The Joker Imagines

By GirlFromSunshine

174K 2.5K 403

These are some Joker imagines. They are based off of the Jared Leto depiction. Requests are open! Thank you f... More

Kidnapped pt. 1
Kidnapped pt.2
Breakup pt. 2
Breaking Out
Authors Note
Kidnapped pt. 3
Fight pt. 1
Fight pt. 2
High School
High School pt. 2
Rescued pt. 2


8.5K 125 36
By GirlFromSunshine

Imagine being abused/ tortured by Joker after an unsuccessful robbery

You sat quietly in the passenger seat of his "baby" (his Purple Lamborghini) as he seethed in the drivers seat. You were traveling faster than usual; 94mph. You'd always been afraid of traveling over 80 when in a car, but you never said anything to J, in fear of angering him. You glanced at him subtly every once in awhile to see his facial expression, which was not good. It was contorted into an ominous expression, with his eyebrows set low over his raging eyes and his nostrils flared in silent anger. His mouth was open slightly, and he was breathing heavily.

You knew he was upset at you, but for what, you weren't sure. This was the first time you'd come with him on one of his "money runs", and you'd done everything you were told to do. But, the whole plan ended up failing, with police on your tails. Your job was to hold the hostages, after distracting the attendants behind the counter with a skimpy, revealing outfit (they were both male). And you'd distracted them and proceeded to hold them at gunpoint, along with the other people in the bank. You'd done all of that, but someone must've called the police.

Your heart beat faster as you realized that J probably thought it was all your fault. That you weren't properly watching the hostages and one called police without you noticing. It was possible, but very unlikely as you watched them like a hawk, and actually killed two because they did try to call police. You began to get nervous as you neared the warehouse. You'd heard of the awful things he did to people when he was angry with them, and worse to Harley Quinn. You were baffled that she'd actually left him without later being found dead. You now understood why she left; he beat and tortured her all the time. He hadn't abused you much, just every once in awhile. But you knew you wouldn't be able to handle constant abuse. But you could put up with a hit every once in awhile. You could do that for him.

Within minutes, you were pulling into the warehouse garage, and your nervousness grew. You didn't even try to speak with him, at least not yet. He was too angry right now. You usually asked permission from him to do things like leaving, but this time, you decided that even speaking to him would make him want to hit you. So when the car was parked, you immediately unbuckled and stepped out. You shut the door behind you, not even bothering to see his reaction. You then began to walk to the stairs when you heard J slam his car door and you saw his green head quickly walking towards your right side out of the corner of your eye. You contemplated running, but you figured that would just make things worse.

Your thought got cut short by a slam in the face. You felt your head fling left and the rest of your body went with it, causing you to crash to the cold cement floor. You gasped in pain and your hand went to your fragile cheekbone that his fist had just made contact with. You felt your heart break. He was never so degrading as to punch you; it was usually just a slap. But this was just like when you'd been bullied in high school and your bully had beat you on a daily basis.

You heard his slow footsteps coming around to your back. "Since when is it okay to disobey me, hmm?" He said in a controlled anger voice. You felt a tear slip down your cheek and splatter on the cement. "ANSWER ME, BITCH!" He screamed at you. His raging voice echoed off the walls in the roomy garage.

You stumbled over words to answer him. "I-I..." you started, but were cut off by J, mocking your stutter.

" "I-I" speak up!" He yelled. He then rammed his foot into your side, and you groaned in pain. Your hands went to your side that he has just kicked, and you knew there would be a large bruise. You began to get up so you could at least make eye contact, but he pushed you down onto your side and kicked you again just below your chest. You cried out and began to sob as you tried to speak again.

"I don't know, J. P-please, don't hurt me, J." You said through your tears. You were now laying on your right side, facing J, who was looming over you menacingly. You thought that would get to him, and maybe he would have pity or sympathy for you, but you were greeted with a kick to your right eye.

You screamed out as pain blossomed behind your eye and in your eye, and you tried to crawl away. You crawled on your hands and knees to get away from him, and let him calm down, but he took his foot and pushed you forward, and you fell onto your face. When he walked to your face, he squatted down to your level. You slowly turned to look at him, and he spoke.

"This failure is all your fault. This is your punishment for what you've done. All that money we lost? It's all. Your. Fault. Got that? You're practically worthless to me!" He yelled at you. He yanked you from the floor and dragged you to the wall, to prop you up. You bawled loudly, and J's henchmen standing around winced but did nothing. He sat you against the wall, and you didn't try to run; you were already so weak from the abuse he'd already done.

When you were in place, he swung his fist into your jaw, and pain exploded from your left jaw, and you heard a faint crack when his knuckles and rings made contact. Before you could even begin to recover, he took another hit to your right jaw, and you screamed out. He stopped for a moment, but just to slap you hard. "SHUT THE FUCK UP," he yelled before pushing you over to begin kicking you. You laid there and silently took it. The countless blows to your legs and stomach. You slowly began to see your vision fade from either too much pain or blood loss.

You welcomed death; you didn't want to live in a world where J didn't care about you and instead abused you like Harley Quinn.


Your eyes opened sluggishly. You squinted slightly against sunlight in your eyes. The first thing you felt was the excruciating pain that you felt over your entire body. You turned your head slowly, as though not to cause more pain than you were already in, and took in your surroundings; you were in J's room. Your jaw was wrapped in gauze, as like many of your wounds that were either sprained, broken, or bleeding.

You looked to the door of the bed and saw your ankle had a cast on. There were bruises all over your legs and arms. You felt your eyes well up with tears at the sight of your severely beaten body.

Just then, the door to the room opened, and in walked J, with a platter full of your favorite breakfast foods. Your heart quickened in pace and fear built in you chest at his entrance, as you didn't trust him anymore.

He made eye contact, and his eyes held surprise and almost guilt. But you knew he couldn't be guilty for what he did. He stepped into the room, unsure of whether to stay or leave. But you knew that you didn't want him in here.

"Get out," you whispered.

"What was that?" He said and put a hand to his ear, as to hear you better.

"I said get out," you yelled at him. Tears welled in your eyes again, and your emotions took control over your actions. He looked angry, but his eyes said he was hurt and maybe even guilty. But you had no pity for him. To you, he was the last person you ever wanted to see.

He gently set the tray down on a chest at the foot of the bed and he walked out with his head hanging low. He closed the door behind him and all was quiet in the room again.

You struggled for 10 minutes to get up from the bed, and you painfully walked to the door and locked it. You locked yourself in his room for the next week, and after 8 days, J couldn't take it anymore.

A loud knocking on the door. "Baby, please just let me in! I won't hurt you. I'm so sorry, pumpkin. I just want to see you." You sat on the edge of the bed, with your arms crossed and angrily staring at the door. You'd healed a bit; the bruises were turning green, your sprains were gone, your cuts were scabbing, and your few broken bones were on the road to healing. You missed him too, but you wanted to get your point across.

You yelled a response, the first time you'd talked to him since the horrible night he'd "punished" you. "Why should I trust you? You beat me like Harley," you said.

There was a moment of silence behind the door. He then sighed and spoke again. "Hon, I need to see you. I miss you. And I've already said I'm sorry. You mean so much more to me than that Bitch," he said. That did make you feel a bit better. You hobbled to the door and opened it to see J standing there with his hands behind his back, seemingly hiding something.

"What've you got?" You asked suspiciously.

He unexpectedly pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. You gasped and heat rushed to your cheeks. He never did anything romantic like this unless he was truly sorry. You gave a small smile before he brought you in for a hug.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I know now that it wasn't your fault. You are so special and I don't know what I'd do without you." He said boldly.

"Okay." You pulled back, and hobbled back into the room. He followed you, and profusely apologized.

He may be abusive, but you knew that you could never leave him, no matter what he did.



Hey there. I'm sorry this one sucked so bad. I really did bad toward the end of it, but I hope you liked it even though it was literally a piece of crap 😂😂

If you did like it, please comment, follow, vote, or just keep reading, I appreciate it all. Thank you for reading!

Word Count: 1810

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I had to ooen a new account. I hope everyone who was reading finds this. An amazing journey into the Joker's life.
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IM GONNA REGRET THIS jfc i can't believe i wrote this god i feel filthy EXPLICIT MATURE CONTENT READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
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: ̗̀➛ In which a psychiatrist falls for her patient. ❝I can't believe, we're finally alone..❞ ❝I can't believe, I almost went home..❞
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it's all in the title babes . this is my first imagine so pls bare with me 💓 .