Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

By heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Vampire Diaries and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots... More

characters & trailer
character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - Hello, Brothers
chapter 2 - Today Will Be Different
chapter 3 - You Decided That I Was Worth Saving
chapter 4 - Life Ruled By Fear
chapter 5 - I'm Taking You Home
chapter 6 - Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell
chapter 8 - How Did I Become the Bad Guy?
chapter 9 - You Lead
chapter 10 - If You Can't Be A Fool For Family, Who Can You Be A Fool For?
chapter 11 - There Really Wasn't A Choice
chapter 12 - Sometimes I'd Settle For Just Ordinary
chapter 13 - Why Should I Change Myself For Something Like That?
chapter 14 - I Can't Do Worse
chapter 15 - Enjoy Life, Not Fear It
chapter 16 - I Always Come Back

chapter 7 - The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You

609 16 18
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

*Note: This quote is from Stefan to Elena at Steven's Quarry in 1.20 Blood Family, after he had a near Ripper bender involving human-Eliza (1.19 Miss Mystic Falls) and human-Nicola (1.17 Let the Right Ones In), when he was about to kill himself but Elena stopped him.* 

From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Stefan: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 8.05 "I'm Taking You Home", in the warehouse, Josie and Lizzie were holding Seline by the hands, looking at the grave. "Incendia."

The fish burst into flames.

Nicola: (voice over from 8.06 Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell) "How does an evil Siren scheme..."

From 8.06 "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell", in the diner, Nicola, Seline, Sybil and the twins were sitting at the table.

Nicola finished what she was asking. "Involve three-year-olds?"

"She wants to offer them to Cade," Sybil told her.

From 8.06 "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell", in the pool room of the motel, Cade appeared.

Damon: (voice over from 8.04 Life Ruled By Fear) "Who's Cade? What is he?"

Sybil: (voice over from 8.04 Life Ruled By Fear) "The Devil." 

Seline, Sybil and Cade were talking while the twins watched.

"So, you want your freedom?" Cade asked. "In exchange for these two sweet girls?"

"Cade, do we have a deal or not?" Seline asked.

"What if I could offer you a better one?" Sybil asked. "Two brothers, and a sister, vampires. And their powerful vampire vampire Huntress niece. The Salvatores. And Stefan's vampire fiance Alex Gilbert, another Ripper."

Stefan, Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Alex walked in.

"We'll do it," Stefan told them. "Just let the girls go."

"And make sure that the Huntress doesn't have control of me so I don't have to kill everyone I care about," Nicola told him.

From 8.06 "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell", in the infirmary of the Armory, Alaric and Caroline were watching Lizzie and Josie sleep.

"I don't know how to protect... my own children," Alaric told her.

Caroline sighed. "Yes, you do. We need to take them someplace safe."

From 8.06 "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell", in the restaurant, Seline and Sybil were sitting at their table.

"I'm done," Seline told her. "No more killing in his name."

"Sorry, sissy," Sybil told her. "You're about to start making payments on your karmic debt."

"You cut me out of the agreement?" Seline asked.

From 8.06 "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell", in the Armory, Cristian, Liv, Alex, Kaylin and Stefan were talking.

"We surrendered our immortal souls to Cade," Kaylin told them. "We have to serve him the way the Sirens did. Deliver the darkest souls to Hell so we don't end up there ourselves."

"Nicola came up with this idea to save the twins, and to save you girls, so that she could ask Cade to control her like Sybil did, to make it where she doesn't have to kill us," Stefan told them. "She's not gone, guys. She did all of this to save all of us."

Alex sat next to Liv. "Our one condition was that we get to spend our last 24 hours of freedom with the people that we love."

From 8.06 "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell", in the Grill, Damon, Nicola and Sybil were talking.

"Sybil came to find me after she made her deal," Damon told her. "She actually killed me. Cade's not gonna erase your need to kill vampires, Nikki. He actually needs it for what he wants. The big boss man wants to explain it all to you, like he explained it all to me."

Sybil smirked, using her Siren call to take control of the drunk Nicola for a single moment, making it to where she couldn't move.

Damon grabbed the stake off of the bar, plunging it deep into Nicola's chest, striking her heart.

Nicola gasped in pain, starting to desiccate, falling into Damon's arms.

Damon laid Nicola on the bar, watching her as she continued to desiccate and die.


Nicola's Mind Space (Memory)

Day - Field 

(Song:) Silent Night - Elizaveth Spencer & Chorus 

Cade and Nicola were walking through the field of a memory that he was showing her.

"I'm not sure why you had Damon kill me, but if you don't send me back, they're all gonna die," Nicola told him. "If I actually die, then they all do, too."

"I'm aware," Cade told her. "I will send you back. But not before we discuss our partnership."

"What's there to discuss?" Nicola asked. "My ancestors and Alex and I fetch bad guys for the rest of our existence, and in exchange, you keep us out of Hell, and you keep my Huntress side at bay so that I'm not willing to kill them or my friends. Seems pretty horrifically straightforward, if you ask me."

"Surely, you must have questions," Cade told her.

"You sure that I'm the right person for you?" Nicola asked. "I mean, my job description is going after vampires. Not humans."

"Actually, you're the perfect person," Cade answered. "I'm not just looking for the evil of humanity, Nicola. I am looking for the evil of immortality. Vampires included. While the Huntress is right for the job, I'm here to show you why you are as a person."

Nicola looked around the field. "Where is this?"

"You don't recognize it?" Cade asked. "It was a time that you were having fun hunting vampires that weren't the ones that you cared for. While you had been prolonging the confrontation with Tory Donovan, Liv Gilbert and Eliza Forbes as long as possible."

"I had been stalling, because I didn't want to kill them," Nicola told him. "I wanted to delay that."

"While you couldn't do that forever, you did get to do this in the meantime," Cade told her. "The town that they had turned into vampires to send your way, to distract you from getting too close to them and Sybil. Ringing a bell? Take another look." They walked farther into the field to see more dead vampires, all around. Some with their heads slashed off with Nicola's sword, some with their hearts ripped out, some burned alive, and some with their heads ripped off from when Nicola had fed on them. "If death is your canvas, this is your masterpiece."

"They were vampires," Nicola told him. "I was just doing what I had to do."

"Most of them were newborns, turned by the girls," Cade told her. "Some were as old as your ancestors. While some were as evil as they are, some were as innocent as you were. I decided you were mine. Right here." Nicola didn't answer, looking around at the bloodbath around her, the damage that she had caused. "Tell me that you didn't enjoy this."

Nicola saw her past-self feeding on another vampire ravenously, pulling away only when she was about to rip his head off.

The vampire was afraid. "Who the hell are you?"

Past-Nicola smirked with blood over her lips. "Nicola Salvatore. You've heard of Rayna Cruz, right? I guess you could say that I'm her next-in-line. Except that I'm worse."

Past-Nicola went back to feeding on the vampire, watching as another one managed to get away through the woods, feeding until she ripped his head off.

Cade pointed in the direction after the fleeing vampire. "You let that one go so that he could tell others of what he had seen. To spread your name. To spread fear. Why did you do that?"

"I wanted everyone to stop looking for me," Nicola answered. "They had nearly caught up to me before, and I only got away because I knew they were close because of the marks and the connections I have with them. And I wanted to get the message to Tory, Eliza and Liv so that they would run faster. So I wouldn't have to kill them if I caught up to them."

"But you welcomed the infamy, didn't you?" Cade asked. Nicola didn't answer, looking away. "That is what makes you more valuable than any other servant of mine before. That's why I jumped at the opportunity to have you as my new servant when you offered me your deal. Why I accepted. Only more of that will come. The pain that you deliver unto the undead, the fear that they will fear when they hear the name Nicola Salvatore. It strikes more terror in their hearts than Rayna Cruz ever did."

Nicola turned to face him angrily. "I am this way because of Rayna. I didn't ask for it. I hate it. It goes against everything that I am, everything that I care about. And the only times that I don't want to feel anything at all, it wants me to feel everything, so I'm not like the monsters that I hunt. It keeps turning the switch up, and I keep turning it down, because if I turn it on, then the only thing that I will feel is pain."

"You want me to control the Huntress so that you don't have to kill the ones you love?" Cade asked. "The cold-hearted killing machine. That Huntress is exactly what I want in a servant."

"You told me that you could control her," Nicola told him.

Cade smirked. "Stefan, Kaylin, Alex and Damon are truly immortal now, as are you. Even if you kill them, they will come back." Nicola looked away. "If you lose control of the Huntress and kill one of them, it won't matter. Sybil was smart. She knew that if she made you kill Tyler, after she made you watch your sister Sarah die in front of you, after you had already lost Elijah Mikaelson after the short happiness that you had with him, that you would never want to feel anything ever again. I just want you to be yourself. I want you to take a long, nice look at the ones that you've lost in your life, and use it as your fuel to get me what I need. You could become the Huntress that I want. The vampire vampire Ripper that could even tear the Ripper of Monterrey and the Ripper of Mystic Falls to shreds."

Nicola realized what he was getting at. "You want me to turn my humanity all the way off again?"

"And I can make sure that the Huntress doesn't try to turn it back on, as long as you let her come out," Cade told her. "You are one of a kind. No one can do what you do. That is why I want you. If you would do this for me, I might be willing to help you and Kaylin save your lovers and their family from their predicaments."

Nicola didn't answer, sighing heavily.

(Song Ends)


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Day One

Morning - Salvatore Boarding House - Kitchen 

(Song:) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Shout Section Big Band feat. Nick Drozdoff & Amy Yassinger 

Alex was sitting at the table, writing in her diary.

Alex: (voice over) "Dear Elena. This might be my last entry. There may be no tomorrow. So, the present I'm giving myself this Christmas is the present... today. To get Lizzie and Josie, and to save Liv, Tory and Eliza, I made a deal with the Devil. At midnight, I have to leave my life behind. Not just me. The Salvatores do, too. Even though I did everything I could to get Liv back. If I can't find a way out of this, please remind her... I tried. I did everything I could to get back to Liv, just like she did to get back to us."

Stefan was cooking.

Liv and Cristian walked in.

"I thought we agreed to cancel," Liv told them.

"Yeah, but we've been planning this Christmas Eve dinner forever, so we... are going to do it," Alex told them.

"Well, it's not about Christmas plans," Cristian told them. "It's about your deal with Cade."

"I think our last day of life as we know it should be a little bit less depressing than that, don't you?" Stefan asked. "So, today, we are gonna do what people do on Christmas. We're gonna eat more than we should and we're gonna drink until our friends and family seem somewhat normal. That's what we want today to be."

(Song Ends)



There was a knock on the door.

Alex and Liv walked toward the door to open it, revealing Alaric, Caroline, Eliza, Lizzie and Josie outside.

Liv smiled. "Hi, girls!"

"Merry Christmas, Alex," Lizzie told her.

"Merry Christmas, Liv," Josie told her.

Alex smiled. "Oh, Merry Christmas."

Alex and Liv knelt down to hug Josie and Lizzie.

"Oh, let us help take your jackets off," Liv told them.

"I'm afraid we're not gonna be able to stay very long," Alaric told them.

"What?" Alex asked. "Why?"

"Because we're leaving," Caroline answered.

Liv sighed, nodding, rolling her eyes. "Of course you are. You're leaving. The Salvatores are leaving. Alex's leaving."

Eliza looked at her sympathetically. "Oh, Liv." She pulled Liv into her arms. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Well, that's comforting, Eliza," Liv told her.

"Is Seline coming to dinner?" Josie asked.

Alex and Liv were surprised and alarmed by the question.

"No, honey," Caroline answered.

Kacie, Tory and Luke walked into the room from the other side. 

"Hey," Tory told them. "I thought I heard you two."

"We have your Christmas presents upstairs," Kacie told them.

The twins cheered. "Yay!"

Kacie, Tory and Luke took the twins upstairs.

Stefan, Kaylin and Cristian walked in to stand next to Alex and Liv, looking at Alaric, Caroline and Eliza.

"They're asking for Seline?" Cristian asked.

"I know," Alaric told them.

"She kidnapped them," Stefan told them.

"I guess they didn't register the danger," Alaric told them. "No, they just keep asking for her ever since we got them back."

"Well, I don't want them thinking that she's safe," Caroline told them. "I mean, who knows when she's just gonna show up. I, uh... I'll talk to them... once we leave."

"But we're supposed to have Christmas together first," Alex told them.

Nicola walked into the house, taking off her jacket, looking over everyone. "Hello."

"What are you doing here?" Eliza asked.

"I invited her," Kaylin answered. Caroline and Alaric gave her a surprised and guarded look. "She's the one that arranged the deal with Cade, offering us as replacements for the twins. She saved them."

"No need to thank me," Nicola told them, shrugging slightly. "Not after everything."

Sybil and Damon walked in.

Damon smile. "Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas, everybody. Christmas just got merry."

Nicola glared at Sybil. "Would be merrier if she wasn't here."

"And here I thought that you were starting to like me," Sybil told her.

"I told you before, I don't like you, and I sure as hell don't want to be your friend," Nicola told her. "Excuse me. I need a drink."

Nicola walked away.


Bennett House - Bonnie's Room 

Bonnie and Enzo were sitting on the bed.

Enzo was shirtless. 

Bonnie unwrapped her present, seeing that it was a souvenir of La Tour Eiffel. "Ah, I love it. I can totally use this to keep all my papers from blowing away."

Enzo smiled in amusement. "I'm taking you to Paris, silly witch." Bonnie jumped for joy, squealing happily, hugging him tightly. "Say the word and we're off."

They smiled happily, starting to make out passionately, laughing.


Salvatore Boarding House - Kitchen 

Luke, Kacie, Tory, Liv and Eliza were in the kitchen, fixing eggnog, calling Lindsey and Ryan over speakerphone, but keeping their voices down.

Lindsey and Ryan were at home, getting dressed.

"I'm sorry," Lindsey told them. "I know we're late."

"Thank goodness," Eliza told them. "Don't come. It's Damon. He's here with that psycho American Idol reject." 

Lindsey put the speakerphone on. 

"Did you know that she made Damon kill Nicola so that she had to talk to Cade?" Tory asked.

"That's insane," Ryan told them. "What do Sybil and Damon want?"

"To ruin Christmas?" Luke suggested. "I don't know. But they promised to leave the twins alone, and we don't want a war. I just wish that they leave soon."

"Well, what about the tuning fork?" Ryan asked.

"She stole it from us," Kacie told them.

"Yeah, well, let's steal it back," Ryan told them.

"From where?" Kacie asked. "For all we know, it's in the trunk of her car."

"It disrupts her psychic power and it hurts like hell," Ryan told them. "She won't be carrying it around with her. It's probably stashed where she's staying."

"We have no idea where that is," Liv told them.

"We can try to find out," Eliza told them.

"She's not gonna just tell you," Lindsey told them.

"She might," Tory told them. "Let us call you back."

Kacie picked up a bottle of bourbon to pour into the eggnog.


Living Room

(Song:) We Wish You A Merry Christmas - The Craig Gildner Sextet 

Damon, Sybil, Cristian and Nicola were sitting on the couch.

Nicola was glaring at Sybil, drinking bourbon.

Eliza, Liv, Tory, Kacie and Luke walked in with the drinks.

"Eggnog?" Eliza asked. They handed one to each of them. "I didn't have time to poison it."

"Well, you already poisoned the bourbon with milk and cinnamon, so..." Damon trailed off.

Stefan, Kaylin and Alex walked in. 

"Ric and Caroline are gonna stay with the girls for awhile," Alex told them.

"You don't have to hide them," Damon told them. "I'm honoring the deal. We work for Cade. Munchkins go unharmed."

"Well, they're not exactly in a trusting mood right now, and, uh..." Stefan trailed off, looking at Sybil. "Neither am I."

"My sister kidnapped them," Sybil told them. "I saved them from a life of serving Cade when I cosigned Nicola's plan. So, put away your umbrella, Stefan. I don't need your shade. A simple thank you will suffice."

"Thank you," Cristian told her. "She's right. You can't fault one sibling for the sins of the other. Right?"

"I appreciate that, Cristian," Sybil told him.

"Damon, what are you doing with Sybil?" Stefan asked.

Nicola gave him a look. "She made you kill me after she killed you."

"I only did that to help him come to terms with the deal that he has made," Sybil told them.

Nicola rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you have."

Nicola took a drink of eggnog and bourbon.

"Nikki, why don't you come with me and Stefan, and we'll go get some of the old family tree ornaments?" Kaylin asked.

Nicola was slightly suspicious, shaking her head. "All right, fine. Alex, you wanna help, too?"

"Sure," Alex answered.

Nicola finished her eggnog, putting it down, standing.

(Song Ends)



Alex, Stefan, Kaylin, Nicola and Damon were getting ornaments, talking.

"Why did you really bring me up here?" Nicola asked.

"Because you seem to have a control of anger issue when it comes to Damon and Sybil," Stefan answered. "Sybil being around Damon. Damon being around Sybil. What Sybil made Damon do to you."

"We get it, Stefan," Damon told him.

"I can't have anger issues if I don't feel anything," Nicola told him.

"You're lying," Alex told her.

Nicola scoffed, looking down. "And what makes you think that, Alex?"

"Because you went through all of this trouble to save Lizzie and Josie," Alex answered. "And that deal that you made with Cade, your condition was that he stopped you from killing 'everyone that you care about'."

"Sounds a lot like emotions to me," Kaylin told her.

Nicola sighed, turning to face them. "Sybil thought that she pushed my humanity all the way down. I made her think that she was right so that she would get off my back. What do you care?"

"We care because you're riding the dimmer switch right now, and you're doing everything that you can to prolong all the pain that comes with turning it all the way back on," Kaylin answered. "I know that you're scared of what's going to happen when you have to feel everything that's been holding off since Sarah died and since Tyler died."

"You mean since I had to watch my sister die in front of me and since I killed my ex-boyfriend," Nicola told her. "That's what you mean, isn't it, Kaylin?"

"I think what she means is 'since Sybil killed Sarah in front of you and since Sybil made you kill Tyler'," Damon told her.

"Don't start with me, Damon," Nicola told him. "I know that you didn't turn your humanity off like you want Sybil to believe. Connection, remember? These thing are so creepy that this is the very reason why I don't want to use them anymore than I have to."

"You're right, Nikki," Damon told her. 

"What did you guys see when you died and when Cade wanted to talk to you?" Stefan asked.

Nicola and Damon exchanged a look, sighing.

"We got to talk about our deal, Stefan," Damon answered. "Every single bit of it. You want time with him?"

"Not particularly, no," Alex answered.

"Funny thing," Damon told them. "He said the opposite about the three of you. You know what Cade told you to do, Nikki."

Nicola rolled her eyes, hesitating, rushing toward Stefan, Alex and Kaylin to stake them all in the heart with a wooden ornament that she had picked up, killing them all temporarily before they knew what was going on, watching them fall.

Damon smirked, watching as the three of them desiccated.


The Veil - Salvatore Boarding House - Attic 

Stefan and Alex both woke up, gasping, standing, looking at their bodies next to Kaylin's.

"Stefan?" Alex asked.

"Alex," Stefan told her. "It's okay."

"What the hell's going on?" Alex asked.

"The same thing that Damon did to Nikki," Stefan answered. "Apparently Cade wants to talk to us and Kaylin, too."


Living Room 

Stefan and Alex walked into the living room to find that Cade was waiting for them.

Cade stood. "Mr. Salvatore. Miss Gilbert. I've been waiting for you."

Stefan sighed. "Cade. Where are we?"

"Just... behind the veil," Cade answered.

"So, this is Hell?" Stefan asked skeptically. "My living room?"

"If this were Hell, you would know it," Cade told them. "Think of this as a waiting room. Lucky for you, I'm sending you back. But not before we discuss our partnership. Surely, you must have questions."

"Just a Hail Mary pass since we're here," Alex told him. "Why don't you let us out of this deal? We're not the right people for you."

"Actually, you're the perfect people," Cade told them. "You, Kaylin, Damon, Nicola, you're all perfect for the job. I'm here to show you why."


Land of the Living - Salvatore Boarding House - Kitchen 

(Song:) Jingle Bells - The Craig Gildner Sextet 

Luke, Cristian, Kacie, Eliza, Liv and Tory were preparing dinner and drinks.

Sybil was watching them. "Mm, this is gonna be a killer dinner. Are the other guests on the way?"

Tory kept her back to Sybil, rolling her eyes. "Let's hope so."

"Goody," Sybil told them. "I can't wait. I haven't had a Christmas Eve dinner in... ever." Kacie was cutting the turkey. "Here, here, here. Let me help." Kacie smirked sarcastically, backing away. Sybil started to tear the turkey apart. "So, Liv, when's Alex's wedding?"

Liv glared at her. "It was supposed to be in June, but..."

Sybil nodded. "Oh, that's right. Cade. Hmm. Don't worry. A vampire like Alex will be really good. She can probably kill 12 people in two seconds..." Eliza looked up, tilting her head, thinking about it. "And still be home in time to draw herself a bath."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Thrilling. So, what's your favorite part about Mystic Falls so far?"

Sybil smirked. "Hmm... Huge houses with big pools. You know I love the water, and it's not like I have to pay the mortgage or anything."

"It's hard to find those around here," Cristian told her.

"Actually, there's a little neighborhood outside of Grove Hill called the Pond Estates," Sybil told them. "Weirdly though, there's no pond. I know, right? Anyway, it's filled with rich, sleazy men that'll give up their whole house for a song. Get it?"

"That's hilarious," Kacie told her. "Hmm. I'll be right back."

(Song Ends)



Luke, Kacie and Tory were on the phone with Lindsey and Ryan. 

"There's a McMansion neighborhood called the Pond Estates," Luke told them. Lindsey and Ryan were on the road. "It's somewhere outside of Grove Hill."

"Okay," Ryan told them. "We'll look it up. Are you guys okay?"

"It is insane around here," Tory told them. "Sybil wants to be our bestie. Lizzie and Josie keep asking about Seline."

"It's times like these I really miss Elena," Lindsey told them. "If she were here, Damon wouldn't be doing any of this."

Kacie sighed. "Yeah, well, she's not here, and..."

Kacie trailed off when she started to get an idea.

"Kacie?" Tory asked. "Kacie?"

"I need another gift box," Kacie told her. "I'll be back, Tory. Luke, keep them busy."

Tory sighed.



Liv and Cristian walked in to find the corpses of lifeless Stefan, Alex and Kaylin, completely desiccated.

Liv was horrified. "Stefan? Alex! Kaylin..."

Cristian knelt next to them. "Kaylin?"

Damon and Nicola walked closer.

"Relax," Damon told them. "They're not dead. Have you seen Ric or Caroline? Because if that's what's holding up dinner..."

Cristian gave them a look. "What did you do?"

"I killed them," Nicola answered. "I mean, technically, they are dead. But they'll be back. He staked me, and I don't have a scratch. Same dealio."

"Big man requested a meeting with all of us," Damon told them. "What were we gonna do?" He picked up the wooden Christmas ornament that Nicola had used to stake them, showing them the blood on the picks. "You know... I bet... that if you just wash this off... it might still work."

Liv rolled her eyes, looking at Stefan, Alex and Kaylin's bodies worriedly.

Cristian gave Damon and Nicola a look.

Nicola looked down.


Liv's Old Room

(Song:) Deck the Halls - Traditional 

Josie and Lizzie were laying in Liv's old bed when she had stayed in the boarding house in book 5.

Alaric and Caroline were with them.

Caroline was reading them a story. "'But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.'"

"One more story, Mommy," Josie told her.

"Okay," Caroline told them. "One more, but then a nap, because Santa Claus is scheduled to drop by any minute now."

"Aunt Liv says our palace is the safest place in the whole world," Lizzie told them.

"And Aunt Liv's right," Alaric told them. "But remember. Never open the palace doors for anyone but Mommy, Daddy, and the people already here."

"And Seline," Lizzie told them.

Alaric and Caroline looked at each other worriedly.

(Song Ends)


Living Room

(Song:) 12 Days of Christmas - The Craig Gildner Sextet 

Eliza, Kacie, Tory, Liv, Cristian and Luke were setting up the Christmas tree, all of them worried and frazzled.

Sybil was watching them. "Do you like these ornaments?"

"Nope," Luke answered. "Not even a little bit."

Kacie grabbed a bottle to drink her anxiety away.

Matt and Peter walked in.

"Hey, surprise, surprise," Matt told them.

Tory looked at him worriedly. "Matt. I thought you said that you weren't coming."

"Uh, apparently, the Mystic Grill wasn't good enough for this guy," Matt told them.

"Holidays are special," Peter told them. "I convinced him he should stick around for the people he loves."

Tory smiled awkwardly. "I think this is the first time I can remember seeing you, Uncle Peter. Uncle by ex-marriage, by the way. Matt and I are related through our moms."

Peter smiled. "Still consider you my niece, Tory. Glad to have you back."

Tory nodded slightly. "Yeah. Me too."

Peter looked at Kacie and Tory sadly. "And I am so sorry about your brother."

Kacie and Tory nodded sadly in appreciation.

Damon and Nicola walked in.

"Peter Maxwell," Nicola told him.

Sybil gasped slightly. "Ooh. We've been waiting for you."

"Well, Nicola's alive, as you can see," Kacie told them. "Bonnie and Enzo are going to Paris. Lindsey and Ryan are late. And Stefan, Alex and Kaylin are dead. Merry Christmas. I've got gifts."

Kacie forced herself to smile, drinking.


The Veil - Flashback - 2012 

Day - Village 

Cade was leading Stefan and Alex through the village of an unknown town.

"Where is this?" Stefan asked.

"This is one of the places that Silas took me to when he had me under his control," Alex answered, sighing. "When he made me think that he was you. It was a Traveler camp. Silas was angry that Rosalita was using Travelers to spy on us, so he found this place, and he set me loose on them."

They looked around at the bodies on the ground that had been ripped apart.

"Does it remind you of anything, Stefan?" Cade asked.

"Me in Monterrey," Stefan answered. "It's like what I did in 1917."

"Precisely," Cade told them. "You knew that you balanced each other out, that you mirrored each other, but you never knew just how much you were the same. I'm here to get those versions of yourselves to bring them to the surface."

Stefan and Alex looked at each other in guilt.


Land of the Living - Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room

(Song:) Deck the Halls - The Craig Gildner Sextet 

Damon, Nicola, Kacie, Eliza, Liv, Cristian, Matt, Tory, Luke, Peter and Sybil were all sitting around the room, passing out gifts.

"Let's make sure we all get back to the spirit of Christmas," Eliza told them. "At the heart of it is forgiveness. So, Matt. Peter."

"Thanks," Peter told her.

"And my mother taught me to always be prepared for anything," Eliza told them, handing a present to Sybil.

"Thank you," Sybil told her.

Kacie took out a small present. "Now, this one... is for Damon. Even though we've had our moments, I know that there is a future you that is going to ask for my forgiveness one day. This is for that guy."

(Song Ends)

Damon and Kacie looked at each other, smiling small smiles.

Damon took the present. "Anyway..." He cleared his throat. "I'm sure you're all asking yourselves why I barged in tonight. Relax. I come bearing a gift. Now, unfortunately, I'm only gonna be able to give it to the most despicably evil person in the room, and that's gonna be a tough decision. But tonight, one lucky little elf is gonna get an all-expense paid, one-way trip, straight to Hell. Meaning, I'm gonna kill one of you. Let's eat."

Everyone was horrified, except for Nicola, who was bored and unimpressed.

Damon smirked, winking, raising his glass.


Night - Pond Estates - Seline's House - Outside 

Lindsey and Ryan walked up to the house.

"Hey," Lindsey told him. "You sure this is it?"

"Four houses had pools," Ryan told her. "Only one had lights on. Call it intuition. Do the honors?"

Lindsey and Ryan walked in.


Living Room 

Seline was sitting with a family that was singing and caroling. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly / Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la / 'Tis the season to be jolly / Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la / Don we now our gay apparel / Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la."

Seline sensed Lindsey and Ryan's presence. "Lindsey. Ryan. I know you're here." Lindsey and Ryan walked in. "I'm not gonna harm you. I'm not Sybil."

"Okay," Lindsey told her. "We'll just leave, then."

"Without the weapon?" Seline asked. "That is what you came for. Sybil left for Mystic Falls. You two show up here. It doesn't take a psychic to know it's not to keep me company. Besides, that's what I Sirened Tammy's family for. Who wants to be alone on Christmas? Bring me your phone, Lindsey."


Salvatore Boarding House - Dining Room 

Everyone was sitting around the table.

Tory was holding a knife, eyeing Sybil and Damon suspiciously.

"It's really quite simple," Damon told them. "I assess the evil in people, so if they are wicked, immoral, corrupt, foul, nefarious, et cetera, I kill them."

Nicola slammed a dinner dish onto the table in an attempt to get him to stop. "These are the au gratin potatoes. Stefan made them. They're a Salvatore recipe."

"Hey, where the hell are Caroline and Ric?" Damon asked. "What are they, reading the dictionary to those girls?"

"You are not going to kill Caroline or Alaric or anybody else, Damon," Cristian told him. "We are just going to sit here and enjoy this nice dinner just like Kaylin, Stefan and Alex wanted."

"Oh, come on, Cristian," Damon told him. "Luke, hybrid, you got something to say?"

"Yeah," Luke answered. "Shut the hell up."

"Why are you doing this?" Matt asked.

"It's kind of his job," Sybil answered.

"To murder innocent people?" Matt asked.

"Look who's talking about murder," Damon told him.

Matt gave him a look. "I never killed..."

"Oh, yeah?" Damon asked. "Your old flame Penny is pretty dead as a door--"

Matt stood, slamming his hand on the table. "I never murdered anyone."

"Matt, please," Kacie told him.

"It's okay, Matt," Damon told him. "You've had a lot of tragedy in your life. Here's the deal. This isn't personal. This is principle."

"It's all personal, Damon," Luke told him.

"What about this... Peter fellow?" Sybil asked. "I've heard so so much about you."

Tory stabbed her knife into the table angrily, looking at Sybil and Damon seriously. "Back off."

Damon chuckled in amusement. "Ooh-ooh, ooh. Really don't wanna piss off Tory, the Hybrid Heretic, by threatening her family, by ex-marriage, distantly related cousins, first cousins, or half-siblings."



Caroline was on the phone. "Lindsey? Where's Ryan?"

Seline was in the Pond Estate. "Don't hang up. Lindsey and Ryan are here with me. They're in no danger." She held the phone toward Lindsey and Ryan for them to prove her point. "Lindsey. Ryan. Little help please."

"We're fine, Caroline," Lindsey told her. "Seline just wants to talk to you. She won't give us the weapon unless we got you on the phone."

"What the hell do you have to say?" Caroline asked.

"Your children need my help," Seline told her.

"My children are just fine," Caroline told her. "And you're never gonna come around them ever again."

"I have to," Seline told her. "I need to fix what I started. I was giving them training, preparing them for Cade. That left a psychic imprint. If I don't remove that imprint, they will always be linked to me. They must be showing signs of it by now."

"Look, I did what you asked, and I got on the phone," Caroline told her. "Now it's your turn. Give Lindsey and Ryan what they need."

"Caroline, I'm not who you think I am," Seline told her. "I have been trying to escape for years."

"Then do us all a favor," Caroline told her. "And drop dead."

Caroline hung up.


The Veil - Flashback - 1920s 

Night - Dock 

Cade was taking Kaylin through her memories of the '20s, where compelled people were bleeding themselves dry.

"Recognize your work?" Cade asked. "I decided you were mine. Right here. Chicago. You killed, you maimed, you tormented. People called you the queen of torture, or Queen of Chicago."

"You're here to show me where I was at my darkest time?" Kaylin asked skeptically.

"If it wasn't for falling for the Mikaelson hybrid, you could have been worse," Cade told her.

Kaylin scoffed. "You're kidding me, right? I got worse because of Klaus. Klaus made me worse, I made him better. It was a complicated relationship."

"You also had control because of what you felt," Cade told her. Kaylin sighed, rolling her eyes, looking away. "You lied to others before, about how you had your humanity off in Chicago, 1920s, and again when you left Mystic Falls to save your best friend Cristian's life, before your boyfriend returned your memories to you. But you didn't have it off completely. Just enough so that you didn't feel remorse for the people that you killed."

"Yeah, it's called a dimmer switch," Kaylin told him. "You can feel things like love, but not guilt."

"Whose to say that you didn't feel guilt, however?" Cade asked. "You wrote the list of names in the closet of your apartment because of guilt."

Kaylin sighed in annoyance. "So, what's your point?"

Cade turned to face her. "If you can do all of that while not having it completely off, I want to see what you can do when you turn it all the way off."

Kaylin looked at him in annoyance.


Kaylin was standing over a pool of blood that was the result of Past-Kaylin, in a flapper dress, compelling and feeding on the victims of the dock. 

"You were once an innocent girl who loved the wrong people, who became something more," Cade told her. "Good girl who was headed down the right path and was veered right into the median, turned into something dark. A girl like your niece, as well. Like Eliza Forbes."

"Well, I can't change that, can I?" Kaylin asked.

"But you can do it to other people," Cade told her. "For me. Find people that would get into the place with pearly gates by an inch, and make them into folks that would miss it by a mile. Like you. Like your niece. Like Eliza. Help me gather what I need."

"I thought you needed evil people," Kaylin told him.

"Good people who can be made wicked," Cade told her. "They are evil at their core. Their souls are unusually potent. Those are the ones I want to feed on most of all. As a vampire, even when you were good, you were always willing to do the bad, even if it was just to save your friends and family. Like your friend Bonnie's mother, Lindsey's relative, you turned her into a vampire against her wishes. You killed countless of people to save your family, your friends. The plans that you set in action with the best intentions also had the worst outcomes. Thriving, spontaneous, fun."

"I will never be that girl again," Kaylin told him. "Not for you. Not for anyone."

"I'm disappointed to hear it, Kaylin," Cade told her. "I'm sure the most important people in your life will, too."

"What do you mean?" Kaylin asked impatiently.

"I mean, your brothers, your niece, the Originals, the man who is feared and hated by all, one of whom just happens to love you because you are just as dark as he is," Cade answered. "If I can bring you and your family, Alex Gilbert, back from the brink of death and return you to your lives, like I did with Damon and Nicola, like I'm doing with you, Alex, and Stefan, don't you think that I would be able to save the Mikaelsons?"

Kaylin turned to face him angrily. "Do not use that as a way to get to me. And if you're lying to me about this, I swear to God, I will kill you, whether you're the actual Devil or some third rate imposter."

Cade was incredibly amused and pleased with her reaction. "And you wondered why I would want you. You think that I would lie about this?"

"I think that whoever calls himself the Devil has some pretty manipulative ways and doesn't like to keep their word," Kaylin answered. 

Cade smirked in amusement.


Land of the Living - Pond Estates - Living Room 

Lindsey, Ryan and Seline were talking.

"All I wanted was a way out," Seline told them. "I always wanted to be mortal. To be free. But now, when I die, Cade will torture my soul in Hell. Because my sister sold me out. Redemption is the only chance I have. If Alaric and Caroline love their daughters, they will bring them to see me."

"We'll relay the message," Ryan told her. "Can't promise results."

"The path to forgiveness begins with one step, right?" Seline asked, picking up the tuning fork, holding it toward them.

Lindsey took the tuning fork. "Thank you."


Salvatore Boarding House - Dining Room 

Everyone was sitting at the table.

"I told you," Peter told them. "I gambled away lots of money. I cheated on my taxes for sure. I don't know what else you want to know."

Alaric and Caroline stood in the doorway.

"Well, look who decided to join us," Damon told them. "I was just asking Peter what's the worst thing he's ever done."

"I see you're wreaking havoc as usual," Alaric told them.

"Damon, drop this stupid game," Kacie told him.

"Oh, but humiliating public confession is so fun," Sybil told them.

Damon looked at Peter. "You left your kids. You abandoned your family. And your answer to the question what's the worst thing you've ever done is..." He began imitating Peter. "'Uh, I guess I gambled and cheated on account of my dishonesty.'"

"I was a kid," Peter told them.

"Well, unless your last name is Pan, you haven't been a kid for a long time," Damon told him. "So, explain to me the last 20-plus years."

"None of your business, Damon," Matt told him.

"Enough," Liv told them. "Enough."

Cristian looked at Peter. "This has gone way too far. You do not need to answer him."

Damon rushed around the table to grab Peter from the table, backing away.

Everyone stood in surprise and caution.

Damon put the knife to Peter's throat. "Yes, you do. And quick." He slit the knife across Peter's cheek, making him groan in pain. "Next cut goes a couple inches lower." Cristian and Luke walked closer. "Ah-ah. Cristian. Luke. Don't do it. What are you gonna do, boys? Try to stop me, and then when I kill Peter, that blood will be on your Hell list. Let's hear Papa's story while he still has some vocal cords. Last chance. What kept you away for more than 20 years?"

"It was shame, okay?" Peter asked. "Just look, I was... I was ashamed. Kelly was pregnant again and I... I couldn't come back and be another toilet scrubber in this town. I had... I had to get out."

Matt was heartbroken by this response. Tory was stunned, looking at Matt sympathetically.

"Wow," Damon told them. "It's worse than I thought. He didn't have a reason at all. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner."

Matt had to sit down.

Damon went to stab Peter. 

Tory used magic to throw a wooden knife into Damon's chest, staking him in the heart, saving Peter and killing Damon temporarily, watching him fall to the floor and begin to desiccate.

Everyone looked at each other.



Sybil and Peter were talking.

"I'm so sorry about your face," Sybil told him. "Me? I prefer to catch my flies with honey. See, Damon came here to give something, but I came here to get something. So, where is it?"

Peter looked at her in confusion. "Whatever you want, look, I--I don't have it."

"Lies," Sybil told him.

"Lady, I have no idea what you're talking about," Peter told her.

"All you need to know is that you have something I need, and you will give it to me," Sybil told him.

Sybil grabbed Peter by the head, forcefully entering his mind, beginning to look for something in his thoughts.


Dining Room 

Damon was just waking up, faster than Stefan, Alex and Kaylin were, because Cade was still talking to them to sway them to his side.

Nicola, Liv and Cristian were moving Damon to the door.

Tory, Matt, Luke, Kacie, Eliza, Caroline and Alaric watched them.

They heard Peter yelling from the kitchen.

"I wouldn't," Damon told them.

Tory glared at Damon, rushing out of the room.



Sybil was still searching Peter's mind. "Simple mind, where is it?"

Tory rushed in, using magic against Sybil to cause her pain, making her let go of Peter. Sybil still had a deep hold on Tory's mind, easily using her psychic abilities to make her stop.

Lindsey and Ryan walked in.

Lindsey covered her ears.

Ryan used the tuning fork, making it ring and pierce out, causing Sybil, Lindsey and Tory a lot of pain.

Damon rushed inside, grabbing Sybil, rushing out, leaving.


The Veil - Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room 

Stefan, Alex and Kaylin appeared, brought together by Cade to talk to him.

"Now, I'm bored and so not convinced," Kaylin told him. "And you've taken too much of our time."

"I suppose," Cade told them. "Especially considering I have forever with you."

"And if we refuse?" Alex asked.

"I suddenly become patient enough to wait for those kids to come of age," Cade answered. "Kaylin, I don't think you're patient enough to wait years for your lover's family to be healed and woken and reunited with Kassandra, as the girl that she once was, and not the beast that she was forced to turn into."

Kaylin glared at him for using that against her, considering for a long moment, thinking about everything he had said.

"And what if you don't have to be patient?" Stefan asked. "What if we can get the job done... faster?"

"'Faster'?" Cade repeated. "How?"

"I could become the Ripper that you want," Stefan answered. "I'd be more effective that way. I wouldn't be held back by my emotions."

"You'd turn your humanity off?" Cade asked.

"For a short time, yes," Stefan answered. 

"I would, too, so that I don't have to feel the guilt like Tory and Liv did, doing what Eliza did to not hold myself back," Alex told him.

"And if you keep up your end of the deal by keeping us immortal so that even if Nikki does lose control and kill us, we won't stay dead, and if you save the Mikaelsons, including Kassandra, I could become the girl from Chicago again," Kaylin told him. 

"And then after, when it's over, you let all of us go," Alex told him. "Me, Stefan, Kaylin, Damon, Nicola. And you save the Mikaelsons. Including Kassandra."

"One year," Cade told them. "Although, the Huntress, Rippers and the queen of torture will never tire of this work. I predict that, after a year with me, you won't want to leave."

"Well, I think you're wrong," Alex told him.

"That's what makes our wager worthwhile," Cade told them.

"And if you flake out on our deal, or if you lie to me about letting us go and not save the Mikaelsons, I will find a way to kill you, Devil or no Devil," Kaylin told him. "I don't know how long it would take me to find a way to get to you and kill you, but I don't care, because I get things done. 'I killed the Devil'. It would be an interesting thing to put on my resume. I've already killed Rosalita, so I'm sure as hell that it wouldn't be that much harder to kill you. Pun intended."

Stefan and Alex were completely unsurprised by this side of Kaylin, the threats that she made and the lengths that she would go, especially if someone lied to her about this.

Cade smirked knowingly in amusement, sending them back to life.


Land of the Living - Town Square 

Damon and Sybil were walking together.

Carolers were singing Silent Night nearby.

"How's your head?" Damon asked.

"Aside from the whine, it's okay," Sybil answered.

"Good," Damon told her.

"You saved me tonight," Sybil told him. "It was instinct. Something's happening... in there." She placed a hand on his chest, over his heart. "I didn't know you had one of those."

"Mm, must be the holidays," Damon told her.

Sybil chuckled. "Oh. Well, then, is that my Christmas present in your jacket?" Damon pulled out the small gift that Kacie had previously given him. Sybil gasped. "Oh." She opened the box to reveal Esther/Rebekah/Elena's necklace. "Oh, it's beautiful."

Damon remembered Elena wearing that necklace, placing it around a thrilled Sybil's neck. 

Sybil turned to face Damon, about to kiss him. Damon ripped into her chest, removing her heart, laying her on a bench nearby so that no one would notice, taking the necklace back, leaving her heart on the bench, standing, walking away.


On the Road - Enzo's Car

(Song:) The First Noel - Dinah Shore 

Enzo was driving.

Bonnie was in the passenger seat.

"All the more reason to get the hell out of Dodge," Enzo told her.

"Um, you should know that I bought you T-shirts," Bonnie told him. "Figured you were tired of me sleeping in yours. You're taking me to Paris, and I bought you T-shirts. T-shirts! I suck."

They smiled, laughing. 

"Bonnie Bennett, you are the gift I've always wanted," Enzo told her.

They smiled.

(Song Ends)


Salvatore Boarding House - Attic 

(Song:) The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You) - Jackie Gleason 

Alex had woken up before Stefan and Kaylin, sitting down in a chair, drinking, sighing.

Stefan gasped, sitting up.

Alex put her glass down, walking closer. "Hey. I don't know how I woke up before you, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I have died before. Well, not really died, but you know how I mean when I used to be linked with you know who."

"Where is everyone?" Stefan asked.

"They're gone," Alex answered.

Stefan took her by the hand. "Come with me."

Stefan stood, leading Alex out of the room.


Living Room 

Stefan led Alex into the room.

"Where are we going?" Alex asked. "Stefan, what about Cade?"

"We'll deal with it, Alex," Stefan told her, pulling Alex into the threshold of the living room. "But first..." 

Stefan placed a hand on either of Alex's cheeks, kissing her passionately, pulling away.

"You could have kissed me anywhere," Alex told him.

They looked up at the mistletoe hanging over their heads, smiling small smiles.

"I needed at least one thing we planned for today to actually work," Stefan told her. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Alex told him. She sighed. "Do you think Cade's serious about this deal? We serve him for a year, we turn it off, we kill in his name, and so that Nicola doesn't lose control and kill us, he makes us immortal, and then after we're done, to honor the deal with Kaylin, he saves the Original family, including Kassandra?"

"I don't know," Stefan told her. "But I do know that if Cade is lying about at least one thing of our deal, Kaylin will make good on her promise about finding a way to kill him. And Nikki would probably help. Let's not talk about this anymore, okay? Just let us have this moment, Alex. 'Cause in seven minutes, Christmas is over, and everything changes so... let me be here, right now... with you."

They continued to kiss.



Lizzie and Josie were sitting in a greenhouse on the Salvatore grounds.

Alaric and Caroline were standing outside.

Seline got out of her car, walking closer. "When you said the Salvatore home, I thought you meant the front door."

"Yeah, we've had enough guests for one night," Alaric told her. "Besides, this is between us. We're doing this for them, not you. Remember our terms."

"I will," Seline told them.

Caroline called inside. "Girls."

Lizzie and Josie ran outside toward Seline. "Seline!"

"Hey," Seline told them. "I missed you guys. So we are gonna play a little game, and then you won't remember me, but that's okay, 'cause you have so many people that love you."


Dark Alley 

Matt, Luke, Kacie and Tory dropped Peter off, sharing a silent tense moment. 

Matt was still hurting after the revelation of his shame, while, Kacie, Tory and Luke were sympathetic.


Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room 

Liv was sitting at the fireplace, looking into the flames in sadness.

Cristian walked toward Liv sadly, placing a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. Liv looked up at him sadly. Cristian sat next to her. They looked at each other for a moment, starting to kiss slowly and sweetly but sadly and passionately, not having to say a word to know what was on each other's minds.

(Song Ends)


On the Road 

Nicola was walking alone with her bag.

Stefan, Alex, Kaylin and Damon drove up next to Nicola in Damon's car.

"Hop in, if you're not feeling any holiday homicidal Huntress urges," Kaylin told her.

Nicola noticed that Sybil wasn't there with them. "You're light a passenger. I got to say, Damon, seeing you rip out Sybil's heart was worthwhile. At least she won't be joining us."

"Stop using that connection thing," Damon told her. "It's creepy."

"Tell me about it," Nicola told them.

Alex waved for Nicola to get in.


Damon's Car 

Damon was driving. Stefan was in the passenger seat. Alex, Kaylin and Nicola were in the backseat.

"You're gonna want to get under the hood and flip those humanity switches," Damon told them. "I know that Cade can help you keep yours down, Nikki, which is what you want, isn't it? It won't be so painful."

Nicola sighed. "Yeah."

"Not yet," Stefan told them.

"Suit yourself, Ebenezer," Kaylin told him.

Nicola closed her eyes, sighing, looking for the humanity switch inside, finding it easily and turning it all the way back down, despite what the Huntress wanted.

Damon sighed, smirking. "All of us, back on the road again. We need a theme song or something."

Damon turned on the radio to a Christmas song.

(Song:) Christmas Canon - Trans-Siberian Orchestra 

Kaylin sighed, closing her eyes, seeming to turn it most of the way off, but not all the way, as she was holding onto her bracelet from Klaus the entire time, as if she was making herself and him and his family a promise.

They past a sign saying Mystic Falls City Limit.

Stefan and Alex hesitated for a moment, looking at each other through their reflections, nodding, sighing, closing their eyes, looking for their switches to turn it off, opening their eyes, looking completely void.

Nicola smirked.

Kaylin smiled.

Damon looked between them. "There they are. Merry Christmas, guys. Merry Christmas."

(Song Ends)


8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?" Trailer

(Song:) Children of the Earth - Dark Rock Republic 

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in an anger management support group, Stefan, Alex, Damon and Kaylin were sitting in the circle, while Nicola watched from the door.

"Hi," Damon told them. "I'm Damon."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in the road, Damon bit a woman on the neck, feeding.

Damon: (voice over from 8.08 How Did I Become the Bad Guy?) "And I have anger issues."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in an anger management support group, Stefan, Alex, Damon and Kaylin were sitting in the circle, while Nicola watched from the door.

"I'm Stefan," Stefan told them. 

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in a hospital hallway, Stefan was feeding from a nurse in front of Alex.

Stefan: (voice over from 8.08 How Did I Become the Bad Guy?) "I have substance abuse issues."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in an anger management support group, Stefan, Alex, Damon and Kaylin were sitting in the circle, while Nicola watched from the door.

"I'm Alex," Alex told them.

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in the hospital hallway, Stefan was holding the nurse in front of Alex, almost seductively.

Alex lost control, rushing closer, biting the nurse on the neck, feeding.

Alex: (voice over from 8.08 How Did I Become the Bad Guy?) "I have control issues."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in an anger management support group, Stefan, Alex, Damon and Kaylin were sitting in the circle, while Nicola watched from the door.

"I'm Kaylin," Kaylin told them. 

Kaylin rushed toward a man, biting him on the neck, feeding.

Kaylin: (voice over from 8.08 How Did I Become the Bad Guy?) "And I'm just really feeling the need to vent."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in a warehouse, Nicola was fighting with a group of vampires, unleashing her inner Huntress without remorse.

Nicola: (voice over from 8.08 How Did I Become the Bad Guy?) "I work for the Devil, and I have a dark force inside me."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in a hospital room, Stefan and Damon were laying in hospital beds.

Kaylin, Alex and Nicola stood in front of them.

Nicola smirked. "I don't have to play fair."

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in history class, Liv rushed toward Sybil, gripping her angrily by the throat.

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", outside the witch house, a fire burned out of control.

Tory clapped her hands together, throwing her arms out wide, using magic to extinguish the flames.

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", outside the witch house, Tory, Eliza, Liv, Kacie, Cristian, Luke, and Sybil were standing outside with a group of people.

Eliza was overwhelmed with worry. "Everybody stop!"

From 8.08 "How Did I Become the Bad Guy?", in the Forbes House's garage, Eliza, Liv, Tory, Cristian, Lindsey, Ryan and Sybil were here.

Liv was beyond annoyed. "I am so over this bitch."


Stefan and Alex stood close together. Stefan had his arm around her waist while Alex had a hand on his chest. Damon and Kaylin stood nearby, a little distance apart. Nicola was standing further away, facing away from them, her sword drawn and held out to the side.

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