The Thieves: Stealing Bethany

By CSrygley

272 13 2

Bethany Meyer lives a pretty simple life. She goes to school, hangs out with her boyfriend, and works after s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 part I

Chapter 2

22 2 1
By CSrygley

Nothing too ground breaking in this chapter, but I had to cut it off before the juicy stuff in chapter 3 because it was getting too long. Basically...keep reading! Also, star, comment, follow     You know the drill ;)

Monday, September 15th 3:58 p.m. PST, 26 days to deadline

            As soon as I walked into the store I knew something was wrong. Brandon was unloading a box of swim trunks onto a rack, the aviators that permanently hung from neon yellow croakies around his neck swinging back and forth as he bent and straightened over and over. I’d never seen him touch a box of merchandise.

            “Brandon, what are you doing?”

            He didn’t stop, only tossed a look over his shoulder at me as I moved to the register to clock in. “We have a problem Beth.”

            “Don’t call me Beth,” I responded automatically, relaxing a little. Whatever it was couldn’t be too bad if he was still purposely annoying me with his terrible nick names.

            “I had to let Matt and Jo go.” That stopped me in my tracks. Matt and Jo were good workers. What possible reason could Brandon, who was seriously the most lenient boss imaginable, have to fire them?

            “Why?” I felt bad for Matt and Jo, but my main concern was purely selfish. Was my job in jeopardy too? Is that what he meant by “we” have a problem?

            Brandon grunted, a look on his face I couldn’t decipher.

            “Don’t worry about why. That’s not the problematic part. The real problem is that I’ve called every one of the applicants on file and none still want the job. No one on the day crew can work extra shifts and I’m stuck—” he kicked the half empty box at his feet, “doing menial labor. No offense.” He shot me a quick grin.

            I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh. Brandon was a forty-something beach bum with skin like leather from a lifetime spent in the California sun. When he wasn’t sneaking out of the shop to hit the waves, he stayed in the office doing, as he called it, “managerial stuff.” It was no secret that “managerial stuff” was code for playing solitaire.

            “Now I have to, like, advertise.” He shook his head, appalled at the idea he’d have to do even more work.

            I hesitated, debating whether or not I should tell him the thought that had hit me the second he said Matt and Jo were gone. My conversation with Dominic that morning had immediately popped into my head. Throughout the day, I’d paid more attention to Chance in the two classes we shared, but true to form, his head had hit the desk the minute the tardy bell rang and hadn’t moved until the dismissal bell.

            I had French with Dom after lunch, but we didn’t sit near each other. Other than a few smiles when I caught his eye, we hadn’t talked anymore today. Neither one of them seemed like they’d be a good employee. Then again, I needed help in the store. Who knew how long it would take Brandon to find new hires? I definitely couldn’t depend on his help up front. He’d already abandoned the swim trunks, retreating back to his office and leaving me to finish it.

            There weren’t any customers in the store, so before I changed my mind I went to the back and pushed open the office door. I halted in the doorway, blinking in surprise at what Brandon was doing. “Since when did you even know where we keep the cleaning supplies?” I asked. He was bent over the completely cleared off desk, a rag in one hand and a bottle of Lysol in the other.

            “I just bought this. We already have stuff here?” He frowned down at the spray bottle accusingly, like it was the bottle’s fault he’d spent money unnecessarily.

            “Um, yeah. It’s under the sink in the bathroom. Did you spill something?”

            A little shudder went through him and he practically attacked the desk with the rag. “I wish. Did you need something?”

            I pulled a hand through my hair, picturing Dom’s cocky smirk and blazing blue eyes. Even if he turned out to be a crappy worker, at least I’d get to look at his beautiful face for a few more hours every day. I’d barely thought about Turner at all after our conversation. Dom was a great distraction.

            “Actually, I think I can help you out. There are these guys at school who are looking for jobs. One of them asked if we were hiring today and I told him no, but now…” I trailed off, waiting to see if Brandon was interested.

            He stopped scrubbing, pursing his lips in thought.

            “They your age?” he finally asked.

            “Nope. They’re the grade above me. They have to be at least sixteen.” I knew what Brandon was getting at. I was the youngest employee here, and it had taken all my powers of persuasion to convince him to hire me due to my age. His main concern had been that I couldn’t drive yet, so I had to prove I had reliable transportation to work every day. That had been easy. School, my house, and the store were all within a half-mile radius, so I walked or biked, depending on my outfit.

             “Can they come in today and interview?”

I gave myself an internal high five. “I’ll ask!”

I ran back out to the front to watch for customers as I pulled up Dom’s number. He answered on the second ring.

“My fiancé! What’s up?”

I was sooo thankful he couldn’t see my blush through the phone. “Kind of a lot, actually. Turns out two spots just opened up at the store. I told my manager about you guys and he wants to know if you can come in this afternoon to interview. Still interested?” I crossed my fingers and bit my lip as I waited for his response.

I didn’t have to wait long. He barely paused before saying, “We’ll be there in fifteen.” Then he hung up.

I looked at my phone, expecting to see a “call failed” notice. Nope. I thought only people in movies hung up without saying goodbye. Guess not. I shook it off and went to tell Brandon they’d be in soon.

Fifteen minutes later I was just finishing ringing up a customer when I heard the tell-tale clack of seashells. Dominic came through the door first, looking as hot as ever. He’d removed the scarf and vest so he was just wearing jeans and a white v-neck. Without the vest I could see how muscular his chest was. He was only a few inches taller than my 5’6”, but he had the body of a swimmer. Wide shoulders tapered to slim hips and perfect legs. I bet he looked amazing in a wetsuit.

Chance followed him in, and for the first time I got a good look at his face. It was…beautiful. The shaggy hair that usually fell into his eyes and obscured half his face was pushed back with a headband. Full lips, straight nose, high cheek bones, and a chiseled jaw stunned me. How had I never noticed how gorgeous he was before? Even more surprising, his brown eyes were completely clear and alert. I’d expected them to be red and sleepy from the pot he so obviously smoked. Visine, perhaps?

He was taller than Dom, long and lanky where Dom was short and muscled, and his baggy clothes could have come straight out of a commercial for the X-Games. It was the first time I’d seen him without his skateboard, though. That annoying Avril Lavigne song about a skater boy invaded my thoughts.

I realized I was standing there, gaping at Chance like an idiot, when Dom cleared his throat, an annoyed look replacing his usual cocky smirk.

“B, this is Chance. I’m guessing you haven’t been formally introduced.”

I shook my head as Chance smiled a little half smile and looked down at his feet. Maybe that sleepy stoner persona was actually shyness? He mumbled a hey, still looking down at his checkered Vans.

“Nice to meet you. Especially since, you know, you’re conscious,” I quipped, trying to put him at ease.

Dom snorted.

Chance looked up finally, confusion evident in his expression.

My smile widened as I explained. “We have Trig and Art together, but I’ve never seen you awake in class. How do you get away with it every day? My eyes barely drooped in Trig last Tuesday and Llewelyn threw an eraser at me.” I really was curious. Pacific Prep was a pretty progressive school, but sleeping in class was still frowned upon. I hadn’t seen Chance get reprimanded once.

He shrugged, his eyes looking anywhere but at mine as he answered. “I, uh, have a doctor’s note. As long as I turn in all my work they’re supposed to ignore it.”

I frowned, wondering what kind of illness he could have. He looked perfectly healthy, his tan skin practically glowing in the normally unflattering fluorescent lights of the store. I lowered my voice with concern as I asked, “Are you OK?”

Dom was biting his bottom lip, his eyes rolled up and staring intently at the ceiling. I could tell he was trying hard not to laugh. Chance blushed, finally meeting my eyes, and nodded. “I’m fine. It’s more of a scheduling thing.”

I had no idea what that could possibly mean, but I let it go because Brandon chose that moment to come out of his office.

“Hey! I was just about to come get you. This is Dominic Smith and Chance…” I paused, waiting for him to supply his last name.

“O’Ryan,” he said, in a much stronger voice than he’d used when talking to just me.

“They’re the ones I was telling you about,” I finished.

“Cool, cool. I’m Brandon…the manager.” He added the last part like an afterthought. “How old are you boys?”

They both said, “Seventeen,” at the same time.

Brandon smiled. “You surf?”

Dominic just nodded, but Chance’s face lit up like Brandon had asked if he wanted a free pony. “Absolutely! I was at Pipe Masters back in December. Made it to the quarter finals before I dropped in late on my fourth run.” He shook his head slowly, clearly lost in the memory. “Tried to fade, but ended up going endo.  It was worth it though, man. I’m doing Reef Hawaiian next.”

Brandon’s mouth had fallen open at “Pipe Masters”, so even though I didn’t follow most of that little speech, I knew it must be impressive. This was confirmed when Brandon practically screamed, “You’re hired!” and ran back to his office to get the paperwork.

“So I take it all that means you can surf,” I said, looking at both of them in turn. “But the real question is…can you work retail?”

All the animation left Chance’s face as he looked down again and mumbled, “Sure.” He hadn’t been shy at all talking to Brandon. Was it just me he couldn’t talk to? I’d have to watch him closely and see how he reacted to other people before I got my feelings hurt. Dom just cocked that perfectly groomed eyebrow, causing a little pang of jealousy. My own eyebrows refused to operate independently of each other.

            Brandon came back out and went over the paperwork and schedule with the guys while I got busy unloading inventory and helping the few customers who wandered in. The way Brandon was salivating over Chance, I figured he’d ask them to start right away. Instead, he sent them home with instructions to be back the next day at four to begin their training. After they left he turned to me and tossed out, “Don’t forget to teach them how to do returns. I don’t want a repeat of the Matt problem,” before disappearing into his office. I had a split second of annoyance that on top of the crapfest my social life had become, I now had to deal with added responsibilities at work. Then, Dom’s crystal blue eyes and Chance’s chiseled features popped into my head. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.

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