Petrichor - b blake


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Felicity "Flick" Callaway is a mechanic for Mecha Station. It's been her dream to go to Earth. Ever since she... More



2.7K 48 30

in which they take a day trip

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Flick sat by the radio, tweaking a few things until Jaha's face popped up on the screen. "Wicked."

One by one, the delinquents entered the drop ship to speak to their parents and friends from home. Flick casually leaned against the wall of the drop ship, watching every one else clean up camp.

"You know, you could help!" Clarke called, not too far from where Flick was standing.

Flick laughed softly and shook her head slowly. "Nah, I'm good right here."

Clarke jokingly rolled her eyes before going back into the drop ship to speak to Jaha. With the way she spoke to her mom the night before, there was no way in hell that Clarke would willingly speak to Abby. A few minutes pass, spent with Flick cracking crappy jokes to the delinquents, before Clarke walks out of the drop ship.

Flick checked the list again before fetching Dax to head in next. "I have a proposition for you," Clarke spoke, looking around to make sure not many people were near them.

"Which is?" Flick asked, raising an eyebrow as she crossed Dax's name off the list.

"Kane says there's a emergency supply aid depot not too far from here. It should only take a day, and you can pick who goes with. But I think you should take Bellamy so we don't have to hear them yelling all day."

Flick looked at the map from Clarke and frowned before nodding. She jogged into the drop ship, and sure enough, Bellamy was there with Octavia. "Bellamy."

"The answers still no. I'm not talking to Jaha." Flick rolled her eyes at his stubbornness.

"Relax, I don't care whether you talk to him or not. That's not why I'm gracing you with my presence," Flick smirked, leaning against the doorway of the drop ship. "The Ark found some old records that show a supply depot not too far from here."

Bellamy's annoyance slowly morphed into interest. "What kind of supplies?"

Flick rolled her eyes once more. "The kind that might give us a chance to live through winter. I'm gonna go check it out. I could use backup."

"Why are you asking me?" Bellamy asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

Flick laughed dryly and turned on her heel, striding out of the drop ship. "Well, Clarke said I had to."

After packing some supplies into a pack, Flick and Bellamy made their way out of camp. Flick lead the way with the map, hopping from rock to rock. She hummed a random tune as she did so, oblivious to Bellamy's stare on her back. "The first drop ship will come down soon. You can't avoid Jaha forever."

Flick hopped off a rock and looked at Bellamy. "The past hour was the best silence of my life."

Flick shrugged and kicked some branches with the hard toe of her boots. She looked at the map again and squinted in the sunlight. Holding the map straight out in front of her, she slowly started to twist it to the left. Bellamy watching in amusement before shaking his head and continuing to walk forward. "Let's split up, cover more ground. Stay within shouting distance."

Flick barely had time to nod in agreement before Bellamy was jogging off in one direction. She huffed quietly and kept walking in the other direction. "If I wear a supply depot entrance, where would I be?" Flick paused. "Well if I were a supply depot entrance I wouldn't be talking to myself right now. Moron."

Seconds later, Flick was torn from her monologue when she tripped over something hard and bashed her chin into the ground. She knocked her knuckles on the ground and grinned widely. Wiping the blood from her chin, she cupped a hand over her mouth. "Oh, Bellamy! Guess what I found!"

When Bellamy rounded the hill, he was in no way surprised to see Flick lounging on the ground. "What the hell are you doing, Flick?"

"Relaxing. What does it look like, moron? I found the door," Flick said sarcastically, standing up from her spot on the ground. She gently touched her chin and hummed in approval when there was no more blood on her finger. "Well I actually tripped onto it, but I still found it. So therefore I win."

Bellamy raised an eyebrow at her. "I wasn't aware that this was a competition."

"It's always a competition," Flick shrugged, stepping aside so Bellamy could open the hatch.

Flick and Bellamy walked down the stairs and into the dark supply depot. Flick made a face when she saw the skeleton sitting propped up against the wall. "Now that's gross."

"Hell of a place to die," Bellamy said, quickly moving past her.

The two began searching the shelves, groaning in annoyance when they found nothing but soiled supplies. "Well I found blankets," Flick said, holding up a bright orange blanket.

Bellamy rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Excited about a couple of blankets? How about a canteen or a med kit or a decent fricking tent? Argh!" Bellamy kicked over a barrel, eyes widening in surprise when a clanging sound came from inside.

To Flick's utter surprise, Bellamy pulled a gun out of the murky water-filled barrel. "This changes everything. No more running from spears. Ready to be a badass, Flick?"

"Please, I've always been a badass," Flick rolled her eyes. Bellamy raised an eyebrow while marking one of the orange blankets with an X. "Excuse me? I rebuilt a scrap pod and flew it down to Earth and survived! I'm a badass."

Bellamy held out a gun and Flick grabbed it. "So I just hold it on my shoulder?" Flick asked, adjusting her position slightly.

"Yeah, just a little higher now, that end. Yeah," Bellamy fixed her stance. "Uh, that's good. Uh, watch and learn."

Bellamy picked up another rifle and lines up with the blanket before pulling the trigger. Flick braced herself for the noise of the gun firing, but nothing came. She snorted loudly and quickly covered her mouth with her free hand. "Sorry, continue."

"My bullets are duds, try yours."

Flick nodded and lined herself up with their makeshift target before pulling the trigger. To her surprise, a bullet came out with a bang, landing a few inches above the X. "Bam! I'm a badass! Told you!" Flick cheered.

"Try again," Bellamy smirked, leaning against the wall.

Flick shook her head and set the gun down on the table. "Clarke would kill us if we wasted all of the ammunition."

"You need to practice," Bellamy said.

"No. We need to talk about how we're gonna keep guns around camp, where are we gonna keep them, and who has access. You left Miller in charge of the Grounder. You must trust him," Flick said, turning to look at him.

"Clarke should keep him close. The others listen to him," Bellamy shrugged.

"Clarke should keep him close? Bellamy, what's going on? You've been acting weird all day," Flick said, realization washing over her in waves. "All the rations you took. You're gonna run. That's why you agreed to come with me. You were gonna load up on supplies and just disappear."

"I don't have a choice. The Ark will be here soon," Bellamy insisted.

"So you're just gonna leave Octavia?" Flick asked after a moment.

"Octavia hates me. She'll be fine. You don't know I shot the Chancellor. They're gonna kill me, Veah. Best-case scenario, they lock me up with the Grounder for the rest of my life, and there's no way in hell I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction. Keep practicing. I need some air," Bellamy sighed and walked out of the depot.

Frowning, Flick set the gun down and popped some of the ration berries into her mouth. Due to her allergy, she avoided the nuts and instead only ate the berries. She heard a clatter behind her, turning around to see a figure holding a gun. Flick shrieked and tried to run, but the person grabbed her hair, pulling her back. A bang from a gun went off and she screamed in pain. They shoved the rations into her mouth, handful after handful. Flick forcefully swallowed, having no other choice. A choked sob escaped her lips as her throat began to swell.


She forced her eyes open and turned towards the familiar voice. "Mom?"

"Is it how you imagined?" Hope Callaway kneeled in front of her daughter. She laughed softly at Flick's confusion. "Earth. Isn't it spectacular?"

Flick breathed in sharply. "You're not real. You were floated years ago."

Hope Callaway smiled gently, brushing Flick's hair out of her face. "You're so brave. Never give up on yourself and what needs to be done."

Flick's vision blurred slightly, and when it finally refocused she was alone. Hope Callaway was gone for good this time. She didn't know how long she laid on the floor in the supply depot. It felt like hours, but it could've been minutes.

"Flick!" Bellamy yelled, kneeling beside her. Her face was tinged red, and there was white splotches on her neck, face, and arms. Her shoulder was bleeding from a gunshot wound. Looking beside her, he noticed the empty rations pack and his eyes widened. "Dammit! We need to get you back to camp."

Flick didn't feel herself nod, but she did. Bellamy quickly loaded all of the guns up and slung the bag over his back. He gently picked up Flick and carried her back to camp. "Keep your eyes open, Flick. Look at all the flowers, look at anything." Flick noticed his voice began to sound more panicked.

"I'm so tired."

"No Flick, don't say that shit, stay with me."

The two arrived at camp only to be caught in the middle of chaos. The grounder was gone.

Bellamy quickly passed Flick off to Miller and explained the situation. "Get her to Clarke, quickly."

Miller laid her down on the table inside the drop ship before joining Bellamy outside once again. Clarke found an epipen and dealt with her allergic reaction first. Clarke looked at Flick's shoulder and sighed in relief. "Good news, the bullet went straight through."

"Damn, it would've been one hell of a souvenir," Flick said, grimacing at the pain in her shoulder.

Clarke half smiled at her and picked up the knife she left on the fire. She disinfected the wound before looking at Flick. "This is gonna hurt."

"Bring it on."

Flick let out a painful cry as Clarke burned her wound closed. She breathed heavily for a few seconds before Clarke did the same of the back side.

Clarke smiled sympathetically at Flick before leaving her to rest.

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published date: 3-29-2021
edited date: 11-22-2021

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