Soft Whispers (Princeton love...

By ForeverMindless247

96.9K 4.3K 642

Hurt her. I know better than to listen to the voices in my head. You know you want to. But sometimes.... It j... More

Soft Whispers (Princeton love story)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine (Finale)
It's Me (bonus chapter)
Um... Okay. Question.
Please read: sequel information.
Dysfunctional is up.

Chapter Twenty-Five

2.1K 123 17
By ForeverMindless247

::Jacob's P.O.V::

I slowly sat up and stretched, I yawned and looked around the room. 

Good morning.

I slumped down. For a minute there, I thought I was normal.

Good morning.

"No need to repeat, I heard you the first time" I mumbled as I stood up. 

Are you actually going to school today? You haven't been going lately.

"Well, I'm going today".

You have five days.

"What?" I asked, "oh... Nevermind". 

Mmmmhm, you know.


"Are you better?" Bria asked me, I nodded a little and said "yeah, I'm sorry about that. I bet I scared you pretty badly". "It's okay" she said lightly, we held hands as we walked down the hall. "You sure you aren't with me 'cause you feel sorry for me?" I asked, she squeezed my hand and said "I'm sure".

I walked her to her class, then proceeded to walk to mine. On the way I ran into Parker, he glared at me and bumped my shoulder when we walked passed each other.

Well excuse you.

"Don't" I mumbled

"Excuse me?" Parker said loudly, "nothing, I wasn't talking to you" I replied. "Well then who the hell were you talking to?" He asked.

None of your damn business.
"I... No one" I quickly answered, "it doesn't matter". He looked at me for a second before chuckling, "you're pretty strange". I didn't say anything. "What does Bria see in you?" He asked curiously, I didn't like the way he looked at me. It was like he was noticing every single flaw of mine. "I've gotta go" I said quietly, I slowly turned and walked away.


::Jordan's P.O.V::

"Y-you want me to sit with you?" I asked nervously. Jaden nodded and said "yeah, what's wrong?" I looked over his shoulder and saw the football team joking around. "Nothing... It's just... They're kind of scary, you know?" I asked. He chuckled and said "no, I don't, you'll be fine. I promise". I nodded a little and said "o-okay", I let him pull me over to the table.

"Hey guys" Jaden said casually, I stood there and rubbed my arm nervously as their eyes took me in. "Well this is awkward" I mumbled, "sit" he said lightly. I obeyed and sat down next to him, "so, you're Jaden's new bitch" a boy stated. I nodded a little, "wait, I mean no! I-I'm not" I stuttered. I groaned lightly and placed my hand on my forehead when I heard the boys laugh.

I felt Jaden wrap his arm around my waist, "they're just messin" he reassured. The way his lips brushed against my earlobe sent chills down my back. "Okay" I said lightly, "you sure ain't no cheerleader" I looked up when I heard one of the boys say those words.

"What's it matter if I am or not?" I asked, "cheerleaders are the best in bed, duh" "oh". "Well, it's a shame you don't know what it feels like, considering you don't get no action" Jaden spoke up. Laughter filled my ears. I looked at Jaden and said "that wasn't nice" he chuckled and said a light "sorry".

"We joke around like that" I looked over and saw one of the boys looking at me, "I'm Michael". I smiled a little, it seems that he was one of the nicest out of the group. I guess. "He's Parker, that's Trent, his name's Trevor, that's Daniel, he's Oscar, he's Jason, and that's Chresanto" Michael introduced everyone, "I'm Jordan" I greeted. 

"Hey, I know you!" Parker suddenly exclaimed, "you're Bria's friend, I see you hangin' with her and Jazmyne, and also with Ray and.... Jacob". I noticed the way his face changed when he said the name Jacob. 

"Yeah" I said lightly, "that's me". "Why do you hang with them?" I shrugged a little, "they're my friends, should I not hang with them?" I asked. Parker shrugged, "it's up to you, it's just that... I wouldn't have thought you'd hang out with Jacob, he's... Uh, kind of a little off". "What, just cause he cuts?" I asked, "wait, he cuts?" Chresanto chimed in. "You didn't know... Oh shit" I cursed, "I'm in so much trouble". 


::Jacob's P.O.V::

"Why don't you just go home and cry like the little bitch that you are?" Parker asked before shoving me. 


"Go and cut your damn skin" he said bluntly. "How'd you find out?" I asked abruptly, "Jordan told me". 

Told you she was a fake friend.

"No" I said lightly before walking away, leaving Parker standing there. I walked outside and down the steps of the school. Kids rushed passed to get to their cars so they could go home. I found Jordan standing on the sidewalk, "how could you?" I asked. "Jacob, I'm sorry" she apologized, "I didn't mean to tell the team". "What? The whole fucking team knows!?" I asked in shock, she nodded a little and said a quiet "yes".

"Why would you tell them that? That's just one more thing that they can hold against me! Everyone's going to find out" I said, "I thought they knew, Parker said that you were a little off and then I said 'what, cause he cuts?' And Chresanto said 'wait, he cuts?' I didn't know that they never knew" she explained.

"Why the hell would they know something like that?" I asked seriously, "I don't just tell people that I like to take a blade to my skin for comfort! I don't just tell people about myself, I didn't tell you about the voices in my fucking head". 


I closed my eyes and sighed "too late".

You are going to stop fucking mentioning us!

"Okay, I-I'm sorry" I apologized.

No, you're always fucking apologizing.

"Jacob, I... I really am sorry" Jordan said quietly, I noticed the tears appear in her eyes. "No, don't..." I began, "don't cry, please". She sniffed and said "okay" "I'm sorry I yelled, I just.... My life isn't really as great as I want it to be right now". "The voices, what do you mean you hear them?" She suddenly asked, I parted my lips but didn't say anything. "It's hard to explain" I mumbled, "I'll tell you later".
Sorry for any mistakes. I decided to post early.

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