My Life as A Grim Reaper

By Aimless

55.2K 2.1K 163

Taking a bullet aimed at her friend cost Zel Stanton her life. She wasn't supposed to die, and so Death gave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

4K 183 19
By Aimless

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I don't bite, and I love feedback. I know there's only like....4 people reading this story, but hey! I'm just happy someone enjoys this!

Enjoy Chapter 6, dearies!



I jolted upright, broken out in a cold sweat. I remembered what'd happened, and I got out of my bed.

"What the hell did Death give me..." I mumbled, putting my hand to my forehead. I went to my wardrobe--It looked like something straight out of Narnia-- and pulled out a black skirt and a black corset.

"The wardrobe could at least have had a little color..." I said to myself, with a little sigh.

I pulled off my dirty clothes, and put the new clothes on. I took a peek out my curtained window. It looked like it was at least one o'clock in the morning.

"Well shit. I think I have some souls to take...." I said, holding a piece of parchment paper up. I scanned it, and looked at the people due for death. There was a total of 24 people I had to ferry off.

I grabbed my scythe, and smiled as I felt the soft vibration of the energy it stored. I guess señior psychopath was happy.

I am not! What reason would I have to be happy when I've been assigned to you.

Don't lie, you know you're excited to go get some souls, Scythe. He was silent after that, hmm.. guess I was right. Then came a sullen mumbling.

I picked up my robe, and slipped it on over my clothes, and pulled the hood over my head to cover my face. I simply walked through my door, and headed out of the seemingly endless building. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only Reaper up at this time of night. I felt a strange flow of energy going through my body. It was.....rather calming. Something was different about me, I knew that.

While I was walking down the bridge back to earth, from the Organization's private dimension, someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned around, weapon at the ready, only to see Louis at the tip of my scythe's blade.

"Woah! Watch where you put that thing!" He hissed in an angry whisper.

I glared. "Seriously? I wouldn't have had any sympathy if I'd chopped your head off, Louis." I muttered, and kept walking.

Louis sighed. "Well, excuse me!" He said pretending to be offended.

I ignored him, and kept walking, nearly at the end of the bridge. It'd been a week or so since I'd been back on earth.

Louis sighed. "You mad or something, Zel?" he asked. From the way his voice sounded, he would have been upset by an affirmative answer. I looked back, and stopped.

"Nope, I'm not mad. Just cranky; I'm still in pain." I said, referring to whatever Death had given me.

"Oh. Watch your step--" Louis said, but I had already missed the step I was taking. Before I hit the ground, Louis caught me.

"Thanks." I said.

Louis pulled me up effortlessly, and we floated down from a platform on a cloud the rest of the way down to Earth.

"So where's our first stop?" Louis asked, looking at me weirdly. I wondered what he was looking at me like that for.

With shadows curling around me, ready to teleport to my destination like Louis had taugt me, I said "Er.... 356 Elm street, New York, New York." I said, smiling at the thought of going to New York. I'd been there once, when I was little, and I'd loved it. I was excited to go back.

"There's supposed to be an accident at about 5:30 p.m on the same street, at the intersection, but I have to ferry a sick kid first. So, let's get going." I said.

Louis nodded, and he took my hand. I felt a blush creeping up. "What the hell are you doing?" I hissed. Louis grinned.

"Making sure you don't get lost, little ducky." He said in a velvety voice. I frowned, the heat creeping up my neck. That made Louis grin wider, nearly ear-to-ear. "What? I'm working to much of my charm, Zel?" He asked in a more seductive tone.

I growled a bit, turning my head away. "You suck at seduction, Louis. And don't call me little duck, either; my name is Zel, you idiot."

With that said, I concentrated on my destination, and felt myself being sucked into a sort of black hole with Louis still holding my hand gently. Then, in a split second, I was lying on the ground, on top of something hard. I looked down, and noticed I was atop Louis, in the middle of the street. Louis smiled up at me. "Nice destination choice, Little Duck." He said smoothly. I rolled my eyes, and rolled off of him, and my heart skipped a beat as an 18-wheeler sped right through me. it didn't even honk. As if it didn't see me... what the hell?

Louis noticed the confused look on my face. And laughed. "Did that scare you? Zel, to humans, we're just shadows. We cannot be seen by the human eye, and anything man made passes straight through us. Convenient, no? While off your guard you're always invisible, but, you can make yourself visible, if you think hard enough." he explained, offering a hand to help me up. I took his hand, and pulled myself up, while I dusted off my robe.

"I-I knew that..." I said half-heartedly. Looking in front of me, I saw the numbers on the side of a mailbox that read:

356 Elm st.


I looked at Louis, and walked into the house, not bothering to open the door. When I got inside, I saw a little boy lying on a hospital bed. He was hooked up to several IVs. The poor kid looked like he'd been hit by a train. He looked to be about 9 or 10, and he was scrawny. His mom, dad, sister, brother, and even his dog were crowded around the hospital bed in the living room. I sighed, I hoped this kid was going to a good place. I watched the heart monitor slow down to nearly a stop. His mother started bawling her mascara-smeared eyes out, her sobs making her shoulders heave. Her husband clutched her hand, along with his other children's hands, and simply watched in silence as his little boy's heart came to a stop. The little boy's soul floated up, unseen by the humans, and glowed for a minute, hovering over his tiny chest. Louis nudged me. "Get the soul, Little Duck!" he whispered.

I frowned at the reappearance of his chosen nickname for me. but I raised my scythe, and slashed at the soul, which turned to a fog, and dissapeared. I went with it.

I reappeared with the little boy by my side in a realm of shadows. There were two doors, one leading to Hell, and the other leading to Heaven. The little boy looked up at me, taking my cold, dead hand. "Where are we? ... Am I dead?" He asked. I hated to hear those words from someone so young. But, as I was taught, it was forbidden to speak to a soul, or a human if you were a Reaper. So I nodded in silence as a response. The boy walked towards a door that seemed to be pulling him. Then a figure in ash-grey robes appeared. You couldn't see the figure's face.

"Greetings. Call me Fate, young one." The voice rang in your ears for a bit when he was finished speaking. The boy was wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights. "What pulls you towards the doors to Hell, young man?" Fate asked, as the boy glided slowly to the more sinister of the two doors before him. I simply watched in silence.

"T-there was screaming...I thought someone needed help..." The boy responded.

"What's your name, child?" Fate asked in a rough voice. It sounded like the spine of an ancient book crackling with old age. It made me shiver.

"R-Rico..." the boy said meekly.

Fate, even without a face, seemed to smile reassuringly, but cruelly at the same time.

"Your Path leads you to heaven, Rico. Don't be drawn in by the lure of Hell." Fate said sternly.

Rico nodded slowly, and turned to wave at me. "Bye-bye, Death!" he said cheerfully. I smiled at him, even though my hood was covering my face.

Rico then opened the door to Hell, and a bright, shining light encompassed the room. And before I knew it, I was back in the living room of the family, the boy's lifeless body laying in the hospital bed, and his family sobbing. Louis was at the door, and I pulled my hood back.

"Let's go, Louis." I said firmly.

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