A Jedi's Child (Star Wars Fan...

By HiddenTroll20

13.1K 328 24

So I figured I would give this a shot. Not sure how well it'll go over. Zith, the daughter of a human Jedi a... More

An Old Friend
Family Reunion
Giving In
Master Fisto
My Captain
Rescue Part 2
The Hutt's Offer
Day to Remember
Mon Cala
Still Fighting
Krayt Dragon
The Night Before
Keep Dreaming
Darkness Awakens
Little Rex
For the Republic


239 7 1
By HiddenTroll20

It was the morning after they had returned from Umbara. Rex had come to the apartment to see Zith. He was almost certain that no one would be awake, but he didn't care. Hopefully he wouldn't disturb Shi, and hopefully his wife would be in a good mood.

Once inside Rex noticed Comet sleeping on the couch. He was propped up on the arm and had a pillow under his head. The clone wasn't alone though, he had his arms wrapped around a crimson kel dor. Shi was laying on top of him, her head on his chest. They seemed so content in each others arms.

To avoid waking the pair, Rex crept by them and went to Zith's room. She was sprawled out on her bed. The blankets had been kicked off onto the floor and she was snoring.

"Sleeping beauty, wake up," he said gently.


"Zi, wake up," he said a bit louder.

She grunted and rolled over.

"Zith." He said and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She shot up and held her fists up, ready to strike.

"Its me! Your husband!" He said holding his hands up in surrender.

Zith glared at him with sleepy eyes then scooted over on the bed. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry," he said laying down next to her.

Zith smiled softly and kissed his cheek. She could sense how stressed he was and that he was still bothered by what happened on Umbara.

Rex began retelling the story of what happened. How Krell had no concern for the man and how he was torn between to mission, and the men. He had learned more about himself on the dark planet. How he stuck his neck out on the line for Jesse and Fives even after he said he couldn't help them. Finding out they had killed other clones. How he had to stop them from continuing to kill each other. Waxer saying Krell had betrayed them all. The valid point Fives made when he was almost executed by his brothers. They weren't droids. They had their own thoughts and feelings.

Rex curled up next to Zith. She was sitting up now and he had his head on her lap. Zith was rubbing his back with one hand, and holding his hand with the other.

"I couldn't kill Krell in the end." He whimpered. "I grew up thinking we were honor bound to follow orders and look at the bigger picture, but those orders were so wrong. I was questioning everything I knew."

"You did the right thing Rex," she said softly.

"We aren't mindless droids. We are men that have the ability to think for ourselves." He seemed to be saying this more to himself. "I wonder what the point of this war is now. Fives thinks it'll end soon, but what will happen to all of us when it does end?"

"You and I will figure something out," Zith said with a smile. "You are an amazing man Rex. It took a lot of courage to stand up to Krell, and it takes a great leader to enspire others to go against something you know is wrong."

"You think so?" He asked looking up at her with his golden brown eyes. There were tears stains on his cheeks.

"Yes, I know so," she said looking into his eyes. "None of you should have gone through that."

Rex smiled a little and pulled Zith down on the bed with him. He held her close for awhile, just enjoying haveing her in his arms again. "Can we go take a walk out in the city?" Rex eventually said sitting up a little. Zith smiled and nodded.

After getting dressed Zith met Rex out in the hallway and walked into the main living room. She spotted Comet and Shi, then smiled brightly. Comet began to wake up and he looked at his friend. "Thanks for everything, Zith," he said quietly so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping female. Zith nodded and walked out hand in hand with Rex.

The pair walked around Coruscant together and Rex watched as several children ran around, playing. He remembered what Zith had said not long after they met. She wanted to settle down. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that, or if he ever would be. "Rex? Are you okay?" Zith asked raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh yeah," he said with a nod. "Just thinking.

"About?" She said looking at him.

"I don't know if I ever want kids," he said looking to his feet.

Zith's eyes widened. "You don't need to worry about that right now."

"I was just thinking about what you said at 79's that night," he said rubbing the back of his head.

"Rex, we don't have to have kids. I'd be happy for the rest of my life if it was just you and me," she said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

She nodded. "Yes, and like I said, you don't need to worry about that anytime soon. We just got married. Let's enjoy being newly weds." As she finished her holocomunicator went off.

Zith answered the call to see Orn Free Taa. She knew this couldn't be good. "Hello Senator, what can I do for you?"

"I got a transmission from Cham Syndulla. They need medicine. I had the crates sent to the spaceport for you. All you need to do is pick it up and fly it there." He said with a smile before ending the call.

Zith groaned. Looks like they were going to Ryloth.


On Ryloth there was a group of twi'leks waiting for Zith when she landed. Zith walked out of the ship followed by Rex, and she greeted Cham. His little daughter Hera was hiding behind him. "Thank you again Zith," he said with a smile.

"Anytime," she said with a smile.

"Hi," Hera said waving up at Zith.

"Hello again, Hera," she said kneeling down.

Cham walked over to the ship and began helping Rex unload. It didn't take long for them to finish.

Zith had been talking with Hera the whole time, hearing about how she wanted to fly one day. "Well, I think you willbe a great pilot one day."

Cham shook his head as he approached and Zith stood back up. Now that no one was watching Hera darted away.

Zith and Cham discussed the state of things lately for awhile. Once their conversation was done, they bid each other farewell and Zith left with Rex.

Once Zith activated the hyperdrive she sat back and smiled. "Woah!" A little voice said from behind them. Rex turned around to see a little green twi'lek staring out the window.

"Hera! What are you doing here?" Zith said with wide eyes.

"I want to fly," she said happily.

"When need to turn around." Rex said looking to Zith.

"I know," she said with a nod, then prepared to leave hyperspace.

Hera walked closer and watched what Zith was doing.

Zith looked back at her. "You shouldn't have snuck on board," she said firmly.

"I'm sorry," Hera said quietly.

Zith sighed and motioned for her to come closer. Once they were out of hyperspace Zith picked Hera up and put the little girl on her lap. "Don't tell your after that your friend Zith let you do this."

Hera looked back at her confused before Zith took her tiny hands in hers and put them on the controls. "Hold it steady," she said softly and took her hands off of Hera's, but she kept them close by, just in case.

"I'm flying!" Hera said happily. Her eyes were lit up.

"Yes, you are," Zith said with a smile.

Zith allowed her to fly for a little while longer before she took back over and returned to Ryloth.

After dropping Hera off Zith went back back to Coruscant. "You really did help them out before." Rex said with a smile. Zith sighed and nodded. "I had to. Now let's not talk about it," she said gently. Rex nodded and left it at that.

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