Waves and Bones (A Nico di An...

By IamAthenasDaughter

41.5K 878 574

Sophia Jackson is the daughter of Poseidon and half-sister of Percy Jackson. she was randomly left at the doo... More

Just another day
The tale of Meleager
The Daughter of Poseidon doesn't know how to swim?
Over Protective Siblings
The Styx
We're only pons in their games
We're doing what!!!
story of my life.
the next step
The Kraken tired to hug our ship
An univited guess crashes the party.
Plain Sailing never lasts as a Demigod
Family Dispute?
Dark Island
important Authors Note

The Calm Before The Storm

3.2K 70 37
By IamAthenasDaughter

Let me tell you, I believed I was dead. The feeling of the water invading my lungs. Cutting off my ability to breath. It was painful. If I wasn't dead, I wished I was. When the darkness consumed me I excepted my faith and waited to meet the ferryman, Charon at the entrance to the underworld. A place I've wanted to visit for years just in order to reunite with my birth mother. Perhaps in the gods own sick and twisted way my prayers had finally been answered in the cruellest way...only I didn't meet Charon. I was surrounded by smokey darkness, trapped in my body. Riddled with pain. Till a hooded figure dressed in black came into my vision. Their skin sickly pale. Their eyes as dark as the night's sky.

"Sophia Isabelle Jackson. So I finally get to meet the infamous daughter of Poseidon." A masculine voice boomed causing the hairs on my neck to stand on edge.

" Umm y-yah" I replied my voice shaking. This is not how I imagined death.

"Don't be afraid. I will not harm you, that would only hurt my son. He's quite fond of you." The voice laughed at my fear.

"Lord Hades?" I questioned bowing my head in respect in case my suspicions were correct.

"Oh I like you, you've actually some manners unlike that brother of yours." I could tell he was smiling despite the lack of light.

"Yeah Percy can be a bit rude and overly sarcastic sometimes...sorry not to be frank Lord Hades but may I ask why I'm here with you and not in a boat on the way for my soul to be the judge. I'm almost certain I just drowned." I rambled

"Nico, he saved you from the lake, you too are connected in a way that fascinates me. He can sense your life force no matter how far apart you are. Even as we speak you are on the brink of death and he is blaming himself for not getting to you sooner it the fraction of life that remains in your body that's keeping him sane the minute the fates cut your tread he'd loose all will to live. I can't have that not after...he's already been through enough. My son may hate me and believe I hate him but he is my son. I can't stand to see him hurting and blaming himself for the death of someone so dear to him yet again. You bring a smile to his face, something I haven't seen since he was a baby and I'd hold him in my arms. He needs you and frankly, you need him too." Hades explained. I was shocked I knew me and Nico were always close we just always got along. I'm guessing the Fates had something to do with that.

"Oh...is..is Nico okay...he didn't feel what I felt, did he? The waters closing in...so much water...not enough air" and with that being the beautiful person I was I began to have a panic attack in front of the god of the underworld ones of the big three. The thought of Nico in pain feeling my suffocation and the sharp piercing pain of the air being sucked out of me and being replaced with ice cold water. It was gut-wrenching.

"Breath child. He couldn't directly feel your pain but he could sense it. Like how I sense every new soul that passes from the land of the living to the land of the dead. Usually, my children can sense a persons life force when they are side by side but with you and my son it's different. I don't quite know how but I do know it's dangerous for you two to be apart for too long. The sadness you felt even after your brother returned...Nico felt it too when he left camp after that blasted Child of Apollo broke his heart more than your idiotic brother...anyway besides the point. Nico felt the same pain and it was because you were apart...you two are destined for something great we can all sense it. Though above all else I sense darkness about whatever you will face in the future. That is while I am here, to warn you. If you find yourselves in a land where fire meets ice beware the creature born from stone. That is all I can tell you. The Fates have foreseen a possible complication in an ancient prophecy that has yet come to pass. I believe you and my son are the warriors the prophecy foreseen and half of Olympus agrees with me. Yours destined for greatness child and if my son could find a person like you. He'd be a very lucky man." The God smile catching me off guard. From all the stories Nico told me off his dad, the man never showed any emotion bar boredom and utter rage. The gods had really changed since defeating Gaea and uniting camp half-blood and camp Jupiter.

"Umm, I'll let him know whenever I wake up...?" I questioned unsure of what he meant by all this.

"Oh also if you get a chance tell Nico I want him to visit soon and it's of the utmost importance...oh and to Iris message me as soon as he's back in his cabin. You should be waking up soon so I will wish you well and I hope I won't see you back here again for many years. Oh yes! One last thing watch out for Hera she's-" he was cut off by my eyes being flooded by a bright shining white light.

I coughed half my lungs up as I jumped up right in the infirmary bed water flowing out of my mouth. My hair dried in my natural waves around my face and clothes smelling of stale salt water. I saw Percy asleep with Annabeth on his lap reading. A slight bit of drool rolled down the left side of his bottom lip with Annabeth's head resting on his right shoulder. They were adorable.

I didn't even notice my bed dip and Nico sit beside me till I felt his hand on my forehead with worry all over his face.

"Never do that again. You scared the crap out of me Soph. I thought I'd lost you." He stated before embracing me in a hug which was extremely unusual for Nico. Actually, everything he's been doing since he came back as been unusual maybe Hades was right...maybe our sadness was caused by not being around each other for so long...so long these behavioural changes are all figments of my imagination because we'd been apart so long...yeah that had to be it.

"Nice to see I'm loved and here I thought we were just friends for the practise skills" I laughed before becoming serious. "Nico. I just had an interesting conversation with your dad" His once smug face dropped into one of shire anger.

Before he could explode with rage I spilt my guts. Every piece of information I could remember that Hades had told me, I just regurgitated everything to try keep him from exploding. It worked. He looked less mad once I told him his dad didn't hate him just not enough for him to actually not look like he wanted to kill something.

"I got to go message, my dad. I'll be right back. Stay in bed. I was told you'd a slight case of hyperthermia from the water being so cold. Stay warm I'll be right back " Nico insisted before kissing my forehead and running out of the infirmary. Leaving me alone with both complete silence and my dangerously overactive imagination. Never a good idea.

I kept thinking of what the bond between me and Nico could possibly be. Nothing about it made sense. We were just friends. Nothing was between us. He wasn't my protector we couldn't possibly have an empathy link with him the way Percy did with Grover. Frustrated with my lack of answers I began to think of what type of creature Hades was describing in his warning.

I'd read legends about stone sprites which were supposed to be The Single most dangerous sprite to ever exist. These sprites are described to be like corpses, they're cold to the touch. NEVER TOUCH A STONE SPRITE! Their touch is like ice, and slowly freezes it's victim to death. If you see a stone sprite my only advice is to turn and walk the other way. I'd never actually heard of one being encountered in person which lead me to believes they're completely fictional. An old wives tale to scare children into not roaming off. I could be wrong. I'll admit that. There aren't many stone based creatures. Unleash...Stone is being used as a metaphor which I doubt...or perhaps the stones or rock is actually just a representation of earth...in which case...he couldn't possibly mean Gaea...no that'd be impossible I saw her explode to ashes with my own eye...that couldn't have been an illusion. The possibilities of what lay ahead for me and Nico would continue to wreck my head.

"Soph! Omg, you're alive. Thank Hades!" Percy yelled bringing me back to earth from my daydream. He jumped from his chair knocking Annabeth to the floor with a loud thump. The daughter of Athena was not amused at my brother's stupidity but his face was priceless. His cheeks turned bright red, it looked as though he'd be lying out in the sun for days with no suncream. His eyes held the most guilty expression I'd ever seen as he reached out his hand to help Annabeth up off the floor. "Sorry."

"Be careful Percy that's my future sister-in-law don't hurt her or she might leave and I'll be stuck with you!" I laughed as they both turned to the deepest shade of red I'd ever seen.

"How are you feeling anyway" Annabeth changed the subject. For the first time since I'd woke up, my mind drifted to how stiff and sore my muscles where and how heavy my head felt. It was as though I was holding up the sky on my shoulders. Which in honesty I couldn't actually say felt the same way. I'm sure Annabeth or Percy would tell me I was over exaggerating and that the pain they felt holding up the sky was far worse than anything I could possibly imagine.

"Stiff and I little tired. My head is killing me as well. How long was I out?" I asked as Percy handed me over a goblet with ambrosia in it. The sweet taste of hot chocolate soothed my throat and eased my headache.

"A whole week. Abbey...one of the Apollo kids couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. Chiron is even tired to help you. He said you were in a coma and that there was nothing we could do but wait. It's strange the water seemed to be attacking you were as it heals me. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you sis." Percy stated taking my hand in his while Annabeth looked on with saddened eyes.

"The stools are in huge trouble. They feel really bad for pushing you in. They thought it'd be funny. They didn't realise you seriously couldn't swim. Tyson was so worried he stayed an extra few days to see if you were okay but after day four he had to go. Poseidon needed him, he came to get him personally and to check on you." Annabeth filled me in taking a seat where Percy had been sitting originally picking up a book and getting comfy.

"Yah always knew you were dad's favourite" Percy joked giving my shoulder a soft push as though we were afraid he'd hurt me.

"No we all know that's you. The hero of Olympus. The prized son of Poseidon can do no wrong. Me he checks on cause he feels sorry for me." I whispered looking away from Percy. My dad always confused me, always made me feel like a burden. I guess a lot of demigods felt that way. Like they'd no real connection to their own parents. It wasn't an easy life and most of us don't even live to our sixteenth birthday and those who do don't last much longer beyond then.

"Hey. Soph look at me. Dad might not show it in the best way but he's proud of you. He always checks in he never really did that with me. Your his little girl and apparently his first female mortal child. He treasures you. When he heard he blessed you so this would never happen again. I dunno what that means other than you no longer need to fear the water. I'll put really time into teaching you how to swim like I should've done years ago and we could've avoided all this." Percy rants as a tear made its way down my cheeks I could help it. I enveloped him in a hug.

"Thanks, you Percy. You and Sally have always been there for me. I...I dunno how to thank yous enough...can we Iris message Sally later. I wanna see how her Paul and our little sis are. It's...it's been a while" I asked burying my head into his shoulder.

"Of course...cause me and Annabeth have news we have to tell her too." He smirked as Annabeth goes slightly red.

"Shut it Seaweed Brains you're going to ruin the surprise." She stated firmly. Only for us all to break out into a course of laughter.

"Well I must admit Percy I'm hurt you are all having fun in here without me? I mean it's kinda rude. I wouldn't have thought you'd steal your sister's chance to be around the amazing, the unbeatable, smoking hot -literally- Leo Valdez" Leo joked strutting into The room with his usual confidence.

"Nice to see you too Flame boy" I laughed, happy to see him. home safe. "How's Calypso?"

The boy must have really been in love because he began to blush Bright red and shy away into himself.

"Oh yeah, she's really good now. Two nights in the infirmary and a week of being about camp, shes back to full health. We have a date tomorrow and I'm really...anyway how are you." He rambled off before trying to hide the fact he was acting like a lovesick puppy which honestly just made my heart melt.

"Awh the ladies man has become a one girl kinda guy. How adorable" I cooed at him much to the others entertainment.

"Oh shut it, Jackson." He mumbled.

We laughed and joked around for hours everyone came by at the point. Connor and Travis wouldn't stop apologising for the two hours they hung out with me for. They brought me loads of 'stolen' gifts as an apology which I was semi thankful for. I mean I felt bad for whoever they'd stolen them from but hey its the thought that counts right.

When it all calmed down, it was just me and Percy left. Just like when we were younger and carefree. It was calming

"Hey Percy...can we message mum now I miss her," I asked shyly. It'd been so long since I'd contacted Sally. I honestly felt guilty for being so consumed by my own self-pity that I'd neglected the women who took me in and raised me as her own. I'd really only ever called her aunt sally before and I could tell Percy was taken back but she was my mum. She raised me. Looked after me when I was sick. Did everything she could to keep me and Percy safe. No matter what anyone said, she is my mum and it's time she knew that.

"Sure I don't see why not...umm I think I have a dracma on me...let me go find some water and a light source..umm ah there." He started muttering to himself walking the length and width of the infirmary while gathering bits and pieces.

"Do you need a hand" I tried to get out of bed to give him a hand, only to receive a death glare from my darling brother.

"Sit. Back. Down. Right now missy!" He ordered in a stern tone which didn't suit him at all. I had to refrain from laughing at him.

"Aye, aye captain" I saluted him only to receive a sassy eye roll when he made his way back over with a basin of water and a flashlight in his mouth.

"Wheady" he muttered in an attempt to say ready but the rest was muffled by the torch that inhabited his mouth.

Once Percy was set up and Sally's face appeared in front of us with our baby sister in her arms barely two months old. My heart fluttered in a way I didn't think was possible. The smile on my mom's face just brought me to tears.

"Percy. Sophia. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Sally panicked, probably because I was now balling my eyes out in an ocean of tears.

"Don't worry mom we're fine. Soph had a bit of an accident but she's fine now just emotional to see you after so long." Percy assured mom while rubbing my shoulder.

"It's just good to see you mom. How's our little princess. She's gotten so big!" I cooed over how adorable our baby sister looked in her ocean green dress and pale grey cardigan. I could tell my Sally's face she was taken back but her warm smiles was beaming so I knew she didn't mind me calling her mom.

"She doing well. She's been rolling around lately we think she'll be crawling in now time. She fills the emptiness of the apartment since you guys are always gone. Speaking of which, you have to visit soon. Sophia you haven't been home in years and Percy you disappeared and nobody told me you were safe until you calm back, we need to have a serious talk" Sally trailed off only to be distracted when a door opened somewhere near her. "Oh hello, honey. Come say hi to the kids"With that Paul walks into the frame with a smile on his face he gives our sister a kiss on the cheek and waves to us.

"Hey, guys. Long time no sees" He smiled taking a seat next to our mom.

" Hey in my defence I was off battling giants and saving the world yet again. I don't know why Soph here has been hiding." Percy joked

"Oh sorry, Mr I saved the world. Am I too much of a peasant for you?" I laughed.

"Oh, Percy have you seen Tyson recently I hope he's not been worked too hard?" Mom sighed. She's always had a soft spot for our half brother.

"Tyson is great he visited for a couple of days there during the week. He seems to be fine. He really loves what he does which makes me happy" I rambled truly happy that Tyson had found a place to call home

"Awh that's great." She smiled looking down at the little princess that wiggled in her lap as she reached out to touch the water of the Irish message.

"Soph, how were those books I sent you a few months ago on the introduction to moral philosophy?" Paul asked. I loved that guy he always bought me the most random books to read and we'd exchange notes afterwards usually in letters cause neither one of us were particularly big  fans of Irish messages but I really missed their voices. I really needed to see they are okay.

"It was amazing. There were some really eye-opening concepts in there. I guess I'll just have to come to visit to discuss it with you properly" I smiled as both Paul's and Mom's faces light up with excitement. It was really rare that I can home to visit I disliked leaving camp for too long cause I tended to attract more monsters than Percy so I always feared for not only my safety but theirs too.

"Do! We'd love to have you. Both of you are always welcome under this roof." Paul encouraged us. He was such a nice guy I was so happy mom found him, especially after that A class jerk Gabe. He honestly got what he deserved. Frozen in stone for eternity. I mean at least his stench died with him.

"Oh, mum me and Annabeth we...we were thinking of coming to visit next week. Would that be okay?" Percy asked questionably. As though he wanted to say something else but decided to change his mind last minute.

"Definitely just promise to drag Sophia with you she can bring a friend with her...also Annabeth will be in Sophia's room, not yours. Okay?"

"Yes mom" he drowned. It was quite funny he gave a little eye roll and everything like he'd heard this a hundredth times.

"You know we can see you right?" Paul laughed at Percy's response only for me and mom to break out into a laughing fit as well.

"We got to go love you Mum and Arieal. Paul takes care of my mum and baby sister" Percy stated in a rush.

"Love you mom" I managed to get out before Percy whipped his hand through the screen ruining the connection.

At the same moment, Nico ran into the infirmary and locked eyes with me from across the room. He rains straight towards me.

"You got your wish we're going to the underworld" Nico stated looking me dead in the eye. I couldn't comprehend it. Percy stared at Nico gobsmacked at the statement.

"You wanna take my sister to the underworld!" He screamed at Nico.

"...I get to meet my birth mum?" I whispered glancing at Nico who looked at me with pity. My heart was so torn. I'd always joked about wanting to meet my real mum but now that the chance was here I was torn Sally raised me she would always be my mom. But the women who gave birth to me...how could I even recognise her...she's not my real mum...not anymore. I don't even know her name.

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