One Direction Preferences

By onedirectiongirl5

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One Direction Preferences
#2 BSM: He come home from tour
#3 You have a mental disorder 3/5
#4 Sleeping

#1 He's Overprotective

687 6 0
By onedirectiongirl5

Zayn: He was on edge when you entered the large group of people, you could tell. The grip around your waist had tightened considerably, finger tips involuntarily pressing into your skin. His jawline became prominent with his clenched teeth, his breathing coming out ragged through his nostrils. Titling your head in confusion, you gently jabbed your elbow into his side. “Stay close to me,” He ordered, ignoring your gesture. “I can take care of myself,” You argued, trying to pull out of his grip but he didn’t budge. You slipped into the backseat of the open SUV, your arms linking tightly over your chest. Zayn slid in beside you, his hand laying on your thigh, which you quickly jerked away. “Y/N?” You turned your head away. A defeated sigh filled the silence. “I just want you to be safe.”

Liam: "Thanks for the tour, Y/N. I appreciate it." You nodded your head once in response to the new shop worker, a tight smile flitting to your lips. Out the shop’s glass windows, you spotted Liam’s dark car roll up on the curb. "Well, looks I have to go," You gushed to him, collecting your bag from behind the counter. "You can lock up for practice." You rushed out the door to Liam, clambering up into the passenger seat. "Hi babe," You greeted, offering a weak smile. But his eyes were already burning past you at your coworker, now strolling down the sidewalk, his hand waving madly in your direction. "Who’s that?" He inquired through clenched teeth. "New guy at work. He’s nice," You added the last part lightly. "I don’t want you talking to him," He countered just as smoothly. "You’re mine.”

Niall: Ding! The gentle sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house. Dusting your fingers off on your pants, you called over your shoulder, “I got it, Niall!” Fiddling with the ends of your hair, you tugged open the front door to face a brightly smiling delivery man, brown package in hand. “Here you go m’am,” He politely stated. You lifted it out of his grasp, placing it at your feet. “Thank you,” You murmured, hand on the edge of the door, “Do I need to sign anything?” When he shook his head no with another cheeky response, you uttered a quick dismissal, gently shutting the door. Niall was in front of you in moments, his eyebrows knitting together. “Who was that?” “Delivery man.” “What did he want?” “He delivered a package..” “What did he say to you?” “Niall!”

Harry: Your head poked around the hall into the living room, stating loudly, “Harry! I’m going out with friends here a little bit, okay?” His head turned, the phone in his hand falling into his lap as he focused in on your. Unruly curls fell over his eyes when his eyebrows furrowed, which he quickly pushed back. “Where are you going?” You shrugged, “Probably out shopping and to dinner.” His forehead creased at his inquired seriously, “Will you be okay?” “Of course I’ll be okay,” You retorted, “You don’t have to be with me all the time in order for me to be okay.” He let out a defeated sigh, strolling over to stand in front of you. “I just love you a lot okay,” He admitted, “So I want to make sure you’re safe at all times.”

Louis: You stretched all the way up on your tip toes, your fingers wiggling for the plate on top of the stack. With another surge of determination, the tips of all your fingers secured around the edge of the plate. Yet, when you pulled back to take the one with you, the whole stack came out of the cabinet. The glass plates shattered against the counter and tile flooring, earning a loud squeak. Louis had now rushed into the kitchen, his eyes wide with concern. He picked his way through the severed plate pieces, lifting you away from the sharp glass and placing you up on a clean part of the counter. “Why didn’t you ask me to help you?” He scolded harshly, inspecting the light gashes adorning your hands. Your bottom lip trembed as a single tear slipped down your cheek. “M’sorry.” He sighed, kissing away the lone tear before cuddling you into his chest. “It’s okay, just don’t want you hurt.”

Credit - louist17 tumblr. 

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