Friendships, Crushes and a Ph...

By Cloe95

10.1K 149 80

Christina Mason or Chris as she like to be called is just your normal teenage girl, who has a small group of... More

Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 1
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 2
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 3
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 4
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 5
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 6
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 7
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 8
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 9
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Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 11
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 12
Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 13
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Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!?
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Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 24
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Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!?
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Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!?

Friendships, Crushes and a Phsyco Killer...!? - 26

148 2 0
By Cloe95

>Chappy צוואַנציק זיבן (Yiddish for Twenty Six)<

Louise (Chris' mum) POV-

"It's been five fucking days and the police haven't found a fucking thing! I'm going to fucking complain... Jace said that Chris was staying with him for a few days but he never came home and neather did Aira, Annie, Alice, Tyson or freaking Tom!" I screamed I couldn't think straight I was so scared and affraid for my little girl, I don't know where the hell she is she hasn't answered her phone and I'm fucking distraught thing of what could of or is happening to her!

"Look Lou maybe it's just a coincidence..." Mick said shakily, I knew he was freaking out as bad as me and I knew how much he wanted to believe that it was true... He loves her like she was his own and they got on so well his heart as well as mine is going to break if she's... If she's dead.

"Oh cut the crap we both know that it's not a fucking coincidence, but the police are being ass holes and aren't doing anything about it... It's driving me fucking insane!" I yelled.

That was it he broke down... And I was not expecting that... At all! I say next to him and we both sat there just letting the tears fall, I wasn't awkward though... We were both feeling the same emotions.

Just then the sound of urgent knocking sounded on the door... I ran to the door and was not expecting what I saw.

It was Annie and some guy.

"Oh Mrs Walker it was awful... Chris.. Jace he went insane... She told me to leave and get help we ran all the way... Aria and Tyson were coming too but they couldn't... He's gone freaking insane!" she said too quickly and she was out of breath I couldn't understand anything.

"Annie... Shhh, shhh... Now tell me what happened and slowly..."

Annie's POV-

I told her everything... Ever single thing about who was killed and that Chris was almost raped... I swear she almost passed out.

Right now Mr Walker was on the phone talking to the police and Mrs Walker was collecting herself...

The police then arrived and I told them everything, we're now on our way to the school, I hope we're not too late.

>Sorry it's kind of short and crap but yeah lol please comment, vote, etc I still want to know what you think even if your just saying it crap lol

Love y'all my hot chocolates

P.S. You've probably guessed that I'm going to be drawing it to a close soon I'm sorry lol xD

Peace out

Cloe xxx<

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