Naruto The Rise Of A Titan

Por Drakan465

13.8K 186 38

My father use to say you can't outrun your fate son but you damn well can beat the hell out of it when it cat... Más

The Ninja Quiets
A Gathering Of Titans
The Titans Of Jump City

The Titans Fight

3.1K 41 8
Por Drakan465

Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

Four months later since The Teen titans had formed

The alarms blared loudly as a giant stone golem burst through the giant steel prison gates this man no this villain stood five time the height of a normal average man this villains name was Cinderblock he was the resident villain of jump city before he worked as a construction worker for star labs but after a bad accident were he was covered in cement he soon after became cinderblock and after he did a few petty crimes which were either stoped by a superhero from the justice league he left and hit the road but he was soon contacted by a man a man who would pay him big bucks if he worked for him so obviously he agreed with no problems and so here he was about to break out a prisoner which he didn't know why but still he asked no questions only did as he was told

As he walked forward he suddenly heard a voice that made him angry "you know cinderblock the bad guys usually break out of jail" said the voice then another voice caught cinderblock attention that put him on guard "and I can think of six reasons you don't wanna break in" just then robin the boy wonder jump from the ceiling and landed in front of him "two" star fire the orange tamaranian flew from the opened gate and landed beside robin then a large green tiger jumped from above cinder block and landed on the right of robin it then changed to reveal beastboy "three" a black endless void opened up from the ceiling and raven came from it her and she landed beside starfire "four" she said as she took a defensive stance "five" said cyborg without any sweatpants or sweat shirt it took some time but the other titans talked him into being comfortable with who he is who also jumped from the side and stood next to beastboy "six" said naruto who reappeared in a swirl of flames next to raven ,who blushed a little though no one noticed, still with his own outfit the only difference being he had a pendant with a image of a nine tailed fox inside of it "ether way you do the math it all ends up in you going down so are you going to go quietly?" Asked robin "or is this going to get loud" said cyborg

Cinder block looked at them then he roared as he charged forward robin snarled then shouted "TITANS GO!" The taints charged forward as beast boy changed into a raven and Naruto went into his Fox form only this time large amounts of sliver liquid came up from the ground and formed different sets of red crimson metal armour for him a set of crimson red armor for his face, legs and body. The metal covered Naruto's paws and added super sharp claws for extra ripping power. The body part covered from Naruto's shoulders to his tails and was decorated with metal sketching of Kurama and the leaf symbol. The head piece fit over his face so it didn't obscure his vision and had a sharp point on the forehead so that he could stab the enemies. (Think of Naruto's armor like the armor a horse would wear in a battle but Crimson red and spikier)

As the two sides charged the teens yelled loudly (play the video below and watch it)

Robin kicked it off literally by jumping up and spin kicking cinderblock in the face throwing the giant stone villain in a daze star fire took the advantage and blasted the monster in the back with her star bolt ray making cinderblock yell out in pain then cyborg jumped up and throw a punch at the villain but cinderblock countered by punching back but the fists connected throwing the villain back from the sides naruto looked at the raven animal beast boy and nodded beast boy nodded back and began driving cinderblock towards naruto who jumped up and spin towards him slamming his armoured covered tails in the monsters face then he jumped up and tail bashed him towards raven who raised part of the ground up but cinderblock ,who was tired of being a pinball for superhero teens, punched through the block of stone raven flew up and around cinderblock causing him to turn around and see robin and cyborg and Naruto and starfire

But he growled and with a quick one two knocked robin and cyborg away but star fire and Naruto kept going star naruto jumped only to be caught in Cinderblocks hands but the naruto smiled as his mouth stated to smoke then he breathed out a large fireball into the villains face throwing naruto away who landed into a wall while cinderblock rubbed his eyes then starfire came and punched him hard into the wall dazeing  him again then he heard a squawk and he looked up to see the green and black raven only to widened his eyes as he saw the bird transfom into a large green black stripped t-rex who roared and charged towards him cinderblock reared his arm back and punched the green dinosaur sending him flying into the air naruto looked up and saw where beast boy was going to land amd he ran and pick raven up on his back before beast boy could land on her "need a ride" he said still in his Fox form as he ran on towards cinderblock raven blushed again then she raised her hand as it glowed black and she said her famous incantation "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" and then two large boulders both on Narutos left and right rose up from the ground she launched one at thrashing cinderblock who had a boy wonder on his back "thrashing only makes me hold tighter" robin smiled as he let go and jumped off the villains back then he watched cinderblock hit himself on the head with a support beam he had grabbed  then robin saw two large boulders smash into cinderblocks face and gut he shock his head and growled cybrog smiled "now there an idea"

He said as he grabbed another support beam much to robin's distaste they were supposed to keep the prison up not tear it down cybor charged and began a heated steel beam fight the looked comical in a way to naruto then cinderblock smashed his support beam into our half robotic super hero's face sending him flying cinderblock turned around to find starfire and raven ,who was still on Narutos back, Naruto growled at him as cinderblock gripped his steel beam tighter only for starfire to launch a statbolt at it and for it to turn red and go limp in Cinder blocks hands who's eyes widened cartoonish like and he dropped the beam causing starfire and naruto to chuckle cinderblock growled and turn and ran down the hall way behind him

Cyborg was still on the ground dazed a little until robin came to him and he help him up cyborg rubbed his still hurt head and he sighed robin looked at him and smiled "ready to give this guy the sonic boom" cyborg smiled "I got the sonic if you got the boom" the rest of the titans caught up to them at the hall way entrance as cinderblock ran down the hall way he heard "yo rock head" yelled cybrog naruto and the rest watched on as the two teens ran on opposite sides of the wall and then up but then there legs got caught and then both the boys spined in the air almost causing naruto to laugh then both boys flew and landed on opposite sides of the prison due to the crash cyborgs sonic Canon went off at low levels and it hit both starfire and beast boy not hurting them but it did blind them robin's flash disk feel out of his hands and went ravens way who was still on Narutos back and it went off and blinded them both cinderblock smiled as he then went forward and through the prison walls the prisoners looked out and smiled

At the thought off freedom they ran out of there cells and towatds the opened gate a dazed and confused robin looked to see escaping prisoners and he pointed towards them and the other titans ran forward and started beating the prisoners

With cinderblock

Cinder block walked into the locked down room the shattered remains of what was once a steel door layed behind him he walked into the room what he heard and saw surprised him a bit what he heard was soft quiet music playing music that would put you to sleep normally what he saw however was a large tube filled with blue liquid and inside of it was a man wearing nothing but underwear who was asleep actually cinderblock wondered what his employer wanted with this man but he shrugged it off and grabbed the tube and punch a large hole in the floor and jumped down it he also squeezed the tube through

With the titans

Three prisoners ran towards the large open gate exit outside of the prison only for steel door covered in black magic to slam in front of it covering the exit then raven appeared and said "think again" as the prisoners were brought back into there cells the titans stood and watched just to make sure nobody tried anything funny a green and black gorilla who then became beastboy smiled "jail break I don't see any jail break" robin growled as he looked at cyborg "none of use would of seen one if cyborg hadn't messed up" cyborg grew wide eyes as he looked at the boy wonder "me I ain't messed up nothing you got in my way" robin growled as he looked at the young metal man "you were to far forward and cinderblock got away because of it" cyborg growled as he gained a large head which oddly reminded naruto of irukas big head jutsue that he used to quiet down the class "YOUR SAYING THIS IS MY FAULT" yelled Cyborg robin also got a large head which made naruto wonder if everyone knew the jutsue besides him

"Want me to say it again" said robin as the air grew thick around the two teens just then before fists were thrown starfire got between the two in an iffort to stop the two friends from fighting "stop no more mean talking" she said in a kind tone only she had beast boy then put his comedic thought in "yeah if you two are going to fight we need time to sale tickets" he said in a bid to joke around a bit to lighten the mood "cinderblock escaped and no amount of yelling will change that so st top acting like idiots and let's go home" said raven Naruto nodded as he changed back into his old self and not his fox form "Ravens right we also need to figure out why cinderblock did this there has to be some motive so let's go" robin and cyborg huffed as they walked opposite ways out of the building but with his great hearing naruto sighed as he heard them both call each other names then they spun around fast "WHAT DID YOU SAY" they both yelled at each other "YOU GOT A PROBLEM TIN-MAN" yelled Robin "YEAH ITS FOUR FEET TALL AND SMELLS LIKE CHEAP HAIR-GEL" said cyborg with a smile robin growled and said "OH YEAH WELL YOUR AN OVERGROWN KLUTZ AND YOUR FEET SMELL LIKE-" "ENOUGH!!" yelled naruto who then got everyone's attention "THATS...that's Enough I'm growing tired of your pointless arguing over something as stupid as this and since it seems that you two wont talk normally like people I'll do it for you Cyborg go to town and cool off robin go back to the tower both of you go" when no one moved Naruto growled and his eyes glowed red "NOW!" he yelled and the two friends scared looked at each other and growled but walked away without a word Naruto sighed as raven softly rubbed his back he looked at her and smiled this was the first time she ever seemed to show emotion but there were more pressing matters now "alright let's go home and let those two cool off and hope that they come to there senses" he said to beast boy and starfire also to raven

With cinderblock

Cinderblock walked through the large clock tower base towards his boss when he reached the steps he found his care taker looking at him he put the tube with the human down and looked at his employer "Cinder block I see that your mission was a success we will proceed to phase two...wake him" cinderblock grabbed the top of the sealed off tube and rip it open the man inside woke up a few seconds later his name was Otto Von Furth was a mine worker in East Berlin Germany until an unexpected cave-in trapped him and four fellow miners for seven days. During those days, Otto's co-workers died, leaving him as the only survivor. He and his fellow miners had been mining for radioactive Radium and ended up exposed to it and when rescued, he was rushed to the hospital. Otto is later kidnapped by Ex-Nazi General Zahel ,who he later killed, who mutated him into a blob-like state. after that he went on a rampage until he was later stopped and sedated the later moved to jump city for out of the way quarantine although it is never know why he was moved there it was only written and told

as the Miner awoke he looked around in fright "I'm awake I can't be awake I'm only human when I'm sleeping" the man on the throne chuckled "but for what I have in mind your human form is useless I need plasmas" the man shooke his head as he turned into some sort of sludge and he grew and grew and grew until he broke the tube and out of it stood a violet purplish sludge monster with light green eyes

With the titans at Titans Tower

Naruto sighed as he watched beast boy walk in circles in the titans living room the little guy had worry written all over his face and it showed since it had been the tenth time he had called cyborg even after naruto told him to let the metal teen cool off since he and robin were close to throwing blows till he calmed them both down "come on Cy pick up I know you hear me the phone is in your arm" Beast boy sighed as he hung up the phone with no answer naruto looked and saw raven was doing tower calibrations and starfire was making something in the kitchen.....were did she get that much mayonnaise from and why is she putting it in the bowl maybe he should leave before she-to late starfire appeared before naruto and held up a spoon full of weird pudding "hello friend naruto would you like to try the pudding of sadness it is what my people eat when bad things happens" she said with a genuine smile he knew deep in the pit of his stomach he would regret this sooner or later "sure starfire" he said as he took a spoon full of the grayish yellow slope and gulped then he ate it his eyes widened as he gripped his throat coughing violently he may have eaten out of the dumpster to survive when he was young but that was even more horrible "oh God's" he said in between coughing and barfing up the food when he was done he looked at the orange skinned girl "no offense star but that was horrible what was that" star didn't seem offended at all "it is called the pudding of sadness its what my people eat when bad things happen" she said as she stored the small pot and then ate a spoon full only to gain a grossed out look and shiver then she flew off to offer the other titans some of the pudding then he saw how rashly robin rejected the pudding and how he talked about cyborg naruto sighed as he got up and went to his room in the tower no one noticed except raven who frowned a little at the look on his face Narutos room was large it had a large holographic projection screen on his ceiling of a light blue sky with with cotton ball clouds and a bright yellow Sun naruto asked cyborg to put it in there for his relaxing time his bed was actually a small fake wooden tree with fake plastic leaves his bed was actually underneath the tree and the roots of the tree seemed to go into the floor next to the door was a large desk with pens and paper of unfinished jutsue and techniques scrawled on them on top of the desk was a medium sized lamp on the left side of Narutos room was a large mirror like object

Naruto stood in front of the mirror and sighed "dad I need some help" there was a soft rumble as ig it was the sounc of thunder in a far off distance before a giant red black slited eye took up the mirror image it was kurama or as you know it the kyuubi no kitsune now your probably wondering how the kyuubi is narutos father well you see when kyuubi changed naruto with his chakra it turned naruto into a full demon not a half demon but a full demon it also changed Narutos DNA to match his somewhat so he was in a since kyuubi's son which he agreed fully to it was a tear jerking moment when naruto found out he had a parent now "what seems to be the problem Fukiare-fū" Fukiare-fū was Narutos demonic name it ment swift red wind since naruto was fast and his affinity was to the wind "well my team its broken somewhat" Kyuubi seemed to nodded from what naruto could see "so fix it my son" said the father Fox demon naruto sighed "but I don't know how to" kyuubi smiled "why don't we start at the beginning" so naruto told him everything and when he was done kyuubi seemed to have a thoughtful look on his face "I see the problem already young one your friends and even you are all getting to know one another it has only been a couple of months since you and your friends defeated the alien invasion my suggestion is to give it time your two friends will come around soon" naruto sighed "you think so" kyuubi eye smiled at the boy "I know so now on to more important matters from that tale and from your other tales it seems you and that raven girl have been getting pretty close lately" naruto blushed then growled "DAD not now" the kyuubi chuckled a deep throaty chuckle "I'm just teasing besides be lucky Yakumo wasn't here she would of made you spill all of it" Naruto shivered a lot Yakumo was basically his mother since she was mated to the Kyuubi and she was a very good gossiper if he had told Yakumo all of hell would of know about him and his crush on the grey skinned gir- did he just think crush "and besides my son some day your going to have to take over my place here and it'll be good to already have a woman...or women" naruto blushed a deep red at what his DAD was implying it was common knowledge and a common thing for a demon to have more then one woman because of there libido and that went especially towards the demon lords who dulled the nine cicules "DAD!" The kyuubi laughed "get some rest son and wait for your friend also look out for that cinderblock character you said he broke onto a jail and that seemed fishy to me" naruto nodded "will do dad tell mom I said hi" kyubbi eye smiled "I will and I'll also tell her about her soon to be daughter in law" Narutos eyes widened as he gained a begging and pleading look "DAD DONT PLEASE!" Naruto yelled again kyuubi eye smiled again "oh so you do like her" naruto growled "DAD!" Kyuubi eye smiled "latter son" naruto shook his head at his father as he went and laid down onto his bed just as he layed down there was a knock on his door he went to it to see raven standing there "hay rea you need something" she shook her head no "just checking on you you seemed a little sad before you left the living room" Naruto shook his head "no I'm fine just a little mad at robin and cyborg for arguing with each other" Raven nodded and moved to leave "hay Raven" raven turned around to look at him "you know you could show a little more emotion it won't kill you, you know" raven sighed "trust me its better if I kept my emotions in check or else my powers will go array" Naruto tileted his head to the side which made Raven blush a little "why" he asked "just because trust me if you knew my history if you knew my past i wouldn't even be on this team" Naruto chuckled "Raven your past cant be that bad" Raven sighed "you wouldn't understand but trust its best I kept my past a secret" Naruto nodded "if you every want to talk or if you just want some one to listen I'm here" Raven sort of smiled a little it was small but naruto could see it "thanks naruto I'll keep that in mind see you later" she said as she left Naruto nodded as he closed the door to his room

Six hours later

Naruto awoke to hear the tower alarm blaring he got up and put on his clothes and left the room to see the rest of the titans gathered "so what we got cinderblock again" he asked outloud the others turned to him and gave him a cold and serious look nope not cinderblock

Star labs chemical plant

Plasmas grabbed a canister of outdated and past due chemicals and drunk it he grew a little bigger then he crushed the canister and grabbed another as he drunk it a green bolt of energy hit the canister causing it to explode plasmas looked throughout the now destroyed canister to see the titans except for cyborg "that stuff can't be good for you" said robin plasmas dropped the canister and burped which made beast boy smirk "nice one" the blob monster roared and sent blobs of goo at the hero's causing them to split up  as Robin dodged the goo shots he yelled over his shoulder "star let him have" just then starfire sent a bolt of green energy that hit the monster in the chest causing it to explode and create a hole in him star gasped "did I let him have to much" plasmas seemed to chuckle as the hole fixed itself "I'm thinking not enough" said beast boy naruto jumped beside him "ditto that we gotta go at him with everything no holding back" said the blonde demon just then plasmas sent his entire arm at the orange alien but raven flew and grabbed her dodging the attack "maybe he just need to chill" said the boy wonder as he sent one of his desks into the monsters arm

The desk exploded and froze plasmas arm plasmas growled and broke his frozen arm leavening him with just one but that attack gave naruto an idea the titans charged towards the monster as star rained star bolts onto the monster beast boy went in as a pterydon and started to rapidly kick the blob naruto changed into his Fox form and put metal armour on then he charged earth and air and howled at the blob causing a funnel of yellow air and broken bit of rock to hit the blob "combination art: earth Fox air howl" said naruto plasmas began to fall back but he stood his ground and shot his arm forward and out of it came large tentacles that tried to attack both beast boy and starfire who dodged or in stars case shot the tentacles raven floated in the air and waved her hands "Azarath Metrion Zenthos" black magic covered seven barrels and they lifted into the air and shot towards plasmas who sucked in the barrels and shot them back only much faster Raven dodged two of them but the others were coming to fast just then a large wall of rock rose up in front of her she looked down to she a eye smiling Fox and she blushed just then a wave of purple goo washed over him carrying beast boy and robin to "NARUTO!" she said as she flew down to the Fox who was getting up "I'm fine Rea got a very horrible taste in my mouth that will never go away but still okay" Reaven smiled slightly and started to wipe some of the gunk away from his fur "you'll have a hard time getting rid of this stuff on you to its all in your fur" she said Naruto pouted "awww man" then the team looked to see a yelling plasmas

In the clocktower base

Watching on a large screen the man from before sighed "how disappointing with one titan missing this is almost to easy...Cinderblock begin phase three" the large golem of stone grunted as it held a large device and left

With the titans

Plasmas blasted Starfire Reaven and Naruto away "oh this sucks on so many levels" said the blonde headed muck covered boy "yes i feel like the underside of a zargonian muck bettle" said star fire as she rose from the sludge "tell me about it" said Reaven as she rose up next to her Naruto looked to see beast boy running away from the giant sludge creature "dude I am so not on the menu" said the shape shifter just then a bird a range came and wrapped around the giant monsters legs "maybe the best way to take you down is to tie you up" said robin as he ran around the monster tieing it up then a green rhino came and knocked it over as Raven and star fire bent metel beams over the monster naruto came and channeled dark light and energy into his body and he howled as large purple chains with black outlines and blue chains with yellow out line covered the monster and a large lock locked the chains in place "dark and light combination art: Chains of binding" said the large Fox "we did" said starfire "hell yeah" said Naruto "wow I didn't think we could do it without-" a poke in the ribs shut beastboy up robin heard a bip from his communicator and looked at it so he ignored beast boys antics "and we finished just in time cinderblocks been spotted down town lets go" he said as he put up the small object

As the titans were moving away from the monster beast boy and Naruto heard a sound and they looked to see plasmas moving very weird like "uhh guys fights not finished" said Naruto the others turned around to see plasmas melt and form five creatures one was a large octopus another was a walking claw and one was a large snake and and other was a smaller crab claw the last was plasmas's head on legs "uhh heads up" said beast "uhh I don't usually retreat from a fight but right now a formal retreat is a good option right now" said Naruto as the teen hero's nodded and ran behind a door and closed it shut as the monsters banged against the door "okay one of these guys were tough five is pushing it" said beast boy "forget the odds we need a plan" said robin "well you better think of something quick cause there about to break through" said Naruto still in his Fox form leaning against the door robins eyes widened "titans split" he yelled "good idea" said Naruto as everyone ran but he used his metal element control and bared the door some more but it didn't do anything except delay them for a couple seconds he hoped any way

With starfire

As the alien girl flew through the air to escape the snake like sludge monster she turned around and started to through star bolts at the snake but all it did was dodge them then it struck out and wrapped around her dragging her to the ground

With Beast boy

As beast boy ran from the giant claw monster on two legs which he swore was from a movie he had seen he shook his head different thought for a different time he thought as he changed into a green cheetah and ran faster as he did the crab claw monster opened its mouth and out of it came a large sludge tounge that wrapped around beast boy and tried to crush him but he morphed into a large black and green gorilla and broke out of it but the crab claw growled something and jumped on him

With Raven and Naruto

Raven sat upon Narutos back as the large Fox demon ran through the chemical warehouse with the sludge octopuse chasing them as the Fox ran raven looked back to see it gaining on them "Azarath Metrion Zenthos" as she said her chant the entire room was covered in black magic and the large barrels and canastiers started to cover the sludge octopus's way Raven smirk somewhat as naruto ran faster he also looked back but noticed the sludge monster octopus thing was gone "NARUTO!" Shouted raven he looked forward and Gasped the thing was in front of them

With robin

Robin ran out of a section of the warehouse with the claw thing chasing him he opened a door and jumped he tucked and rolled onto a large convery belt with large tanks full of light green chemicals robin catches his breath but he jumped foreward as he heard something land behind him he looked to she the claw thing right there he snarled as he pulled out a small metal stick that lengthened to become a long metal staff robin roared as he ran forward and gave the claw thing quick jabs the monster growled and grabbed the stick and broke it robin hopped back and the other sighed of the staff lengthened but the claw creature growled and grabbed the stick and tossed it away robin backed up and got into a kung fu stance and made some Bruce Lee noises then he started jabbing at the monster but the creature took the hits and jumped onto the boy wonder

With the rest of the titans

The rest titans were gathered up by the slime creatures and brought in front of plasmas as the creature brought them the teens struggled in a futile effort to get away from the creatures starfire was covered in the slime but she blasted it away but was just covered up again as she did she screamed

With robin

As the boy wonder and the claw monster struggled on the convery belt they were soon comming to the end of it as Robin looked down he smirked and used his momentum to push the claw over the side and of the convery belts end but at the last second robin grabbed a part of the convery belt and the monster grabbed robin's ankle as he tried to lift himself up the convery belt gave way and he feel and so did the creature but at the last minute a blue and white chrome armoured hand reached out and grabbed him and pulled him up robin held onto his knees and started huffing and puffing as cyborg looked at him with a knowing smile "I still got the sonic if you got the boom" robin looked at him with a smile he wouldn't say and neither would cyborg but both were happy to see each other again

With plasmas

Plasmas gave a sickening laughter as he held the titans in his body he was still separated but still it was a victory just then he heard footsteps he looked to see cyborg and robin "TEEN TITANS GO" they both yelled as Robin ran on the far right wall and cyborg ran on the far left wall robin through his disk early and cyborg fired his sonic cannon the last thing plasmas saw was a flash after the flash was over it reveled a knkocked out and on the ground sleeping Otto the titans got out of the goop left by plasmas and saw the sleeping man

Couple minutes later

Naruto watched along with the rest of the titans from a distance as the boy wonder and the chrome teenage boy talked to each other star fire smiled and hopped into the air "you made up glorious I wish to initiate a group hug" naruto smirked "later star for now we have something else to worry about mainly a someone else" beast boy nodded "yeah like naruto said warm fuzzies all around but we gotta go stop cinderblock" Cyborg chuckled "no we don't" he said as he pointed to a cinderblock wrapped up in a traffic light "I thought I would bring a present in case you were still mad" robin smiled so did the titans "thanks but there is still one thing bugging me" said the boy wonder which caused beast boy and star fire to gasp Naruto nodded and walked up "I was thinking the same thing I think cinderblock is to dumb enough to do this" Robin nodded "breaking into jail using plasmas to distract us it is way above cinderblocks iq rate" cyborg nodded "I was thinking the same thing" Raven nodded and asked "but who can control someone like cinderblock" robin shrugged "someone must of been pulling the strings from behind the scene" cyborg with a smile on his face nodded "yeah but who ever they are there no match for the teen titans" he said as he held up his hand "I heard that" said robin

In the clock tower base

A man on the throne growled as he mashed his tea cup to pieces but a butler in a white tux cleaned it up and set a fresh cup next to the man "next time my plans will succeed and the titans will pay" he said in a deep malevolent voice

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