Truth Or Dare - An Ereri Fanf...

By somniumfelixx

1.5K 26 41

Eren Yeager is a simple minded 16 year old who spends every waking hour watching YouTube. When he's given the... More

One - Blonde Coconuts And Horse Faces
Three - Slow WiFi: Brought To You By Brats
Four - Bro's Before... Hoes?

Two - The Queer And The Homophobic

219 3 1
By somniumfelixx

Had this written out for a while, I just hate it!! Eventually, I gave up on trying to make it better! There's meant to be a picture here, where is says, but It won't let me post it :(

Eren's POV

People, everywhere. And suddenly my claustrophobia's coming back. Oh, wait, let me correct that, tall people. Everywhere. I felt sorry for Blondy over there, he hadn't even put an arm in the convention centre before he freaked out. I grabbed Armin's hand and slightly dragged him in. I promise, we aren't dating! I am single as fuck! I love my little Armin, but I'm never going to date him again... Yes, we dated. It started off as a friends with benefits thing, and kinda went from there. Once I found out he kissed Mikasa though, we called it off, I guess we were better off as friends! We're all like siblings, so, it'd be kind of like incest. But enough about that, the convention!

We were shoulder to shoulder as we queued and collected the tickets. You know them stupid little bands you had to wear when you went to soft play areas when you were little, the paper ones? Yeah? Well, we had to wear them! Annoying or what!? After fiddling around with them for a bit as we walked into the convention, I turned to Armin.

"Okay, we NEED to come up with some sort of meet u-"

"OMG!" He squealed way to femininely for his own good.

"What, Armin..?"

He began jumping up and down, flapping his arms about like a chicken and pointing into the distance. There was a stall hidden amongst everyone covered in posters and small figures.

"T-THERE!!! MERCHANDISE!!!!!!!!!!"

"For what??"

"Watashi Ga Motenai No Wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera Ga Warui" Another squeal.

"Wash she-guy motor-what now?!"

"Watamote!" Before I could question him again, he's dashed off in the direction of the stand, and into the crowd, out of my sight. I was about to run off after him, before taking another look at the crowd. Yeah, lets evaluate my options...

Chase after Armin and risk ruining my perfect outfit, or

Leave big boy Armin on his own for a little while i go and check on my perfect outfit.

So... I chose the latter. I looked at the little map the guy who checked out tickets gave to us, and located the closet restroom. Once I saw where it was, I cautiously maneuverer through the crowd into the pretty open bathroom.

Bingo... I muttered in my head when I saw the full length mirror on the wall.

I wore a grey t-shirt with a small chibi Levi on it, perfect for meeting him! It was a little too big, and was tucked into my black jeans. I also had black trainers, done up with grey laces. Rather nice outfit. I also had badges on I'd collected from various cons. One was a simple small rainbow badge, while another was a larger square one. It had a rainbow background, along with big bold letters saying 'CHEER FOR QUEER!!!' Pretty gay if i do say so myself. I was debating on wearing my identity shirt, but went against it in the end. I examined my outfit once more, before taking of my backpack (that, undoubtedly, was YouTube themed) and taking out my phone (along with my ticket so I was ready). There's one thing i must say; I was looking truly amazing, and that doesn't happen often. Picture opportunity! Quickly, I took a picture and tapped onto Instagram.

(Paint pic goes here~)

Here at #AMYCC waiting for @leviackerman 's show!!! I be lookin' sexy af <3 (and so will he ;))

As soon as it finished uploading, I put my phone back in my bag, and slung it over my shoulder once again. Spinning on my foot to leave, I heard a muffled announcement coming from outside of the bathrooms.

Levi Ackerman's "Cheer For The Queer" Live Show begins in half an hour! Take out your tickets and get seated!

I raced out of the bathroom, dashing about the crowds, and, at that point, '"temporarily" forgetting Armin, as ran to the front stage. The queue was H.U.G.E. Damn he was popular!! But, regardless, I did a hop, skip and a jump in the direction of the back of the line, where...

I bashed into someone.

"S-sorry..." I murmured. I looked up to see who fucking titans towering over me!! They were six foot, muscly, and your stereotypical playground bullies.

"Look, the little freaks off to the fucked up midgets show!"

"Hey!" My voice echoed around the center. "Levi Ackerman is not a freak!"

"Shut up you little faggot! Gimmie that!" One of the ugly little shits snarled as he snatched my ticket. He took each end between his fingers, before tearing it exactly in half. He began to holla at me, but I just ignored it. Without registering anything else, I tried to wrap my head around what just happened. I just lost my chance to see THE Levi Ackerman. He meant the world to me, even if I was nothing to him. And so, I ran. From Armin. From the center. From the homophobic bastards. And, from Levi. I ran faster that I thought my legs could take me as I began to flee from the AMYCC. Well, I was about to, before...

I bashed into someone.

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