Teddy Bear Contract |k.k|


36.3K 2K 975

"How embarrassing! One of my workers saw me sleeping with my teddy bear!!!" Do Kyungsoo discovers his boss sl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

3.3K 193 156

"Teddy Bear!" Kyungsoo shouted with so much shock.

'What?! So handsome and manly yet he sleeps with a teddy bear?!" Kyungsoo thought to himself.

"Yah! What are you doing here! And why are you shouting!" Jongin got up quickly and threw the teddy bear across the room.

"I-I thought someone broke in." Kyungsoo lowered his head.

"Are you crazy? This apartment complex is well secured and has my top two hundred trustworthy male employees." Jongin crossed his arms over his bare chest.

Somehow Kyungsoo felt bothered when he said male employees. "No females?" He asked while peeking up.

"Zero, nada, none, females." Jongin shook his head while puffing his cheeks.

Only men? Is this going to be like an all boys school? Kyungsoo has never been to one of those and he never wanted to experience it, but now he was going to.

"I'll get going." Kyungsoo looked down and walked out the apartment just to bump into Baekhyun.

"Ah! Kyung! I saw so many guys here and not a single familiar face." Baekhyun whined while clinging onto Kyungsoo's arm.

"Did someone drive you here?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yeah, some guy that kept telling grandpa jokes, my youth! It's gone." Baekhyun fake cried.

"Hey! They were good jokes." A man approached us.

"No they weren't! They helped me catch the sleep I lost because of you." Baekhyun talked back.

"Aish! I should pu-" the man raised his fist and was about to hit Baekhyun over the head when it was grabbed by another hand.

"Junmyeon! Leave him alone." A tall broad shoulder man said. He was wearing glasses and hair was nicely done.

"But this kid!" Junmyeon complained trying to get out of the mans grip.

"I said leave him alone! He's new." He said and that made Junmyeon scoff and walk away.

"Are you okay?" He asked Baekhyun.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered.

"My names Sehun, Oh Sehun. I live in apartment sixteen if you ever want to pay a visit." Sehun said while winking at Baekhyun.

"Oh, my heart fluttered again!" Baekhyun clutched his chest and took a deep breath.

"Shut up and let's go to the office." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.


The day passed by and it was lunchtime. "I should tell Baek about Jongin!" Kyungsoo thought and was about to walk to Baekhyun when his mouth was covered and was dragged to the nearest office.

Kyungsoo reacted immediately and locked his arms around the mans neck almost in a reverse chocker hold. He then turned them around just to be surprised to see Jongin's face really close.

"Woa! That was cool." Jongin smiled but stayed still when the door opened.

"Mr.Kim did you want the-" the tall curly haired man stopped on his tracks, "Am I interrupting something?" He asked while looking around.

"Ah! Chanyeol your so funny." Jongin pushed Kyungsoo off of him and went up to Chanyeol to grab the folder in his hand.

"Thanks." He smiled and pushed him out the door.

"That guy is funny." Jongin wiped a fake tear.

"Why did you drag me in here?" Kyungsoo asked bluntly.

"Why? Well let me tell you why?" He walked and sat on his desk while tossing the folder in the trash.

"You saw something no employe-" he was interrupted by the same tall curly haired man.

"What Chanyeol?!" Jongin asked annoyed.

"I gave you the wrong folder." He looked down.

Jongin awkwardly got up and went to the trash can and handed him the folder, "i-it slipped in there." He said embarrassed.

"Yeah, sure." Chanyeol pressed his lips before heading out.

"Anyways back to our conversation, you saw something no employe-" he was once again interrupted by Jongdae.

"Mr.Kim! Minseok says his key pad froze!" He yelled making Jongin groan.

"Call the repair man, I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell you that." Jongin said in the most calmest voice.

"Right!" And with that he left while closing the door behind him.

"Okay, now what I was saying was, you saw something no employee of mine has ever seen." He paused, "Now how much to keep your mouth shut?" He asked bluntly.

"With that attitude? I rather keep my mouth open." Kyungsoo crossed his arms looking unamused.

"Fine! I'll change my attitude." Jongin said in defeat. "So how much?" He asked but with a smile.

"How about I help you." Kyungsoo looked at Jongin.

"How?" He asked.

"I propose, the Teddy Bear Contract."

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