An Heir

By Vanhessa

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Book One of the Heritage Series Imogene is thirteen, and for the past six years her life has been the most co... More

Part One- Awakenings and Beginnings
Part Two- Books and Photographs
Part Three- A Meeting with Snakes
Part Four- In Sickness and in the Absence of Health
Part Five- My Mistress
Part Six- Wanted: Invisibility... or not
Part Seven- Professor Boggart
Part Eight- Insults will get you killed
Part Nine- Poison
Part Ten- The Birthmark
Part Eleven- The Curtain Rises
Part Twelve- Dreaming
Part Thirteen- Family
Part Fourteen- The Ancestral Centre
Part Fifteen- Questions left Unanswered
Part Sixteen- Regurgitation
Part Seventeen- With Morning Comes the End
Part Eighteen- Remorse, Regret and Rebirth
Part Nineteen- Failure
Part Twenty- Hallowe'en
Part Twenty One- Be the Broken or the Breaker
Part Twenty Two- claims of innocence
Part Twenty Three- Strange or Stranger
Part Twenty Four- Just a Theory
Part Twent Six- Moderate Success
Part Twenty Seven- The Faulty Patronus
Part Twenty Eight- Sick
Part Twenty Nine- Merry Christmas
Part Thirty- Happy Birthday
Part Thirty One- Chasing the Ginger Cat
Part Thirty Two- A trip to Hogsmead
Part Thirty Three- The Final Exam
Part Thirty Four- The Curtain Rises
Part Thirty Five- Fought in Desperation
Part Thirty Six- The Curtain Closes

Part Twenty Five- The Start

2.7K 88 4
By Vanhessa

“What’s your name?” He asked, his voice had a rusty quality that I knew wasn’t natural; it would be a symptom of Azkaban.

“Imogene Hydrus.” I answered truthfully, watching his eyes travel as I spoke.

You can trust him.” Sthyss assured me gently in my ear; the weight of him comforted me.

I kno-” I stopped myself from continuing realising how rude I was being. “I'm sorry, its habit,” I explained, tempted to smile but knowing that that really wouldn't be the right reaction given the circumstances; however that didn’t stop him from narrowing his eyes or his brow from creasing.

“Most people wouldn't be so forthright with a murderer.” He croaked, Sthyss whispered something else in my ear and I couldn’t help but smile.

“No I suppose most people wouldn't, me included, but you aren’t a murderer.” I was now positive, that and Sthyss had just told me.

“Really? And whatever would make you think that? Surely you read the papers?”

“I do but people make mistakes, I don't believe for a second that you killed anyone.” My faith disturbed even me so, the look on his face of utter shock was not surprising.

“He told you that?” He finally said, gesturing to Sthyss, I didn’t reply but rather waited for him to reply, but he just watched me.

“Mr Black I'm not wrong, but I'm obviously here for a reason. Why?”

“You should ask your friend.” He sounded surly, but again I noticed that his tone seemed to be dulled.

Sthyss?” I turned my head to look at him.

You need to help him Imogene.” His flat face was deathly serious, and his tone matched.

It could be dangerous and how?” I didn’t have any sort of way of helping this man; I didn’t even know what he wanted.

He’s searching for a man inside the castle, except this man isn't always a man.”

“What’s he saying?” Black asked me suddenly and my eyes darted to his, I couldn’t tell what colour they were in the dark but they had the look mine did after the full moon- dead but wary.

“He’s saying that I should help you.” I lifted an eyebrow, “though I'm not sure what I could possibly help you with.” Sthyss had obviously somehow communicated with Mr Black otherwise I wouldn't have been there, and why would I be alive if he hadn’t?

“You’re a student up at the school.” He muttered, “And there is something in the school that I'm looking for.”

“You mean someone?” I asked.

“That is not any of your business.” He said sharply

“If it isn't then why am I helping you?!” I demanded and his face went dark and a wand appeared in his hand.

“I could kill you, it really wouldn't be hard.” He breathed, his mouth barely moving, for a single masochistic moment I almost laughed- a grin twitched at the corner of my mouth.

“You won't. And if you do I can guarantee Sthyss here will kill you faster than you can raise your wand.” I was playing a dangerous game. He became completely silent and completely still- he was barely breathing, unlike me who was squirming with discomfort.

“Mr Black, thank you.” I said suddenly, his face contorted into a look of befuddlement.

“What for?” He asked, his face still not relaxing, but changing into a look of suspicion that was almost comical.

“For saving my life, unfortunately I didn’t get the opportunity to thank you for it at the time.”

“So that was you…” He concluded, the silence resumed and I stroked Sthyss absent-mindedly, I sort of wanted to ask what he wanted me to do for him, besides looking for someone- someone I was guessing to be Peter Pettigrew.

“Mr Black-”

“-Call me Sirius.”

“Okay. Did you know my parents?” I asked quietly, they probably would have been at the school at the same time, and Professor Lupin had said that he had had several unfriendly encounters with them.

“Your mother Helena yes, she was my cousin, though I wouldn't place you as her daughter, you look nothing alike.” I was hoping that that was a good thing, even though I knew my mother had been very beautiful, I didn’t really want to be associated with my parents any more than was necessary.

“So then why did you save me?” I almost added that it had been a full moon but I didn’t trust him that much.

“I don't know.” He muttered; dropping his head and looking to the side, his hands clasped in his lap and his hair hanging limply in strands over his face. “I’d seen you earlier that night and hidden from you, but then I saw that snake in the forest,” He pointed at Sthyss who had become very still “And for some reason I felt like he wanted me to follow him, I'm not sure why but I did- and then I found you on the doorstep.” He looked confused but he couldn’t have been as confused as I was. “I didn’t know who you were until you told me your name a few minutes ago.”

Again we sat in silence and I listened to the hollow whistling and moaning of the Shrieking Shack, watching Sirius Black the whole time. He’d stowed his wand back away in his striped prison robes and was leaning with his elbows on his knees, looking exhausted and far away from the dingy little room.

“I know you aren’t guilty, Mr- Sirius.” I corrected myself swiftly. He looked up and frowned, his forehead looking like it would have to be ironed to remove the creases.

“How would you know that?” He asked seemingly giving up on a tone of suspicion or surprise and instead donning one of blank cynicism.

“I had a dream- well not a dream, a memory…” I silently supposed that it wasn’t really a memory either because I wouldn't have been in that funny little throne room at the time, I hoped that it was someone’s memory. “… In it, Peter Pettigrew-”

“-What do you know about Peter Pettigrew?!” He burst suddenly, making me jump. He had leapt up out of his seat and looked- well not quite angry but rather… murderous and for the first time that evening I was truly terrified.

“He’s the one who told Voldemort where Harry’s parents were hiding.” I told him quickly, hoping that the death that glittered back at me out of those eyes was not directed at me, even though I knew Sthyss, who was now staring down Sirius, would kill him in an instant should he try to kill me.

“You saw this in your dream?” He asked intensely and I nodded quickly.

“Yeah, my father brought Peter Pettigrew before Voldemort and then Peter told Voldemort where Harry’s parents were.”

“You saw Voldemort?”

“It was only a dream.” I told him, indicating that I didn’t want to talk about it.

“Will you help me find him?” Sirius asked and without any thought at all I nodded, not considering for a second that he might have been referring to Voldemort.

“Although I wouldn't know where to begin.” I admitted, momentarily he looked at me intensely then turned to look out between a crack in the boards.

“You could begin by helping me get into Gryffindor commons, although I expect you’re in Slytherin; what with your parents...” I could see from my chair his jaw clench as he moved away to the window.

“I am, but I have… had friends in Gryffindor, I could try getting the password off one of them.”

“Are you still friends with these people? Would they give you the password if you aren’t?” He was just full of questions, much like his eyes which had filled with saturated hope.

“I'm not, and they won't, but it’s about time that I said sorry anyway.”

“Then I’ll meet you after Christmas.” He said.

“You’re going into hiding?” I asked not expecting an answer until he nodded.

“Forgive me for not telling you where; but its best that you know as little as possible.” He seemed uneasy trusting me but I believed that there was a hint of relief in his voice.

“I understand,” I said, standing. “But I suggest that you don't be here on Christmas eve.”

“I won't be.” He said then turned to me, looking confused. “Why not?”

“Full moon; Professor Lupin might not take you being here too well.” I explained.

“Are you always so free with other people’s secrets?” He asked sternly and I felt reprimanded.

“No, but I knew you knew.”

“How?” He had one eyebrow cocked and his arms folded in front of him, he was leaning gently back on the wall.

“You can’t be friends with a werewolf for years and not eventually realise what they are.” I answered quietly.

“Do your friends know about you?” He asked abruptly as way of rebuttal and I looked down at my shoes.

“I don't keep friends for very long.” I told him sadly, lifting the hatch into the passageway, even as I did a blur of orange sped past my ankles. “Crookshanks?!” I exclaimed, following the mass of ginger fur on its way towards Sirius who smiled.

“Crookshanks?” he asked in obvious disbelief, “his name is Crookshanks?”

“Yeah he’s Hermione’s cat,” I frowned and looked up, realising that he wouldn't know who Hermione was. “Please don't tell me he’s an animagus too?”

“No.” He chuckled. “Although this cat does appear to be trying to help me as well…” I smiled at the cat and went over to pick it up out of Sirius’ arms, planning to take it back with me- perhaps even to use it as a way to begin my apology to Hermione when something occurred to me.

“Peter Pettigrew…” I began and Sirius looked up at me, “he’s hiding in Gryffindor… and he’s an animagus. Is his other form a rat?” I asked, my brain was piecing things together rapidly and I had just figured out what I was looking for- and what I was going to have to do.

“Yes it is. You’ve seen him?” He asked sounding morbidly ecstatic.

“More times than I can count,” I informed him as I lifted Crookshanks up and held him away from Sthyss. “Do you want to get down?” I asked him as Crookshanks fidgeted uncomfortably in my arms and Sthyss nodded in the corner of my eye before smoothly flowing down my back, onto the floor. I turned and headed back down to the trap door, I was stopped by the scraggy prisoner before I could step in though.

“Please don't tell anyone.” There was real pleading in his eyes as I looked up.

“I won't...” I tried smiling, but I was knackered, and relaxed as I had become- my attention had been drawn back to my scales. “I’m really not that free with other people’s secrets. I have enough of my own.”


The castle was still empty when I'd finally waded through the snow to the ginormous doors that opened up into the entrance hall. It was only a short walk from there to the Slytherin commons which were now also empty and not just empty but seemingly devoid of all living things. Only when I reached the upper reaches of the school and it became lighter did I run into people. Before I'd left the shack Sirius had told me that he’d meet me in the Shrieking Shack on the third of December, a date that would suit him better than me since it was the last night of the cycle and I'd be feeling like shit.

Crookshanks was still in my arms and had begun purring contentedly, Sthyss was still trailing behind me and people looked at me slightly apprehensively as we went by. My back was becoming intolerable and I had about a half an hour before Hermione and Ron would get back from Hogsmead, so for perhaps the first time in the many months I’d been attending Hogwarts- I went of my own accord to the Hospital wing.

Would you mind if I hunted?” Sthyss asked me and I stopped; turning to face him.

No- although I would like it if you came back afterwards.” I told him and he nodded before slithering tight against the wall down the hallway. Frowning, I diverged slightly from the doors of the Hospital wing and went to the nearest window sill.

“Can you stay here Crookshanks?” I asked the scruffy mess as I placed him down on the slightly warmer windowsill and he seemed to understand because he curled into a ball and closed one of his eyes- leaving the other one open and watching me as I walked away and into the infirmary.

I spotted the matron near the other end of the wing attending to a patient- a girl of around sixteen whose arm was hanging at an extremely unnatural angle. I could hear her whimpers as Madame Pomfrey put the limb back into its socket with a sharp tap from her wand- I also heard the pop as it slid back into alignment. The girl looked like she was about to pass out but to her credit didn’t, even though she turned ghastly pale and cried out. I'd done the same to myself so many times previously that I knew what it felt like. I stood and waited patiently, noticing as Madame Pomfrey finished the snow falling from the heavens outside with more persistence- a sure sign of the Christmas that was arriving in a week.

“Imogene?” I turned at the sound of my name and faced Madame Pomfrey who wore an expression of mild surprise, masked by concern.

“Are you alright my dear?” she asked when I didn’t answer and I nodded hurriedly.

“I was hoping that you’d be able to do something about my back,” I asked, my voice hushed.

“Your back?” she asked, her head creasing.

“Scales.” I whispered as quietly yet audibly as possible.

“Oh” she mouthed and I nodded, she took me to her office and waited patiently as I closed the door behind me.

“Alright, shirt off and let me have a look.” She commanded her tone imperative.

“I’ve been finding it terribly uncomfortable,” I began elaborating, “I think that the cold is having some effect, they’re almost always either aching or itchy.”

“I have something that can help- I'm sure of it.” She went to a cabinet to the side of the room and took out a small flask filled to the top with a thick golden syrupy-looking liquid. “This should warm it up a bit and soothe the aching. I'm not sure if I can do anything about the itching though,” she took an eyedropper from the second drawer in the desk and instructed me to lean over while she dropped it on. I hissed as it stung when it made contact with my scales and my back tensed involuntarily, continuing to apply the brew until my back relaxed and the pain subsided.

“Thank you Madame Pomfrey.” I said as I slipped my shirt back over my head.

“That’s okay.” She answered hurriedly, she was looking a little wide eyed and I made a mental note to look at my birthmark in the mirror later that night. “Just look after yourself Imogene.” She added as I reached for the handle; I turned and smiled my thanks again and left the wing.

Sthyss was waiting outside for me, paused in a picturesque way next to the fluffy orange ball of fury, who was purring contentedly in the sunlight I might add; as he rested on his hind quarters looking inquisitively up at me.

It seems the school is being re-inhabited.” Sthyss remarked and directed me to the window, where I saw that he was right, everyone was returning from Hogsmead.

You were going to tell me something?” I asked Sthyss as we carried on towards the fourth floor where the Gryffindor Tower was situated at a sauntering pace. Crookshanks was still following me and this gave me the opportunity to allow Sthyss up around my body till he reached my abdomen.

I think perhaps it’s time you knew more about Voldemort, it would appear that your life may come to depend on what you know.” He sounded very serious, which I suppose it was.

Before I came to find you I offered myself to him, believing that he was the heir I had been told to watch over.”  

But he wasn’t?” I interrupted.

No, but not knowing that at the time I did so…” he paused and seemed to be slightly distressed before continuing. “He sought to inhabit my body with a part of his soul Imogene- dark magic like you wouldn't believe, he almost killed me.” Again Sthyss paused.

You don't have to-” I began but he carried on.

I ran away from him- I have never been so scared of a being in my life.” He gulped- a very un-snakelike thing to do. “About a year later I heard from another that Voldemort had found another living vessel for his soul- another snake, named Nagini. I have met that snake on one occasion and the bond that it shares with that demon of a man is so complex and perfect that If she sees you he will know that you are alive.” I began to get more than a little scared then.

You think he is too?

Without a doubt,” Sthyss replied and turned his head away slightly. “I’m sorry I withheld this from you, it could have cost you your life had you met her.

It was then that I realised that he hadn’t realised that I had met her or that she’d almost gotten me to drink unicorn blood.

Sthyss I did meet her.” I explained and he whipped his head around staring into my eyes.

She saw you? As you?” He asked, evidently startled.

Yes, she tried to make me kill a unicorn, said something about making me immortal, she was pretending to be you, that’s why I was unsure in the Shack.” I elaborated and watched him nod slowly.

You understand why you mustn’t do this?” He asked and I nodded.

Yes, to drink the blood of a Unicorn is to curse yourself, only a fool or a desperate monster does such a thing,

I was just making sure.” He added, hissing contently as I waited.

I knew that Hermione would have to come past here in order to reach the commons and that it would be an almost perfect place to catch her on her way; what I wasn’t expecting was for Harry Potter to appear from behind the statue looking like he’d just been throwing up slugs.

“Harry?” I asked without thinking- concerned more than anything. “Are you okay?” I was genuinely worried, he was paler than I was on a full moon and there was something hard and unforgiving about his eyes.

“What do you care?” He snapped and I froze in my tracks.

“I care because you look awful, what’s wrong?” I asked, I was hoping that my eyes were conveying the level of concern I was feeling. He huffed and my frown deepened.

“Why should I even speak to you Imogene, after the things you said to Hermione.”

“I didn’t mean those things Harry, I was tired and ill and…” I saw the stony expression on his face and let my head drop. “…And apparently no excuse is going to work.” I turned and lifted Crookshanks gently, his fur giving under my fingers like cotton wool. “At least give him to Hermione for me, I found him outside, I thought she might not want him getting ill.” I muttered and passed the cat into his seemingly uninterested hands, Sthyss curled around me a little tighter for support and I headed off towards Slytherin commons.

“You know she doesn’t hate you.” I span at the sound of him calling to me just as I was about to mount the staircase.

“Can you tell her I’m sorry Harry?” I asked. More students had started walking past us and there was almost twenty students milling around the corridor.

“Yeah…sure.” He called even as I walked away.

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