Runaway Love[Completed]

By HolaaHovito

188K 6.5K 2.2K

In the midst of their traumatic personal issues and life problems, Shawn Carter and Beyoncé Knowles cross pat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
New Story Alert

Chapter 58

3.2K 101 39
By HolaaHovito

Saturday, June 10th, 2016

Bey's POV 

"Be careful, Bey." Shawn said for what seemed like the thousandth time. I looked down at my phone to see him lookin' a lost puppy. I'm goin' to see Amari and of course he doesn't want me to go. He won't admit it for whatever reason but it's painfully obvious.

"I heard you the first you said it." I told him. "I'll be fine."

He sighed. "You should get back on the freeway around four o'clock, so you can beat that traffic."

"Babe." I said. "This is your fourth time tellin' me. I know.

He chuckled. "I'm just tryna make sure you know, babe."

"I think I got it. Am I meetin' you at the beach?"

"No. Meet me at my house. I wanna ride wit'chu."

"Okay. I'm about to leave. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Aight. Let me know when you get there. I love you."

"I will. And I love you, too." I ended the FaceTime call and left the house. I was home alone so there was no one to say goodbye to, as usual. The drive to Riverside was fifty-five minute long. It would've been longer but I drove in the carpool lane. It's illegal unless you get caught!

"Hi, sweetie." The woman, Ms. McDaniel's, friend. answered the door.

"Hi, I'm Beyoncé." I smiled at her and she stepped aside to let me in.

"They've already told me about you. He's in the living room."

"Thank you." She showed me to the livin' room. There he was, wit' his lima bean headass, watchin' borin' ass golf.

"Oooohhhh Amaaarriiiii!" I sang. He turned around quick as hell wit' huge smile on his face. I swear that smile could make the devil smile. It was so infectious. He looked so happy, genuinely. He rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you, man." He said soundin' relieved to see me.

"I missed you too." I did. I missed hangin out with him everyday 'til the sun had gone down. Laughing wit' him, doin' homework. I just missed him. We let go of the hug and I just looked at him. I stared into his eyes.

"Sit down. Get comfortable." He told me. I set my bag next to me on the couch and took my red Toms off.

"You look different." Amari said studyin' me. He looked me up and down.

"Different? Different how?" I chuckled a little while he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know." He said tryin' to figure it out.

"Good or bad?"

"Good, you look happy."

I smiled. "That's probably because I am happy. Happy to see you! Duh."

"That was cute." He smiled.  "I'm glad you came."

"As you should be."

"Whatever, fooh. You hungry?"

"I could eat."

"We got cereal."

"That's perfect." We both got up from the couch and I followed him to the kitchen.

"Aight.. We got Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Captain Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Cookie Crips, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch." He looked at me while I was lookin' at the top of the fridge, tryin' to make decision.

"Fruit Loops!" I said excitedly.

"Good choice. I had that when I woke up." I realized that was still in his "pajamas". V neck t shirt and basketball shorts.

"Have you showered yet?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yeah, but I just put another pair of shorts on." He got the cereal down from the fridge then got me a bowl and everything else. Even though, he already ate, he ate wit' me.

"You like it out here?" I asked at we sat at the dinnin' room table. We sat next to each other, right next to each other.

"It's cool. It's just far as hell."

"You're safe though." I pointed out.

"Yeah. That's the best part." I took a few bites of the cereal as Amari did.

"They cornered me." I said after a minute.

"For real?" He didn't look happy at all. It seemed like he felt bad because of it. "What happen?"

"They kept askin' me where you were. I said that I didn't know and that I haven't talked to you."

"They didn't hit you or anything, did they?"

"No, Shawn came before it went any further."

"I'm sorry, Bey."

"For what?"

"For you gettin' into this mess."

"You don't have to be sorry. There is no mess."

"You're puttin' yourself and your family in danger-"

"Shawn made sure that I'd be okay. Me and my family. Don't worry."

"What you mean?" He frowned a bit.

"Family in the gang." I shrugged my shoulders.


"He tried to talk to his uncle about you. He tried to keep them from hurtin' you."

He chuckled. "It doesn't work that way, ma."

"You never know." I said hopelessly.

"Help someone that's turnin' against their hood? Nah." He shook his head.

"I guess that does sound crazy.. I wish there was something more that I could do."

"Nah, this is good." He stared into my eyes. I felt like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to word it. Or was afraid to. "Just pray for me."

"I am, I've been prayin' for you."

"How's Sophie doin'?" He asked changing the subject.

"She's good. I just saw her yesterday. She asked about you."

"Aw, for real? What she say?" Amari smiled that bright smile that I adored. It always made feel like there was hope in the midst of this craziness. He looked so much nicer when he smiled, not to mention handsome.

"Just wanted to know why you haven't been by to see her."

His smile slowly faded. "What did you tell her?"

"That you went to college."

"Good answer."

"It'll be the truth."

"To be honest." He paused. "I don't think it will."

"Come on, Amari. You've made it this far. Stay positive, buddy." He's losin' his faith and it saddened me deeply.

"I mean.. Shit." He shrugged like he had nothin' to say about it.

"It's just.. It's hard." His voice weakened and I saw the tears formin' in his eyes.

"I'm tryin', for real. I can't even sleep at night 'cause I'm scared that they're just gonna run in here and snatch me up." Amari allowed his tears falls. I hate seein' people cry, especially people that I'm close to. This is my best friend! It brought tears to my eyes as he begin to break down.

"You think that will happen?" I asked.

"Yeah.. That's usually how it happens. You live the by the gun, die by the gun." It seemed like he was lookin'for the right words to say. I just sat and waited for him to speak.

"Funny part is, I'm not even afraid of dyin'. I know what my destiny is. Ya know? I knew what it was when I got put on.. But now.." He paused but never tore his eyes away from mine. I watched the tears glide down his face.

"I want something for myself, a life..I wanna live to fall deeper in love with a woman." He looked away for for a moment then back at me.

"But it's too late now." He said sadly yet very acceptin'. He was acceptin' what he thought was his fate.

"Mari-" He cut me off but I wasn't bothered it.

"It's my mom, Bey. What happens to her when I die? No matter how I die, I just worry for her. My biggest fear is my mom's sanity when I die. All she will have is herself. When my brothers left, she had me. Who will she have then?" He wiped his face but it pointless because more tears just kept fallin'.

"All I wanted to do was make her proud."

"You are."

"That's what she said but I know that I could have done way better."

"You're tryin' and that's what matters most."

"Shit." He wiped his face, and sighed in frustration.

"I know you didn't come over here cry and shit. I'm sorry. Change the subject." He chuckled just a little and we wiped our faces.

"Uuum.. I sent my mom our prom pictures."

"What did she say?"

"That you're cute."

"She ain't neva lied." He smiled lightly and I laughed.

"She said that she has them hangin' in her cell."

"You writin' her letters?"

"Yeah. As crazy as it sounds, I like writin' her."

"It's not crazy. I guess the part of bein' locked up is."

"Yeah, it is." I agreed. "I just want her to tell someone that she's bein' abused."

"You know that she can't do that."

"I know." Sadly, I said. "They should transfer her."

"They will eventually, once they realize."

"Yeah." I agreed.

"How's therapy goin'?"

"It's goin' really good. She says that I don't need her help anymore, but I think I do."

"I agree wit' her."


"Because I can see how much you've changed. Me of all people can see the growth. In the beginnin' you were afraid of lettin' people in and afraid of help. Now look at you? You're goin' outta your way to help other people."

"Other people?" I questioned.


"What about her?"

"You're helpin' her by goin' to visit her. Takin' her places and buyin' her stuff. Givin' her something that she's probably never had before."

"I've known her since she was a few months old. It's just second nature." I shrugged. "I've done the same thing for my sister, because I had no other choice."

"Exactly. Wit' Sophie, you do have a choice. You always have a choice. You don't have to do all of the things that you do, but you do regardless. She's goin' to appreciate it so much when she grows up."

"I just want her to get adopted by a nice and lovin' family but she keeps sayin' that she doesn't want to."

"Maybe she's waitin' for the right person." He gave me a knowin' look.

"Who? Me?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"You're crazy."

"So are you, but whatever."

"Anyway! What are we doin' today?"

"Since I can't leave the house, we can't do much."

"You got board games?"

"Andrea's kids have Mancala, Candyland, and Connect 4."

"Oooooh. Tough decision."


"Okay. Get all of the games." Amari got up and disappeared into the back somewhere. While he was gettin' the games, I decided to clean our bowls.

"You didn't have to do that." He said when he walked in the kitchen.

"It's already done." I shrugged.

"Let's play in the livin' room."

"You sound like a kid." I laughed. Me and Amari went into the livin' room and we sat on the floor across from each other. He took mancala out of the case and set it up between us.

"Pick a pocket?" I asked. That means if my last marble lands in his pocket, I get to pick up his marbles and continue.

"Cheaaa." He cheesed.

"Big ass smile." I teased.

"You got your nerve! You smile and all I see gums."

"See.. You didn't have to go there."

"Go first, man." He laughed at me. The time I spent with Amari was probably more fun than prom. Or any other time we've spent together. I'm not even exaggeratin'. We had so much fun playin' the board games. He thought I was cheatin', which made me crack up because I really wasn't cheatin'. He was so serious, but playful at the same time. We took so many pictures, selfies and bathroom mirror pictures. We had a debate about Jordans, Lebrons, and Nikes. And everything under the sun.

Pees and a pod, Amari and I. Pees and a pod.

"See you later, Mari." I said huggin' him tightly at the front door. Our embrace felt different than any other hug, I couldn't put my finger on why. But it didn't.

"See ya later, BB." I smiled at the nickname. He never really calls me that, Sophie rubbed off on him.

"I love you, Bey." It warmed my heart. It was his first tellin' me such, but I knew he did. I knew he loved me when he had his "friends" drop him off at Taco Bell that day. He didn't have to, but he did. I loved him for that. I loved him for there for me at the drop of him. I loved him because he unintentionally opened my eyes to a lot.

"I love you, too." We held onto our hug for some time, longer than usual. We simultaneously let go of each other. I placed my hand on his right cheek and ran my thumb across. He smiled and I pinched him. I turned around and open the door to leave.

"Be safe, buddy." He told me as I was walkin' to my car. The second I sat in my seat, my phone started goin' off! I frowned so hard as I pulled it out of my back pocket.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed. My heart begin to beat so fast as I looked at the missed calls and read the text messages from Shawn. Fuck! I'm just now gettin' them all! I didn't have service in there. I'm already supposed to there wit' him in Santa Monica. How the fuck did I forget?!

I called him and he answer after the first ring. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I answered simply but nervously. He didn't even greet like he normally would, which means he means that been worried about me. "I'm fine-"

"Where are you?" I could hear the concern as well as the frustration.

"In my car-"

"Which city are you in?"

"Riverside, but-" I tried to explain why I was just now leavin' but he cut me off.

"Aight, fasho-" I knew that he was angry and was about to hang up on me. I could understand his anger but I hope that she allows me to speak and explain everything. Knowin' him, he won't really understand or care to.

"Babe, I'm on my way" I said turnin' the key in the ignition.

"Ain't no need."

"Why not?"

"I'm 'bout to return the stuff that I bought then I'm goin' home." He said bitterly.


"What the fuck you mean why?! I've been sittin' here for a fuckin' hour! Goin' crazy tryin' to figure out what the fuck is goin' on wit'chu! I've been callin' you, textin' you and shit! You just ignore me-"

"I didn't ignore you, babe. There wasn't any service in the house. When I got outside I got all of your calls and texts." I said hopin' that he'd understand and relax.

He kissed his teeth. "Man, whatever." He said not believin' me.

"I'm serious."

"Aight, but you knew what time we were supposed to go out, right?"

"Yes, b-"

"Exactly so miss me wit' that shit!"

"I wasn't payin' attention to the time."

"No? It must not have been important to you."

"That's not true. You know that you're important to me."

"Do I?"

"Yes. You know what you mean to me. You're just upset right now." I said tryin' to convince myself. I was more afraid Shawn bein' upset about me bein' wit' Amari all of these hours than I was about us not goin' on the date. I'd rather not go than not have Shawn at all. I know how he gets when he's mad.

"Upset? No! I'm fuckin' pissed! Let me tell you why. I go to the fuckin' store and buy all this shit for tonight, right. I text you while I'm in the store, wait for a response. I don't get one. It was cool 'cause it's not even time yet. I go home to get ready and I call you but you don't answer. I'm kinda nervous 'cause it's about time now. I'm thinkin' aight, maybe she's drivin' back now? A whole hour passes by and you haven't called or text me back. I'm panickin' now after seein' that you haven't posted on anything. It reminded me of when you got shot while I was in New York. I was scared as fuck and I'm pissed off that you're actually just fine. I'd rather you be hurt than just.." Shawn trailed off and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I said softly and sincerely.

"What were you doin'?"

"Wit' Amari."

"Fuckin' duh!" He exclaimed angrily. "Doin' what?"

I sighed. "Oh, God. Here we go again." Literally every time I'm talkin' to Amari Shawn has to question it. He wants to know what we're talkin' about and how long we've been talkin'. I've even caught him lookin' at my phone as I was textin' him. It's so annoyin' and I wish he would stop. But I know he won't because he thinks that I still like Amari. Even though I told him that I don't, but he just won't believe. He hasn't said that he doesn't believe me but his actions speak for themselves.

"So you got an attitude?!"

"We keep havin' this same conversation about me and him." I said feelin' so drained about this.

"It's gonna be the same conversation every time you talk to him! I'ma ask you what you're talkin' to him about. 'Cause if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be askin' a million questions! You'd have a fuckin' fit! You know you'd be pissed! So I'm askin' you, what were you doin'?"

I rolled my eyes. "Eatin, talkin', watchin' tv, playin' games, takin' pictures-"

"Oh, so you were on your phone, but didn't realize what time it was?" He asked and I could tell that by the tone of voice that he was gettin' angrier.

"Babe, it slipped my mind. I'-" I said in a tone usually eased his mind, but it didn't work this time.

"It slipped your mind? You're supposed to be wit' me right now, but you're wit' this nigga because your date wit' me slipped your mind? Do you know how stupid that sounds?"

"Stupid?" I questioned.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "Stupid! What you're sayin' to me right now sounds so fuckin' stupid! It slipped your mind?? You were on your phone talkin' pictures and shit, but didn't see my calls or text??"

"No. I didn't have service in the house. It wasn't 'til I got outside that I got your missed calls and texts."

"That's not a fuckin' excuse! You were on the phone! You can read the time! You knew what our plans were, you knew what time we were goin' out. I told you what time you should leave to beat that traffic. But since you were wit' that nigga, you forget shit! You get wit' this nigga and forget about your fuckin' boyfriend." He spat as if I can't think when I'm wit' Amari, weak willed, or something.

I frowned. "I don't like the way you said that."

"You know what I don't like? I don't like when my girlfriend talks to niggas that she use to like- that still likes her. I don't like it for the simple fact that if this were me, she'd give me all types of demands and shit."

"You are friends wit' girls that like you!" I reminded him.

"I didn't fuckin' kiss them! I didn't go on a date wit' them! I barely respond to them! They're not my friends! Outta respect for you and our relationship! I don't pay those girls any mind."

"But Amari is different-" I argued.

"Beyoncé, if you're about to defend him, I'm hangin' up 'cause I don't wanna hear that shit."

"I'm just sayin'. We were friends before everything happened. He's really just my friend. He hasn't crossed line-"

"Yeah, right."

"You don't believe me?"

"Would you believe me? If the shoe was on the other foot, would you believe me? If I were still friends wit' a girl that I supposedly use to like, a girl that I went out wit' and kissed. Considerin' the past, would you believe me if I told you nothin' happened after bein' wit' her for hours and was late for a date wit'chu?"

"Considerin' the past?" Is he referrin' to me goin' back on my word? That was months ago! He can't be serious! "You still don't trust me?"

"Would you believe me?"

"Yes! I would! I trust you."

"If we're switchin' shoes, Beyoncé.."

"If you don't trust me by now then why are we.." I trailed off. This is literally so annoyin'. I don't wanna say that I regret ever tellin' him about the kiss because I want nothin' but honesty between us. It's just really annoyin'.

"Because I fuckin' love you!" He spat sharply. "That's why we're together! I was workin' towards the trust, but you pull this shit. You've made it harder for me to trust you. And you bein' nonchalant about it and not bein' honest isn't helpin' at all."

"Shawn, I'm tellin' you the truth!"

"Yeah, aight."

"Nothin' happened!" I stressed. "He's really just a best friend."

"Best friend?"


"No. Kenneth is your best friend."

"So is Amari-"

"I understand him bein' a friend, but a best friend? That doesn't make sense."

"Why can't he be a best friend?"

"First of all, you can't become best friend wit' somebody you used to like! Somebody you talked to, somebody you kissed! Not while you're in a relationship! That's rude and flat out disrespectful!  I would never do any shit like that to you! But if I did?? Maann! You know how you would react. And he's not your best friend because you don't even fuckin' know him!"

"We've been friends since were in elementary-"

"So! Y'all haven't been friends all of these years! He can be a friend, whatever. But a best friend? I wish you'd stop sayin' that shit. It doesn't make fuckin' sense!" Shawn ended the call abruptly. I called him back but he sent me to voicemail each time. I gave up tryin' to talk to him over the phone. This is actually a conversation that needs to be had face to face.

I asked Siri for directions to his Shawn's house. Of course there's freakin' traffic! It's goin' to take two whole hours instead of forty-five minutes. The some what long drive gave time to realize that I was wrong and Shawn definitely right about me bein' mad if he did this to me.

When I finally made it to house, Tyran opened the door for me. He just shook his head at me and laughed. I pushed his annoyin' self outta the way and walked back to Shawn's room. His door was locked, so I knocked.

"It's open." I pushed the door open and Shawn sittin' up against his headboard wit' his Xbox controller in his hand. He noticed me and instantly frowned. Dang. I've never seen him so angry before. I do know that if I sit on his lap his mood will change. If it doesn't change, he'll at least calm down a bit.

"You should've stayed where you were." He said bluntly. That kinda hurt my feelings, but I know it doesn't compare to what he's feelin'. I ignored what he said and walked in further after closin' and lockin' the door behind me. I looked at him and he was still lookin' at his TV. I discreetly stepped outta my shoes and walked over to his bed. I threw my leg over the bed but he held his arm out.

"Nah, watch out." Shawn said preventin' from climbin' on his lap. "I don't know why you came over here."

Shawn really didn't want me to sit on his lap but I was determined to. He tried to keep me off but he failed. Once I was straddlin' his lap, he kept tellin' me move. I didn't budge. I knew that he wouldn't remove me. He grabbed his controller and continue to play his game. I was practically trapped in arms and I was okay wit' that. Even though he really acted if I wasn't sittin' on his lap lookin' at him.

"I should've been more aware," I finally said. I hoped that he would look at but he was focused on the game. "I should've paid attention to the time. I'm really sorry."

"You're only apologizin' because you don't want me to be mad at you." He said still playin' the game. He didn't look at me but I could tell he was calmin' down.

"I don't want you to be mad at me, but I'm apologizin' because I was in the wrong. I didn't consider your feelings when it comes to that friendship-"

He looked at me. "It's not solely the fact you were wit' Amari because truth be told, if you were wit' any guy when you're supposed to be wit' me, I'ma be pissed. If you're wit' a homegirl when we're supposed on be on a date, I'ma be pissed. You bein' wit' Amari just makes it worse. Does that make sense? Or only in my head?"

"It makes sense." I nodded my head.

"We made plans and you just disregarded that because you were wit' Amari. I understand what you're tryin' to do, but I don't like you goin' to see him, Bey."

"Why not? Because we kissed? I told you-"

"It's not just because you kissed him. This nigga has a price on his head. I don't like him, but I don't want anything to happen to him either. You're my biggest concern, Bey. I don't want anything to happen to you especially because of someone else's choices and what not. I don't like thinkin' the worst when I don't hear from you. I hate feelin' like I've lost you. That shit literally makes me sick to my stomach."

"I'm sorry that I had you worried about me. I don't want you to feel that way. I'll be more cautious everything and communicate more so that you're not goin' crazy worryin' about me. As far as the kiss and the feelings for Amari. They came and went, I meant that. He filled a void, that's it. You have to trust me like I trust you."

"Um, I never lied to you."

"That was months ago, Shawn. I haven't even thought about Big and them. The only time I'm around drugs when I'm smokin' wit'chu or Matt. Which by the way, is not related to Amari whatsoever. And! You just lied to me like two weeks ago!"

"What did I lie about?" He frowned.

"La'Joy? Your homie." I reminded him.

"Aight, but I told you-"

"No, you didn't tell me anything. I had to ask! You wouldn't have confessed if I hadn't asked you. No, you didn't like her, but she likes you. And I only mention that because you mentioned Amari likin' me and me bein' friends wit' him. You hang out wit' her and the other girls that like you. I don't question it even though you lied about it. Because I trust you."

"Okay, but I was workin' on trustin' you and this happens. You make shit harder than it needs to be."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry that you wasted your time and energy because I wasn't payin' attention. I didn't consider your feelings, I'm sorry. If I were in your shoes, I'd be mad. I'd be mad for days."


"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Sooo, can we go?"

"No, it's too late now. Yeah, I love you but I'm still mad. I ain't in the mood and I'm playin' the game right no." I'm content wit' not goin' out. Shawn tellin' me that he loves me was honestly good enough for me. I placed my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. While he played the game, I just enjoyed sittin' on his lap. He talked to his game which was oddly soothin' to me. I ended up dozin' off, and when I woke up in the same position. Shawn was still playin' the game. I lifted my head and leaned into him wit' puckered lips. Shawn just moved his head.

"Nah, don't kiss me." Wit' his cheek in the palms of my hands, I pressed my lips on his. He tried to move away, but I kept peckin' his lips. It wasn't long before his tongue was in my mouth. It was damn near down my throat. I pulled back, but only to kiss, lick, suck his neck. Just as my lips touched his neck he held my ass. The harder I sucked, the harder he squeezed. He laid back on the bed wit'out breakin' the kiss. His hands traveled up and down my bare thighs, he caressed them softly. I pulled back and sat up start to take my shirt off. Shawn smirked and gripped my boobs. His left hand unclasped my bra. My straps couldn't falls completely because Shawn roughly yanked it off. He pulled me onto him, puttin' my boobs right in his face. He took my nipples into his mouth and devoured them. Somehow, he managed to unbutton and unzip my zipper. I was layin' on top of him wearin' my panties only as he sucked and bit my nipple while he rubbed and gripped my bare ass.

"Y'all gotta wrap it up!" We heard Tyran yell behind the door. "Granny said she's on her way. She just left the grocery store."

"You lucky, girl." He whispered as he caressed then squeezed my ass.

"Why am I lucky?"

"Because I'm angry so you already what was gonna happen next. You were 'bout to be beggin' for mercy."

I blushed then giggled. "Wit' Ty in the livin' room? I don't think so."

"I'm pretty sure we've had sex when Solo and Ingrid were in the next room and Ty is all the way in the livin' room. He won't be able to hear anything unless he's walkin' by, but he won't."

"How do you know? What if he has to use the potty?"

"There's a bathroom out there. Plus, he knows what time it is you're here and the door is closed."


"Wow what?"

"Wow. You really think you're somebody."

"Get off me 'cause you're 'bout to start frontin' again." I laughed but didn't move.

"How am I frontin'?"

"Because you know I'm gettin' closer and closer to bein' that sex God I was talkin' about."

"Can you stop puttin' God and sex in the same sentence?"

"Grow up."

"Shut up."

"I would say make me but Granny is on her way."

"Grow up." I got off of him and put my clothes back on. When Shawn's arrived the three of us helped bring the groceries inside. She sat in her chair while we put them away.

Shawn changed his mind about the date. He wanted to go after all, but I'm sure it's because he wants to finish what we started earlier. Like we planned, we went to Santa Monica beach. And just like any other time, we rode the ferris wheel and took a couple of pictures once we made it to the very top. We had funnels cakes, rode the one rollercoaster, played games. It was fun so much! But what else is new?

We went back to his car to get ready to watch the sunset. I grabbed the bags of snacks while he grabbed everything else. I laughed because he didn't want to take more than one trip but it was inevitable. He carried the blanket, the decorative pillows, the lanterns, and candles. The things he said he was gonna return to the store. He decided against because he knew that we'd use them one day. Apparently, he knew exactly how he wanted to set it up, so I stood off to side and let it do it.

We sat across from each other as we ate and talked about a whole buncha nothin'. As soon as the sun begin to set, he pulled me between his legs. I leaned back against his chest. His fingers interlocked on my stomach, lockin' me in.

"This is really pretty." I said in awe

"Yeah, it's really dope."

"You know how people- like a couple and stuff, say that a certain song in their song?"


"Well, I think Santa Monica beach is our beach." I giggled.

He laughed. "This is the beach I spotted you when you were stalkin' me."

"You're so full of yourself!"

"Y-.. I was gonna say something nasty but I'ma keep it to myself."

"No!" I laughed. "Don't do that! You hate when I say never mind, so you have to say it!"

"Aight, say what you said a minute ago." He laughed.

"Why? Just tell me."

"No, because it's not gonna be the same."

"You're so extra."

"Do you want me to say it or not?"

"Yes, tell me."

"You have to say what you said first!"

I groaned. "You're so annoyin'!"

"You're so annoyin'!" He mocked me perfectly! My flew open and I doubled over in laughter. We are together too much for too long. There's no way he should be able to sound exactly like me. "Say it, this is your last chance."

"You're so full of yourself!"

"You're gonna be full of me, too, in a minute." I smiled because I knew he was right. I couldn't even deny it. Once the sun had gone down completely and the beach was practically empty, we had sex in the backseat of his car. Wit' his tinted windows and windshield cover thingy, nobody saw us.

It was the first time, so it was weird tryin' to get into the doggy style position comfortably. Mainly for him because he's tall. But, eventually we found ourselves comfortable and content. And as soon as we were, I immediately thought of Shawn tellin' me that I was lucky that his Granny was comin' home. He went really hard. Usually, I can take it but tonight? No, no way. I kept movin' away from him. After like the sixth time, and Shawn tellin' me stop runnin' and take it, he changed the position kinda.

I was standin' on my knees, facin' and grippin' the headrest. Shawn was directly behind me- there was literally no space between us. I couldn't move at all. He placed his hands over mine and started thrustin' hard and so fast. I could tell that he was tryin' hard not to moan. He was more focused on gettin' me to agree that my pussy was his. It wasn't a challenge at all, honestly. I want Shawn to be my first, last, and my only.

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