Baby at twenty three?

By bubblysun

344K 10.8K 290

What would you do if your parents the one you loved the most asked you to give them a grandchild who would wa... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Stolen Innocent Kiss

Chapter 1

32.4K 615 25
By bubblysun

"Happy 18th Birthday Sam!!!!!!" My mom, dad and brother greeted me with smiling faces at 12am! Are they insane??? But still I love their efforts. My mom was holding a chocolate cake and my room was filled with pink balloons floating all over! Oh... I really love pink! And that's true.

"Thank you mom, dad and tay" I said with a very big smile on my face. Taylor is my little brother. He is 15 yrs old.

"Okay dear, have a goodnight or I mean a good mornight sleep. You still have your party, so better get your beauty sleep." My mom said smiling.

"Goodnight." I said smiling. But when they went out of my room, something struck me.... Oh my God!!!! Im 18 and I got... Oh my... 4 years to get pregnant... This whole thing can't make me sleep... Later at night there would be my party... And I don't like it. Why?Because my parents are going to start match making again with those jerks! They were all good looking and of course hot! But no way! I remembered my 17th bday, it was horrible. My dress was very decent. Long red dress, it was long sleeved because I don't wanna show a lot of skin with those jerks! It glitters so much and it was nice, but it was really hugging my body... It shows my curves. I love my curves but i don't always wear fitting clothes so that it won't get noticed. I was walking and
"Hey sexy!" a guy smiling, slapped my ass! I don't even know him! I was shocked and I slapped him!
"Pervert!!!!!" I yelled and immediately all the people were looking... And that ended his night, he was thrown out of my house and of course, leaving with a shiner on his 2 eyes. My body guard and Taylor beat him up. Oh I love my brother. My brother is only 15 but he is so much taller than me! We go to the family's gym room which is in our house, 5 times a week and he lifts, that's why he's hot. Girls drool over him with his actor quality face, 6 pack abs and sculpted back. And while me, I only got the ass, but gosh, my boobs are soooo small. Cup A! But i'm working on it, im doing my chest exercises... My parents did not know the guy who slapped my ass! He was a party crasher!

"Ugh....." I said to myself. Thinking those things made me so tired and fell asleep.

"Happy 18th birthday Sam" I heard my dad saying and immediately went down stairs with a very big smile on my face. Our stairs is very huge but not like the mansion staircase, our house is modern that's why. I saw my family, relatives, my bestfriends(Tin, Nica, Bianca, Mary, Clarice, Angelica, Kath and Tammy) gym trainor(Jack), my brother's friends(all of them before asked me out, can you believe that? But believe me, Taylor doesn't that they asked me out because he won't allow them but these guys tried but I said no, they're younger than me and I treat them just like a brother too), family friends and of course the most expected guys in tux whom I don't really like. And seeing those guys made my smile fade away.

"Happy birthday Sam!" My bestfriends said in unison. They all hugged me and that made me feel so happy. They are giving their gifts to me.

"You should not have." I said to them very pleased, almost crying.

"We know you had everything. But we loved you so much, these gifts came from the bottom of our hearts and you will not find or just buy them anywhere." Tin said.

"Thank you girls!" I can't help it and I was already crying.

"Open our gifts!" Mary said and I opened all of them!

"Oh my gosh! These are so nice! Thank you girls!!!!" I said crying and holding their gifts. It was all customized for me! A necklace pendant that says "sam", a bag with my name on it to, a shirt with my name and our picture, a picture frame, and the frame was engraved with the words "we love you Sam" and with the picture me and my bestfriends, a teddy bear bigger than me holding a heart that says "wanna hug me, Sam?" A wrist watch that had a background of me and my bestfriends, a water jog with my name on it, and the funniest of them all but scared me the most, an underwear that has words "Sam, the sex goddess ;)" oh.... Sex goddess huh??? I never had sex before, I'm still a virgin and I will only give my virginity to my husband in the future.

*cough* *cough* *cough* I saw my parents standing behind me with the biggest smile on their face and it scares me. But I managed to smile back.

"Time to meet some guys darling." My dad smiling. Uh... Oh.... It made me wanna puke. Guys? Or you mean jerks?

"Relax darling, the thing happened on your 17th birthday won't happen again." My mom smiled trying to assure me.

"This is...... " my father introduced the 26 of them! Oh God, help me... Where did my father got them???... Yeah they're hot and gorgeous but still I don't like them. Maybe I'll just introduce some of them to my bestfriends! Hahhahahah! No! They don't like to be match to other guys. And they all got boyfriends, they never ran out of guys, after a broke up, just give them a month, and poof! New boyfriend. Not like me, no boyfriend since birth....

"Nice meeting you" I said to each one of them, shaking their hands. They tried to kiss me on my cheek but I offered a hand shake immediately and I don't remember even one of their names and that's good because i don't want to remember them.

And the party was over. I really need to sleep. I feel so weak because I haven't sleep the night before.

When I eneter my room,

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" I was shocked, there was a tall, handsome and hot guy in my room, I never saw him before, he was not introduced to me. I really don't know him.... He was holding my underwear that was given to me by my bestfriends that says "Sam, the sex goddess ;)" and he smiled. That was the last thing I saw and I passed out.

#####This is the first book I made so, sorry if its boring or you don't like it, I just typed what comes in to my mind and I had a hard time in making this because I don't know how to use the wattpad on how to make stories. Sorry guys I'm not the techie type of a person XD. I'm just a reader hear before, it inspired me and I made this book. Hope you guys like it!!! XOXO#####

Please quomment!!! XD

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