bad things

By pgsmalls

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if only you knew the bad things i liked More

new book??!?


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By pgsmalls


As I walked away from Calum, my thoughts were swirling in my head. How did she even get here? Why would Calum let her invite me over? Does he still like me? Why can't his boy just get out of my head? I opened my car door and before I could sit, I felt an arm grab me, and when I looked it was Calum.

"I'm sorry okay. I came home from work last night and all my friends were here. I didn't know she texted you until this morning after I woke up. I wouldn't do that to you."

"It's fine." I said lightly. He cupped my chin in his hand and tilted my head up towards him. "Don't be like that." I pulled away from him, and got in my car and drove away. I tried to keep myself together but I wanted to burst into tears.

Seeing her in his shirt made my heart burst in flames. My chest was practically a burning forest. Throughout church, I was quiet and didn't do much. When I got home and took a shower, after I came out, I saw a text message from Calum's mom Joy.

I heard what happened today, I'm so sorry. If you'd like, I'd really love for you to come over tomorrow so we could talk. -joy

So the next morning, I sadly got out of bed, got dressed, ate breakfast then kissed my parents goodbye and left. When I made to Joy's house, a fiery pit of sadness came in my stomach. I knocked on the door, and one of Calum's friends answered.
"Hi, I'm Ashton. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Ariana. Nice to meet you too. Even though we technically met yesterday." I said. "Sorry about that, I get nervous around pretty girls." He said making me blush. "Joy is expecting you, isn't she."
"That she is."

"She ran to the store but she'll be back. Care to join me for coffee?" I walked in and sat at the kitchen table as Ashton made us some coffee. "So, where are you guys from?"

"It's hard to explain but, basically Sydney, and no, there is no P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney address." He said making me giggle. "I want gonna ask that."

"Oh, sorry. Most Americans do."

"Calum's never even mentioned you guys. You all seem really nice." I said taking a sip of mine. "He's a dick. But he's like a brother to me. We've known each other since primary school."
"Must be nice having a life long friend like him." I said as I tried to hold back the tears.

"Listen, I don't know what happened between you and Calum. He's a jerk and you didn't deserve what happened yesterday. You're probably a great girl who's lucky to be with anyone." He said. "Thank you Ashton, that's so sweet of you to say."

"Sorry Ariana, i had to make a trip to get more diapers. Thank you Ashton for keeping her company." She said. "No problem Joy." He smiled at me before heading into Calum's room, and I blushed even more.

"How are you feeling?"

"Honestly. . . Not that good." I admitted as Joy made herself some tea. "I can't believe Jade did that to you. I honestly expected more from her, but she and Calum are just alike."

"What do you mean?"

"Their both destructive. They hurt people, sometimes they don't mean too. Calum had redeemed himself from his old ways, but Jade. . . She'll never change."

"Awe, that's so nice of you to say Joy." Jade said. She was wearing one of Calum's shirts again and hickeys all over her neck as she came and got breakfast.
"She's right though. I am very destructive, practically a home wrecker. But it's my calling."

"Don't you have someone else to bother."

"Your son, is leaving for work today, so no actually." She said disappointed. "Speak of the devil." Joy mumbled making me giggle as I sipped my drink.
"Hey mum, do we have any more laundry- What are you doing here?"

"Calum, that's no way to talk to the girls' heart you broke. I invited her over for coffee. I hope that's alright with you." She said as I just looked at him, and all the hickeys on his neck as well. "Yeah, its fine."

"Good, because I want to invite you over for dinner as well." She said causing my eyes to go wide. "Joy, I don't think that'll be necessary." I said quickly. "Oh please Ariana, I would love for you too come. I'm sure Ashton would love it if you came too." She said winking at me.

"What does Ashton have to do with anything?"

"They were flirting when I walked in the door."

"You were?" He said angrily. "We weren't, he was just being polite. Unlike some people." I said as I finished my drink. "What time should I come back?"
"Around 7. I'll see you then. Have a good day at work Calum." His mom said as she went to check on the babies.

"Have a good day at work baby." Jade said practically sucking his tongue off in front of me. "I'll see you later." He didn't pay me any attention, and just walked out the door. "Awe, are you sad? Are you gonna cry?"

"No, I'm not." I said knowing I was. "Oh get over yourself little Ms. Christian girl. From what Calum told me about your short relationship, you're never getting back together, so get over it." She said pushing past me. Tonight is gonna be a long night.


I came back that night, nervous as ever. Ashton was a gentleman and waited for me outside. He even opened my car door for me, and walked me inside.
"Ashton you're so sweet." I said pecking his cheek. "I would do anything for a pretty girl." He said winking at me. "Ariana you made it." Joy said hugging me.

"Of course, if it's anything like your last dinner, I couldn't miss it." I said. "Can you help Ashton with the salad in the kitchen please?"

"Of course." Ashton and I walked into the kitchen and began takin out all the necessities for the salad.
"I'm surprised. It must take a lot of guts to have dinner with your ex and his ex. That made no sense." Ashton said making us both laugh.

"Tell me about it."

"Hey don't fret. One day, some guy better than Calum is gonna sweep you off your feet." He said.

"Some girl is gonna be lucky to have you one day too Ashton." I replied.

"Hopefully he is really something." He said surprising me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't to offend you. I'm sorry for assuming-"

"I get it all the time. It's okay. Between you and me, he doesn't even know how I feel." He said. "I'm around him all the time and he can't take a hint. I know he isn't straight, he's Bisexual, and he talks about getting dicked down all the time."

My face turned red and Ashton just smiled even harder. "Sorry, I forget you're a little more innocent then the rest of us. But I just don't get why two amazing good looking people like us, can't get the people we like."

"So, who's the special guy?"

"Can you keep a secret?" He whispered. "Why wouldn't I?" I said. "It's Luke." He whispered in my ear. "Awe, that's so cute, you two would be perfect together."

"I know, I don't get why he doesn't seem to think so." He said as we finished. Before I could take the salad outside to the backyard, Ashton pulled me aside into the downstairs bathroom. "I have the best idea ever. It involves you and me, and if we can pull it off, you might have Calum and I might have Luke."

"Ashton, both of our. . . Persons, are either with someone else or clueless."

"I know, but. . . What if we make them jealous?"

"I don't know. I don't think that would be very-"

"Oh come on. Do you really want to sit at a dinner, at your ex's house, while he is with another girl?"
"No, but-"

"I know, you don't think God would like that. But think about you, and how you feel. I know you want Calum, and you didn't come to this dinner just because of Joy's awesome cooking." He said. "Okay, okay. . . What's your plan?"

"We date."

"But. . . You're gay."

"Tell me something I don't know." He said making us smile. "We're going to pretend. We'll be all cute and flirty, and before you know it, Calum is gonna be crawling back to you on his hands and knees."
"You really think it'll work?"

"If you trust me and follow my lead and do as I say. Okay?" I nodded my head yes and we walked out and saw Calum and Jade, making out by the pool. "Watch this." Ashton casually walked over by them, and since they weren't paying him any attention, he pushed them into the water and walked away.

"What the fuck Ashton?" Jade said complaining about her makeup falling off. He winked at me and I smiled as I set the food on the table. When Jade and Calum came back, they sat across from Ashton and I.
"So Ariana , how does it feel to be the second choice?" Jazmine asked me.

"She isn't a second choice Jazmine." Calum said.
"Well she isn't a first since you picked Jade over her, and you guys haven't been together in years."
"How's it feel to be a mum Jazmine? I heard you got knocked up again." Jade said smirking.

"Well, I'm waiting."

"Well, it played in my favor." I said causing everyone to look at me. "How did it okay in your favor?"
"I found someone else you knows how to treat me like a princess. Isn't that right Ashton?" I said leaning my head against his chest.

"You and Ashton?" Calum and Luke said standing up. "Awe, you two are so cute together." Joy said.
"From the moment I saw her, I knew she was the one for me." Ashton said kissing my cheek.

"That must suck for you Calum."

"Shut up Luca." He said eyeing us the whole time. As we ate, Calum couldn't take his eyes off of Ashton and I, as we "flirted" the whole time. "I think it's working." He whispered in my ear, as I pretended he said something funny and giggled. "I hate to say 'tis but you guys are really cute together." Michael said causing Luke and Calum to frown at him.

I grabbed Ashton's bicep and rested my head against his arm, and he lightly pecked my forehead. The over all dinner was amazing. Joy made such a delicious meal, I got to take some home. "Thank you Joy, tonight was amazing."

"Thank you for coming, I hope I see you again soon." She said winking at me. Ashton and I walked inside holding hands, and he walked me to my car, where Calum was waiting for me. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow princess." Ashton said kissing my cheek.
"I can't wait."

"She has church tomorrow. You don't even go to church." Calum said. "Might as well start. Not everyone is against religion Calum. Goodnight beautiful." He said walking back inside. I tried to open the car door, but Calum wouldn't let me.
"What kind of shit was that?"

"Don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You just met my friends yesterday and now all of a sudden your dating one?"

"Yes I am, and it's none of your business, now if you'll excuse me, I have to get home." I set the food in the car before he pinned me against the door.
"You're mine, not his, so break it off. He can't even compare to me."

"He can compare. He's nice, and smart, and knows how to really treat me. He'd never break up with me and hurt me like you did, and in case you've forgotten, I'm not yours. I'm not some filthy little possession like Jade is to you, so don't try to make me feel bad for being happy when you broke my heart." I said.

It caught him off guard, I can tell. He wasn't expecting me to have a response like that. "I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please just, break up with him. I can't stand to see you with another guy, especially my best friend. You're supposed to be my princess."

"Well I'm not. I'm not something you can throw away and come back to when you want to Calum. I'm a human being, with feelings." I said. He just have me a blank look, before storming into his house and slamming the door. I got in my car and drove off feeling more confident than I ever have before.

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