Her Devotion As A Knight ✔

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] When she was just a child, Rikiya Chiyomi saw knights from the royal palace of Kyoko practicing s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Rin & Clover's P.O.Vs Included
Chapter 11: Rin's P.O.V. Included
Chapter 12: Shion's P.O.V. Included
Chapter 13: Lute's P.O.V. Included
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Rin & Clover's P.O.Vs Included

Chapter 10: Clover & Haku's P.O.Vs Included

199 21 4
By atlas-carter

My eyes jolt open and I immediately look around at my surroundings. I'm currently in the woods right now. Well, that's weird. I'm usually in the king and queen's room. Why am I suddenly in the woods? As I look around in confusion, I see a man in a mask rushing off. Oh~, now I remember. I was following that masked figure. I follow the masked figure into town.

Once again, nobody seems to notice me as I go through everyone. I run behind him until he finally stops and turns into a space between two houses. I follow him into the crevasse of the two houses. There, he's stopped and he's talking to two people, a couple. Their faces are blurred. Sighing, I slowly approach them. 

"I got you a baby, now pay up," the masked figure orders in a harsh tone. Right, I forgot this couple payed a masked guy to kidnap a baby for them. This is like every parents' nightmare, having their baby taken or kidnapped by some unknown person and then never being able to see them again. I watch in distaste as the couple pays the masked figure. Once the masked figure has collected his payment, he retreats into the woods. I don't follow him. I stay behind with the couple, who seem to be looking lovingly at the child. I still can't get over the fact that this couple just payed someone to kidnap a child and then take it as their own. I mean, that isn't right!

"She's beautiful," the woman gushes as she cradles the baby in her arms. The woman's face is still blurred even though I'm standing close to her. What the hell?! Why can't I see their faces?! Dammit, this is pissing me off!

"She is," the man says in agreement, "What should we name her?" His face is also blurred.

"Since her eyes are so green, we'll call her Clover," the woman finally says after a long time of thinking. When I hear that name, I gasp loudly and step back. Clover?! They're naming her Clover?! No, it can't be. It can't be my friend Clover. Can it? I gulp as I glance up at the couple. My eyes widen when I see them. Their faces are no longer blurred, they are in perfect view. I cover my hand over my mouth when I realize that the couple are Clover's parents. Oh my god. Clover's parents aren't really her parents?! Clover was kidnapped as a baby?! Clover is actually a princess?! Clover is actually the princess of Kyoko?! Clover is actually Rin's sister?! Clover is actually the king and queen of Kyoko's daughter?! Holy mother of all things holy! This can't possibly be true. No, I am dreaming, so this must just be a dream. Yeah, this is just a dream and I will wake up real soon. As I wait for myself to wake up, I glance down at the baby in their arms. I analyze the baby. There are a lot of similarities between the baby and Clover. Plus, I did see similarities between Clover and the queen.

Just then, I hear the sound of knocking coming from my bedroom door, waking me up. I groan in annoyance as I sit up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I glance around the room to see that I'm back in my room. Ugh, another dream. It was just a dream, but it felt so real. So, Clover could have been kidnapped as baby and she's actually the princess of Kyoko or I might just being sounding crazy right now. Yet of course, why would I being having this dream in the first place if there wasn't some truth to it. I have so many mixed feelings about this because from all the times I've met Clover's parents they seemed so nice and sweet. Was that possibly all an act to keep me from figuring it out? I don't know, but I do know one thing and that is that this is going to bug me until I find out the truth. 

"Rikiya?" A female voice asks as another knock sounds at my door, bringing me back from my thoughts. I glance at the door before shaking my head. Right, I completely forgot that somebody was at the door. I sigh as I get up and walk over to the door. I open it to come face to face with Rin. 

"Oh, hey Rin, what's up?" I ask in surprise and curiosity as I open the door to let her in. She walks in and I close the door behind her. "Is everything ok?" She takes a deep breath before turning around to face me. She has a somewhat sad and happy expression on her face.

"You know how you asked me if I had a sibling?" She asked as she recalled. I gave a small nod in remembrance. Why is she bringing this up? "Well, I found this picture of when I was a baby and in the picture there was another little girl." I nod as I gesture for her to continue. "I've never seen her in other pictures, so I asked my mom about it and she told me that the other girl was my sister." My eyes slightly widen at this. So, Rin really does have sister. "When I heard that I was actually so happy to know that I have sister, but here's the sad part. When I asked her where she was, she told me that my sister was kidnapped when we were both just babies and that they've never seen her since or heard from her since. I never thought that I would have a sister and now I'll never get to see her." I feel myself gulp at this. You may just get to see her again Rin. If what you say is true and if what my dream was about was true then I think we've been hanging out with your sister this whole time. 

"That's big news," I respond with uncertainty, not really knowing what to say. Rin nods with a heavy sigh as she sits down on my bed. "So, can I see this picture. if you don't mind of course." Rin nods as she hands me a picture. I breathe in a sigh as I look down at the picture. My eyes go wide at the picture. I can't believe my eyes. The other girl in the picture is exactly what Clover looked like when she was a baby. I remember seeing a photo of her when she was a baby when I visited her house. "Um... Rin? Could I possibly keep this photo for a little bit?" Rin looks at me in confusion as she raises her eyebrow at me. "It will only be for today and then I promise to give it back later." Rin stares at me for a little bit longer before sighing and giving a nod. I smile as I place the photo in my pocket. We sit there awkwardly. "Anyways, I need to go do something." Rin gives a nod as she stands up from my bed and heads to the door. "Rin."

"Yeah?" She asks in a soft voice as she turns around to look at me. I sigh as I stand up and walk towards her. She stands there looking at me weirdly. I give her a comforting smile before pulling her into a warm hug. She seems surprised by my action, but she soon hugs back. I can feel her pain in her hug. We hug for a good minute or so before pulling away. She smiles back at me. "Thanks." I nod in response as she turns away. "See you later I guess." With that, she leaves my room, leaving me standing there. I reach back into my pocket, taking out the picture, and staring at it. This picture, plus my dream, plus what Rin just told me should be enough to prove that Clover is the lost princess, but will I be bale to convince Clover of this? Her parents will probably deny it too if Clover asks. It's not going to be easy and t's going to take a lot of convincing. Well, good thing I have a lot of dedication and determination. I take a deep breath as I place the picture back into my pocket. I put on my uniform before slowly and quietly making my way out of my room. Today is another off day. Most of the knights are staying in the palace to train more. I should be training with them, but Clover needs to know as soon as possible. I walk down the hallway as fast and as quietly as I can. 

(A/N: Alrighty, here we go! Some switching of them povs!😄😄)

💜 Haku's Point Of View 💜

I stood outside with the other knights, goofing around when my eyes suddenly caught Rikiya heading into the stables. He looks like he's trying not to be seen. I raise my eyebrow at this. None of the other knights seem to notice him. I wonder what he's up to. Looking around, I sneak away from the other knights and head to the stables. In there, I see Rikiya talking to his horse, Lunar. Still nobody has figured out as to why Lunar is so fond of Rikiya. 

"Sorry girl, I know I haven't rode you for a while, but I'm thinking of going into town today," Rikiya said as she petted Lunar's mane, "What do ya think? How about we go out for a ride?" Lunar neighed at this making Rikiya laugh. "Haha, alright girl. Let's go before the other knights see. I don't want any of them asking me where I'm  going and why." Lunar neighs again as Rikiya leads her out of her stable and towards the front. I stand there with my arms crossed as he approaches. 

"Going somewhere?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow at Rikiya. Rikiya's head turns quickly in surprise and he looks at me wide eyed. I tap my foot on the ground waiting for him to answer. "Well, are you going to tell me where you're going or not?" He bites his lip and looks away as if to avoid the question. "Fine. Either tell me or I will tell all the other knights that you're leaving without saying anything." Rikiya sighs as he looks at me with an annoyed expression. 

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you," he replies in an irritated tone. I smirk as I wait for his explanation. He takes a deep breath before explaining. "I'm going in town to see Clover because there is something really important that I need to talk to her about." I nod in response. "There, now can I go?"

"No, not until you tell me what this important thing is," I answer with a stubborn grin. He sighed heavily as he gave another nod.

"I know this is probably going to sound crazy and might make you think that I've gone insane, but I don't think that this is just a coincidence," he starts as he takes a picture out of his pocket, "I keep having these dreams of the past, of someone's past and just this morning the dream finally came to an end." 

"What was it about?" I ask curiously as I rest my hand on my hip. This sounds like it's getting interesting. 

"My dream was set in the palace a while back and it when Rin was just a baby," he continues. I listen carefully. Why would he be having a dream about that? "In my dream, there was another baby girl other than Rin." Wait, is he saying that Rin has a sister? "I think that other baby girl was Rin's sister, but in my dream she got kidnapped by some masked figure and was taken into my town." What?! So, Rin may have a sister and that sister was possibly kidnapped and taken to Rikiya's town?! This is insane! "In my dream, I followed the figure into the town and I saw him hand the baby off to a couple. The couple paid the masked figure." I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Does he realize how crazy he sounds right now? "When I got a closer look at the couple, I recognize them to be.... Clover's parents." My eyes slightly widen at this. "Plus, the couple decided to name the kidnapped baby girl Clover as well." I stare at her a for a good long while before sighing. 

"So, what you're saying is that Clover is actually Rin's sister and that she is also a princess," I state as I eye him, not quite believing him. He nods with another sigh. "You do realize how crazy you sound right now, right?"

"I'm quite aware of that," he voices with a nod. I sigh as I let him continue. "But what's really crazy is that Rin came to my room this morning and gave me this photo of her and her sister when they were just babies." My ears prick up at this as he hands me the photo that he had in his hands. I glance down at the photo. I recognized Rin right away, but the other girl had me wondering. What if Rikiya is right? What if Clover is Rin's sister? As I look more closely I notice many similarities between her and Clover. "Rin also told me that the queen told her that the other girl was kidnapped when they were just babies and they haven't seen each other since or heard from her. Haku, I know you might not believe me and you might think my cheese as slipped off my cracker, but this can't be a coincidence. I mean, come on, you can't tell that this doesn't make you wonder and have suspicions." I think for a moment. Having dream like that makes a person sound crazy, but when you have actual information that backs up the dream then I don't see any use not believing him. 

"I believe you," I speak as I hand him back the photo. His eyes widen in surprise.

"Wait, really? You don't think that I'm crazy?" He asks in shock. I shake my head in response. He sends me a small smile before nodding and placing the photo back in his pocket. "Well, thanks for not thinking that I'm an insane person." I stifle a laugh as I go into my stable and lead my horse out of his stable. Rikiya looks at me weirdly. "Oh, you're not coming with me." I scowl at this making him sigh. "Fine." I smile in satisfaction as I follow him quietly out of the stable. The two of us peek out. 

"So, what's the plan?" I ask curiously and quietly. He sighs in annoyance.

"I'm getting there. Patience child," he retorts in a harsh tone as he quickly pulls Lunar behind a tree. I scoff as I follow after him. "Ok, here's the plan. When I say GO that means you run as fast you can to the gate without getting caught. Whoever gets caught has to stay behind and distract the other knights. Ok?" What the hell? What kind of a plan is that? Before I'm able to respond, he beats me to it. "Great, now let's get ready." Whoa, I didn't even agree to this plan! Oi, whatever. "Ready, setty, SPAGHETTI!!" Huh??? With that, Rikiya takes off with Lunar rushing behind him. 

"Wha-?! Rikiya!" I call out after him. He sticks his tongue out at me as he runs past the gates. Sighing, I glance around and then make a run for it. I soon end up on the other side of the gates as well to find Rikiya sitting there on Lunar with a small smirk on his face. "That wasn't funny." he stifles a laugh as we ride into the towns. When we arrive at his town, we immediately go right up to Clover's house. I see Clover outside getting her mail. She's so beautiful, even when she's not all dressed up like a princess, she's still incredibly beautiful. Man, I've fallen hard for that girl. When Clover sees us, she smiles at us and waves her hand. Rikiya and I approach her and get off our houses once we're in front of her house.  

"Hey Rikiya, hey Haku, what are you two doing here?" She asks with curiosity as she glances at both of us. I stare at her dazzling, emerald green eyes and it reminds me of the little baby girl in the picture. If anybody would be that little girl it would Clover. 

"Clover, there's something you should know and this will probably come as a surprise," Rikiya responds as a serious expression washes over is face. Clover glances at Rikiya with a concerned expression. "When you hear this, you might either not believe me and be angry at me for thinking this or you might believe me and be incredibly angry at the truth. I'm telling you this because I think you have a right to know." Clover gives an uncertain nod as Rikiya leads her onto the porch and has her sit down. I follow them at a good distance and quietly listen in. 

"Ok, so what is it?" Clover asks curiously. Rikiya glances at me and I give him a thumbs up. He nods back as he takes a deep breath before explaining everything that he had said to me in the stables to Clover, but what seemed to be with a lot more details. I guess it would make sense for him to tell me less details because he was in a hurry to come tell Clover. I watch Clover's reaction. She simply sits there, listening carefully and attentively. Once Rikiya is finished, Clover sits there staring at him. 

"Clover say something. You're kind of scaring me right now," Rikiya insists as he bites his lip, waiting for Clover's reaction. Clover blinks a few times before her expression changes from shocked to rage and she shakes her head furiously.

"No, I don't believe you. Rikiya, what you're saying is complete bullshit and you know it," Clover snaps as she scoffs and stands up. She starts pacing back and forth across her porch. "Why would you tell me something like this?! Look, I know that you, me, and Rin have been getting along really well lately, but that does not mean that we are sisters."

"You don't think I know that Clover?" Rikiya asks as he throws his hands up in frustration. Clover holds her angry expression as she glares at Rikiya. "You don't think that after all of this, my coincidental dream, what Rin said the queen told her. You don't think that this isn't strange for me too?! My best friend, my child hood friend could possibly be a princess, not just any princess either, the princess of the kingdom that I live in! I'm just as shocked as you are Clover and for a while when I kept having those dreams I thought that I was going crazy, but when I finally received information that backed up what happened in my dreams, I knew that I couldn't be as crazy as I thought I was."

"Rin could have told you anything Rikiya!" Clover shouts back as she turns away from Rikiya, "I don't care what Rin said or what your dream was about, I don't believe you and there's nothing that you can say to change my mind because the people in there right now are my parents. They were and always have been."

"Clover....," Rikiya begins, but Clover cuts her off with a stone hard tone.

"Don't! Just stop!" Clover yells as she faces Rikiya and glares daggers at him, "I don't want to hear anything more from you! Just get out of my sight! Haku, if you believe this too then leave too because right now I can't stand to look at either of you!" My eyes slightly widen at this. I didn't even say anything. I hear Rikiya sigh as Clover turns her back to us. 

"Fine, we'll go, but maybe this will make you believe me more," Rikiya whispers as he places the picture on the chair on the porch, "Rin gave this to me. She found it in the king and queen's room, stashing away in an old memory book." Clover scoffs as she stares off into the distance. "Look, your my best friend. I wouldn't have told you this if I wasn't certain about all of this. I know this is a lot to take in, so it's hard to believe that you could be a princess. All the information and evidence needed to prove that those people in there aren't your real parents are right in your grasp. Use it and find out what really is the truth." Clover doesn't say anything as Rikiya steps away from her side and approaches me. "Let's go Haku." I glance back at Clover and sigh heavily when I see that her back is still turned to us. I slowly follow Rikiya as we make our way down the street, away from Clover's house. As we get a good distance away from Clover's house, Rikiya pushes me into a bush. What the?! "Shut up and stay quiet." I sigh as I notice that Clover's house is right in view of where we are. Oh, I get it. Rikiya wants to watch how Clover will react. Either that or he wants to be there to comfort her when she realizes the truth. 

We watch as Clover looks at the photo. Her eyes widen in shock when she looks at the photo. She glances around, possibly looking for us, but we stay in our hiding spots. Her face has mixed emotions on it: pain, anger, sadness, happiness, but mostly anger. She grips the photo in her hand before storming into her house, leaving the door wide open. After a little bit, we hear the sound of yelling and arguing coming from within the house. 

"You evil, heartless people! How dare you! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I hear Clover scream in fury, "You know, I don't want to know. Rikiya was right about you two. I should have listened to her!" Her?! She means him right? I side glance at Rikiya, who simply shrugs in response. Well, that was weird. "From now on stay the hell away from me!!" With that, Clover comes running out of her house and down the street. Tears are running down her face as she runs. 

"Go after her," I hear Rikiya say as he nudges me. I glance at him in confusion and surprise. Wouldn't Clover want to be comforted by her best friend? "Sometimes there are some things that even a best friend can't be there to help cheer up someone who is feeling down." I raise my eyebrow at this. What is he going on about? "Sometimes everyone needs someone that they find more than a friend to comfort them." I continue to stare at him in confusion. He chuckles as he sends me a wink and pushes me out of the bushes. "Go find her and comfort her. I'll be around if you need anything." I give a small nod as I rush out to go find Clover.

💜 Clover's Point Of View 💜

I don't know where I'm running to, but I have to get out of here. I have to get as far away as I can from those treacherous people. I can't believe they kidnapped me as a baby and pretended to be my real parents all this time. Ugh, this just makes me so angry. I can't believe Rikiya was right too. I can't believe that I didn't believe Rikiya either. I don't know what makes me angrier. The fact all those times when I had said to my parents that I wished that I was a princess and all they did was lie to my face or the fact that I found out the truth from Rikiya when it should have been them who would tell me the truth. I'm just angry right now. Yet again, I feel somewhat happy at the same time. I mean, I'm actually a princess and Rin is actually my sister. Still, I'm so mad that I've been fooled all of these years. 

"Clover," I hear a male voice from behind me. I turn around to see Haku standing there with a sympathetic look. My eyes widen and I quickly turn away, wiping the tears from my eyes and cheeks. "It's ok to cry Clover, it's understandable after everything that you've just learned." I sniffle as I try to calm myself down. He sits beside me. "Are you ok though?"

"Not really. I just found out that I'm a princess and that I was kidnapped when I was baby by a couple from a neighboring kingdom known as Wikira," I reply with a shrug as my voice becomes shaky, "So, no, I'm not ok. Anyways, where's Rikiya?"

"Uh..., he said something about there being sometimes when there are some things that even a best friend can't be there to help cheer up someone who is feeling down," Haku answers with a shrug, "And then he said that sometimes everyone needs someone that they find more than a friend to comfort them. I have no idea what he means by that, but whatever. So, you got me to comfort you instead. Hope you don't mind." When he says this, I can't help but smile and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I know what he means," I murmur with smile. I feel him put his arm around me and pull me closer to him. I feel safe in his arms. "Thanks." He kisses the top of my head and sighs quietly. Thanks Rikiya for sending Haku over. I think I would have appreciated either of you, but I get what you mean. "I feel better now. Thank you." We pull apart and he smiles at me lovingly. I smile back at him as we both inch our faces closer. Oh my god, are we about to kiss? 

"And kiss.... and kiss..... and kiss....," I hear a voice say. Haku and I glance at each other before glancing around. Huh, I could have sworn that I heard someone. Maybe I was just imagining it. "Oh crying out loud you two! Just kiss already!" Ok, that time I definitely heard someone. My thoughts are answered when Rikiya comes out of the bushes with a frustrated expression on her face. Was she there the whole time?! Oh man, this is embarrassing. 

"How long were you there for?" Haku asks in surprise. Rikiya shrugs in response.

"Come on, we got to head back to the palace before anyone notices that we've gone missing," Rikiya rushes Haku along. Haku sighs as he stands up. Rikia then glances at me. "So, what do you want to do for sleeping arrangements for tonight. Want to come back to the palace? I'm sure Haku would love to have you sleep with him tonight." My eyes widen and my cheeks flush a bright pink when I hear this. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Haku is smirking. "Hey, maybe you can pick up where you left off just now." I feel heat rise to my cheeks as Rikiya continues to tease me. She giggles as she sends me a wink and a teasing grin. Dammit Rikiya. I try to cool off my blushing face as Haku helps me up on his horse before getting on behind me.

"I'll do much more than continue what we started," Haku whispers seductively into my ear. I shiver at his hot breath against my skin making him chuckle.

"Ok, keep the journey back to the palace PG13 please," Rikiya pleads with a sigh, "And leave all of that naughty stuff for later when you're both in your room."

"Rikiya!" I exclaim in embarrassment. She turns her head slightly to face me and sends me a smirk. I sigh as I try to calm myself down. "Sorry for snapping at you."

"It's fine. I can understand why," she answers with a smile as she turns her head back around and guides us back to the palace. Well, I had a pretty eventful day. First I found out that my parents lied to me and kidnapped me all these years. Then I find out that I'm actually a princess and that Rin is my sister. Finally, here I am getting a ride to the palace and I'm going to be staying in one of the knights' rooms. What else could happen today?


Hey everyone!

So, here is another chapter! I hope you all liked it!

Ladyfanfiction14, I hope you liked your point of view and Haku's point of view.😉😉

Well, I guess now you all know that the other little girl was actually Clover this whole time. For those who guessed it then you got it right.😄😄

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.👍💬

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming soon! :)

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