Rise of the Nightmares (Jelsa...

By alessiael

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When seventeen-year-old Elsa Arens heads out to the Ballroom Club a few days before her eighteenth birthday... More

Chapter 1 - The Ballroom
Chapter 2 - Guardians
Chapter 3 - The Rock Trolls
Chapter 4 - The Garden
Chapter 5 - Lucky Cat Cafe
Chapter 6 - San Fransokyo Institute of Technology
Chapter 7 - Pitch Black
Chapter 8 - No Place Like Home
Chapter 9 - A Representation of Love
Chapter 10 - Somnambulism
Chapter 11 - The Snuggly Duckling
Chapter 12 - Periwinkle
Chapter 13 - Tiana's Palace
Chapter 14 - Second Star to the Right
Chapter 15 - And Straight on Till Morning
Chapter 16 - Chasing Ashes
Chapter 17 - Below Zero
Chapter 18 - Curtain of Sorrow
Chapter 20 - The Golden Flower
Chapter 21 - The Fate of Fire
Chapter 22 - An Increase In Frost
Chapter 23 - Cold As Frost

Chapter 19 - The Sound of Silence

173 12 0
By alessiael

Rapunzel POV

Rapunzel took a deep breath but all she could taste and feel was blood. All she could see was darkness, and amongst the darkness was more blood.

She felt something, someone holding her and moving at the same time. It was making her mind dizzy and all she felt was nausea and head pain.

"Stop..." she struggled to say and wasn't sure if anyone could hear her.

"What?" The movement stopped. The voice was loud against her ear, it made her head hurt more.

The voice felt familiar and her heart sang with love but then she suddenly felt nervous. Her insides sank like a ship in the ocean, drowning and never able to carry itself again. She had no idea why she was scared.

She started kicking, trying to get herself away from whoever was holding her. She became more aware, her wellness escalating until she was finally feeling fine.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of concerned brown ones looking down at her.

She didn't scream but she struggled, trying to get out of his arms.

"Put me down." She said this with ease. She felt much better than she felt moments ago.

Flynn regarded her, looking mortally confused, then scared.

"You--you're okay?" She could feel his hands loosen then tighten as if he almost dropped her because he was so surprised.

"Of course I am," she said.

"What? Why? How? You-- you were-- moments ago-- you were dying."

She giggled at his reaction. "I'm self-healing. It's the same way I can heal everyone else."

She was still in his arms, it was like he refused to let her go. He looked sad.

"I'm-- I'm sorry," he said, "about everything. I never meant cause any of this."

"Why did you do it?"

"Pitch was paying me. But when I met you-- after I got to know you-- I think I realized that I would take you over money any day."

She placed her hand gently on his cheek, noting that it was still covered in her blood but not caring. "I forgive you,"

"How?" He looked as if her hand had just slapped him. This time he put her down and stepped almost a foot away from her, it clearly wasn't what he expected her to say.

"We all make mistakes and we all change. You risked your life trying to save me and my friends. So I guess we're even?" she smiled, then frowned when he didn't return it.

"How are you so forgiving?" he mumbled looking at his shoes.

She didn't answer him. "Flynn, where are my friends?" For a moment she was horrified by the thoughts that flooded her mind, the possibility that they may not be with them because they were dead.

Flynn hesitated. "My name is really Eugene."

Rapunzel couldn't help but smile. She knew he was different, even if he came off as a bad guy, deep down he was really a hero.

"Hiccup and Merida went after Pitch." he said.

Rapunzel was struggling to stay calm. "We have to go help them!"

"Will you be okay?" Eugene said.

"Yes! Now let's go!" She took his wrist and started dragging him down the hallway but stopped when she had no idea where they were going.

"It's actually this way," he led her to the opposite direction that she just took him.


Elsa POV

Elsa tried so hard not to look at Jack's body but her eyes kept wandering to him. And every single time she looked, her mind was going back to the moment he died just inches away from her, the sword that ripped through his chest taking the life out of him, taking him away from her forever.

Pitch was still chanting in his demon language, he smiled when he caught Elsa watching him.

She hadn't noticed before but her whole body was bruised and she was sure she broke a few bones trying to break out of the chains. Her chest was slowly dripping blood from the smaller wound caused by Pitch's sword. She was struggling to keep her eyes open, every part of her body was telling her to sleep. Sleep was what she needed right now.

The center of the room's ceiling, above Pitch was beginning to glow a bright white light, which made Elsa want to sleep more.


Anna POV

Jack had disappeared for more than twenty minutes, which didn't help Anna's focus. She'd killed so many Nightmares since he'd left her, she completely lost count.

The number of Nightmares around them began to thrink but they were still in battle. She was so worried about Elsa but she couldn't do anything about it, except fight off these gross creatures and hope that eventually they'd get inside the building.

Anna saw North a few meters away from her in battle. She could see why he was the leader of all Guardians. He was the best. His fighting skills were amazing, Nightmare after Nightmare could not even scratch him.

Anna felt a slight nip at her arm. She looked to her right at a Nightmare with beady eyes and green skin who's claws were covered in her blood. She didn't have enough time to react before the creature was on top of her.

She tried to scream but the air was sucked out of her. The creature took a big bite of her shoulder but luckily didn't rip enough skin for it to cause major damage.

She felt a pulse coming from the Nightmare's body before the weight of it dissolved into nothing.

She looked up to see the most handsome man in the world, looking down at her with concerned brown eyes. His hair was the color of sunlight and he was muscular. He was the perfect height to rest his chin on her head if they were standing next to each other.

"Are you hurt?" he said. He put his hand out for her.

"No-- No-- I'm okay." she stuttered. She rolled her eyes at the fact that she was blushing in the middle of a war.

"Kristoff Bjorgman," he said throwing one of his knives at a Nightmare that was behind her. He smacked another one behind him. His senses were astonishing, she thought.

Anna got to her feet and fought the Nightmares around her, still beside Kristoff.

"Anna Arendelle," she said back, almost tripping on a rock that was covered in snow. She kicked the Nightmare to her left and punched the Nightmare on her right.

He snorted. "Yeah right, all the Arendelle's are dead."

"Well here I am, alive, so..." She stabbed another Nightmare on her right. Kristoff's rudeness was beginning to annoy her.

"Behind you--" He stumbled to her and stabbed something behind her.

They both fell at the same time, Anna under him. He held the weight of his body with his elbows so he wasn't crushing her. She saw his cheeks beginning to turn red.

"Well, this is awkward." she said.


Elsa POV

Elsa squinted when she saw that the light was coming from a hole in the ceiling. The ceiling began to ripple like water, constantly shimmering in the light.

The light coming from the ceiling caused all the Nightmares to turn into a silver dust.

Merida and Hiccup were now freed but they didn't dare run to Pitch who was still holding onto the very sword that killed Jack. Instead, they rushed to Jack. Merida was on her knee's crying and Hiccup was still standing, one hand covering his mouth, he looked as horrified as Elsa felt.

"I'm so sorry," Elsa called out to them. Jack was their best friend and now he was dead because of her.

She looked back up at the ceiling. It was hard to describe the beautiful being that was emerging from the ripples.

"An angel," Elsa couldn't help whisper to herself.

Pitch crouched to his knee's immediately, "Welcome, Sire."

The man floated in the middle of the room. He looked like the most perfect human in the whole world, down to every last detail of his face. He was glowing and a light drizzle of snow was blowing around him as if it were protecting him. He had white hair that matched Elsa's and crystal silver eyes that looked like diamonds.

She couldn't look away. It was a strange feeling that she couldn't quite understand. She wanted to serve him, wanted to make him proud.

"I want you to destroy all Guardians!" Pitch sneered, damaging the silence in the room. "Destroy them all! That is my wish!"

"You liar!" Elsa couldn't help yell at him.

Pitch went on and on about his dead wife but Elsa knew Pitch didn't care about her enough, he cared about killing all the Guardians. He lied about how he wanted to bring her back to life.

The Man in the Moon didn't react to anything they were saying. He stood there watching Pitch. His stare was scary, reminding Elsa of the way a human would look at a tiny helpless insect.

"KILL THEM!" Pitch ordered again, he pointed at Elsa. "KILL THEM ALL!"

The Man in the Moon looked at Pitch and said nothing.

He slowly opened his mouth, a blazing light coming from inside his lips then spat a white ball of light. When it touched Pitch, it incinerated him until there was nothing was left. Pitch disappeared, hopefully forever.

The Man in the Moon looked at Elsa.

The wish is for you, child of the Moon. She heard his words echo inside her head.

He didn't move his mouth, he just stared at her. She felt a shiver run down her spine and she couldn't tell if it was because she was cold or because of the beautiful sound of his voice. It was inhumane but beautiful. Like the most wonderful bird singing its song.

"But I thought the wish was for Pitch because he summoned you?" She regretted what she said immediately after she said it. It sounded stupid to say it out loud, but she was glad she asked, she wasn't expecting a wish at all.

Only a child who has the same blood as mine can receive a wish from me. And only one wish, so choose wisely.

I have his blood? she thought to herself.

You do.

This stunned her, he was listening to her voice, inside her head.

Child, time for me is different than time for you. Make your wish now or I will leave.

Elsa looked at Merida and Hiccup, they looked confused. Maybe they couldn't hear what the Man in the Moon was saying to her. Her eyes stumbled on Jack. His blood was crusting around his shirt and she couldn't help the tears that ran down her face again.

Before she could say anything she began blanking out. Dozing in and out of the moment.

Very well.

NO! She screamed inside her head before he could leave but darkness consumed her. She thought she saw the Man in the Moon's lips move up to a smile but that must have been a trick of her eyes. He doesn't seem like the type of man who would smile.

She finally fell into a deep sleep, her injuries getting the best of her.




#JackisDead #PitchisDead #TheManInTheMoonIsABadass #AnnaxKristoff #TheFeelsCuzItsAlmostOver


~Alessia <3

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