stars ⇾ cyldo one shots

By sadolans

48.5K 1.5K 423

❝ our love was written in the stars ❞ ━ a variety of short one shots of cyd and naldo 2016 | evelyn © More

01 ↛ prom
02 ↛ sides
03 ↛ stranger danger
04 ↛ mistake
05 ↛ rooftop kisses
06 ↛ Movie Night
07 ↛ The Fake Girlfriend
08↛ You're home
09 ↛ Babysitting
10 ↛ Prank War over Jealousy
11 ↛ The Legend Of A Princess
12 ↛ Oceans and Insecurities
13 ↛ The Good Place
14 ↛ Bumps & Bruises
15 ↛ treat you better
16 ↛ inspiration
16 ↛ quote give away
17 ↛ a letter to you
18 ↛ illuminate
19 ↛ stars
21 ↛ dad
22 ↛ 11:11
23 ↛ the breakup
24 ↛ coffee
25 ⇾ suicide note
26 ⇾ valentine's day

20 ↛ famous | book preview |

851 31 26
By sadolans

Hope we can meet sometime soon.

Who the flick are you?

Come on, Gracie.
Don't play jokes.

Name's not Gracie

So, this isn't Gracie
the one I met yesterday.

Nope. I was at home watching
Teen Wolf..


She played you, lmao.
Now stop texting me.

Well, dang

I feel the need to to tell you what stop texting me means.

I went to high school.
I know what it means.

Then please. Stop

I don't think so



So, what you think?

Cyldo or Randry?

I'm counting this as a very short one shot.
Even though it's a book preview as well.

You guys deserved an update, and well, it wasn't going so well, so I decided to count this as one.

Would you guys read it if I published this book?

I'm working on the next chapter for Fear , my randy book.

This book is almost at its end too.

Like 10-15 more one shots.

And I know what you're thinking.

"10 to 15 more one shots? That's a lot at the pace she updates"

I'm actually trying to start updating once or twice a week.

So, yeah, tell me what you think of the preview.

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