A New Leaf

By Cupcake_Mon5ster

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A fan fiction about Naruto's daughter Saya NOT EDITED More

A Ninja's Word!: Authors Note ;)
Chapter 1: Art
Chapter 2: A Mothers Love
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Time
Chapter 5: Off To The Acadamy!!
Chapter 6: Bad Blood
Chapter 7: A Wake Up Call
Chapter 8 : Snow
Chapter 9: A New Look
Chapter 10: How To Be A Lost Puppy
Chapter 11: A Test
Chapter 12: Teams
Chapter 13: Our First Mission!
Chapter 14: Mission part 1: Ren-san and Cuan-kun vs Saskue!
Chapter 15: Mission Part 2: Amy-chan Vs Saskue!
Chapter 16: Mission Part Three: Saya vs Saskue!
Chapter 17: Surpise
Chapter 18: Stupid Overprotective Dads
Chatper 19: A Date?!
Chapter 20: Memory lane
Chapter 21: A New Teacher && A Frantic Saya!
Chapter 22:A Night With Ren
Chapter 23: A Mothers Heart
Chapter 24: Crystal Chakra && The First Amazing Mission
Christmas!!!! XD
Chapter 25: tolerance
Chapter 26: The Plan
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: The Butterfly Queen
Chapter 30: Fresh Trail
Chapter 31: Inner Strength
Chapter 32: Ren To The Rescue
Chapter 33: The End Of Everything
Chapter 34: The Fox
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 37: War
Chapter 38: Final Goodbye
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 50- The End
Authors note

Chapter 27: The outside

746 31 15
By Cupcake_Mon5ster

||P.O.V Saya||

It had been a little over a year since I'd joined my squad. We trained hard every day and when I wasn't on a mission or training with mom or Sasuke, I was with Ren. My days started to blend together into a blur of passing faces in my mind.

"Saya" Sasuke growled, "pay attention"

"Sorry what were we talking about?" I grumbled back.

"We're going to be assigned a mission outside of the village starting tomarrow"

"Oh ok" I shrugged and went back to daydreaming.

I'd been outside the village before. When ever dad left to go to the sand or on business I usually followed. It had been a while since I'd gone farther then a few miles outside the gates though.

"I want all of you to behave and act professional. Our first mission is going to be to escort a very important member of the sand home saftly."

This perked my interest. "who?"

Sasuke-tato only smirked. "You'll find out tomorrow"

I hmned crossing my arms over my chest.

Suddenly I felt something wrap around my waist and around my legs. Startled I looked down.

It was sand.

I smirked letting the sand wrap around my body and lift me into the air.

"Or you could find out now" Sasuke grumbled.

I looked around trying to spot my old friend but couldn't find him until the sand dropped me lightly into familiar arms.

I looked up at the familiar red headed ninja and grinned. "Gaara-kun!"

Gaara smirked back before lowering me back onto my feet.

"Saya-chan... you've gotten bigger."

"I told you so Gaara. She's not the same wild little girl." dads voice said from somewhere behind me.

"I see" Gaara nodded, looking a little sad.

I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. "I'll see you tomorrow Sasuke-Sensei! I'm going to bring Gaara-kun to get ramen! Dad your paying!"

Dad sweat dropped before running after us, "Saya-chan!"


||P.O.V. unknown ||

I watched as the target ran towards the little girl and the sands leader.


Quickly I made a simple hand sigh summoning a butterfly.

"Leader-Sama... I've got news of the target"


||P.O.V Saya ||

Leaving the village was a lot of fun surprisingly. Gaara-kun watched the forest rather closely though...

I narrowed my eyes and glanced at Sasuke-Tato who was doing the same thing...

"Saya" Sasuke suddenly barked.

He flashed over to me before leaning into my ear and whispering. "If anything happens, like were attacked by bandits or ninja do not use your crystal type chakra. Understand?"

I felt my brow lace together and nodded

"Also" he continued, "when ever were outside the village if anyone asks your last name is Uchiha"

More confusion, but I nodded. Sensei seemed very serious and he knew best after all.

"Good now let's continue" Sasuke started walking forward again, Gaara stayed towards the back.

"There guarding us..." I realized dully.

After a few hours we came across a beautiful field filled with flowers.

"Let's take a break here" Gaara said quietly.

Sasuke nodded.

"Saya-chan, come down to the water and get a drink with us" Amy-chan grinned.

I nodded and walked with them down to the water.

"Here Saya-chan" Ren grinned handing me a flower, "it was the only yellow one here. The color matches your hair perfectly."

Forgetting about Sasuke and Gaara for a minute I looked at the small little daisy.

A blue butterfly suddenly fluttered by, landing on the flower.

Ren laughed. "looks like you made a friend"

I grinned and held my finger out to the little thing, it crawled on flapping it's wings once or twice before settling there.

"I quess so..." I laughed with Ren, but something about the butterfly made my stomach feel strange. I could feel my chakra start to build up, flooding my body.

The only time I've ever seen my body react like this was towards a robber that broke into my room once. I hadn't screamed like a normal little kid would have. My body just kinda took control; my chakra built up and adrenaline washed threw my veins.

But over a butterfly?

I looked closer at it. It looked like a normal butterfly... maybe I was reacting to Sasuke and Gaara being so strange.

"Squad" Sasuke barked suddenly.

I jerked my body around causing the butterfly to flutter away.

My gaze flickered back towards Sasuke.

"I'm sending you all back to the village, understand?" He muttered.

All four of us looked shocked, but for different reasons.

Amy-chan looked hurt, Ren and Cuan-kun looked confused, and I probably looked worried.

"Were being followed" Gaara stated blankly.

"All four of you need to go back to the village, alert the Hokage and stay in the village."

"But-" Amy-chan tryed to interrupt but Sasuke silenced her with a look. he activated his Sharingan before pointing back to the road.

"It's a twenty minute run to make it back. Stick together and remember your training. If your confronted fight only if your lives are in danger. understand?"

We all nodded.

"Saya, remember what I told you. now go!"

All if us took off back towards the village. I gave Gaara one last smile before taking off. Ren and Cuan-kun ran on one side of me while Amy-chan ran on the other.

I could probably make it back in half the time it would take the others. I could get help, but I didn't want to leave the others unprotected.

"Saya! duck!" Ren suddenly yelled.

I dropped to the ground as quickly as I could, sliding across the ground.

Three kunia darted past my head, narrowly missing.

Cuan-kun turned and let out a fearsome growl in the direction the weapons had come. Ren took out two pills, flicking one at Cuan-kun and taking the other.

Amy-chan took out a kunia, facing the opposite direction as Ren.

"You alright Saya-chan?" Amy-chan asked, her eyes flickering around the forest.

"Ya I'm fine" I growled before pulling myself up and aiming a kunia. We all pushed together, forming a triangle, each of us having the others backs.

My eyes scanned the trees, but the only movement I caught was a butterfly's.

My eyes narrowed, watching the small thing flutter about.

"Children, lower your weapons I only which to talk."

I wiped around, launching my weapon at the voice. When my eyes found the speaker I jumped a bit surprised.

The person who spoke was a boy a couple years older then us. He reached out carefully plucking my weapon from the air.

"Who are you?" Amy-chan asked.

"My name is Akan." The boy said, but his eyes lingered on me before moving towards Amy-chan. "and you are?"

"Amy..." Amy-chan said quietly, her guard lowering slightly.

"And you?" Akan looked towards Ren.

Ren stiffened, raising his weapon. "Ren"

"And you" Akan said his eyes trailed my body, making me shiver.

Cuan-kun let out a deep growl, his fur stood up and his teeth bared.

Akan looked down at Cuan-kun and laughed. "well now, there's no need to be upset my friend. I only want to know the pretty girls name."

Akan started walked towards us, holding his hand out to me. Ren let out a deep growl and threw his kunia. The moment the blade hit Akan he dissolved into hundreds of blue and green butterflys.

"What?" Ren stopped looking around.

I pushed Ren and Amy-Chans backs, "Run! and don't stop no matter what keep running, we need to tell the village what's going on. Sasuke and Gaara might be in trouble! move!"

Amy-chan was the first to snap to her senses and dash forward, followed by Cuan-kun then Ren.

Cuan-kun kept to Amy-chans heels and Ren wouldn't let me get more then a couple inches away.

"Children, children, please. I just wanted to no the girls name" Akans voice called.

Ren stopped, pulling out a couple shuriken and looking around. I turned, but didn't stop, "Ren! keep moving!"

Ren's eyes suddenly widened, "Saya! Look out!"

I whipped my head back around just in time to run right into a horde of butterflys.


|| P.O.V. Ren ||

"Saya! Look out!" I screamed.

Saya-chan turned her head as quickly as she could. Her eyes wide with panic.

A mass of butterfly's had appeared out of no where, they twisted and twirled into a mass of swirling colors.

Saya-chan ran right into the swirling funnel, disappearing completely.

"Saya!" I threw as many kunia as I could, but each just bounced off.

"Ren that's enough! we need to keep going!" Amy pulled on my arm, trying desperately to get me to keep going.

"You go" I growled, "take Cuan-kun with you. Run as fast as you can back to the village and get help."

"Ren I don't think that's-"

"Go!" I screamed.

Amy-chan gave me a sad look before dashing back towards the village, Cuan-kun right on her heels.

"Don't worry Saya... I'll save you" I whispered before attacking the army of butterfly's.


||P.O.V. Saya||

" Where am I?" I though

The world was nothing but spinning colors. I couldn't move. I was stuck floating in the spinning colors, and it was getting hard to think.

"Now then. What is your name?" a voice whispered.

"My name?" I asked it. My mind felt empty and open, like a breeze.


The voice suddenly had a face and a body... Akan. He wasn't bad looking up close. His hair was long and spiky. the color reminded me of a black kittens. He had a narrow face and blue eyes.

He appeared before me with his hand held out. "I won't hurt you dear. I just want to talk"

I nodded and took his hand, allowing him to pull me to his chest. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist. His hand brushed some of my hair from my cheek, tipping my face upwards.

"Now then, what's your name? I am Akan"

"Saya" I breathed, unable to break eye contact with him.

"Saya what?"

"U-" I started but suddenly remembered a distant voice telling me something.

"when ever were outside the village if anyone asks your last name is Uchiha" it said.

"Uchiha..." I whispered.

Akan looked confused before chuckling, "why are lieing to me? hmn?"

I blinked. My brow knitting together.

"I-I don't no..."

"Well what's your real name then?"

"Uzumaki Saya" I said carefully.

Akan's smile stretched. "the leaf villages hokages your father then?"

I nodded.

"Are you a crystal user by chance?"

I nodded again, finding it difficult to speak.

"Could you show me?" He smirked, tightening his arm around my waist a bit.

I watched my hands mindlessly form hands sighs. "Crystal.... bla...de" I managed to mutter out.

My hand was slowly covered in orange crystal.

Akan let out a dark laugh before brushing his finger against my cheek.

"I believe I have a friend that would love to meet you" he grinned.

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