Past Comes Back

By allmytomorrows

77.9K 1.3K 172

NCIS:los angeles!! What will happen when Kensi past comes back. Will it bite her in the ass? Or will it be t... More

Past comes back
P2: First Kiss
P3: Miss. Jones
P4: girl and the house
P5: The unspeakable
P6: Settling in
P7: Sparks fly
P8: Love, followers & Zoe
P9: Truth about Toby
P10: Sofia and Jack
P11: The Finding
P12: Trip to the Hospital
P13: The Wait
Authors note
P14: Kensi & sofia talk
P15: Home time
P16: Bigger on the inside
P17: First Real Talk
P18: First Day Back
P19: Talk To Hetty
P20: Did She Say That ?
P21: Test? I Dont Like Tests
P22: New For A While
P23: Little Girls Diary
P25: The Beach!
P26: Just My Luck
P27: Its Tomorrow, I Forgot
P28: Like Being On TV
Authors Note
P29: Dad Moad Activated
Not A Chapter But Read!
P30: Allways Makes Me Smile
Authors Note
P31: Guys Night Out
P32: Confession & Authors Note
P33: So Cute
P34: Densi Date
P35: Pancakes & Beach
P36: Another Day Another Case
Random One-Shot
Authors Note
Tell Me About Her
P37: Dead Men Tell No Tails
P38: Bored !
Author's Note
P39: Early Morning Magic

P24: Fight ? ! ?

1.7K 34 8
By allmytomorrows

I only own Sofia/sophi. other charecters are from CBS.

Deeks pov:

I slowly wipd my eyes trying to regain sight. I pull the thick gooey chocolate off my eyes and throw it back to spfia who through it at me. both of the girls are laughi historically.

then kensi grabs a pancake from a plat that they must have just cooked, and throws it at me. it hits me on the side of the face. " what was that for ?" I ask as I peel the gooey pancake off my face. " for fun " sohpi says as she slaps me with a hand full of cream. they burst out laughing. the cream is all in my hair.

" you wanna play it like that do you?" I say with a smile, as I pick up a tub of strawberries of the side and start to throw them one by one at them.

of corse it goes from us throwing things like strawberries , to eggs. the eggs make our cloths sticky. then of corse we end up throwing things like flower and iceing sugar. which of corse gets stuck to us because of the egg. it gets all in my and kensi's hair. but sofia  has her hair up so its not In hers as much. I dont know why but she always has jeans usually skinny , a hoodie , all stars , and her hair a mix an different each day, the style suits her tho. she didnt were that when we first met her but thats because she was undercover.

I end up sitting the floor throwing everything back at the girls, who are throwing everythig they can find at me, except doughnuts. I think they both love them to much to waste them .

about half a hour later we are all covered in food, even monty who was cought In the crossfire as he was eatig food off the floor we were throwing. it felt like we were a real family, messin around like this, it was fun.

kensi and sophis hair was now white because of the flower I out in it. in return I got jam in my hair which doesn't seem fair but it was fun.we were all covered I every type of food I had in my kitchen. I may need to go shopping later or just get a takeaway.

" ok im gonna go get a quick shower before work, I wont be long because I think you twoneed one too. " sofia says winking then bouncing into the bathroom.

kensi stands next to me smiling.  " what ?" I ask as I stand up. she just gives me a little kiss on the lips. " thank you " she says . " for what ?" I ask. " for doing this. we wasred all your food , its not fair on you." she says gesturing to the mess. " are you kidding. it was Fun. I have never had a food fight. anyway I didnt like the food. takeaways are better" I say with a wink. she smiles.

sofia comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel wit her wet hair flowing down her back, her hair is really long, but not like too long that it gets in the way on ops, it's a bit longer than kensi's used to be. she stands in her doorway. " mom, I have some cloths you can use if you want. " she asks. " that would be great thanks soph. " sophi smiles then dissapears into her room. " im going I the shower now. " kensi says with a smile. then she turns on her heels and walks tothe bathroom. that maks me smile.

a few minutes later kensi steps out of the bathroom in a small towel that just goes past her bum. her hair wet and shiny and its draoed across her sholder. she just opens sophis bedroom door and walks in closeing it behind her. let me guess, they are both gonna be I there only in there underwere ( bra & knickers ) while doing there makeup and hair.

I grab a spair set of clothes and walk into the bathroom. I strip off. and climb into the refreshing water. then start getting rhe jam out if my hair.

Sofia pov:

im standing infront of the mirror braiding my hair in a' fish tail plat', with my dark brown skinny jeans and my bra on when my mom walks in . " anything in there should fit you. " I say pointig to the whole wadrobe, because we are both slim and about the same hight. well im smaller than her and thiner than her, but im sure she will find something that fits.

she opens the wadrobe and dissapears out of my sight because to doors is in the way of where she is stood. not long later she came back into my view with light blue skinny jeans on , rolled up in three quaters and a black v neck t-shirt. I put my white v neck top on and put my caterpillar boots on and my leather jacket, then oulled my briad over my wholder, my fringe was still out tho. we both stood there putting our make up on while chatting.

( Kensi=K , Sofia=S )

K- " How come you have never asked if you have any other family ? dont you what to know ?"

S- " yeah I would love to know if ihave other family, and I would love to meet them if they are still alive. but I understand that this may be hard for you or you may not know what to say. so I have just haven't said anything because I know you will tell me in your own time. and I totally understand. but always know that no matter what you say it wont effect me. if you dont want me to meet... lets say your mom ... because you think she may judge yy for havin me so young, then I totally understand and I will respect that because its our family not mine. so what ever you choose im happy to go along with it. and remember deeks is always there for you. " says while doing make up in mirror.

K- stands shocked for a moment. " Wow. how are you so smart... or corse I want you to meet may family... but the only biological familu I have left is my mother. I want you two to meet I just gont really know how to tell her. "

S- " well I thought over 1000 ways to tell you I was alive but I just didnt know how to when it came to it. but if you just go it will all work out as it goes along. you could ask her around for dinner, or go round to her house. I can be with you or not , its all up to you. just think about it, and you will know what to do. "

K- " thanks soph "

S- " no problem "

( back to Sofia pov: )

kensi pulled her hair into a high ponytail. then we walked out of the room. deeks was sat on the sofa waiting for us. " you two finally ready ?" he asks us. which makes us both laugh. " yep " kensi says as she grabs her coat and slips on her shoes.

while in the car we blast music and sing along. at the moment we are singing along to ' Five Colours In Her Hair ' but 'The Vamps' cover of it. ( its a really good son yy should listen to it )

we arive at work and I get out first. " im just gonna go talk to hetty, see yous I abit." I say as I close my door just as kensi and deeks get out of the car. " ok see you later." they say in unison which I find adorable, #densimoment . I am going through that faise where I say hashtag, but I only ever say it in my head. because I sound like a retard if I say it out loud.

I walk strait past the bullpen where sam and callen are playing basket bakl with paper and a trash can . " heya " I say as I do a spin to look at them and wave, I keep moving towards hettt. I bet that move looked so awesome. 

I walk up into hettys office and stand next to the chair infront of her desk. " ah miss.Blye how may I help you ?" hetty asks putting her tea down. " can I talk to you , about this ghost thing please ?" I ask. " of corse you may " she says gesturing for me to sit down. so I do. " so whats bothering you ?" she says poring me a cup of tea. as i lived in england for a while I like tea. that sounds verry stereotypical but its true.

" well its going to sound stupid,  but I dont want to do it any more. it was fun to start with but I would like to be able to get to know them. and its kind of evil messig with their heads like this... I totally understand if ou dont want me to stop, I would just askig if I could. I ciuld keep myself a mystery to test there skills hyt the ghost thin is no fun, and wont get us anywhere. would that be ok ?"  hetty looks alittle shocked. " you my child are unique.  " I give her a confused look " how so ?" I ask. " most girls your age who have grown up in your situation or a lot more stubben, stupid and have a lot of f attitude.  dont get me wrong I know you have too but you know there is a time and a place, an you can controle your self. you have the best manners out of all of them " hetty says with a wink pointin to the team. I laugh " of corse you may stop. and if you with to keep knowledge about you hidden to test there skills then you may. " she says sipoing her tea. " would you like me to update you on how they take things and how they try to figure things out ? " I ask. " that would be grate thank you. " she says. " ok. thanks hetty " . " now go and tell the others " she says shoowing me away.

I get up and walk back to the others and tell them whats going on. then I run up to ops and tell nell and eric.

they have all agreed , to call me Sofia or sophi or soph like usual, but they wont mention my last name.they will say im American. they will say im a agent but not my age. I will call my mom Kensi.  an they wont say anythig else about me.

Deeks Pov:

two minutes after sophi had told us what's going on then dissapears up to ops tong and ziva can in. "Morning." tony said as he sat down on the extra desks provided for them. I hadn't noticed the desks till just, proves how much attention I pay.

" hi" sam and callen say in unison but don't take their eyes off there computer screens.

" did you find your way hear ok? " I asked tony and ziva. " no we died 7 times on the way" tony said with a smile joking around. ziva looked confused. " just leave the boys the there banter" kensi says nudging ziva who smiles.

all of our desks had been moved down and the extra desks had been put out in the New space. ziva was next to kensi and tony was next to sam.

2 hours later we were all sitting at our desks filling out paperwork, when Sophi comes running down the stairs with a flip-flop in each hand laughing. she is closely followed by Eric who is bare foot. " give them back " he yells running down the stairs. " never " sophi says jumping over the railing at the bottom of the stairs. " happy birthday " sophi says passing sam one flip-flop then running off with the other. I could tell she had a cute little American accent on.

" can I have my shoe back please ?" eric asks sam. " we gonna have to teach you to fight back. " sam says passing eric his flip-flop. " thanks" eric says runnin after sophi holding his flip-flop. 

" who was that girl ? " tony asks me. just as I go to amswer hetty walks over. " Mr.hanna Mr.Callen a word if you please " hetty says. sam and callen follow her back to her office.

" so who is it ?" ziva says coming to srand next to tony. " thats sofia " kensi says while doing paperwork. " she is a ncis agent and..... " I say. "and what ?" tony asks. " well thats all we know. no one really knows anything about her. we see her sometimes in the office but thas it " I says as I continue my work. " oh ok " ziva says walking back to her desk. we all sit there doing our work. me and kensi are doing paperwork from our last mission but I have no idea what tony and ziva are doing.

shortly after eric comes walking around the corner with sophi over his sholder, she was laughing as play fully hitting his back. sam and callen walk back over followed by hetty. " Mr.beal put her down " eric does as hetty tells him to. " now I dont want to see you two within this building for the next 8 days or I wil lshoot you. got it ?" hetty says to sam and callen. " yes hetty " they say in unison as they grab their bags and walk out. " what was that about?" kensi asks hetty. " they have well over due holidays " hetty says. " now eric go to ops and the rest of you get back to work. " hetty says then looks at sophi. " and watch the kid" she says as she walks off.

sophi turns to us and smiles. she has her blue contacts in that she had when we first met her. proberly because her eyes would be abit of a give away she waa related to kensi.

" hi . sofia right ?" rony asks after the long silence of us sitting there and sophi standing there. " yeah, well yu can call me sophi or soph. " she says with a cute little smile. " nice to meet you sophi im zi... " ziva stars but sophi cuts her off. " ziva , Tony , Deeks and Kensi right ? eric told me " she says pointing to each of us as she says our names. " so....... what ya doing ? " sophi says sitting in sams chair, then lookin at what im doing. " paperwork " I says with a sigh. " ooo sounds fun " she says sarcastically.  I laugh.

about 4 hours later hetty and nate come walking around the corner. " nate " kensi says like a 6 year old girl as she jumps up and leaps intohis arms. " think someone missed you " I say, he smiles and hugs her. 

" nice to see you again " nate says as I give him the classic hand shake hug thing guys do. " you too".

" me and Mr. getz need the squadroom for the rest of the day to set something up. so all of you have the rest of the day off. but I want you all to use your skills to find out more about sofia. I would tell you but where's the fun in that. so go do something and take her with you and try to get information out of her.... I would like her alive tho, she is a good agent. " hetty says. " really ?" kensi and ziva say at the same time alittle shocked. " yes. now get out of hear we need the space. " hetty says shooin us away. " and wake sofia up " at this point sofia was asleep on sams desk.

hetty and nate walk off. I wonder what this is all about, what are they planing ?

I go over and wake sophi up " come on we got the rest of the day off. wanna do something ?" I ask as she stands up. " all of us ?" she smiles. " yeah all of us. we could go to the beach ... deeks could go stuffing with tony. while we tan on the beach" kensi says. " im in " ziva says smiling at kensi. " me too " tony says. " I never been to the beach . well not in la anyway " sophi says with a smile. " so we will pick you up in about half a hour ?" kensi says to tony and ziva as we walk to our cars. " ok see you in abit.

right so the next chapter is about gettin to know sofia alittle ( like most chapters are ) like what she can do e.g: hidden talents ;)

I will be adding some typical ncis things in soon tho, like gun fighrs and that. but im concentrating on sofia at the moment.

hope you like it.



if you have any ideas you want to see I this fanfic just say and I may add them in, if they are good ;) sure they all are. I love to hear ideas of people. it helps me too because I write more ( sometimes faster ) when people give me ideas.

thanks guys ♡

p.s: sorry for any spelling mistakes. its my dyslexia. and the small keys.

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