Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (Boyx...

By Clevermess

99.9K 4.9K 8.9K

Albus is finally going to admit his feelings for his best friend Scorpius Malfoy in his sixth year. However... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Nine

4.1K 210 741
By Clevermess

Good luck with this chapter, happy reading xox

It had been a week and a half since Albus went to Cain crying. A week and a half since he promised his boyfriend that he'd stay away from Scorpius and a week and a half where Scorpius just wanted his best friend back.

He tried numerous times to talk to Albus but the boy would just ignore him. He tried apologizing because he knew he'd done wrong but Albus would just turn his face.

He broke down in front of Rose, crying to her on how much he missed his best friend and just wanted to make things rights because he knew he had been a bad friend. Rose held him close and told him it was going to be okay. And the next day she asked Cain to talk to Albus to get him to speak to Scorpius. Cain disagreed and explained to Rose that Albus was a lot happier without him.

"Albus?" A voice sounded causing Albus to look up. It was Lily and she was looking at Albus with concern.

"Yeah?" Albus scrunched up his face. He was in the library because he didn't feel like going to Herbology especially because it was a double period with Scorpius. Lily sat down and sighed.

"What's going on? You know uncle Nev is gonna tell mum and dad you're skipping." Lily berated.

"I just don't feel like going." Albus shrugged.

"Is it because Scorpius is there?" Lily inquired and Albus' face hardened into a sneer.

"Don't say his name."

"Albus Severus! He is your best friend and you not talking to him is petty." She threw her nose in the air.

"Yes. Now what is the real reason you two got into an argument because you never hold a grudge." She replied and he frowned.

"I-I guess I'm just upset and Cain told me I should take time to heal. You know?" He questioned. "But I do miss Scorpius a lot and it's only been a little over a week."

"Then go back to him and apologize. You two need to talk as to why you're not in the best place. Maybe tell him not to snoop in your business with Cain." Lily recommended and Albus smiled shyly.

"Yeah okay." Albus nodded.

"But I am curious about something."

"Okay what?" Albus smiled and Lily smirked.

"I was wondering what exactly have you done with Cain?" Her eyebrows flicked up as Albus blushed horribly.

"Promise you won't tell mum or dad?"

"Ohh this is going to be good. I promise." She stuck out her pinky and Albus took it. He leaned in closer to her and kept his voice down.

"Well we've given each other a few hand jobs here and there. He gave me a blow job the other day. And he recently convinced me to use the cloak to sneak in his classroom to give him one."

"And did you?" Lily gasped and the shade of red Albus turned made her howl a laugh. Madam Pince shushed her and she giggled. She wiped at her eyes as Albus covered his face in mortification. "That's hilarious."
"It wasn't though. He moaned too loudly and the professor almost caught us. And it was all messy." Albus groaned as Lily continued to giggle.

"What's so funny?" They turned to see Scorpius standing there awkwardly.

"Albus was just telling me about something that happened in class." Lily answered. "Shouldn't you be in class?"
"Yeah, I was." Scorpius scratched the back of head. "Professor Longbottom asked me where Albus was but w-we aren't talking so I told him I didn't know. It bugged him for a bit because of my lack of knowledge so he sent me to find you." Scorpius explained.

"How'd you know I was here?" Albus asked and Scorpius' eyes widened at hearing the first words Albus uttered to him in ten days.

"I-I uh well I just guessed." Scorpius stuttered and Albus just nodded. "Err so are you gonna come back with me?" Albus looked at Lily who nodded.

"I suppose." He sighed. "I'll see you later Lils." Albus got up from his chair and followed Scorpius out of the library. It was silent as they walked towards the green house. Albus knew now was as good as any to finally apologize.

"I'm sorry." They said in unison. They glanced at each other. "For what?" They said again.

"You first." Scorpius told Albus as they stopped walking.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you and being rube. I-I was just upset about what happened. I needed some time to heal and now I have. I miss you." Albus explained and Scorpius smiled looking down. He looked up and said,

"I miss you too. Very much so and I'm sorry I upset you because I didn't mean to. I was just worried about you and then you got me mad when you called me a bad friend. But you're right, I have been a bad friend because I didn't tell you about Rose." Albus smiled at that and lunged for his best friend. He hugged him tightly and Scorpius laughed.

"Just promise me you'll stay out of my relationship, okay?" Albus whispered and Scorpius squeezed Albus.

"I promise." Scorpius vowed and Albus grinned when he pulled away.

"I guess we gotta go before we get in more trouble." Albus sighed and Scorpius nodded in response. They made their way to the green houses and Professor Longbottom gave them both a simpering glare before they rejoined the group. Albus had a feeling that once the class was over his godfather would want to talk to him. The feeling was confirmed when he was called over after class.

"Albus, stay after. I want to talk to you." Longbottom commanded. Albus resisted the urge to groan and looked at Scorpius as to say 'go on without me'. Scorpius agreed and left leaving Albus alone. "Albus, do you know why I asked you to stay after?"
"Because I tried to skip." Albus mumbled looking at his feet.

"Albus, I'm worried about you." Neville told his godson causing Albus to raise his head.


"Albus, I've talked to your other professors and although your grades were not great before they have plummeted this year." He told him. "Now I understand that you've got yourself a boyfriend and all but school needs to come first."

"Uncle Neville, can I tell you something in confidence and you promise you won't share this with anyone?" Albus asked and Neville agreed. "I was real upset at the beginning of the term, you see, I was in love with Scorpius... a part of me still thinks I am. But Cain, he's helped me a lot in trying to get me over Scorp. And I love him a lot." Albus explained.

"So you've been preoccupied?"

"Well Cain's been trying to help with me. My magic has already gotten strong Uncle Neville!" Albus joyed.

"That's great Albus." Neville grinned. "Just pay more attention and no skipping anymore unless you're sick." Neville sternly told his godson who let out a puff of air.

"Fine, so you're not gonna owl my parents, yeah?" He asked hopefully but Neville shook his head.

"I'm still going to because I know they're worried about you too." He admitted.

"Why is that?"

"Same reason I was." He explained. "Now go on to dinner because I'm sure you're just dying to see your boyfriend."

"Bye Uncle Neville."

"So long Albus." Professor Longbottom smiled and Albus left after that. He was delightfully surprised when he saw that Cain was not long away waiting for him.

"Cain!" Albus grinned.

"I thought you were gonna skip today?" Cain questioned. He stuck out his hand for Albus to take. He did and started to anxiously swing them between the two of them.

"I was gonna but Professor Longbottom sent Scorpius to come look for me. I had no choice but to go." Albus shrugged and they got back into the castle away from the greenhouses. "We made up."

"You and Scorpius?" Cain inquired and Albus hummed.

"Yup, he apologized for being such a bad friend. And he told me he missed me." Albus grinned. "I was starting to miss him too."
"Yeah?" Cain sneered. "You miss him after being hurt by him?" Cain growled and Albus sighed.

"He's been my only friend since first year. I can't just throw that all away." Albus pointed out and Cain made a snarl in his throat. He shoved Albus up against the closest wall, him hitting his head hard, and Cain's grip was tight on his arm. "C-Cain."

"I told you that you needed to ignore him. That you needed to heal from all the pain's he caused you!" He screamed. Albus' head was still hurting from when he hit it.

"I-I just w-wanted my friend back." Albus whispered brokenly.

"Sod that!" Cain yelled. "I am your boyfriend Albus, I am the only person you need!"

"Y-you're hurting me." Albus managed to choke out in shock. Cain back handed Albus across the face. Albus whimpered out and met Cain's eyes. They were filled with anger and hatred. He dropped Albus and stormed off leaving Albus to recover from shock. He started to walk but was too shaky. His head, arms and face all hurt from where Cain had become physical. He took several deep breaths and started walking again trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Albus." He heard someone in a breathless word. It was Cain and he ran over to Albus who flinched heavily. "Baby cakes I-I'm so sorry." Cain pulled Albus into a tight hug gently rubbing his sore head. "I-I just get really jealous with your relationship with Scorpius because you used to love him. P-please forgive m-me." Cain started to cry into Albus' hair. "S-so sorry baby."

"I-it's okay." Albus sniffled. He looked up and Cain gasped.

"Oh angel, your eye." He placed his wand to Albus' face and murmured a spell. "It's a glamour. I-I've bruised it and I don't want people to get suspicious."

"Fair enough." Albus sighed.

"Care for some dinner?" Cain asked and Albus nodded.

"C-can you give me a piggy back ride? M-my legs are too shaky." He admitted and Cain nodded. He squatted down and Albus hopped on wrapping his arms around Cain's neck. They walked in silence to the Great Hall. One question was on Albus' mind, what just happened?


Since the next was a Hogsmeade day, Cain made sure he spoiled Albus to make sure Albus knew how sorry he was for hitting him. Cain managed to swipe some bruising cream from Madam Promfrey so he rubbed that under Albus' eye. In made the bruising go away after about an hour so the glamour wasn't needed.

"Alright angel, what do you want from here?" Cain wrapped his arms around Albus who was slightly tense in his grasp. His head, back and arms were still sore so when pressure was added, it made him wince.

"Erm I guess some chocolate frogs." He shrugged.

"Just some chocolate frogs? Anything and you chose those?" Cain hummed and Albus giggled softly.

"Okay, how about some caramels and those sugar quills?"

"You and those sugar quills." Cain teased. "Come on, go get the stuff you want." Cain assured so Albus did.

Five pounds of candy later, Albus and Cain walked to meet Rose and Scorpius for lunch at the Three Broomsticks. But before they entered, Cain gently pushed Albus against the wall.

"I love you, you know that?" Cain spoke and Albus nodded. "And I'm really sorry about yesterday."

"It's okay." Albus leaned up and kissed Cain gently. "I love you too baby." Cain smiled at the pet name. He nuzzled Albus' neck and started to kiss his jawline.

"You know, I haven't given you a love bite in so long."

"T-They're waiting -uhhhh." Albus was cut off when he moaned as Cain sucked directly on his sweet spot. There was a small but nasty look bruise there when they he pulled away.

"Just remember that yesterday is our little secret, okay?" He asked Albus who nodded. He hadn't uttered a word to anyone. Like he said to Scorpius, his business was no one else's.

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