawline. "May I have those black bean noodles?" He asked.

Looking at the noodles Minseok nodded and pushed the bowl towards the man. Sitting down he got the chopsticks and started slurping them until he finished the bowl, "More." He said.

Nodding Minseok brought another bowl and this went on seven more times. "Here's the pay." The man got up while leaving fifty million won on the table. "sir! It's only twenty thousand won." Minseok clarified handing him the money back.

"No keep it, pay your mothers hospital bill," he said while opening the door,

"oh! One more thing, your hired."


Kyungsoo was cleanly stacking the last of the papers before heading to Jongin's apartment. As he stacked the papers he heard a weird smacking sound, curiosity hit him and with that he started looking around.

He opened the first office door but nothing. He went on to the second one to be greeted by emptiness, until he reached the third office door, there he was greeted by Jongins assistant Chanyeol and Baekhyun making out.

"Ah Kyung-" Baekhyun was cut off when Kyungsoo slammed the door shut and went to get his stuff and leave.


He slowly arrived to the apartment complex, heading into the elevator when he saw Joonmyeon also get in, "Oh your the guy that was with the brat." He smiled while pressing the tenth floor.

"Yeah, I'm him." Kyungsoo answered while looking at the screen with numbers increase  as they went up.

"See your more my style, serious men, like to have our things in order and just have a neat and organized life." He said but Kyungsoo only nodded.

"Honestly how can you hang out with a kid like him he's so childish why did Mr.Kim *ding* hire so-" Kyugsoo walked out the elevator immediately after the doors opened heading straight to his apartment.

"Nice chat." Joonmyeon pursed his lips and headed into his own apartment.

Kyungsoo came out again from his apartment and looked around, when he saw no one in the hallway he proceeded to knock on Jongin's door. It slowly creaked open again from not being closed well.

"Aish, this guy is going to get a well taught lesson one of these days." Kyungsoo whispered before letting himself in. He took a few steps only to see Jongin cuddling his teddy bear really tightly.

"Yah! Do I have to keep an eye out on you, you sure do like to pick locks huh?!" Jongin yelled startled.

"How about you learn how to close a damn door." Kyungsoo talked back. He walked up to Jongin and snatched the teddy bear from him. "Now good night, I'm tired." Kyungsoo waved without looking back and walked out closing the door.

Kyungsoo got into his apartment and plopped on his bed with the stuffed toy. He held it up and took a closer look at it and saw Chinese characters; 張一興.

"Zh-Zhang Yixing?" Kyungsoo squinted while reading the little Chinese he knew. 'Who's Yixing?' Kyungsoo thought to himself.

Putting the thought to the side he put the teddy bear on his bedside table and turned the lights off. Closing his eyes he smiled at the nice calm silence and was about to drift to sleep until,


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