((NOT DONE)) Stony One Shot C...

By Pasterial

5.6K 136 27

Okay so I had a lot of popular feedback about the first part of this whole shabang and decided to progress wi... More

What was it like? (First go!)

Joy Ride

908 40 1
By Pasterial

I watched him drive around the empty parking lot for hours, or so it seemed. I checked my brand new Versace watch and only ten minutes had passed. "You are taking FOREVER, Granny!" I yell loud enough for him to hear over the loud engine of my Lamborghini.

"I AM TWENTY-SIX, TONY! YOU KNOW THAT!" He yelled back, whilst jolting forward and stopping abruptly over and over. I wanted to go home, I wanted some champagne, I wanted to have sex. He knew he wanted to also, but he also wanted to get the hang of driving. He had to have his way. I was the one with the money. Sometimes I feel like I'm just his sugar daddy. Eugh, note to self, never refer to myself as daddy again. Not okay. Ever.

"Babe, I'm tired!" I whined as I ran over to the sports car and hopped in at a pause in his monstrous driving.

He just stopped everything, slumped over, and looked at me with droopy eyes. "You just wanna see me shirtless again, don't you?" He knew my mind better than Jarvis knew my suits.

"You have really nice pectoral muscles, and abs, and well, arms and... Just please can we have sex before the turn of the century?" I asked as I rubbed his beefy arm.

"No sex, Tony. Those adoption agencies can sense hormones from miles away. We want to have this kid. We need to." His head dropped and I couldn't see his eyes.

"Of course we do. But why so soon? We've only been together for about a year, my longest relationship. I'm new to this. I might need the wait." I pulled myself closer to him, planting a gentle kiss on his bony cheek.

"Tony, we have destroyed New York several times. We also have more sex than rabbits during mating season, which I assume is a lot, because I heard Natasha complaining to Clinton about it. The agency is  just checking up on us to make sure we'll be fit for parents."

"By the time I'm ready, Peter may have been adopted already. There is no for sure he is ours yet." I had to remind him all the time that just because this kid is 'the one' for Steve that nothing had been officiated.

"Tony, that baby and I have only had a brief amount of encounters but we connected, I saw more than just a kid, I saw a life. I hate that you don't see that."

"There's more to the situatuion than that and you and I both know it. He is a baby, one of billions to choose from. It doesn't have to be him." I sighed and turned away. "I'm going home. Meet me there if you want. We don't have to have sex."

I got out of the car and started walking towards the exit. I pulled out my phone and dialled Nat's number, she picked up instantly.

"Did you pick up Peter from the CPS agents office?" I asked with a giddy tone.

"Yes, he's gonna be so surprised. I can't believe you would do this, Tony, it's so unlike you." she was sarcastically correct. I genuinely didn't like going out of my way to please other people. Especially S.H.E.I.L.D members, the lot of them acted high and mighty. Thor in particular thinks of himself as a, well, god, but I guess thats a way of life for him since he technically is one. Dude can't even work an iPhone. 

"If you could take maybe five minutes out of your day to stop being a bitch, it'd be much appreciated."

"Just hurry up and get here, Bruce is setting up decorations already with Clint and Thor's yelling at the toaster for burning his toast. Help is needed now." I hung up my phone and got into my personal car, the one i refuse to let Steve destroy with his driving, and proceeded to make my way back to Stark Tower for the baby shower welcome home thing we were throwing for my husband.


As Steve walked into the front door and into the living room, there was complete silence. He threw down his (my) keys into the key bowl by the door. He then called out my name in an exasperated voice that woke up Peter who was sleeping in the next room. The five of us (Clint, Nat, Thor, Bruce, and I) stayed quiet in the bedroom watching all the events play out on the security camera. As Steve proceeded to call out my name a second time, a soft cry of a baby rang out into the hall, visibly sending panicky shivers down Steves back. He rushed into the living room and gasped as he saw little Peter sitting in a bassinet by the window. He picked up the 7 month old child and held him close, gently bouncing and shushing the coos and cries of the little one. We all quietly walked out and said surprise as a group but not loud enough to make Peter fuss. 

"The papers went through... We're parents, Steve." I had a huge grin ear to ear as i walked over to my little family and wrapped my arms around the waist of my husband, placing  a kiss on his neck and whispering a soft 'I love you' into his ear. 

(((-- OOOKAYYY so it took me like eight months to even care enough to find inspiration to start this up again but due to popular demand Stony is back. I decided it will come up as some little one-shots here and there progressing through moments as menial as Peters first kiss, a new couple amongst the group, random parenthood teaching moments etc etc, so yeah stay tuned but dont hold your breathe because chances are that sadly ill probably end up waiting another eight months for like a paragraph of writing. Thanks to all who cared enough to read this and i hope you have and awesome day/night!! --)))

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