Walking Down Memory Lane

By Bella_Prince

1.6K 100 3

Marauder era: Lily takes a look back at her last year at Hogwarts. A story full of twists and turns. Her time... More

When Love Bloomed
A Small Problem
Friends, Old and New
Kindred Spirits
Grave Mistakes
Facing Mistakes
Erasing The Past
Saying Goodbye
Old Magic
Healing Her Heart
The Gift
Christmas Break
What Are The Chances
True Colors
Apologies & Redemption
Plans Revealed
The First Call
Patronus Charms
Quarters and Mockery
What Happened Last Night?
All In A Name
Where Are We?
The Slytherin Mother
Sneaky Truths
Tricky Lessons
Not Tonight
Sitting At A Bar
Goodbye 1977, Welcome 1978
A Freezing Drunk Dog
Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn
Caught Again
It's Time
Defending Love
Pissing Off Minerva
Lucius and Narcissa's Mess
Powerful Incentives
Playing In The Rain
Potions, N.E.W.T.S and Surprises
I Don't Like Secrets
We Need A Favor....
Lily's Feeling Sassy
Born In The Dark, But It Wasn't Last Night
Damn, Didn't Think Of That!
Who's The Bigger Fool?
Since 1978?
I Don't Know And I Don't Care.

Voldy Is Pissed

12 1 0
By Bella_Prince

The weeks seemed to be rolling by quickly. Far too quickly for Severus's liking, Lily would soon be taking her N.E.W.T.S, which was a mess, they still hadn't found a solution for covering up her new name. The Trio would have fast-forwarded time if they thought it possible. They were tired of the constant studying and tests, they all just wanted to go home.

Dumbledore had been pulling them from the common room at night to learn skills they would need to enter the Order. Although they learned a lot it was tiresome, especially when they worked with a very skilled but grumpy auror named Moody. He taught them things they had never heard of but he was strict, a bit odd and if they heard 'Constant Vigilance' one more time they were going to eye roll themselves blind. He never failed to be interesting though, just when they thought they were ready to go to battle, Moody proved them wrong.

They worked with many other Order members who all taught them something useful and at last Dumbledore told them they were finished with outsiders; their last lessons would be with him. Dumbledore intended to teach them Occlumency and Legilimency which all Order members were attempted to be taught although not all could learn the skill, it was a grand communication tool without spoken word if it could be mastered, they could just read each others thoughts without alerting the enemy of their next move. They would start on that the middle of May and work on it until they mastered it or found they couldn't learn it.

Severus weeks had been filled with much of the same bidding for the Dark Lord, potion making, muggle kidnappings and ordered murders in which Severus didn't commit, muggle authorities always seemed to be close by. When the Dark Lord became suspicious of Severus's many failures he paired him with Greyback and yet again the muggle authorities were numerous around their target preventing the murder.

Severus internally gloated knowing that his little silver fox never failed to deliver the proper date and time to Dumbledore to pass along to the Ministry to pass along to the proper muggle official, so far it had worked every time.

The Dark Lord's plans were failing on both sides and he was rather livid and called a meeting a Malfoy Manor. The Death Eaters were filling the Manor quickly as Severus entered, closed minded and stoic, he noticed Bellatrix had Lucius pinned to the wall screaming at him with her wand at his throat. "Where is she, you son of a bitch!? I will kill you! What did you do to her!" Bellatrix screamed.

Lucius swallowed hard, "We had an argument and I hit her and she left without a word in the middle of the night. I have no clue where she went."

Snape could see the fire dancing in Bellatrix's eyes, he knew what her next move was, in a swift movement he pushed Bellatrix to the floor at nailed Lucius as hard as he could in the jaw. Lucius fell to the floor and Snape continued his assault until Lucius had two black eyes, a busted lip and a broken nose. Snape stood and spit on Lucius, "Fucking bastard, even Death Eaters don't beat their wives. Filth."

"My, what seems to be the problem here, my presence has went unnoticed due to your brawl." The cold voice hissed.

"My Lord." Bellatrix beckoned as she made her way over to Voldermort "Lucius, Lucius beat my sister and now she is gone."

Voldermort drew a deep breath and hissed "Lucius, where is you lovely wife?"

Lucius covered in his own blood still showed the fear on his face, "My Lord, I do not know where she has gone. I did hit her in a heated argument and when I woke the next morning she was gone."

"Lucius.....do not lie to me. Where is Narcissa?" Voldermort sneered.

"My Lord, I honestly do not know." Lucius answered in fear.

"Very well." Voldermort said calmly as he raised his wand pointing it at Lucius "Crucio!"

Lucius screamed in agony. The Dark Lord cast the same spell over and over each time asking of Narcissa's whereabouts but Lucius gave the same answer each time; because honestly he didn't know.

Severus stood by stoic on the outside but quivering on the inside. He knew what Lucius had said was probably a lie but beating the hell out of him better than letting Bellatrix kill him and watching the person he somewhat considered a friend writhing in pain, screaming and never giving up the secret was gut wrenching yet admirable.

Voldermort did something he rarely did, he lost interest, "He must be telling the truth. No man would tolerate that kind of pain for a woman. Severus, take him and clean him up quickly."

Severus broke out of his disgusted trance, "Yes, My Lord." Severus helped Lucius up and walked him to the nearest bathroom, he cast spells to minimize the bruising and set Lucius's nose, then helped Lucius clean up the blood and compose himself. "Lucius, I had to. She was going to kill you. I've seen that look in her eyes before." Snape said in a very low tone.

"I know. Thank you." Lucius whispered.

Severus helped Lucius to his designated seat at the endless black table before taking his own. As soon as they were seated the Dark Lord started his usual speech and Severus zoned out feeling a little guilty about what he had done. Voldermort went on and on about each of their failures. They were losing the Ministry even with the help of Rookwood. The giants and werewolves on the exception of Greyback had abandoned their cause. The aurors were proving to be formidable opponents as they were using unforgivables themselves and preventing themselves for being Imperioused. Voldermort was rather livid and Crucio'ed several Death Eaters for various reasons.

Then he looked directly at Severus, "Severus, you are my most disappointing failure. A few short months ago you were one of my best servants, you have failed almost every task I have given to you. It had crossed my mind to punish you, your past service was your only redeeming quality. I thought you were failing on purpose until I sent Greyback and Bellatrix to watch you. You should thank them for reporting back that you have been truthful in your failures. You live because of them."

Severus lost his stoic smugness for a brief second, "My Lord, I do apologize for failing you. I have no excuse."

Voldermort sneered at Severus and continued berating every single Death Eater, even his beloved Bellatrix had failed an assignment. The Dark Lord summarized the meeting with the orders that failures would come with a price, they were all tasked to bring in someone new and they were all to kill any auror on the spot. In a disgusted fluster the Dark Lord left without his usual end of meeting speech.

Severus felt like he could breathe again, he was intentionally hanging around the Manor until Bellatrix left, she was still pissed at Lucius but she was more upset that the Dark Lord had been disappointed with her and left fairly quickly. When the house cleared out Severus sat in the library with Lucius to have a drink before heading home, "Are you going to be alright?"

Lucius bit his bottom lip to keep the fear and tears inside, "Yes, I shall be fine. I shouldn't have hit her. I knew better. Hopefully she will come home soon and forgive me."

Severus looked somber but knew that Narcissa was safe, "Hopefully she will. I think a woman that truly loves you can forgive almost anything."

Lucius gave his famous smirk, "Let us hope so."

Severus had one more drink with Lucius to ensure his health was stable after taking that many torture curses, "I must be on my way. I have a recruit to find." Severus said sarcastically.

Lucius nodded and shook his head, "I'll show you to the door." The pair walked to the door in silence, as Severus stepped out unto the first step Lucius called to him, "I was wrong! Very wrong. You should have fought for her, no matter what kind of blood she has, if you loved her that much you should have taken her and ran before you were branded. I was speaking as a coward and a fool when I told you to push her away. I truly am sorry for the horrible advice. I now know your pain, how have you gotten through it?"

Severus stood stunned at the apology and wasn't sure exactly what to say, he thought for a moment, "I drank a lot. Then one day I got an owl from her. She forgave me, I have yet to answer it. The hope that letter brought was enough to sober me up and give me a chance at maybe someday. On my darkest days I read it, knowing that maybe someday....." Severus telling a bit of a fib.

Lucius nodded, "Hope."

Severus smirked, "Crazy I know. Yes, hope and love. If we have those two things, we can survive this. I'll see you later Lucius." Severus turned on heel and walked out the Manor gates and apparated home knowing a talk with Dumbledore must come quickly.

Within minutes of him being home Severus was sitting with Dumbledore telling him of the Death Eater meeting. He told of every detail from beating the hell out of Lucius to prevent Bellatrix from killing him to their assigned tasks and punishments for failures. "Sir, what am I supposed to do? You asked me to stay in his favor but these failures have him livid and I am supposed to bring someone into our ranks." Severus asked exasperated.

Dumbledore sat and thought before he spoke, "Do what you must Severus, we need to keep you in his good graces. This is an impossible task without having some collateral damage. Go to the seediest bar in Knockturn Alley and find someone who already has the hatred in them, there will be someone who is looking to become Voldermort's next favorite Death Eater. That should put you in good standing for a short while. I cannot ask you to totally defy him and expect you to remain in the inner circle." Dumbledore said sadly realizing what he was telling Severus to do.

"Sir, I don't wish this life on anyone and I really do not wish to kill muggle nor wizard." Severus mumbled.

Dumbledore placed his hand on Severus's shoulder, "I know my boy, but we must pay a price for our mistakes and sadly this is your price. The road to redemption isn't an easy path. You've done wonderful but you must do a few things to please him. Pick them carefully."

Severus simply nodded accepting his fate, he must lure someone to be branded and do the next few tasks without failure.

"I must be on my way if you need nothing else, I have another person to meet." Dumbledore said quietly.

"No sir, that was all. Except.....Narcissa is safe correct?" Severus questioned.

Dumbledore smiled, winked and disapparated.

It was now the first week of June, Severus was unusually beside himself. There was no solution to Lily and her N.E.W.T.S and her new last name. He was also scheduled to take them in private in Dumbledore's office the following week. He had yet to find a recruit to pacify the Dark Lord and he had successfully kidnapped a high-ranking muggle official, handing him over to the Dark Lord himself. He felt sick and disgusted with himself to the point he sent Lily back to Hogwarts and asked her to give him a couple of days to get his head straight. He knew the muggle was tortured and killed and the blood was on his hands just as those who actually took his life.

In his disgusted despair he found himself in a dark and dank pub in Knockturn Alley, he had only been in this particular place once before, he didn't care for it then but it fit his mood that night. He was sitting in a corner with a bottle and a whiskey glass trying to drink away his guilt when a familiar face sat down across from him. Severus raised his eyebrows "I don't recall inviting you to sit." He barked at the boy who couldn't be much younger than himself.

"My apologizes sir, I just wanted to meet you. I remember you from Hogwarts and I know who you are. I'd like to be what you are." The young man said with great confidence.

"I'm afraid I have no clue who you are." Severus stated in a very bored tone knowing the boy was too young to be branded.

"Sorry, my name is Barty Crouch Jr." the boy beamed.

"Barty Crouch Jr. as in your father is the Head of Magical Law Enforcement?" Severus said choking on a drink of whiskey.

"Yes, unfortunately. Well depends on how you look at it. I could be very valuable to your boss." Barty shot back trying to make way.

"Pray tell, how would a school age boy know if I were to have a 'boss' as you say?" Severus questioned.

"I have been looking for one of you. I remember all of you from school. I know who you are. I want in, I will continue to bother any of you I see until one of you takes me to meet him." Barty shot back.

"You wish to meet him, you think you have what it takes to do what would be asked of you? What makes you worthy? Prove your worth and I'll call him." Severus charged knowing the young man would back down.

"Follow me and I'll prove it." Barty said with confidence.

Severus nodded, "Lead the way, this is your show."

Severus followed Barty out of the bar and into an alleyway known for usually being full of women of the night, "I'll be right back." Barty said as if he was off to pick out a puppy. He returned shortly with the ugliest witch Severus had ever seen who was so intoxicated she had no clue where she was. Barty lead them down an empty dark alley, Severus leaned against the wall watching this 'wannabe' knowing he'd stun her or body bind her, he could see and hear Barty teasing the witch who was so drunk she had no clue what she was saying or doing. Then something caught his attention "What is your blood status witch? I pay for no hag that's less than half blood."

The drunken which laughed "I'm a fucking muggle born." Then she cackled.

"That's what I thought you're filth, you disgusting mudblood." Barty then preceded to Crucio her several times; as Severus was about to set in to stop the torture suddenly he heard the words "Avada Kedavra".

"Holy Shit!" Severus murmured stunned.

Barty looked back at Severus in Triumph, "Good enough?"

Severus cleared his throat to contain himself, "Are you still not in school?"

Barty gave a disgusted look, "I left that hell hole. I stayed long enough to take O.W.L.S and packed my shit. I stayed to fulfill my mother's request. I did that and I am free now. Have I earned my meeting yet?"

"I believe you have." Severus said stunned as he called the Dark Lord.

Voldermort appeared "This had better be good." He hissed.

Both men bowed "My Lord."

"Severus whom is this?" The Dark Lord questioned looking the young man over.

"My Lord, this is 'The Barty Crouch Jr.' yes, My Lord that Barty Crouch." Severus informed in a triumphant tone.

"I assume you have found him worthy since you have called me Severus." Voldermort hissed.

Severus arched his eyebrows and pointed at the dead tramp in the alley, "He did that of his own accord. I asked him to prove himself worthy and as you can see he has no problems with unforgivables, My Lord."

Voldermort glided over to the dead woman "Yaaasss! Very excellent work indeed. Is the boy old enough?"

"My Lord, he has left school and approached me, I think he is ready to serve even at his age." Severus answered.

"Yes, I agree. His father is a plus as well. Very good work Severus. Very good." Voldermort looking at Barty like a new toy.

Barty was so excited to be accepted into the ranks of Death Eaters he waived the usual ritual wanting to be branded immediately in the alley. He was the only person Severus had ever seen who took the brand without screaming. 'This little shit is tough.' Severus thought as he watched the boy grit his teeth but never uttered a sound. He was immediately sent to Greyback for further training.

Severus was released to go home with a words of high praise. 'What a fucking relief!' Severus thought 'I didn't have to force anyone, little bastard is twisted enough to want it, I don't have to feel guilty. Thank Merlin!' these were Severus's thoughts as he apparated home made a drink and sent his silver fox to inform Dumbledore of the new member. 'One problem down, now what to do with Lily?' Severus thought. "Insufferable witch will be the death of me." He muttered into his glass. 'How can I get her to take those tests and hide my name?' Severus thought and thought he suddenly laughed "I got it! Why the hell didn't we think of this sooner?! One trip to Knockturn Alley and the problem is solved!"

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