A Man With Sins [ Doctor Who ]

By GalleonGalaxy

215K 6.9K 1.8K

Caramillia Jonicale, the last female Timelord among existence. After reaching Earth in a status bubble that k... More

CyberShip - Introduction
Through The Time Rift - The Library
Through The Time Rift - You're Lying
Idiotic Duo - What's In The Sky?
Idiotic Duo - Milo
Idiotic Duo - Timelord?
Inside The Box - Awkwardness
Joelara - Questions
Joelara - The Thirty Foot Drop
Joelara - Explosions and Regeneration
Ginger? - Wake Up
Army Of Ghosts - They're Everywhere
Super Nova - Goodbyes and Hellos?
Robot Santa? - Who, What? When!
Robot Santa? - Wooden Stabbing
Robot Santa? - Giant Spiders and a Kiss
Robot Santa? - Merry Christmas
1890s - Awaken
1890s - Blonde Woman and Old London
1890s - Raxacoricofallapatorians
1890s - Captivity, Torture, and Removal
Do You Love Me?
Thank You!

Doomsday - The Day Rose Tyler Died

6.2K 210 29
By GalleonGalaxy

Okay guys I'm going to speed things up a bit, and get right to the end of this long episode as fast as I can. I know, I know. You probably don't want me to rush but I have to. I hate writing along with the series episodes it drains me as a writer but I wanted to get rid of Rose because I have a story line I want to follow. So here we go guys, say goodbye to Rose! Be forwards that there is a HUGE skip in this, my writing when it comes to following the series story line sucks so badly, but please enjoy, it'll get better after this. Some of this might not make sense now but in the next chapter it will!


Cybermen, millions and trillions of Cybermen were coming through the void into the universe. They stormed through the streets, and were storming right into the room the Doctor, Yvonne and I all stood in. My hearts began pounding in my chest. "Cybermen." I snarled, shaking my head, watching them come towards us. But the Cybermen weren't the only issue. Screaming was coming from the laptop that the Doctor and Yvonne had been using to communicate with Rose and Jackie. Rushing over, the both of us stared at the screen.

The sphere was opening, and out poured...no. No. This was impossible. "Daleks...Daleks and Cybermen oh this is not good, very not good. Not good at all." I spoke, stumbling over my words just about. How could the Dalek's be here? Turning around to face the Cybermen that filled the room, the Doctor was trying to get a hold of Rose before the line on the laptop went dead. "You. You didn't build the void ship. The Dalek's did. How did you manage to follow it?" I questioned, shaking my head at the Cybermen that stepped closer to us all.

"You Will Surrender. You Will Be Up-Graded To Human 2.0" The Cyberman spoke in my face, that emotionless voice bleeding through my mind.

"No I don't think so. I'm not compatible with your systems. Doctor, Yvonne. Now would be a great time to run. Don't you think?" I questioned, as the Doctor reached and took a hold of my hand. But before we took off, the Cybermen stood tall.

"We Detect Unknown Technology Below. Cybermen Will Investigate."

Raising a brow, the must be talking about the sphere where Rose is. Rose and Jackie both. We had to get down there first and save them. God, good god the stress of companions was overwhelming. Shaking my head I broke out of thought just in time to see the Cybermen coming in my direction.

It's thick metal hand reached out and shoved myself and another staff member of Torchwood out of the way, sending me flying, my head smacking hard against the corner of the computer tables. A gasp leaving my mouth as I laid flat on my back, holding the back of my head as the Cybermen stormed by. "Cara! Are you okay?" The Doctor panicked as the Cybermen stormed from the room, heading downstairs towards Rose and Jackie. Towards the Daleks.

"I'm okay.." I thought I was at least, until I went to stand to my feet nearly falling to my knees as my vision blurred. The Doctor caught me just barely before I hit the ground again. Blood covered the palm of my hand and I only knew this because when I gripped the Doctor's shoulder, the blood stained his suit. "Oops.." I mumbled before my eyes fluttered shut, my cheek resting against the Doctor's chest as I went limp. Unconscious from the heavy blow to the head.

[ A While Later.. ]

My head was pounding as my eyes finally opened up. I could feel the back of my head nearly completely healed thanks to my Timelord abilities, but when I woke I was alone in Yvonne's office. There were no Cybermen on this floor I was alone. All alone. My hearts started to pound as I jumped to my feet. "Doctor!?" I screamed out, confused on what was going on. How long had I been out? Shaking my head I moved around, wobbling on my feet at first as I looked at the blood stain on the carpet from my head.

Clearing my throat, I could hear the sound of Cybermen and Dalek's fightening beneath my feet, and my hearts started to beat even faster. Where the hell was the Doctor? Oh god what if he was dead? Looking out the window, my eyes caught the sight of Dalek's. So many Dalek's flying through the sky. Rushing on my feet to look out, I looked upwards, watching as the Dalek's shot out from inside...No. No that's not possible. "The Genesis Ark..." I mumbled, shaking my head in fear. I had to find the Doctor. Dead or alive.

Turning away from the horrific sight, I took off out of the room to the stairs. "Doctor!" I screamed running as fast as I could, shaking my head. I was a fool for not being careful enough. To have been knocked out like that? God I was a fool I needed to train this new body to take a hit, a gun shot to. Shaking my head right as I reached the door to the steps, the lift on the other end of the hallway dinged.

Terror shot through my body as I slowly turned around to face the lift doors as they slid open. My hearts pounding away inside of my chest. Watching closely, suddenly the Doctor, Rose, Jackie, and some strange man walked out of the lift right into Yvonne's office. "Cara?" I heard him call, panic in his voice. "Cara!"

My feet slammed against the floor as I ran back towards the office, bursting inside. Throwing my arms around the Doctor tight. "You're alive! God you're alive!" My hearts started to beat harder as the Doctor hugged me tight with a sigh. "I woke up and you were gone...Doctor. The Dalek's are outside, they're everywhere. The Genesis Ark, they opened it. The prison." Stepping back off the Doctor I looked at him with concern.

He turned me around looking at the back of my head, making sure I was alright. "Don't worry, I have a plan." When he'd turned me around, I saw Jackie and Rose, and waved. Before looking at the strange man. "Oh, right. Yes. Cara, meet Mickey. Mickey, meet Cara. She's a Timelord."

A blush was on Mickey's cheeks as he looked at me and I gave him a smile, and a soft wave as Rose elbowed him to calm down. "They're destroying the city!" Jackie screamed as she looked out the window with two other fellas. "Doctor, do something!" When the Doctor finally stopped picking at my head, I looked at the huge metal things he held. We'd seen them earlier when walking around.

"I have all the equipment I need. We have to close the breech." The Doctor called out as he tapped the mental clamp looking things. I had a huge headache, but that wasn't going to get in my way. Rushing to the computers I sat myself down with my splitting headache and watched him work. "Shut the system down, end it all!" He cheered, slipping on his glasses with a sudden up in his step.

Rose looked at him confused "Well isn't anyone going to ask?!" He cheered laughing. Pointing at his face.

"What's it about the glasses?" Rose questioned laughing.

"I can see!" The Doctor's words earned a laugh from Rose and I. "I can see! That's what! 'Cos we've got two separate worlds, but in-between the two separate worlds, we've got the Void. That's where the Daleks were hiding. And the Cybermen traveled through the Void to get here! And you lot, one world to another, via the Void! Oh, I like that. Via the Void! Look!" Watching the Doctor put the glasses on Rose's face she was absolutely overjoyed.

Sighing, I looked out the window as I walked over to it, standing alone as the Doctor spoke to Rose and the others. Guilt suddenly hit me hard. Maybe if I hadn't gotten myself hurt, I could've stopped the Genesis Ark from being opened, maybe I could've saved someone. Stopped all of this. Staring out at the streets as they filled with Dalek's, I rubbed my chin out of nervous habit. "We're all contaminated, we'll get pulled in.." Rose's vice caught my attention.

Maybe I should've been listening. "That's why you've got to go." The Doctor stated, standing tall with his hands in his pockets, and that's how I knew what he was talking about. And now i knew what those clamps were for. When the Doctor would go to shut the breech everything from the void, that's been through the void would get sucked in. There were only two clamps. One for him, and one for me. "You go Back to Pete's world. Hey, we should call it that: Pete's World.. I'm opening the Void, but only on this side. You'll be safe on that side." The look that covered Rose's face nearly broke my heart.

The realization of the matter hit her slowly. "But you stay on this side?" She questioned, shaking her head.

"But, you'll get pulled in Doctor." Mickey spoke stepping forward.

"That's why... I got these. I'll just have to hold on tight, I've been doing it all my life." The Doctor called as I brought the clamps over to him, before sitting down again, beside of him. My eyes went to Rose who stood there with a blank expression.

"I'm just supposed to go?" She questioned, and I bit my lip. Some of this wasn't making much since thanks to the fact I'd been knocked out for the last few hours. But it was slowly making sense.

"Yeah.." I spoke softly, giving a nod as the Doctor continued to stand there with his hands in his pockets. Silent.

"Well that's not going to happen." Rose laughed, shaking her head. "No, No way. It's supposed to be us! Doctor. And me. In the TARDIS. That's how it's supposed to be. I've had a life with you for nineteen years." She spoke towards her mum. "But then I met the Doctor and... all the things I've seen him do for me. For you. For all of us. For the whole... stupid planet and every planet out there. He does it alone, mum. I'm staying. You're going without me."

Suddenly everyone began to scream at one another about the decision. Rose screamed at her mother, who then screamed at Pete, who then screamed back. The Doctor and I just remained silent. "You do everything alone, Doctor." Rose cried. "But not anymore, you've got me!" She cried out as the Doctor approached her, a weird button on a chain in his hand behind his back.

When he got up to her, he placed it around her neck. "What're you--" Before Rose had a chance to finish her sentence however, Pete stepped forward and smashed the button around Rose's neck and they all disappeared. My eyes narrowed in suspicion as I figured out those strange things must've been teleport buttons into Pete's world.

"When ever this is all over I'm going to need you to catch me up on what I missed." Looking over at the old man, he stared at where Rose once stood with a heavy heart. Sighing, I slowly stepped over, my hand laying gently against his shoulder. "It's for the best...she's safe in Pete's world. Where ever that may be." The Doctor looked over at me with his sad look, before he nodded. The both of us moving to get to work.

Suddenly bright light flashed. "I think this is the on button.." It was Rose, she was back. The Doctor looked up and stormed after her and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"Doctor be easy." I called out to him.

"Once the breach collapses, that's it. You will never be able to see her again. Your own mother! Do you understand that?" The Doctor screamed in her face, causing me to bite my lip as I started to work on co-ordinates.

"I made my choice a long time ago Doctor, and I'm never going to leave you." Silence fell between the two of them as the Doctor looked at her in disappointment. "What can I do to help?" She questioned nervously. The Doctor stared her down, and I cleared my throat.

"Rose, come take my place and put all of these to 6, alright?" Looking at me she gave a nod, nervously stepping over to take my place as I stepped over to the Doctor and looked him right in the eyes. "You love her." I spoke softly, and he blinked. "Let her make her own decisions. If this is what she wants then so be it. We can't control her. Now...we need to close the breech." Giving a nod, the Doctor turned away and went back to his position.

Looking at the monitor, I felt my stomach clench. "Doctor, Cybermen on the way up, we need to work faster." I spoke, watching as the Doctor typed away on the computer. "One floor down, we're running out of time." The Doctor nodded his head as the computer dinged, telling us that the levers were fulling operational. Grabbing he mega clamps, the Doctor brought them over.

Handing one to myself, the Doctor took his and attached it to the wall, and I did the same parallel of him. Rose stepped over quickly. "Press the red button." Doing so, they magnetized to the wall. "Now, When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn't be too bad for us but the Daleks and the Cybermen are steeped in Void Stuff. Are you ready?" He questioned, looking more towards Rose who was at my side. Her hands were tight around the bar of the clamp as the Doctor and I stood near the levers before looking at each other. "Hold on tight Cara. Let's do it." He called right as Dalek's were visible outside the window.

The Doctor and I slammed the levers all the way up and a bright white light filled the room, and began to pull everything from the void back through. The Doctor and I jumped to the bars of the clamps and held tight. Rose and I sharing just one was rather complicated, but it worked.

A laugh left my mouth as the Daleks, the Cybermen, everything that had come through the void began to be sucked back through, into the nothingness. Looking at the Doctor we all smiled at one another. But slowly, the lever I had pushed up began to slip downwards. My smile quickly faded. The computer began to scream. Offline.

"Turn it on!" The Doctor cried, and Rose began to reach for it.

She stretched her arm as far as she could. As long as she could. Before her grip slipped and she fell onto the lever itself. "Rose!" I cried, catching one of her hands. Her other was pulling at the lever, pulling it all the way up turning it back online.

Looking at the Doctor with fright, he stared at the both of us with dread. "Cara! Rose! Don't let go!"

The suction only became stronger as the lever locked and everything was in full. "Hold on!" I screamed, Rose gasping and doing her best to keep a hold of my hand. But my grip was slipping. "Just hold on!" I couldn't keep a hold of her hand, there was too much sweat and strain. There wasn't enough grip. I felt her fingers slipping away one by one, until finally, her hand was gone.

"No! Rose!" The Doctor and I screamed at the same time, watching as she flew towards the open breech. Tears pricking my eyes. Right before she flew into the void, Pete appeared, grabbing Rose just in time, before the both of them disappeared, gone.

Slowly the wind died down, the breech sealed itself, and everything fell silent. She was gone. Rose Tyler was gone.

And it's all my fault.

Collapsing to the floor on my knees I struggled to catch my breath at first as the tears fell. My hand had been too slippery. My hand..Looking up I watched as the Doctor walked towards the wall, pressing his hand against the surface, before the side of his face. Looking empty as he did so. Every emotion gone from his ancient eyes. "Doctor." I called softly, getting to my feet as I walked over towards him. Quiet as a mouse. "Doctor I'm so sorry..my hands...they were slipping. There wasn't anything I could do I tried.." A soft tear fell down my face. And the Doctor stayed silent.

Reaching, I placed a hand on the crying mans shoulder. This was all my fault, if I had just held her hand a little tighter. If I had just been a little stronger. "Doctor.." My voice cracked heavily. "I'm so sorry.."

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