Corpse Girl~ Ghoul! One Piec...

By piratequeend

30.8K 1.5K 153

Being alone has become a part of you since your mother died. People just seemed to avoid you, your father cou... More

No More
New Acquaintances
Slipping Mask

Better Than Before

2.8K 153 9
By piratequeend

         "Wake up." Demon pokes your forehead with a gloved hand.
"No..." You pout rolling over.
"Hey... Wake up, woman." He pokes your side. You giggle trying to move his hand away.
"No! Demon!" You giggle trying to move away as he pokes you more.
"Gonna wake up?" He inquires lowly.
"Why do I have to wake up though? Its my day off!" You whine.
"Because we're going to get you a mask," Law rumbles in the doorway. You freeze and swiftly roll out of bed, hiding behind Demon.
"What are you doing here!?" You squeak warily.
"I live here." He smiles slightly, putting his mask in front of his face.
"Oh, so you're Blank." You smile going over and hugging him in relief. The way it seemed to be, Kid must be the last ghoul. You glance back at Demon. Eh, you'd play along until he didn't want to hide anymore then.
"Yeah, I'll be taking you to a friend of ours." He rumbles.
"Are they a ghoul too? You told them we were coming right? I don't want to be an unwelcomed surprise." You frown slightly, worried. He blinks before smiling softly.
"Don't worry, he's going to adore you." He breathes touching your cheek. You blush and a gloved hand comes over his face, pushing him back.
"You're too close!" Demon huffs. You blink and look back at him.
"You're not coming?" You ask him.
"No. I have things to take care of... Get dressed." He says before going out. Law follows after him, closing your door. You change swiftly before going out. Law smiles at you and you both head out. You peer at his face curiously.
"What?" He hums, meeting your gaze.
"I don't know, I never stopped to look at your face. You look like a trouble maker." You chuckle. He chuckles at that.
"I am a trouble maker." He smirks. "Wanna see?"
"Heh, not right now." You rub your nose, wondering just what he meant.
"Damn." He tilts his head. "That would've been fun."
"Trouble." You push him playfully. He smirks thoughtfully, pulling you into his side.
"Not everyone can be a goodie, goodie." He pokes your cheek.
"Yeah... That did me a lot of good.... Maybe it's time to break some rules." You muse looking at the sky.
"Cant wait to see what you do." He rumbles. You hum and look to the side, eyes drawn to a silver haired man jogging in the park. You met him before, another bad encounter with Lolli.
"Smoker... Special investigator Smoker." You recall. Law pauses, glancing over.
"You know Whitechase-ya?" He asks.
"Kinda, helped me out before..." You hum.
"Shall we say hi?" He inquires.
"Nah, not right now."

The mask maker lived under a bar known as SuperStar. You look around as Law takes you down the steps, entering a room with mask displays all over. "Wow...." You whisper going to look at one. "Amazing..."
"You mean super!" A rumble makes you jump and look at the blue haired ghoul. He gives a friendly smile. "I'm Franky, Shanks and them never took in a human before... Here for a mask?" He guesses.
"Yes, sir.... I'm ___." You give a small bow and he chuckles.
"Take a seat and tell me about yourself." He guides you to a seat.
"Um... I'm not sure how to do that..." You murmur sitting down.
"Really? No one has asked you?" He tilts his head with a frown.
"No... I never really talked to people, no one ever liked me, especially after my mom died when I was little." You look to the side.
"That's so sad..." He sniffles, wiping at his eyes. You panic at that.
"I-I'm so sorry! Please don't be sad!" You gasp, touching his arm. He sniffs, peering at you before smiling again.
"You're a sweetheart... I guess that's something only us ghouls can see." He pokes your nose, before taking your head measurements. "Tell me more about yourself." He requests. So you do, telling him trivial things about yourself, avoiding the sad lonely story that was your life. Then he stops you.
"Hey. Tell me one thing that's under the surface of what you've told me." He says. You meet his gaze, before thinking.
"Every time I tried to make friends they turned out to be horrible people. So I gave up trying. It seemed that only bad people were willing to get near me, just to hurt me....From where I'm standing now, humans are worse than any other creature on this planet." You state. He blinks, before smiling.
"I think I understand now.... Tell me, have you ever faced death before?" He inquires.
"Describe your experience, please."
"It's like a dark cloud that wrapped around me, promising to take me away from this place. Even if the place waiting for me was hell itself, at that moment.... I felt peace..." You breathe. "But, I'm glad that it let me go... Because I got to meet some amazing ghouls." You smile thoughtfully.
"I'm glad too.... I know what I'm going to make you. I'll drop by the café when its done." He says with a smile as he stands up. "I'm glad I got to meet you today, ___."
"I'm glad I met you too, Mr. Franky," You smile. He pats your head, before going to another room. You get up and go to Law.
"Ready to go?" He offers a smile. You nod and you both head back out. You stretch, as you head back home. You pause, catching sight of Smoker leaving the park. Sharing a glance with Law, you move to intercept him.
"Special Investigator Smoker." You greet when his almond colored eyes lock on you, "Remember me?"
".... ___... Right?" He recalls, raising an eyebrow. You smile and give a small nod. "I honestly didn't think I would see you again... Is there something I can help you with?"
"I was wondering if we could buy you lunch. You must be hungry after that work out." You smile. Your wallet had 'magically' filled up over night. He blinks in surprise, before returning the smile.
"Alright, lead the way." He rumbles. You and Law lead him to a little bistro to eat at. "You changed a lot since we last met."
"Heh, it kinda happened over night it seems." You rub your neck. "How have you been? How's your partner?"
"I've been well... Tashigi was killed by NoFace a month ago." He informs, looking down. You frown and reach over, placing a hand on his.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Smoker..." You murmur. He meets your gaze, offering a smile.
"She would've been glad to see you today." He muses. "We didn't think you'd stay alive long.... Not with how your mental state was."
"Eh... I honestly did try, but something always kept me alive." You rub your neck. "And the last attempt changed everything." You share a glance with Law and smile.
"That's good... You know, someone as resilient as you would do great in the CCG." He comments. You blink at that and tilt your head.
"Now that's a thought... but I'll pass." You smile. "Rather not go head to head with a ghoul for a bit..." You feel over the bandages under your shirt sleeve, you'd have to rebandage that later.
"That's understandable. Just a thought," He hums as the food is brought up. "Thanks for the food."
"No problem, I never properly thanked you for that day." You smile with a shrug.
After lunch you said goodbye to Smoker, before you and Law carry on. You peer at the ghoul curiously, he obviously had something on his mind. "That didn't bother you?" He asks quietly.
"I understand that you have to fight to survive Law. I'm not going to hold it against you." You murmur, leaning on him. He blinks and looks at you. "You probably feel guilt about it anyway, huh?" You guess softly. He tilts his head, closing his eyes.
"I suppose." He mutters, before smiling a bit at you. "I've just decided ___," You look at him curiously. He meets your gaze thoughtfully, putting his arm around you. "I'm going to take good care of you. I'll make sure you don't feel alone from here on." He touches his cheek to your temple. You blink and blush, feeling a smile pull on your lips and tears prick your eyes.
"Heh. That so?" You breathe, wiping at your eyes.
"Yes. Hm? Eustass, you're supposed to be running the café." He frowns, straightening up.
"I was, but that Lolli chick turned up with her friend, looking for ___. She was fucking crazy, man. Stabbed one of the customers and took off. Place is crawling with cops, so Shanks closed shop to handle them." Kid informs you both, hands in his pockets. He seemed bothered by it.
"Hey..." You step forward, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Everything is okay now, so try to relax alright?" You offer a smile. He stares at you before moving your hand away.
"No. She was looking for YOU, ___. She's out for blood. This isn't a time to be relaxed." He frowns. "She already hurt you once right? That's why you have bandages hiding here." He pulls up your sleeve to look at the bandages.
"Yeah... She was the cause of that one." You look to the side briefly. "But I'm not going to let that psycho bitch scare me. I want to live now and I'm not going to spend it hiding." You meet his gaze seriously. He blinks in surprise, before scoffing.
"You already made up your mind. Just don't wander off alone." He pats your head as he goes past. You watch him as he turns the corner and disappears behind a building.
"Kinda sweet that he was worried." You hum.
"He does act strange when it comes to you." Law shrugs. "Come on, lets go see the damages."

Lolli paces, shaking slightly, "That bitch. Why does Sakura die and that skank lives!?"
"L-Lolli, why don't we calm down?" Lily sniffs. "We'll get in trouble if we do that again in the open."
"This time I'll saw off her legs so she can't run!" Lolli hisses with a crazed glint, ignoring Lily completely- that is until Lily screamed in pain. Lolli freezes and looks over as large black and red hand like kakuhou squeezes Lily's form slowly. Lolli's eyes widen in horror, hearing cracking under Lily's pained shrieks, blood soon trickling from her lips. Lily chokes, gurgling on her own scarlet fluid. Twitching and dying slowly, Lily is dropped on the damp gravel.
"I-It's you..... Why.... Why are you doing this!?" Lolli shrieks at Demon.
"I feel like it.... I'll be back for you later." Demon responds lowly, before stalking off with his hands in his pockets. Lolli watches him go, shaking as she looks down at Lily's body. It had finally stopped twitching and lay still a few feet away. Blood pooling from her mouth as her vacant eyes stare ahead. Lolli wheezes before screaming.

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