The Lost One: Swept Away

By praise0210

211 62 100

"There is no much time left. Keep this with you." Saying this he handed her a photo of both of them at the mi... More

Author's Note
Prologue Part One

Prologue Part Two

58 16 44
By praise0210

It was the September of 2000.

Summers were over in the city and a slight wave of winter blew upon it. Even though it did not start snowing, the temperatures dropped quite low and people started to wear warm layers of clothes.

Jasper as usual was in school, wondering when the recess bell would ring and she would get to run out to the playground. There was another reason why she desperately waited for the recess bell to ring and that was because of her new friend, Eric.

Eric and she had become best pals right from their first meet. Eric stayed a few blocks away from her house but he came with his bicycle to play with her every day. He learnt so many things about Jasper and her native place India. Jasper's Mom would also cook some of the Indians dishes for Eric and he developed a taste bud for some of the Indian dishes as well.

Eric's school was next to Jasper's preprimary school and both the schools shared a common playground. So whenever the recess bell would ring, both of them would run out of their classes to meet each other. They had so many things to tell each other and every passing day, life was getting happier and happier for little Jasper.

But today was a bit different. Something very unusual was going to happen which both of them had no idea about.

When everyone was busy with their work, slowly the cold breeze started to blow, mild and gentle at first but slowly increasing the pressure.

People pulled their jackets close around them, pulling their scarves closer to protect themselves from the chill.

Eric was swinging Jasper on the swing and she was adorably giggling with each swing. Suddenly she sneezed loudly and Eric had to stop the swing for a while. When her sneezing did not stop, Eric had to take her inside the school building.

"I'm feeling cold." She said with trembling voice just above a whisper. Eric noticed that she was shivering and her hands and feet had turned cold so he wrapped her with his thick woolen jacket.

"That's much better." He said and she smiled feebly.

Suddenly a loud thunder bolt struck the skies and the loud noise made Jasper flinch in fright. She jumped behind Eric clutching his arm in fear. He held her tight even though he was scared of the thundering. The same reaction was seen on the other kids.

Next, the rain started falling heavily and the skies turned black. One by one, thunders roared along with scary lightning making the kids cry in fright. Teachers had to move the kids back to the classrooms for safety. Some tried to calm the kids and the others took attendance. Eric refused to go back to his school even though the teachers forced him too.

"She's new to this place and she's afraid of the thunder. Please let me stay with her." He pleaded and the teacher agreed.

Outside, the rains started to fall heavily flooding the streets making it difficult for traffic to move. The roadside drains started to overflow and it became difficult to move the vehicles through the waters. Traffic had to slow down and traffic police maintained the discipline on the roads.

Slowly the rains turned into a flood and a storm was on the verge of coming. The news reporters continuously gave warnings of the upcoming storm as informed by the meteorological department.

"The New York city is under a continuous rainfall for five hours since afternoon and the weather department has predicted that there are chances of a storm to take place in the next two or three hours. It is requested that you kindly stay inside your houses or in safety places like buildings. Try not to come on the streets as the wind pressure is rising dangerously making it difficult to travel safely."

The television screens kept on blaring the same news and instructions continuously. Jasper's parents were sore afraid of the weather outside and they tried to reach to their daughter but the Life Guards and other securities told them to stay indoors as it would be very dangerous to travel outside.

The teachers called the parents and informed them on the phone that their kids were safe. Jasper on the other hand was crying loudly unable to control her feelings together. She had never experienced such a scary incident before and Eric kept telling her that everything would be fine. Jasper fell asleep after some time and Eric started to sob silently because he too remembered his family and was very afraid that he would never meet them again.

The storm kept on growing stronger and stronger and soon the waters entered the buildings. Kids panicked and the teachers tried to calm the kids down but the kids were screaming and crying loudly making it difficult to maintain order. One of the grade 1 boy Lucas opened the classroom door and was trying to escape but what happened next was not so pleasant. The waters accumulated in the corridors suddenly gushed inside the classrooms and everyone cried in fear. Teachers were telling the kids to climb on the desks but the kids were in chaos.

Just then a huge wave entered the building causing the little kids to drown. Everything was in utter chaos and disorder.

Taking the chance, Eric pulled the trembling Jasper towards the staircase. The waters kept on rising higher and higher and both the kids had only one hope, that is, the terrace. In the classrooms below, cries and screams of fear could be heard and Jasper had to close her ears from the terrifying sound.

The rains were pouring so heavily, that the raindrops hit the kids' face like painful flicks. Jasper was crying silently by now and Eric was scared to death thinking of what would happen next.

Meanwhile, Jasper's and Eric's parents were unable to travel through the flood. The telephone lines were destroyed by the storm diminishing the little contact they had with the school. Prayers were made over the loudspeakers and verses from the Bible were read out.

Tear stricken faces were seen everywhere and there was no way that the storm would stop anytime soon. Raging waves washed away the small houses and the ground floor and first floor were under water now. Jasper's parents prayed earnestly for their daughter's safety. They went over the terrace because their house was completely under water now.

All around them, cars were floating, some having lives inside them which they couldn't save. Screams over screams were heard everywhere but not one of them were answered.

Soon the entire place was filled with bodies and every person alive over the rooftops cried with all their hearts but no one did hear them. They could see their loved ones, neighbors and friends dying in front of their eyes but they could do nothing about it.

So many of the kids were washed away in the storm and Jasper couldn't bear to see such a dreadful sight.

"I really want to see Mom" she said with a trembling voice. She looked at Eric with longing eyes but even he could do nothing about it. They were in a very hopeless situation.

"They will be fine, Jessy." He whispered in her hair and that was enough to give the little give a little more courage.

Far away a very large wave came galloping, washing away whatever came in its way mercilessly. Jasper hid her face in Eric's jacket and he put his hand around her. The school was just two stories high, ground and first floor. Very little hope was left for the kids' to save themselves from this terrifying storm. The waters kept rising higher and soon the entire school building was under water. When the water started to accumulate on the terrace, the only hope left was the water tank which was kept on a platform above the terrace. The two kids moved their shivering bodies towards the staircase to the water tank and stayed there holding tightly to the railings of the staircase.

Thundering and lightning made the situation far more scarier and no tears and prayers could stop this calamity that arose in the beautiful city. After a while the rains seemed to recede but the waves kept on coming one after the other. It was past mid night now and rescue helicopters started to hover over the place.

Some ray of hope made its way into the kids' heart and they started to shout loudly for the helicopters to see them. But every helicopter that hovered over the school building couldn't hear the kids nor could they see them. Eric sighed in defeat and punched the water tank in anger.

None of them talked much because their minds were filled with worries and thoughts about their families. Jasper's eyes started to grow heavier and she yawned again and again. Eric made her sit on the platform and rested her head upon his lap.

When Jasper's breathing turned calm, Eric started to think of the many things that might have happened at home. He remembered how he fought with his brother before coming to school that day, how he had been disobedient to Mom and Dad and how he played pranks on the neighbors son, Matt. Remembering all of this made him sob.

And for the first time in his 7 year old life, he cried. He cried bitterly thinking that he would never be able to see his parents again, never be able to make amends to his brother nor be able to ask forgiveness from Matt. He would do anything to see his family's face again but he felt helpless. Soon his train of thoughts dimmed and his eyes closed.

A sudden loud sound woke both of them and they realized the situation they were in. Jasper sat up straight and Eric immediately stood to see the shock which was awaiting them. The staircase under them disappeared and only the platform under them was left without water. Shivers passed down Eric's spine as he realized the depth of danger they were in.

Everything around them had turned into a deafening silence with no terrifying cries and ear deafening screams. Most of the kids were drowned and their lifeless bodies were seen floating from place to place. Jasper and Eric were the only souls alive in the school and it was a relief as well as a painful feeling.

Jasper left all hopes of rescue and waited for dear life to end. Even though her childish mind couldn't bear the amount of trouble that came her way, she knew that very little time was left for her life to end.

A gigantic goliath like dark wave suddenly came towards them causing the kids to drown. Jasper went completely under water as he cried for help and Eric held unto the railings with one hand and with the other pulled Jasper above the water. Coughing and sneezing and breathing heavily, Jasper thought her life was over just a few seconds ago.

The waves kept hitting them from all sides until they were merely above the water. They kept their faces above the water and just to make sure that Jasper doesn't wash away Eric held her hand tightly under the water. The force of the wind and waves was too strong for Eric to hold both of them any longer.

Eric was washed to the other side of the staircase and he was completely exposed to the open sea that had formed around. Jasper at least had the platform beneath her feet and she caught Eric's hand with one hand and with the other held unto the railings. She was unfortunate that she couldn't swim and her feet felt way too heavier under the ice cold water.

When he realized that he couldn't hold much longer, he looked at Jasper from between the railings and said, "Jessy, you know that you are my best-est friend right?"

She was confused at the sudden question but then her mind snapped into realization of the question.

"Yes, of course Eric." She said, her voice below a whisper.

"Promise me that you will never forget me in your life." He said with pleading eyes.

"I promise. I have never met a person like you. And I will never forget you. Never." She assured him squeezing their hands under the water.

"There is no much time left. Keep this with you." Saying this he handed her a photo of both of them at the mini Jurassic park.

Jasper gasped at his words and when the reality of his words sank into her, she began to cry.

Eric couldn't hold his emotions any longer and he too started to cry. They moved closer to each other until heads touched slightly through the railings and wept bitterly.

"Please don't go away, Eric please." Jasper pleaded to him with teary eyes.

"I would do anything in this world for you my best friend but your safety is my priority. I'm happy as long as you are safe. And I cannot hold any longer." He said trembling and with bitterness of his heart.

His grip on the railings was getting lose and lose and at last he lost his grip.

"I love you Jessy, I always will." Were his last words before a large wave engulfed him.

Jasper tried to reach to him through the railings but her efforts were useless. She screamed loudly and kicked her feet in the water with anger. She couldn't bear the loss of her only friend who saved her till his last heartbeat.

She cried and cried but nothing helped her ease her agony. Her voice became sore and her throat started to hurt very badly but she did not cease her crying. She even banged her head on the iron railings, injuring herself but nothing was helping her. It was the first time in her life that such sorrow had arose.

Small waves kept coming her way hitting her and suffocating her but she kept holding onto the railing tightly waiting for any possible help that might come. After an hour or so, a bright light shone on her face and her sight was blinded. A loud swooshing sound came from above and before she realized it, she was carried into the air by two strong arms.

She opened her eyes to a white ceiling with Dettol smell and eerie silence. She turned her head slowly to the side and saw her Mom and Dad sitting on the chairs besides her bed. As soon as she saw them, the memories of the previous day flashed in her mind and she began to cry. Her mom rose up from the chair and hugged her. She was sobbing too. Dad took her from Mom's embrace and made her sit on his lap cuddling her close to his heart. His heart was beating calmly and this soothed her.

"Eric--" she croaked and her dad shushed her.

Every other soul alive in the New York City was in gloom. All over the streets people roamed with photos of their loved one who were lost in the flood. On Jasper's wish, her parents too carried Eric's photo in their hand and roamed in all the streets of the city in the hope that he would be found.

Jasper roamed with disheveled hair and empty stomach for the whole day for many days in search of her knight in shining armor. Her emotions were mixed and at times she couldn't keep herself together. She started punching walls, trees and at other times screamed loudly in the streets. Her parents would bring her back home and put her to sleep but she refused to sleep too. Her parents were worried about her health; with the lack of food in her stomach she was getting weaker and weaker day by day and her flawless face began to be smudged by dark circles and chapped dry lips.

The little once upon a time happy Jasper was in total dismay now when even after two weeks of searching Eric was nowhere to be found. Hospitals were turned upside down, schools, homes and refugee camps were searched but no one had even seen a face similar to his.

In total defeat and hopelessness, Jasper fell to the ground.

It dawned upon her that Eric indeed had become the lost one.

Swept away.


Hi, everyone. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I got a few hours of freedom from the bondage of studies and and here is the product of the freedom.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. If there are any mistakes do let me know. I'm glad to correct my mistakes.

Also don't forget to vote for this chapter if you like it.

And don't be a silent reader. Do comment. It's for free.

Till the next chapter



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