After Humanity

By stpolishook

1.4M 77.7K 37.7K

* 2017 WATTY WINNER!* Blurb: Humans are at the top of the food chain and always have been. But what if they... More

After Humanity...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Note to Readers
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty- Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part I
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 2
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 3
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 4
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 5
Voices of Humanity (Preview Chapter)

Chapter Thirty-Two

19.2K 977 652
By stpolishook

Magnus and Alice are fighting and Magnus was set to head to Torvald's estate for a bit. Maybe some time apart will be good for them? I know some have asked about Torvald and wanted to know more about him. Get ready to meet him in the present timeline!

*Note: This chapter might be a bit rough in spots and need more smoothing out. Let me know if any spots feel a bit clunky ;-)



    It was always strange coming back to his family estate since his father's death. There were so many memories, both good and bad, haunting the grounds and every corner of his former home. But the midsummer festivities on the Kendrick estate were a tradition that had begun when his grandfather had first built a home there and established a small flock. It was a celebration Torvald had maintained year after year since inheriting the land and there was no excuse he might have made to avoid attendance even if he'd wanted to.

But in spite of the mixed feelings he had engaging with his family, Magnus did enjoy the chance to abandon his relatively solitary existence for a bit of companionship and camaraderie. It was also one one of the only times of the year when Magnus had the chance to see all of his nieces and nephews. He'd never had children of his own and spending time with his brother's offspring was an experience he cherished.

In the echo of Torvald's children's happy squeals he imagined his own childhood, running freely in the fields, his younger sibling chasing after him, determined to never be left behind by the brother he idolized. Of course, that was a long time ago now. Though he and his brother still cared for each other, they had evolved to be quite different in many respects with disparate views on a variety of issues.

Torvald's success and Magnus's initial struggle to establish himself as a businessman outside of his family holdings had made his younger brother more apt to act in a condescending manner that was often grating, especially now that he too had created a viable name for himself. Even years after his farm had taken off Torvald refused to accept Magnus's successes as viable, often prodding at his business choices in attempts to "improve" upon them.

This attitude coupled with the politics of many of the friends Torvald always invited to his summer festivities had made the event somewhat tiring for Magnus thus far and he was grateful to have escaped, if only for a moment, to wonder the grounds free to be with his own thoughts. In the quiet of morning, most were back at the main house enjoying a leisurely brunch and chatting before the main event of the evening banquet. The rest were focused on preparing it. No one would notice his absence for some time.

    As he wandered the familiar foot tread paths through grass, Magnus found his thoughts drifting to Alice. He'd left her in power unofficially while he was away. Of course leaving a human as sole overseer was as impossible as leaving a cow in charge, but the sibla man he employed to run the estate in his absence knew well enough Magnus's treatment of Alice. The man was only there to take care of the other animals and help direct the sibla servants Magnus employed. He would allow Alice and her flock to go about their own business unbothered as instructed. Still, Magnus didn't like leaving Alice alone for long.

    If anything were to happen in his absence and sibla authorities became involved, she would be powerless to take any semblance of control. In spite of her strength and competence, her position was entirely dependent on his command, unfair as that might be. He hated the idea of leaving her and the other humans of his flock so vulnerable. Moreover, he and Alice were still fighting. It left him uneasy and guilty.

Running over the past few weeks in his mind, Magnus could not help but feel regret. Alice had always been slow to trust and it had taken years to convince her of his true commitment to her position on his estate. Now she was angry with him and worse, she had pushed him to level of anger that had caused him to say things he didn't mean. Things that might once again drive a wedge of distrust between them. But though he was resentful of her recent attitude, in the end, he knew it was all his fault. The problems had only begun after he'd returned with Rachel.

    The child had brought nothing but trouble between them and he was certain that Alice was hiding the true reason why. She couldn't simply hate Rachel. It made no sense. She had cared for the girl so tenderly since her arrival, though she'd done it rather begrudgingly at first. Still, Alice had practically bit his head off for suggesting that Rachel was doing better and that his experiment had worked to help her fear.

The woman had gone so far as to accuse him of treating the child with the callousness with which he knew Torvald often treated his young stock. Like they were objects and not living breathing, feeling, animals. A touch of anger resurged at the memory. Could she really think so little of him after all these years? After he had made such an effort to rescue the child and aid in her recovery as best he could?

    The sound of high-pitched voices interrupted his thoughts and as Magnus rounded the corner he saw his brother's children come into view, gathered around the livestock that had been set aside for the feast. His two youngest nieces contentedly pet a pair of lambs in a small pen. The three older children crowded around a large cage staring intently at its contents.

    The two humans behind the bars were young, one female, and a gelded male, both likely no more than five years of age. They were unclothed of course, their heads shorn, as was common practice for veal animals before slaughter to allow for easier cleaning. Around them, his nieces and nephews watched intently.

    "I think they're cute!" his youngest nephew was saying to his older brother as he tried to reach his hand through the bars. "Come here so I can look at you," he coaxed. The human girl backed away from his touch.

    "Bet they're delicious too," his brother answered with a smile. He licked his lips menacingly.

    Magnus's eldest niece followed her younger brother's example, reaching for the poor humans, who shrunk from the children's attempts to reach for them.

    "Careful, mother says they might bite!" one of the younger girls warned, turning from the sheep to chastise her siblings.

    But the humans seem to have no interest in retaliating against their tormentors. Instead, they did their best to avoid the wiggling fingers that poked through the bars, remaining huddled in the center of the cage, as close together as possible.

    "I think they're ugly anyway," the eldest commented. "Specially with their heads all shaved like that."

He took a long stick from the ground and slid it into the cage through the bars, prodding at the two animals with greater reach. The little human girl cried out in pain as his stick pushed into her stomach and the eldest sibla boy laughed.

    "I'm gonna eat ya," he said, making a scary face at the animals. All laughed as the humans cowered in the back corner of their prison, running from the taunts.

    "Awe, you're frightening them," the younger boy complained. "Now they'll never let me touch them. The younger ones have such soft skin and Papa never lets us play with them."

    "Leave the animals alone," Magnus said, stepping among the group. The children looked up at him in surprise.

    "We were just having some fun, uncle Magnus," the eldest said.

    "I hardly think these poor creatures are enjoying your game."

    "Relax, brother." Torvald's voice cut through Magnus's attempt to discipline, as he sauntered up and putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's all just a little game. No harm done."

    Magnus saw the tears dripping from the human girl's eyes as the boy held her in his arms.

    "But come, children," Torvald continued. " Your mother is looking for you and there are far more amusements inside. Leave the animals alone."

    "Are they gonna kill them now?" one of the girls asked.

    "Soon," Torvald answered. "And then we shall have a feast tonight. And there will be roast human and lamb. You will like that, won't you?"

    She nodded and Torvald smiled, tussling her hair affectionately.

    "Now go on inside all of you. The grown-ups have to talk."

    "But I wanna watch them die," the eldest complained.

    "Not me," Magnus's youngest niece said with a frown. "Too much blood."

    Torvald laughed and put a hand on his boy's shoulder. "Next year you'll be old enough to help with the slaughter yourself if you wish," he said. "But for now your place is still inside with your sisters and younger brother."

    Torvald's son frowned, but seeing his father's expression he tossed his stick to the ground and followed the other children.

    "He's eager to become a farmer himself," Torvald said with pride as the children disappeared into the distance. Magnus could not help but find his nephew's enthusiasm to take the lives of two young animals a bit disturbing but he merely nodded in response.

    "You must see the two I have selected for the feast," Torvald said gesturing to the cage. "Nothing but the best for my guests." Taking a key from his belt he unbolted the latch.

    "Come!" he ordered. The boy and girl obeyed, hesitantly going to the door of their prison to heed their master's command.

    "Aren't they lovely?" Torvald said, reaching out and grabbing the female's arm to drag her from the cage. Magnus looked down at the girl as she flinched at Torvald's tight grasp.

    "Feel how round and soft she is," his brother prompted."That degree of fat coverage only comes with cage feeding."

Magnus reached out and gently felt the girl's body, running a hand along her arms and stomach. He could feel her trembling in fear. But as frightened as the girl might be, There was no denying his brother had managed to fatten the two animals nicely.

    "This is how you should finish off that young human you bought," Torvald said, pushing the animal back into her cage. "You let your stock to run around too freely. It makes them tough you know, particularly the young ones. And that female is already on the older side for veal. You must be careful lest you lose your investment. It will take years to raise her to a reasonable adult weight if you miss the window to sell her before she matures."

    Magnus thought of Rachel's smile. The comfort she was finally being to show with her new home. And though her growth had been modest thus far, he couldn't imagine sacrificing the happiness she'd found for a few extra pounds of meat.

    "I have said it many times before, Torvald," Magnus replied, "you have your business and I have mine. Besides, I firmly believe happy animals produce a better quality product ultimately, regardless of their finished weight. There is no avoiding stressing an animal if they are forced into an unfamiliar space with no ability to express their natural tendencies and humans are not meant to be confined so. They need to be free. To have tasks and work to stimulate their minds and keep them healthy and happy."

    Torvald shook his head. "There really is no getting through to you," he said patronizingly. "They adjust you know. Particularly the very young. And by the time they reach the proper weight, cage raised humans are quite docile."

    Magnus looked again at the unfortunate animals in their confinement. There was a deadened look in their eyes, as if they had given up all hope of life. Perhaps Torvald was right. Any creature that lived so long in such conditions would likely be complicit in their own demise, if only to gain release from their prison.

    "I suppose I should simply be grateful you got into the human trade at all,"Torvald continued, apparently despairing that Magnus could be convinced to see the light. "Look how well you have done since! Our father would have been proud."

    Magnus didn't answer. He wondered how Torvald would react if he ever found out just how much a human had helped him grow his business. It was Alice who had advised him in his first purchases. Alice who single-handedly cared for and maintained every one of the humans he kept. Alice who had helped him choose animals that could be bought cheaply but, with her formidable skill, were easily rehabilitated. Magnus knew how much she would disapprove of Torvald's caged humans. He found the practice rather upsetting himself, no matter how good the results might be on the finished animal.

    "In any case, maybe you will be convinced once you sample the meat," Torvald said with a smile. "I am certain you have never tasted better veal. A product of some of my best breeding. They're twins actually. The mother produces the most succulent creatures I have ever raised. I only wish humans could birth offspring more quickly. It is difficult to spare any as breeding replacements when their meat is so delicious. I am thankful the mother is barley twenty years of age. She should be able to reproduce for many years to come." Torvald laughed for moment before noticing Magnus's clear discomfort with his comment.

    "Do You still object to eating veal?" he asked somewhat incredulous. "You are a hypocrite to do so. The girl you purchased is a mere nine years old is she not? You must appreciate, it is impossible to keep all of the young I breed. If you did attempt to raise that child into maturity you would see just how many resources a young human consumes before reaching adulthood."

    "Of course I understand," Magnus answered. "Already the child has been costly. She consumes more than the others and puts on weight more slowly. But that does not mean I believe costs should be cut at the expense of the animal's wellbeing. It is not veal I object to, but the methods used to produce it."

    "Are you accusing me of something, Magnus?" his brother asked, eyes narrowing.

    Magnus knew he should hold his tongue, but as he glanced over at the two cowering animals, he could not help himself.

    "I think raising humans in cages is inherently cruel," he said. "Can you not see? Those sheep there, they are content in their pens, but humans are quite a different creature. You can't believe these two are happy?" he asked, gesturing to the two unfortunate young creatures.

    "Must you make everything into a political issue?" Torvald sighed in exasperation. "I do hope you will keep such talk from my guests this evening. You have held your tongue admirably thus far, but there are some prominent businessmen who will be joining us for the feast and I don't wish for any drama at my table. These humans have been cared for well and are happy enough. I raise my animals in adherence of all regulatory standards.

"Both of these creatures lived the majority of their lives in cells that allowed for more than adequate movement. I even grant most of my stock two full years with a human mother before weaning and confinement. But I am a businessman, as are you. This is by far the most cost effective way to achieve marketable results in a reasonable amount of time. In truth, I allow my veal animals more freedom than many."

    "That is precisely my point," Magnus countered.

    Torvald shook his head and sighed again as he placed a hand on Magnus's shoulder. "Come inside, brother," he said, patting his back. Your nieces and nephews are so pleased you could come, as is my wife. Enjoy the holiday and be of good cheer. We can quibble about animal husbandry another time. My men will process these two and you can be assured that whatever distress they have faced in this life will soon be over."

"And you do not oversee?"

    "I hire men I trust," Torvald answered dismissively. "I seldom have anything to do with the day to day handling of my stock anymore. Perhaps if you hired more men you might be similarly able to relieve the burden of such responsibilities. This is perhaps one of the greatest disadvantages in allowing that human to act as overseer to your slaves. I can hardly imagine that woman is much help with the slaughter and butchering of your stock," he laughed.

    Magnus frowned. "I do not see what is so humorous about Alice's position. Perhaps she is not much of a butcher, but I assure you that the woman can serve in every other way as overseer to my animals. Moreover, she is exceedingly skilled at caring for my human stock. Under her watch, I have lost only two slaves in thirty years. And only one of those to an attempted escape. I doubt you can boast such numbers."

    "I keep far more than you yourself, Magnus."

    "Nonetheless. Alice cares for my flock admirably. She keeps them remarkably healthy and happy."

    Torvald considered him for a moment and then nodded. "I cannot say I truly understand it, brother, but perhaps such an operation somehow works for your needs," he grudgingly admitted. "Then again your unique business practice is not exactly one that might be replicated. I imagine it is unlikely any might find another like the creature you keep as overseer. That human is quite 'unique'."

    Magnus did not fail to notice that Torvald still would not use Alice's name. After the thirty long years of faithful service she'd offered him, his brother still saw the woman as little more than a piece of property. He'd certainly never been able to understand the relationship they'd developed. In fact, Magnus suspected that he never quite got over the circumstances under which Alice had been acquired. Torvald was weary of her, no doubt even more so given the trust Magnus put in the woman to run so many of his affairs.

    "I wonder, Magnus, what you will do when that woman is gone?"

    Magnus looked at his brother somewhat uncomfortable with the question. It was certainly not something he liked to think on. Not only was Alice a critical part of his operation, she was his true friend. He could not quite imagine life without her.

    "Oh come now," Torvald answered seeing Magnus's hesitation. "The slave is nearly sixty years old is she not? It will not be long before she is unable to complete the tasks she does now. Perhaps once she is through with her service you will finally consent to hiring a proper overseer for your human flock."

    Magnus felt a shiver travel through him at Torvald's words.

    "She still has many years left in her yet," he answered defensively, yet he could not help but hear Alice's words in his head. She herself had implied a dwindling desire for life. She had gone as far as to suggest he should consider sparing Rachel in her place. But Alice had been angry. She couldn't have meant it...

    Torvald shook his head. "That slave will require more and more aid and resources in the next ten years. It would be for the best if you put her down when she shows signs of fading. For the animal's wellbeing as well as your own."

    Magnus didn't answer. Torvald's comments upset him greatly though he knew he must not show how much.

    "For the service and loyalty she has given me, I fully intend to let Alice live out the entirety of her natural life," Magnus answered calmly. "And I do indeed hope it will be long. As for what I will do once the woman is too infirmed to perform her office? I suppose I shall decide then who to employ in her stead. But truly Alice is still in prime shape. She will be able to continue in her position for many years still."

    "Humans deteriorate quickly," Torvald answered. "And you may still change your mind when you see the care and resources she might require while giving nothing in return. With even my favorite pets I never keep them far beyond thirty years of age. Burying an animal is a waste of good meat after all. I have seen elderly humans, Magnus and I tell you, allowing animals to live too much past their prime is a cruel thing in the end. But in any case, I know you will not hear reason at present. I never thought you should have harbored that slave in the first place."

    "And look how well she has served me," Magnus answered, somewhat smugly. "Were you once not afraid the woman would kill me in my sleep?"

    Torvald raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I have never fully discounted the possibly and still do not," he replied. "I think the freedom and power you allow that creature is dangerous."

    Magnus shook his head. "I do appreciate that, with the size of your operation, having trust in your slaves to the degree I do with Alice is perhaps not advisable. But I tell you, Torvald, I have never once questioned my decision to put my faith that woman. She has been a true friend to me and, in all honesty, she as played such a large part in my success that I question what I might have ever done without her."

    "She is a human, Magnus," Torvald replied. "An animal. Nothing will ever change that."


So...thoughts on the chapter? I know the concept of human veal might be pretty disturbing. What did you think of Torvald? His veiw of the world and his industry seems pretty diff from his brother's to say the least. Any new thoughts on Magnus after this scene? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Next chapter will be posted on fri :-)

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