Finally Noticed

بواسطة romanoindisguise

94.4K 4.1K 3.3K

Arthur Kirkland is a successful lawyer in Philadelphia, living alone with his five year old son, Alfred F. Jo... المزيد

My son's clone
Princess Allison
The bad touch trio reunite
Artie's also a pretty princess
Double trouble
Old memories and charcoal
Apparently Arthur spiked Allistor's tea
Francis's turn to be traumatized
Artie's "time of the month"
The interview
Lets see how red Artie can turn before Allie gets stabbed
More BTT with a side of FrUk fluff
Courts and Mornings
Talking croissants
You may now kiss the Brit

The dinner

4.5K 205 136
بواسطة romanoindisguise

Francis practically skipped down the stairs, delighted about being presented the opportunity to show off his cooking skills. Grabbing ingredients and supplies at almost inhuman speed, he flew around the kitchen, adding a little spice here and there, stirring, chopping, and of course tasting. Matthew stood at the entrance, looking at his father dancing around the kitchen, a look of pure bliss on his face. Francis glanced back at his son and motioned for him to come closer.

"Dis-moi ce que tu penses." (tell me what you think) Francis said, bending down and handing Matthew a spoonful of the dish to taste.

"C'est délicieux!" (It's delicious) Matthew exclaimed, trying the food.

Francis smiled, ruffling Matthew's hair. "Why don't you go and set ze table, non?"

"D'accord!" Matthew chirped, grabbing silverware from a nearby drawer and running off. Arthur entered the kitchen, stepping to the side to avoid the small child running out of the room. He began to approach Francis, intending to ask him something but stopped once he saw the Frenchman. Francis was twirling around the kitchen, having resumed his cooking. He was humming as he chopped and stirred, occasionally opening his mouth to sing a few notes, seemingly unaware of Arthur's presence.

I can't decide what I like more, the smell of the food or the man cooking it. He looks like an angel like that.

"Et tu," (And you) Arthur jumped guiltily, startled by Francis's voice. He opened his mouth, preparing to apologize, but was shushed as the Frenchman spun around elegantly, a beaming smile on his face. "Would you also like try some?" He asked, handing Arthur a spoonful of the dish. Arthur nodded mutely, accepting the offer. He sipped at the warm broth, finding it quite good. He could feel his eyes light up at the taste, and Francis chuckled.

"Now now mon cher," He chided, lightly tapping Arthur's nose with a finger. "Zere will be more where zat came from. Ze restroom iz on ze 'all down ze right if you would like to wash your 'ands before eating."

"T-thank you." Arthur stuttered, before abruptly turning around and sprinting down the hall, locking himself in the bathroom.

God my face must be bright red right now. That food was quite good though. All that's left to do is get over how bloody French everything is. But I suppose French isn't too bad...

His phone suddenly rang, startling him out of his thoughts. He glanced at the caller id, being greeted by a picture of him and his brother in kilts that his brother had to practically wrestle him into. Allistor. His heart began to pound wildly, his pupils dilating with fear.

"Hello? Allistor? Is everything alright? Is Alfred alright? Are you alright?" He asked frantically, panic colouring his voice. "Oh god did anything happen?" Loud laughter interrupted him, and Arthur began to calm down.

"Allistor... why. The. Bloody. Hell. Did. You. Call?" Arthur growled through gritted teeth, venom filling every word.

"Awww Artie I just wanted tae see how yer little date was goin'." Allistor chuckled. "I am touched tha' ye thought o' me safety though."

"Allistor you git I thought I told you to only call in the event of an emergency." Arthur said coolly, trying to remain composed.

"Well ye did but..." Allistor trailed off, scratching the back of his flaming head sheepishly, twirling the phone cord with his finger. Quite the opposite of him, Arthur's fingers were clenched tight around his phone.

"And let me ask you this, brother dear. Is this an emergency? And do you perhaps know the reason why I asked about your's and Alfred's safety?"

"Because ye care?" Allistor suggested meekly, bracing himself for Arthur's anger.


"I'm really sorry." Allistor mumbled, hanging his head in shame, face almost as red as his hair. He hadn't even thought about how Arthur would react, and his heart twisted. "Anyways, yer here, how is it?" He asked cheerily, knowing that the worst of his little brother's anger had passed.

"It's not a bloody date, but quite well. His son is very cute, but the lad barely knows any English, only French. It's strange he looks identical to Alfred. Also 'I'm a pretty pretty princess'? Allistor I swear to god i'll get you back for that."

"Don't try tae deny it Artie yer tha prettiest princess there is." Allistor teased.

"Damn right I am." Arthur scoffed. "Now I must go, and do say hello to Alfred for me."

"Will do. Bye Iggy!"

"DON'T CALL ME I- damnit he hung up."

Arthur pressed end call and sighed, turning on the water and splashing some on his face.

And the git wonders why i'm so short tempered around him...

Arthur walked back into the dining room where Matthew was setting the table. The little boy looked at him questioningly, eyes asking about why Arthur was screaming earlier. "Brothers." Arthur deadpanned.

"'Ow many?" Matthew asked softly, preoccupied with folding cloth napkins into the shape of roses. He smiled slightly and held the completed rose out for Arthur to look at.

"Five and that's très bien." (Very good) Arthur complemented, unsure if he had said the right words. He had heard Francis say it earlier. Matthew's face split into a wide smile at hearing Arthur speak French, and he gave the rose to Arthur, all while talking. Arthur accepted the rose with a smile.

"Well now I know what that means. I don't know French so you will have to speak English with me though."

"Ok." Matthew said quietly, still happy at Arthur's praise. He soon completed the final rose and set it at the head of the table, which was presumably Francis's seat. Arthur sat down across from Matthew on the long table, at Francis's left.

When is he going to come out of the kitchen? Also this table is quite long, intended for more people. He must have quite a lot of guests over.

Arthur's thoughts were interrupted when Francis walked into the dining room, balancing three plates on his arms.

"Bon appétit!" Francis sang as he set the steaming dish down in front of Arthur, pouring wine that Arthur hadn't even noticed he was carrying.

"Merci." Matthew chirped as he began eating. There were a couple seconds of silence as all three people dug in.

"This is quite delicious." Arthur commented in between bites, wiping his mouth.

"Merci beaucoup! It iz one of ze most popular dishes at my restaurant. It iz a modified French recipe as ze original can take most of ze day to make. My maman used to make it all ze time with my sisters." Francis beamed, sipping at his wine.

"You have siblings? How many?" Arthur inquired, curious about this man's family.

"I 'ave trois sisters, Marianne, Lucille and Michelle, and I am ze oldest by eight years." Francis answered. "I assume zat you also 'ave siblings, from ze yelling I 'eard earlier."

Arthur flushed red, embarrassed that Francis had heard him screaming at Allistor. "Yeah i'm the second youngest of six children. My oldest brother lives not far from here so I asked him to stay with my son. He decided to be an idiot as usual and call me after I said only to call in case of an emergency."

Francis chuckled, shaking his head, hair bouncing around his face. "Well now 'e knows not to disturb you."

"Damn right. I wouldn't be surprised if that twat has barely any hearing left from how loud I yelled. I'm terribly sorry about that by the way."

"Oh no mon ami it iz no problem."

They spent the next hours talking about themselves and their families, exchanging stories. To his surprise, Arthur found himself enjoying the man's company very much. He learned that all of Francis's sisters were still in Paris, and that Francis enjoyed drawing. In turn, Francis learned that Arthur's family moved around quite a lot before he was born, and so all of his siblings were born in different parts of the British Isles. When Arthur glanced at his watch, he was surprised to see that they had been talking for well over two hours, and it was now time for him to go home.

Alfred should be asleep at this time. I wonder how Matthew is still awake it must be past his bedtime.

As if on cue Matthew yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes. "Êtes vous fatigué?" (are you tired) Francis asked. Matthew nodded sleepily, eyes drooping. "Excusez-moi for a minute I need to put my son to bed." Francis said, picking up the child and glancing apologetically at Arthur.

"Oh no it's actually just about time for me to go. Thank you for the dinner the food was splendid, and I hope we can continue our friendship outside of a professional environment." Arthur said, walking to the entryway and collecting his jacket.

"Merci! I also 'ope zat I can see you again I really do enjoy your company." Francis twittered, shifting the child in his arms in order to open the door. "'Ave a good night!" he called out as Arthur made his way back to his car.

When can I see him again? Was the main thought passing through both of their minds for the remainder of the evening. 

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