A Shadow's Nightmares

By InnocentFighter

11.8K 425 224

Five times Kuroko stayed the night at Kagami's and had a nightmare. Yaoi, Kagakuro, nightmares. More

Night 1
Night 3
Night 4
Night 5

Night 2

2.2K 76 31
By InnocentFighter

Here we go Part 2. This one gets a little deeper, and a lot more Angsty. So enjoy.


The second night Kuroko stayed the night; it had been more of a planned maneuver by Kagami. More or less, it hadn't been spur of the moment.

They had played Aomine for the first time. Second time for him, but it was the first time that it actually felt like a game. They had given a good fight but in the end they lost.

Kagami happened to look over and saw how badly this game had affected Kuroko. There wasn't any of that familiar blankness, his face was still emotionless, but it felt different. He supposed being able to read Kuroko came with spending three times more time than anyone else in Seirin. They were starting to fully sync up.

After they bowed, and Kuroko headed off to the locker rooms, Kagami knew that he would have to do something. He hadn't thought that losing to Aomine would be so devastating to his shadow. He knew that as a former light, Aomine would have some sort of impact on Kuroko. Kagami just didn't know how much.

How much weight did being a light carry, and could he withstand it?

He would have to illuminate the both of them. But Aomine had said his light was dim. Could he do it? Was he actually bright enough? Or would he lead Kuroko and himself to ruin?

He shook his head. It wouldn't do well to dwell. So heading off to look for Kuroko, per coach's order, he took the shortest path to the locker room.

He was actively looking for Kuroko, he wasn't sure if that would help him find his shadow, but it was worth a try.

As he had hoped, Kuroko was in the locker room. But with his head down, emanating an aura of defeat. Like he had thought originally he needed to think of a way to cheer Kuroko up.

So he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. "Oi! Kuroko, want to stay the night?"

"Kagami-kun, we lost." Kuroko was confused; he could hear the question without it even being asked.

"And? I'll cook."

Kuroko watched him for a few seconds. Before he slowly nodded and stood up.

30 minutes later found Kagami letting a silent Kuroko in through his house. Another ten minutes and Kagami was in his kitchen while Kuroko sat on his couch, a crappy anime was on in the background, but Kagami had a feeling that it wasn't being watched.

He finished making the rather quick meal of fried rice and brought it to the dining room table.

"Dinner's finished."

After a minute of nothing happening Kuroko wordlessly got up and shuffled towards the table. Once he reached it, he sat down and started to pick at the food on his plate.

Kagami sat down as well, and started to wolf down his food while secretly keeping an eye on Kuroko.

He was on his third bowl while Kuroko had managed to eat through a fourth of his first plate. Still not a word had been said. Kagami was really starting to worry; there hadn't been a word out of Kuroko's mouth since they left the locker room.

When the phantom player finally spoke, Kagami was so startled he almost choked.

"He said he didn't know how to receive my passes anymore." It was mumbled and not directed to him.

Still it sounded so sad and full of longing, what that longing was for he didn't know, but it was there. The 'he' was certainly apparent, but wasn't sure where the phrase was coming from. Another Teiko incident?

The red head briefly wondered if he would ever know the story of Teiko fully.

After dinner it was still early, so Kagami put in a movie. They didn't really watch it. It was on for noise mostly. It was actually the first time Kagami felt truly awkward around his shadow.

After the movie credits began rolling he decided that it was best if they went to bed, since neither was wanting much company.

Kagami decided to not peruse why he decided to ask the other in the first place.

"You should go take a shower. I'll get your bed ready."

Mechanically Kuroko got up and walked to the bathroom, using deliberate movements, not taking more steps than he had to.

Kuroko. Kagami thought painfully, before standing up and heading to his room to make up the other bed.

After a little while Kuroko emerged, his hair dripping and his face still that forced blank and not his natural blank.

Kagami gestured towards the hurriedly made up bed and then headed off to take his own shower, hoping to give Kuroko some time alone, to sort out his thoughts. Then maybe actually speak to him and not about a ghost.

He left the shower after fifteen minutes. Slowly putting on his pajamas, and then making a quick stop in the kitchen to get two bottles of water. One for him and one for Kuroko.

Returning to his room he saw that the only light was the one from the moon. He could see Kuroko's pale skin almost shimmer in the light. He looked to already be sleeping.

Kagami looked at him sadly before setting the water by his head and climbing into his own bed.

Back turned, he found that sleep didn't claim his right away but took a few seconds. Soon enough he fell asleep, all too aware of the presence at his back.

He awoke suddenly, like water being dumped on him. He had heard a sob, turning over to the only other living thing in his room he wanted to see what the matter was.

Kuroko had managed to curl himself so tightly, that Kagami wondered if it was painful. He was trying to pull into himself further, trying to protect himself from something.

What though? Kagami asked himself.

Small tremors wracked the already small frame. Tears were steadily flowing down both cheeks. Unlike last time, the pain expression didn't fascinate him, it hurt him.

"Aomine-kun? You're serious?"

Of course it's about that bastard. Kagami mentally growled, a scowl making its way onto his face. He has to hurt Kuroko, even in his sleep.

Kagami was so caught up in his anger that he almost missed the next sentence.

"I know you can still receive my passes. Just try! Please!"

He's begging? Kagami's eyes widened as his anger grew.

"Aomine!" The name was screamed in a sob.

The sobs were so bad Kagami had a hard time figuring out what Kuroko said next. "Please don't leave me alone! I don't like the dark!"

Seriously that metaphor in the throes of a nightmare? Kagami asked more than bewildered. Or does he really not like the dark?

Pushing that thought to the side; Kagami watched and Kuroko pulled himself tighter. His tears were coming faster.

Without thinking, he's pretty sure his brain malfunctions whenever he's in the vicinity of Kuroko (or a basketball); he shifted himself closer to Kuroko. He reached out his hand and wiped a tear trail off of Kuroko's cheek. The spasming lessened slightly. It surprised him.

But at least it's helping.

With that thought in mind he moved his hand from his shadow's cheek up to his surprisingly soft hair. He stroked it, watching as the trembling and whimpering started to lessen, and eventually stop.

The tears however, hadn't stopped. They were slowed, which Kagami was thankful for. He remained petting his partner for a long while; eventually he was lulled back to sleep by the finally even breathing of his shadow.

Morning sunshine drifted through his window; causing Kagami to wake up. A lot more peaceful than the last time that he woke up. He noticed that his arm was hurting. He was aware that his had was still resting in the space that Kuroko's head had once occupied.

His face heated up. Kuroko had to have woken up with a hand on his head, and he knew that the shadow didn't like his hair messed with. Was he angry?

He heard noise coming from the main room of his apartment. A little curious he stood up, stretched, and headed out to see what the cause of the noise was.

Walking into the main room he saw that Kuroko was organizing. The phantom player hadn't noticed that Kagami was awake. Kagami noticed that there was an almost domestic feeling to this scene.

Heading toward the kitchen, he called out to Kuroko that he was going to make breakfast and wished the other a good morning. He revived no reply.

So he's still caught up over losing to Aomine? For some reason that ticked him off.

Breakfast, like last night was silent. Like last night halfway though the meal Kuroko spoke, but not to him.

"I broke my promise."

Kagami almost growled. Wondering why Kuroko was still so upset about that bastard and pink haired chick. A night he could understand, but not after sleeping on it.

He was almost glad when Kuroko bid his farewells and Kagami was left alone.

He didn't talk to Kuroko for almost a week afterwards, and didn't show up to practice.

The team classified it as a "lover's quarrel."

So, I can't write endings. I know this. So I hope you enjoyed this and I'll have three up soon. So... Later! ~IF

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