
By lunarseas

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BOOK III. Chaos has taken over Ashton and Ria's reality. Vincent has come out on top once again. Daniel is de... More

✭ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 ✭
00 | aesthetics
01 | amidst the chaos
02 | shades of insanity
03 | inside the walls of hell
04 | welcome to the family

05 | fade to madness

1.5K 64 28
By lunarseas

We can't let this fall apart.

THERE WILL NEVER be enough preparation in the world that can ease Sophia into the chaos that surrounds her. One by one, fragments of her peaceful world is shattered with insanity. A life fulfilled with loving her best friends and falling for a beautiful woman has become a broken reality. A reality that consists of long lost siblings, fake dead mothers, a brother escaping a life of crime, kidnapped friends. Murder.

Dea's lips have been sealed tight ever since Ria left the room. The hum of lights and hospital equipment drift under her occasional murmuring of Daniel's name. Tear-filled eyes stare without a soul at those florescent lights as she mourns him. Mourns a brother who would stop at nothing to ruin the lives of those who got in his way. A brother who ended up being the result of his own demise.

It's sickening how unaffected Sophia is. Daniel was a terrible person, but he was Dea's brother. She should feel bad that he's gone.

Yet she doesn't.

Daniel is the reason Jared and Vivian are in the claws of a monster. The reason Ria witnessed something beyond her mental capability. The reason she lost her baby and was on the verge of insanity for months. They're all left with no option and no place to go because he couldn't stop moving the pieces in Ashton's life. Who would have guessed that his final move would get himself killed...

She groans and drags her fingers through her tangled mess of hair. It isn't right to think like this. She should feel sickened. Despite Daniel's actions, he was Dea's brother. She loved him with everything she had. Now she has nothing.

Ashton bursts into the hospital room, pulling Sophia from the hurricane of thoughts eating the fragile shell of her mind. Shadows cling under his eyes and his chest is heaving.

"Hey." Sophia wipes her sweaty palms on her legs as her brother gives her the most hopeful look she's seen in days.

"They said Dea can leave in a few hours," he pants. "They're writing her a subscription of medication..." He runs his hand across the air as he tries to gather his words. "Something to calm her down for a while. They're also suggesting she get some therapy as soon as possible."

"That's good. Then we can go back to New York."

He nods. "We can figure out some plan and work this out."

Sophia rubs her arm and glances at Dea as she's stuck staring at the ceiling. "We need to keep Ria and Dea separated."


"I don't know... They were speaking in Italian earlier. It was so...strange." Chills crawl over her skin recalling the darkness bleeding into Ria's gaze. "I think they're keeping something from us."

"Ria wants to kill Vincent," Ashton mumbles as if the concept isn't as alarming as Sophia feels it is.

Panic bursts within her veins and suddenly the slow-moving world is racing a mile a minute. "Do you know where she is right now?" she demands, closing the distance between them. "Y-you have to keep an eye on her, Ash."

He drags his fingers through his hair, pushing it back and exposing the flush across his face. "She said she needed to breathe. A lot has happened to her recently. She needs to calm down and process this."

"No." Sophia grabs his arm and attempts to yank his attention. "You don't understand. Ria isn't in her right mind."

"Understandably. She just witnessed a murder and-"

"No. We have to keep an eye on her." Talons of fear claw at the base of neck and crawl into her mind, showing her gruesome images of her friend jumping off the edge of insanity. Her eyes widen as she tries to communicate this with Ashton. How can he not recognize the gravity of this situation? The one he loves most is in more danger than any of them. "She-she needs to see her therapist and take her m-medication. You don't understand. When she's like this-"

"Sophia, calm down," he speaks gently and rubs her tense shoulders. "I know about her disor-"

"Do you understand how dangerous it is?"

"I know she can get really depressed. I'll get her back on her meds, but she's trying to process trauma right now."

Sophia shakes her head as he misses every point she's throwing out. "Have you seen Ria go through a manic phase? It's terrifying. She's a danger to herself and potentially those around her. Too many elements are messing with her head right now. You didn't see how sick she looked when she came in here."

In the time that they've been friends, Sophia's only witnessed that side of Ria once. It was terrifying to watch her best friend lose bits of herself so easily and without warning. She was a completely different person.

The severity of her words finally reach Ashton and his shoulders fall. "What can she do right now? She's-she's got nowhere to go while we're in a different state."

"Ashton. Ria just witnessed a murder, her friends have been kidnapped, she's fucking pregnant with a child that could kill her, and she could potentially be falling into a manic episode that will make her feel invincible. If she has a goal in mind, she will find something to do." She grabs his arms and stares up with unshed tears. "We can't let this fall apart. Right now, we're the only ones stable enough to help and-and..."

Grief consumes her lungs and she bites her tongue. No. I can't lose it. Remain calm. Be stable. Yet the tears building in her eyes refuse to listen and streak down her face. Pain sharp as a blade sinks into her chest and her fingers weaken.

Ashton scoops her into his arms and holds her close. "It's okay."

"We c-can't fall apart right now."

"I know," he murmurs in her hair. "I'll find her. Don't stress yourself out more than you have to. I'm sure you're just afraid everything is going to get worse."

Still, he can't see the danger lurking above them like Sophia can. He doesn't understand. He won't until he sees for himself.

"Just...promise you'll take care of her, please? You haven't seen her like this. She's a danger to herself, Ashton."

"I'll find her," he reassures. "Don't worry."

Nothing but worry consumes her to her very soul.

Ria knows exactly what she's doing as she walks into the ammunition store. Ending up in Florida could not have been a better stroke of luck. With the laws in New York requiring her to have a license to purchase a concealed carry, she'll have better luck in this state if she just cooperates and appears as unsuspecting as possible.

This one location in particular is willing to sell under the table for a fixed price, and that will bring her closer to her goal.

The store smells of metal and leather as she enters. It's dim with a flickering bulb above the register. Dozens and dozens of artillery is displayed along the walls, but not nearly as many that are stacked behind glass cases.

Vests, boots, holsters all hang on racks in various fashions.

Ria runs her fingers atop a glass case and stares down at the various types of guns resting beneath. The lights within reflect off the polished metal and gleam with a pristine finish.

Perhaps it would have been a good idea to research these weapons beforehand. She has no clue what they're even called or how they're managed. One step is certain while it replays in her mind. Aim and shoot. That's all she really needs to know.

"Can I help you?" A harsh looking woman with a grand posture and broad shoulders steps out from a doorway in the back. Blonde hair is pulled into a tight ponytail down her back, giving her square face sharp definition.

Straightening up, Ria meets her critical eye with a calm demeanor. "I want to buy a gun."

The woman chuckles as if she were as ignorant as she feels. "Okay? You decide on one you like?" She motions to the inventory around them. "What's your style, hun?" She presses her palms atop the glass case by the register and narrows her icy gaze. "Though it doesn't look like you've held a gun a day in your life."

"I haven't," Ria admits. "But I'm going to learn." Confidence breathes through her lungs and she raises her chin to challenge the woman's cynical stare. "I know you can help me."

The clerk scowls. "Help you?"

"You sell illegal weapons."

The woman tenses and her eyes dart to the door as if someone is bound to burst in and bust them for merely speaking about it. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she hisses. "Are you stupid?"

"I have the money." Ria reaches into her purse and places a stack of cash between the woman's splayed hands. "Give me a gun."

Blue eyes darts to the money then narrow on Ria. "Are you a cop or something? I'm not taking that."

"Even you said I've never held a gun in my life. I need this now. I have all my documents so you can do all the research you need."

Static buzzes in the humid air. The woman looks at the door again, then back to the money. "You're too stupid to be a cop." She snatches the cash and shoves it in her back pocket. "Follow me." Turning her back, she stalks through the way she came, not waiting for Ria to catch up.

A miniature smile teases the corner of her mouth as she strides past the threshold. Of all the mayhem wreaking havoc inside her, invigoration soars above it all.

The end is near.

"How did you find out about this place?" They round a corner and push aside a black sheet that opens up to a tight room clad in black. The only source of light comes from a yellowish ceiling fan that does nothing to fight the increasing humidity. The woman glances over her shoulder. "You don't look like the type to need our inventory."

"I just need something to protect myself," Ria mumbles. "Do you judge all your customers by their appearance?"

"Hell, yeah. If I want to stay alive and in business, I do." The woman stands by a small counter with a laptop propped open. "Where are those papers?"

Ria retrieves a manila folder from her bag and slides it across the black top. With a quick snatch, the clerk examines the first few sheets before typing furiously across the keyboard. "Miss DeVoure..." she teases her name across the air in a gruff tone. "I assumed you were Italian from your accent."

"My father is from France."

"Hmph." Blue light reflects in her eyes as she hits Ria with a critical stare, no doubt questioning every word coming out of her mouth.

Though that isn't Ria's problem. Her only concern is getting this done before Sophia or Ashton begin to worry about her. One can only take a breather for so long.

"You seem pretty calm for someone trying to commit a crime," the woman notes.

"Well, patience can only last so long," Ria grumbles. I have somewhere to be.

Tension builds in her fingers and she balls her hands into fists. A glance around the room reveals duffel bags lined up against shelves that stack to the low ceiling. Each shelf is lined with properly placed guns, bigger and more intimidating than the ones out front.

"Doesn't seem smart to keep all this so close to the front."

"Where are we supposed to put them? Unless there's someone with a warrant, we have nothing to worry about."

Ria nods and glances at her laptop. "Have you found what you're looking for?"

"Maybe. How did you find out about this place?"

"Research." She sighs and folds her arms. "I gave you the money. Are we going to do this or not?"

The shop keeper's jaw sets at her sudden tone of voice. "How do I know you're not an illegal immigrant? Says here your husband is also Italian."

"We have dual citizenship," Ria answers calmly. "I've lived in this country legally for more than five years and my husband was born here. We recently married in Italy, so we have legal rights in both countries."

"And why do you want a gun?"

"To protect myself."

"You're not a resident of this state, so I'm not obligated to sell you anything."

"Listen," Ria says through gritted teeth, "I need this. I know you're willing to sell under the table, so you have no reason to reject me. You don't understand-"

"I understand that an aggravated foreigner walked into my store expecting me to sell her a weapon that could potentially be used to harm my people. So, tell me, why I shouldn't turn your ass around right now?"

Ria's nostrils flare and she ties venom within her glare. "You have no idea what I've been through in the past week." She slams her fist down on the counter, making the glass tremor beneath, and leans forward. "I am a pregnant woman who just watched a man get murdered right before my eyes. I was powerless. I couldn't do anything. Have you watched someone die before? Have you seen the life literally drain from someone's body and felt absolutely powerless? What if that monster had decided to kill me? My husband? I wouldn't have been able to do anything. You're a woman. You must know how it feels to be weak and underestimated. I have lives to protect. Are you really going to keep that power from me? If I die, if this child dies because I wasn't allowed to defend myself from a monster, that blood is on your hands."

The clerk lifts her chin, taking Ria in with remorse and understanding in her once dubious eyes. With an unmoving expression, she leans down to unlock a case beneath the counter and places a gun on top. It's modest in size, but lethal nonetheless. "That's the most believable you've been this entire time."

She reaches for the gun, but the woman tilts her head forward. "It's against the law to carry a concealed weapon in New York without a license. If you plan on staying out of prison, make sure you get licensed and get a legal gun to protect yourself. The law is not going to be on your side no matter what the situation is. Especially, if you're a foreigner and end up getting someone killed. Just remember, I didn't sell you a damn thing."

"Understood." Ria slides the gun from the counter and into her purse. The weight of it is tremendous. Like death is within her grasp. "Thank you."

The woman nods. "You'll also need this." She slaps a box of ammunition down. "Now, get out of my store, and don't come back."

Ria backs away with a purse full of enough power to end things once and for all. She leaves the shop and strides out into the sun and smiles. Light shines upon her future. Their future.

This will all be over soon. Vincent won't have time to prepare for his own demise. Ria can see it now. Him drowning in his own pool of blood as he stares up at the woman avenging the lives of those he destroyed.

I'm sooo sorry it's taking me so long to get this book going! Between writing other stories and not wanting to conclude this series so soon, Stars is really getting the least of my attention and that sucks.

I will try to update faster, but I don't want to rush this or push myself, so I'm still going to focus on the books I have more inspiration for. Hopefully, once I get through them, I can put more heart into this series!

Thoughts about this chapter? The things going on in Sophia's head? Ria's actions?


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