Saving Cara

By haileyyyeve

5.8K 66 6

Cara is a 17 year old girl who had lost her dad. She's a cheerleader and track star also in photography. She'... More

Double trouble:
Dress Picking:
All Alone:
Beat up:
Bound to Cameron:
Its So Hard:
Fragile Like Glass:
Worst Wedding:
Fist Fight:
One Month:
Im Sorry:
He's Gone:

School Day:

506 7 1
By haileyyyeve


My alarm blared from under my pillow taking me out of sleep. I look at my phone to see I've got a text from Cameron.

'Morning babe! Can't wait to see you!'

I smile and get up only in shorts and a tank top. I put on a green jumper that compliments my black wavy hair that flows to my waist. I put my hair into a waterfall braid and grab my backpack and walk down the stairs.

"Morning Cara!" My mom says cooking eggs for Tim.

"Morning Cara." Tim grunts.

"Bye." Is all I said and went into the driveway to see Cameron parked there. I open the door and get in.

"Hey." Cameron says and gives me a kiss. He starts to drive and he puts his hand on my thigh way too high.


We both get out of the car and Cameron grabs my hand, like he's claimed me or something. We walk hand in hand to my locker.

"Hey Cara!" I hear Reagan say next to me.

"Hey!" I say smiling and Cameron puts his arm around my waist after I grabbed stuff from my locker.

"So Tyler is having a party today! Wanna come?" She asks me and Cameron's grip gets tighter.

"Um, we'd love to!" I reply "Cameron can pick both of us up. Right, Cameron?" I turn my head towards Cameron and he nods.

"Yeah, sure. Anything for you."


I walk into class right when the bell rings. I sit down near the back of the class.

"Okay." Mr. Asher sighs and says to himself "we are going to have a new student which should probably be here soon." He mumbles to the class while trying to organize his desk.

"Uh..." a deep voice says and everyone turns their head to look at the goddess at the door.

"Grayson!" Mr. Asher said and clapped his hands once. "Sit next to Cara." He stated. "She's all the way in the back. Cara wave." I wave once and he smiles and sits next to me.

"I'm Gr-" I cut him off.

"Grayson. I know." I smile softly at him.


Once the bell rings I pack my stuff and stand up. Grayson caught up with me.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask laughing and he chuckles nervously.

"Could you show me to my next class?" He asks handing me his schedule.

"Well, I'll be damned." I Say to myself "you have all but one class with me." He couldn't say anything when I felt Cameron wrap his arm tightly around my hips.

"Who's this?" Cameron asks, jealousy filled in his voice.

"This is Grayson. Grayson this is Cameron, my boyfriend." I state to both of them.

"Great." Cameron says "come on." Cameron pushes me with his arm to move. I look back at Grayson, he looks like he wants to help me but he's glued to his spot.

"What did you do that for!" I whisper yelled at Cameron at my locker.

"He was looking at you like he wanted you!" He said angrily. "Do you like him?" He asks.

"Really?" I say grabbing my books.

"So you do!" He yells and people start to stare. I grab his arm and shove him into an empty class.

"Don't yell at me Cameron, especially in the halls." I set my books down on the table.

"Answer my question." He forcefully says and turns me around forcefully making me lean against the old teachers desk.

"No." I say "I don't." I look into his eyes of Fire that start to cool a bit. He grabs a side of my neck and kisses me hungrily. He starts to rub my thigh and go up more. "We have to go." I break from the kiss right when the bell rings.

"Can't we just finish?" He begs "you are already late." He smirks and starts to kiss down to my neck sucking on them roughly and holding onto my neck.

"No." I Say a little breathless and he gets off of me.

"You owe me." He says looking at me up and down "tonight." He says and leaves.


Me and Reagan walk together to my locker to leave school.

"So..." she starts and leans against the locker next to her. "How are you and Cameron?" She asks smirking.

"We're fine." I exhale.

"Speak of the devil." She looks off and I stare at what she sees. Cameron and Grayson look like they're arguing. Cameron hits Grayson and I run to them.

"Cameron, what the hell!" I yell and look at Grayson's face who is still standing, surprisingly. Cameron grabs my arm tightly squeezing all the blood circulation to be gone. "What the hell has gotten into you!?" I yell at Cameron when we get outside ready for practice. He shoves me against the brick wall and grabs my shoulders.

"Why do you have to care about him more than me!" He yells at me close to my face.

"Why do you have to be so jealous!?" I pushed his hands off my shoulder and tried to leave when he grabbed me by my waist and slammed me harder against the wall. "What-" I couldn't finish my sentence when I felt him hit me in my gut where the cheer suit could cover. I leaned over in pain and held my stomach.

"If you tell anyone I will do it again." He threatens me and grabs my hand and drags me to the football field. "Now, you're going to go do your dumbass cheer practice that makes you look like a slut while I practice." He stormed off to the football stadium and I stood there in disbelief, still holding my stomach in pain.

"You okay?" I hear Reagan's voice.

"I'm fine." I say not looking at her and rub a tear from my eye. "I'll be there in a second." I say.

"Okay?" She says and I hear her footsteps leave. I turn around and start to walk to practice.


After practice was done we went into our lockers to change. I took off my top and Reagan pulled it back down quickly.

"What!?" I Say to Reagan.

"You have a big ass bruise!" She whisper yells.

"I hit it against my counter table." I said taking bit off again and putting on my white shirt sleeved shirt and grey joggers.

"I saw Grayson on the field." Reagan said to me as we packed our clothes into a go-bag.

"Really?" I said surprised.

"Yeah, he was pretty good." She smiles "maybe he'll be the new captain." She chuckles.

"Maybe." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Are we getting a ride from Cameron?" She asked.

"No, my mom is picking us up." I grab my phone and call Mom.

'Yes honey?' My mom says to me

'Could you pick me and Reagan up from cheer?' I asked Mom

'No, but Tim can!' She said sounding hopeful

'Fine.' I Say and hang up.

"Tims picking us up." I told Reagan

"Okay." She says and we walk out of the locker room to the parking area.

"Cara!" I hear an angry voice, I turn and see Cameron. "I thought I was going to drop you off?" Cameron said

"My mom said Tim had to pick me up." I turn to see Tim pull up and I start to walk when Cameron grabbed my arm turning me around.

"I'm sorry." He said looking into my eyes "I love you." He said and hugged me. I didn't really hug back I just touched his sides and let go. "I'll pick you up tonight?" He asks.

"I can't," I start and look back at Tim who is texting and Reagan is in the back.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I don't feel good." I said trying to leave but his grip got harder "Cameron, stop." I said pushing his hands off of me. "I just need rest." I said

"Maybe I could come over? Take care of you." He urged to come over.

"I don't know." I said and I heard Tim honk "fucking wait Tim!" I yelled at Tim.

"I love you." He said raising his eyebrows, I nodded my head and hopped into the car.

"How was practice?" Tim asked on his phone while driving.

"Do you even know what I do!?" I yelled and saw Reagan try not to laugh.

"Basketball?" He wondered, I scoffed and turned up the music really loud to a song me and Reagan both like.


Me and Reagan sat in my room, on my bed.

"Me and my step-dad get along." Reagan said out of the blue.

"Because your dad couldn't love you as much as step-dad does. Time just wants sex, money, and a house." I stated.

"Do you ever hear them?" She asks laying on her back like me.

"Why do you want to know?" I chuckle.

"I heard my dad and mom doing it." She chuckles "oh, Max! I'm almost there, I'm almost there!" She imitates Max and Suzy having sex.

"That's gross." I said.

"But you and Cam-" I cut her off.

"Stop!" I yelled playfully and covered her mouth. Her mumbled moans through my hand made both of us laugh. There was a knock on my door and we both went silent. "Go away Tim!" I yelled since he's the only one here. The door creaked open and there was Cameron standing at my door with a tiny stuffed animal, food, and ice cream.

"I'm just gonna go outside?" Reagan left me but before she did she gave me a wink.

"I got you stuff since you didn't feel good." He said and put the stuff down on my bed.

"Is that all it was for?" I asked.

"No." He sighed and sat on my bed, holding my hand. "I'm sorry for hurting you." He said caressing my hand with his thumb. "And for calling you a slut." He said smiling. Before I could say I don't forgive him he put his hand on my cheek and I flinched. He kissed me roughly and got on top of me, pushing me back. Every time I tried to push him up he would always over power me and push me down.

"Ca-" before I could say his name he interrupted me.

"Stop denying you want it." He says angrily and started to nibble and bite at my neck softly.

"Reagan and Tim are down stairs." I said trying to push him off of me a little but he wouldn't budge. He bit down a little harder and I hissed in pain, he pressed down on my bruise and I almost yelled in pain. "Stop!" I yelled and he got off of me "are you some kind of vampire!" I say sarcastically with a yell and held my neck.

"Don't give me that shit!" He said "you know you wanted it! You probably jump every guy, so why don't you jump me!" He said.

"Get out!" I yelled. I was now face to face with him and he held my neck softly with one hand wrapped around it. "What is wrong with you!" I yell "who are you!" He squeezed tighter and I gasped, he let go and pushed me making me stumble back. Reagan peeked her head through my door.

"I got to go." She said "are you going to be okay alone?" She asked me and I nodded "if you get feeling worse call me." She said about to leave.

"Reagan, did you hear anything we said?" I asked her and she nodded her head no and left. I went into the bathroom to see I had tiny bite marks and hickeys along with a tiny bruise around my neck.


At night I started to cry. I couldn't hold it in. Cameron has become a monster! My phone blew up with texts from him constantly now.

I stayed up until one o' clock not being able to sleep, but just cry. Cry like a pathetic baby.

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