
By Lisaner

4.2K 271 353


The Boat
Angel of Liberty
So New
House of Love


220 27 48
By Lisaner

"Anna!   Oh, Mamochka,” Mary sobbed.  Stephan’s eyes filled

as he carefully removed his baby from Anna’s limp arms, and

placed him in Mary’s arms.  Stephan gently closed Anna’s eyes

 as Aunt Tetta and Uncle Archie neatened the bedclothes and

arranged Anna’s hair.   Slowly, they filed out of the room, all

weeping openly.  They led Mary and the baby to Mary and

Stephan’s bedroom.

Mary and Stephan were inconsolable.  They felt lost, as if there

was no way they could go on without Anna. "I will be back with

the preacher as soon as I can," said Uncle Archie.  "I will make

a pot of tea," said Aunt Tetta, as with round shoulders 

she made her way to the kitchen.

Baby John suddenly began to wail loudly, interrupting his grief-

stricken parents.  As the baby cried, Mary’s breasts began to leak

freely and Mary came back to reality.  She put her baby to her

breast and he suckled hungrily.  Stephan and Mary realized

that they had to go on; they needed to care for their baby.  They

knew that Anna would want them to do that, to live their lives well

and happily on the farm that she wanted them to have.

Uncle Archie returned with the preacher.  The family went to

Anna’s bedside and they prayed for Anna’s soul, that she live in

heaven with God in peace.  Afterwards, Uncle Archie went

out to the barn and made a coffin for Anna.  Stephan found

a perfect resting place for Anna on the property and dug her


They buried her within the grove of apple trees, shaded from

the hot summer sun, protected from the harsh winter winds,

the seeds of the fallen apples creating tiny saplings that sprouted

 all around her each spring.  Mary and Stephan would visit often

as they picked the apples and pruned the trees into prime fruit

bearing shape. 

Mary made apple pies, apple cobblers, applesauce and apple cider. 

Later, Stephan learned to make applejack, a potent potable.  To

Stephan and Mary, the apple remained as a living reminder of

their journey for freedom, the reward of their toil and the continuity

of life, as well as their beloved Anna, who lived in their hearts forever.

The Voloshins went on to have ten children and dozens of

grandchildren.  Their second-born child was a girl.  Mary and

Stephan named her Anna Kessler Voloshin.

The End

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