Silencing The Storm (A storm...

By little__ifrit

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The title says it all, but one note please read Storm and Silence by @RobThier first .. More

A chance encounter
Amrosian Waste Disposal Part 1
Ambrosian Waste Disposal Part 2
Ambrosian Waste Disposal Part 3
Ambrosian Waste Disposal Part 4
An Alternate Beginning
What might have happened ....
Storm and silence fanfics
An Alternate Engagement
What might have happened... part 2
Sneak peak, Not an update sorry.
What might have happened... part 3

An Alternate Ending

5.2K 176 44
By little__ifrit

Hey, guys I know it has been awhile and totally all of my faults, I apologize. This story has been completed by tiesandspies and myself, she deserves a round of applause for her patience with me and my hectic life and schedule. Let's here it for Lois! Thank you for putting up with me! <3 <3 

Now that the first order of business is taken care of, we are so so so sorry that this took us so long to write. We both had very hectic schedules for the past few months, and it was nearly impossible to find time to write together. But we managed to finish up the last part to this alternate series. In case you're confused, this is the third installment of the "An Alternate..." series where Lilly and Ambrose's lives take on a different turn of events. For this to make sense you need to have read the chapters, "An Alternate Beginning" and "An Alternate Engagement" and you can find those earlier in this story. this was written by @tiesandspies and me, so this will be on her S&S fanfic as well! Please go there and vote/comment! We hope everyone had a wonderful (or at least slightly okay) 2016, and this is our gift to you to start 2017. You may notice that the ending seems a little open ended and that's because we decided that if we wanted to continue any parts of this, we would do it separately. But no promises! As usual, main story line and characters belong to @RobThier.

Disclaimer; Storm and Silence and All characters involved belong to RobThier , I own nothing.

                                                                              An Alternate Ending

Lilly's POV

My eyes did not adjust well to the dark. In fact, my eyes were not adjusting at all, since all I could see around me was pitch black. I tried to move but my body jolted in pain at the coarse rope that tied my hands tightly behind the chair I was sitting on. The air around me was dusty and hard to breathe in, but the uncomfortably warm and damp temperature told me that I was somewhere inside a room.

What happened?

I was trying to propel my brain into remembering what had happened in the last few hours, but everything seemed so hazy and unclear. One moment, I was at a ball with Mr. Ambrose and my family, and the next I was tied down to a chair in some dusty, dark cellar.

"You should probably be freaking out," my inner voice told me.

But for some reason, I wasn't. For some reason, I felt calm, like I knew I could handle whatever situation I was in and whomever brought me here.

I tried hard to concentrate on remembering what had happened, but before I could form a coherent thought I heard the tap, tap, tap of footsteps from what sounded like a hallway outside of the room I was in.

I closed my eyes and prepared to face whoever was keeping me hostage. The idiot, he had another thing coming, I was a strong, individual-

The turning of a door knob pulled me from my thoughts. Yanking my eyes open, I looked up to face my kidnapper.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the bright candle light streaming through the now open door.

Light? Strange, the last thing I remember were the chandeliers at the ball, announcing the engagement, and Mr. Ambrose.

The silhouette of a man appeared in the blinding light, I could tell he was tall and strong. Well, stronger than me at least. He spoke, and I recognized his voice before I recognized his shape.

"Hello, Miss Linton."

Lord Dalgliesh. Of course it was him, the memories of the night came flooding back.

"Lord Dalgliesh."

"You're looking well this evening, my dear," he said, a bright smile dawning on his face.

I refused to acknowledge that. Instead I observed him, my eyes now adjusted to the light. He looked mysterious and alluring in the candlelight, I suppose. It was a shame such an attractive man was so evil.

"Cat got your tongue, my dear? Or are you just that surprised to see me?" He questioned.

I smirked at him, finally an opportunity to put my sarcastic mouth to good use, "Oh no, my lord. I mean, which other psychotic and maniacally insane kidnapper do I know?"

Surprisingly, he did not look offended, if anything his smile widened and a brief chuckle escaped his lips.

"Ah, yes, I really do like you. Able to keep that wit about you even in as stressful a situation as this. It's actually quite admirable. But please," he walked up to me, placed a hand under my chin and pulled my face up roughly, his voice not changing in volume but at the same becoming so much more intimidating, "refrain from using that disrespectful tone with me. Unless you would like me to tie up this pretty, little mouth."

I blanched, he was too close, almost as close as Mr. Ambrose had been. How dare he!

"Excuse me, my lord, but my pretty little mouth belongs to me, and I will use it as I please, and please unhand me, I do not belong to you."

"And who do you belong to darling, Ambrose perhaps?" His sneered at me while maintaining that frightening smile.

"I belong to no one but myself."

"Oh, how hysterical," he almost looked amused, "we have ourselves a little liberalist." He moved his face closer to me, his breath ghosting over my face, "Let me tell you something, my dear, you do not own yourself. From the moment you met me, you stopped owning yourself. You belong to a side, a side you get to choose, a side you chose, and chose wrongfully you did."

"I did not choose wrongful-"

"You did. You did when you chose him. You chose to place yourself in a world where this indefinitely would have happened," his eyes glinted, "I will, however, give you a final chance to change your foolish decision. My offer still stands, in addition to a favor I require from you."

Gazing into his eyes I realized he truly wanted this, he wanted me on his side. More than that, he wanted me to be against Rikkard.

"Use that to your advantage," went my ingenious subconscious.

To my advantage? How?

"Use you imagination," inner Lilly sneered.

Turning away from him, I looked down so he couldn't see the wheels spinning in my head. He and Mr. Ambrose had an uncanny knack for it, it was rather disturbing.

I didn't need to do what he wanted, but who said I couldn't pretend to want to? That way I could find out what he wanted from me, and I could buy some more time, too.

Peering up at him from under my eyelashes, "What kind of favour?"

I felt him shudder over me, "Oh, darling, don't say it like that," he purred.

Wasn't he just upset? Why was he speaking like that now? Damn the men in my life and their whiplash emotions, it was very confusing. Looking closely at him it seemed as though his eyes were slightly darker, and his breathing had changed. How strange, he looked almost like Mr. Ambrose after we had-

No, that wasn't right, was it?

Almost tentatively, I asked, "Why not?"

His eyes seemed to darken even further, leaning closer to me, he whispered, "It suggests what I wish to ask of you is of a carnal nature, and while you are a beautiful woman Lillian, especially now in all your engagement ball finery and combatively keeping your wits about you around me. I'm afraid my favour is less delicate in nature, in fact, it is relatively simple."

While I didn't entirely understand every word of what Lord Dalgliesh had just spouted, I got the distinct impression that had those words been spoken in any public setting, more than a few ladies would faint from the simple immorality of it. Well, if he wanted to play with fire he would do well to remember that I was a fiery Ifrit capable of much more than fainting spells.

"What is it you want then, my lord?" I asked snappishly.

His eyes darkened again before a flash of humour sparked through them, "Your phrasing could use some work," he said, as if thinking to himself, then seemingly as an afterthought, "delightful as it may be."

I released a breath as he straightened, he took a few steps away before speaking again, "Mr. Ambrose, your fiancé," he almost seemed to spit the word out, "has in his possession a file that could bring forth the ruin of my entire empire."

"How could one file do such a thing?"

"You are an intelligent woman Ms. Linton, you should know the power a single word is capable of holding. Now imagine a file filled with words, each more powerful than the next."

Forgive me for feeling skeptical, but it seemed as though there was a piece missing.

"What would such a file contain?"

"What it contains, my dear, is of no concern to you," he said condescendingly.

"How will I find it if I don't know what it contains?"

"How did you know I wanted you to find it?" He questioned.

Sarcastic Lilly decided to show herself once again, and smirking at him I said, "I didn't know, you just told me," seeing him take a step forward, I continued, "you mentioned the file to me, a file you yourself do not have. You clearly want it otherwise you would not have mentioned it."

He smiled, "Clever girl, yes, I want you to retrieve the file for me, all you need to know is the file contains information for a location in Egypt named Suez."

Suez? The trading port? The East India Trading Company had quite a big influence in that area, why would they be in danger from Mr. Ambrose? Unless...

Trading port— the greatest trading port in the world. If Rikkard somehow had influence there, or perhaps a bargaining chip, wouldn't anyone that used that place be fearful of him? It was a leap of faith on my part, but maybe it could work to my advantage.

"I suppose trade would be difficult for you if Rikkard had access to that file in the near future?"

For a moment it seemed as though I had thoroughly shocked the man, before he was on me again, and this time his hands were on my throat. He was shaking angrily.

"What do you know about Suez? What did he tell you!" He shouted in my face.

I looked up at him fearfully, "Nothing!"

His grip tightened, "Do not lie to me, Ms. Linton."

I panicked, but managed to choke out, "Nothing, I swear nothing. I only thought since Suez is the largest trading port in the world, it had something to do with your trade, that's all I swear."

He released his grip, and stepped away, "Good." 

"Good," I shouted, "you nearly killed me and all you have to say is 'good'?"

"Don't be dramatic darling, it's unappealing."

I was simmering. How dare he? How dare he put his hands on me? How dare he try to hurt me? Who was he to do as he liked?

"I will never help you, never. You are insane," I spat at him.

His eyes glinted dangerously, he walked towards me, leaned down, pulled my chin up and glared at me, "Are you quite sure that's what you want Ms. Linton? Keep in my mind that I could kill you right now if I see fit."

"Quite sure, Lord Dalgliesh," I snapped.

Anger flashed through his eyes, "That's too bad, darling."

Before I had time to register what was happening I felt pressure on my lips. He was kissing me, harshly. Unrelentingly he kissed me, bruising my lips. He did not give me moment to breathe or think or attempt to escape him, not that I could, being tied up. After a few moments I realized he wasn't going to stop. No this is not what I want. This bastard. Why?

"Stop it, Lilly! Bite him! Do something!" My subconscious screamed.

And that's exactly what I did, and to the desired effect.

He pulled away from me holding his lip and smirking at me devilishly, "Perhaps I will not kill you, after all you seem to be good for something," he leered at me before turning and walking out the door.


Ambrose's POV

When Lillian's Aunt and Uncle showed up at the door of my office building in the dead of night, I must admit I was surprised.

"Good evening," I greeted them, keeping it short once I noticed the look of concern etched on their faces.

"Lilly is missing!" Mrs. Brank blurted out.


"What do you mean she's missing? We were all at the ball together only a few hours ago."

"Yes, but after that we could not find her! We then assumed she was with you on some secret rendezvous, but once it got too late we realized she must be missing."

Lillian's uncle furrowed his brows, "She's not with you, is she?"

I crossed my arms, "Absolutely not, sir."

What was he insinuating?

Her Aunt pushed through the door and immediately buried her face in my chest.

"Oh, Mr. Ambrose we are so worried. Please find our dear niece for us!"

"Of course," I assured her, slowly prying myself from her grasp.

"Tell me everything that happened after Lillian left me," I asked.One of the twins, the one with the twitching eyes, Maria I believed, answered me, "After she left you she spoke to Lord Dalgliesh for a few moments. That was the last thing I saw her do, does that help you, Mr. Ambrose?"

Stiffening I turned to her, "She spoke to Dalgliesh?"

"Yes, I saw it myself," she replied.

"It helps immensely. All of you come in," I gathered Lillian's family in the building, while I walked to my office to decide on a plan of action. I could only hope Lillian would be able to keep herself safe until we arrived.

"What if she's hurt? Hurry!" My mind yelled at me.

I blanched. That was not an option, I would find her and Dalgliesh would pay.

Lilly's POV

After he left, I felt my eyes watering and I cringed at the frustration of not being able to wipe my tears.

Get a grip on yourself! You're better than this!

I knew I should be thinking of ways to possibly escape, but instead all I wanted to do was cry and wait for my impending doom. However, I thought of Ambrose, if he knew I were in this situation he'd want me to use my brains. He had commented on my quick-wittedness when we first met and I knew he was right. I just had to think and I would find a way out of here.

Lord Dalgliesh hadn't locked the door when he left. I did not remember hearing a key turn or lock set. Maybe he assumed there was absolutely no way for me to untie myself, so he didn't bother with bolting the door. Either way, it was to my advantage. But how would I untie my hands without being able to see them?

Trying my best to concentrate, I wriggled my hands in the rope and used my left hand to hand to try and feel how it was tied. I had found a book in Uncle Bufford's office once that detailed different knots and how to tie and untie them. I had only really skimmed the book because it was pretty boring, but now I knew I would need to rack my brain for that knowledge.

From the tightness and loops I determined it was a clove hitch or something close to that. From what I could remember, these knots were fairly simple but really binding when done right. If I was careful enough, I could easily untie it and slip it off my hands. But if I was able to get up, how did I know Lord Dalgliesh didn't have a guard standing outside the door waiting for me to pull a move like this?

Think Lilly!

Okay. I guess I had not heard him say anything after he closed the door. And if he didn't bolt it because he didn't think I could get out, then he probably wouldn't have wasted the time getting one of his men to stand watch. For a man who proposed to me because of my wits, he really did not seem to think I was that smart.

Carefully untying the knot by slipping each end around the wrap, it took me less than five minutes to finally get my hands free. Stretching them out in front of me, I realized it was so dark that I could not see them.

Part of me didn't want to get up from the chair. What if I got caught? Would Lord Dalgliesh decide that was it, and get rid of me for good? Then my mind wandered to my family. They must have noticed I was gone. Were they worried sick looking for me? Had they told Ambrose I was missing and asked him to help find me?

Stop thinking about that Lilly. You can save yourself.

Right. Right. I could save myself.

Or die trying.

I got off the chair and immediately gripped it with my hand to stay steady in the darkness. Lord Dalgliesh had come up from in front of me, so I just had to keep walking forward and I would run into a door.

Taking slow, calculated steps I made it to the edge of the room and felt my way around for a door handle. Finding one, I almost opened it before I realized I should be prepared in case there was someone standing guard. Prying the door open slowly, I held up my hands in an effort to be prepared to hit anyone that was by it. Thankfully, no one was there.

I was out of the cellar. Now all I had to do was find my way home.

Ambrose's POV

Karim walked into my office seemingly prepared for whatever was in store for us tonight, "You called for me, Sahib?"

"Yes," I responded, "Miss Linton has been captured by Lord Dalgliesh, and we must retrieve her before anything ill befalls her."

"When did this happen, Sahib, the men and I kept an eye on her and everyone else. How could this have happened?"

"It must have happened after Lillian stepped out, but enough talk now, Karim, I will explain to you on the way. We must hurry, Lillian may be hurt or worse."

He was quiet for a moment before speaking, "You care for the, ifrit, do you not, Sahib?"

I was startled, did it really show that much? I had thought no one would notice, "Yes, I do. Now let's go."

"Yes, Sahib."

Walking out of my office and down the hall I recalled what Dalgliesh had said to Lillian earlier that night, 'Oh you will regret this Miss Linton,' Lillian had smiled causing him to continue, 'Why are you smiling, do you think I am joking? I wonder will this be as funny when you are lying in a forgotten grave?'

My jaw clenched, I had to get to her before that happened. The thought of her dying was unbearable, I needed her to stay alive and be safe.

I froze."Sahib," I heard. "Sahib, are you alright?"

I needed her.

"I am fine, let us continue."

Nearly sprinting ahead, I lost all sight of the world ahead of me in a sense of desperation I had never felt before. I had to find her. I raced down staircase after staircase, hall after hall, until I reached the entrance door. Pushing it open and stepping out I went to—



"Tell me what happened, Lillian."

She glared at me from across my desk, "I was just kidnapped and you bring me up to your office, sit me in this very uncomfortable chair, then proceed to question me on my encounter," she paused before speaking again, this time with a glint of humor, "Where's the welcoming party, the warm comforting tea, and my hug? Can't you see I am traumatized?"

Despite the seriousness of the moment I felt my lip twitch upward, "Traumatized? Tell me, do traumatized individuals form coherent sentences, or are you a special case?"

She scoffed, "Of course I'm special, who told you otherwise? Was it Karim? I thought he was convinced I was an ifrit?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh he is, don't worry about that, if anything he is even more convinced of the fact as you seem to have escaped Lord Dalgliesh all on your own."

Pride glinted through her eyes, but it only lasted a few seconds before the angry glare was back, with a vengeance.

"How did you manage to escape on your own," she opened her mouth to interrupt but I spoke before she could interject, "not that I do not believe you could not do it on your own, but because even I would find it difficult myself to escape Lord Dalgliesh in his own domain."

Her giggling started the moment the word difficult popped out of my mouth, face buried in her hands, shoulders shaking. I didn't have it in me to be upset with her, it was the first time she had truly looked happy since she had come in.

After a few moments her laughter seemed to start becoming louder and louder, bordering on hysterics, "Miss Linton?"



A broken sound escaped her, harsh and full of desperation, I saw a droplet of water fall from her fingertips to her lap, her hands removed themselves from her face almost unconsciously, she lifted them and they shook with what had once seemed to be laughter.

She was crying.

He had made her cry.

He had made my Lillian cry.

Maybe I should hold her hand?

Hold her hand? Why?

Just do it!

Standing up, I walked around my desk and stood in front of her. Looking down at her shaking form I felt a strange feeling in my chest, it was similar to anger, but somehow more. I shook my head, no time to ponder chest twinging, Lillian needed me.

I lifted my hand to touch her, but doubt held me back.

What if she didn't want me to touch her?


"Lillia-, Lilly, may I take your hand?"

Instead of answering me, instead of taking my hand, she latched onto both of my arms and pulled me onto the chair next her. Then she wrapped her arms around my waist, buried her head in my chest and proceeded to cry what seemed like an ocean of tears.

I was frozen, sitting there trying to process what had just happened. I had seen it happen, I had felt it happen, I could even smell it happen.

Then what is the issue?

What do I do?

I don't know, perhaps try hugging her back?


Yes, she is hugging you. Hugging, as in to embrace someone tightly in your arms to show affection. In this case she is seeking affection, offer it to her.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her, I felt her body stiffen, then shudder, before finally relaxing and melting into my embrace. She continued to sob, and I held her.

A few moments had passed and her shaking decreased, her crying had gone down to a quiet sniffle and she started to speak. She told me everything he had said to her, everything he did to her, and eventually, with some coaxing, she told me that he had kissed her.

I listened to her speak, listened to her whimper quietly in between, and held her as she broke through the story bit by bit. I was continually surprised at how truly intelligent, brave, and amazing she was. In all honesty, I was truly in awe of my fiancé.

A long while passed before she lifted her head, light was starting to show at the edges of the horizon, she looked up at me and smiled, this time without any trace of sadness, anger, or fear.

"Thank you," she said softly, her voice hoarse from a night of tears, "I just needed to feel safe for a while, and you make me feel safe."

I felt that strange twinge in my chest again, this one was a bit different, it was stronger and completely incapable of being disregarded.

She spoke again, this time a bit weaker, softer, "Will you- , nevermind."

She sighed and stopped, I was curious, "What is it? What do you want me to do?"

Looking into my eyes, she made her request, "Will you kiss me?"

How could I deny such a request?

You can't.

I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, gently. She had been through a lot this past night. She stiffened, and was unresponsive for a moment. I started to open my eyes, confused. Something was wrong, why did she stiffen when I touched her? Was she hurt somewhere? Just as I started to pull away she shuddered and seemed to relax, then she kissed me back, just as softly, tentatively. It almost seemed as though she were testing the waters, as though she were afraid. But afraid of what? Had I ever given her reason to be afraid of me hurting her? Lillian seemed to realize that I was confused and upset, she pressed herself closer to me, offering comfort I supposed, she kissed me harder.

She was frightened, but she was trying to comfort me. That wasn't right, she deserved better from me, and she would get it. If she was frightened or hurt or lonely or scared it was my job to heal her, any way I had to. If she needed this physical intimacy, I would give it to her, but I needed her to stop being afraid first.

Taking a hand I placed it in her hair and stroked slowly, softly. I kept my hand in her hair and kissed her as she was kissing me, showing her I would be what she needed in this moment, she could rely on me, I would keep her safe, and more. I tried to pass every emotion, every feeling, every promise to her through my embrace, and gradually I felt her become gentler, less brisk and desperate, until her lips were barely touching mine, and then she pulled away.

Looking up at me she smiled tentatively, "Thank you," she smiled, "I needed that, very much."

"Of course, Lillian," I felt somehow warm in that moment as though there were a fire near me warming me from head to toe.

"You should know Lillian, you don't need to ask to do that next time," I said.

"To do what?" She smirked at me.

I felt my ears burn, I tried unsuccessfully to glare at her, "Kiss me."

Though it seemed impossible, her smirk grew, "Next time?"

I groaned, "Will you ever let this go, Miss Linton?"

"Never," she smiled, then sobered for a moment, "Thank you, I know I said it before but you made me feel safe. I'm not afraid anymore."

"You're welcome, Lilly."

"I have a question, though," she looked as though she expected me to deny her an answer for a moment, before her eyes became determined.

Oh, she is going to get an answer out of you one way or another.

"Ask away."

What did she want to know?

"What is in the file that Lord Dalgliesh wants from you? The one about Suez?"

Oh, nothing too bad then.

Nothing too bad that was a secret I had never told anyone, a secret I guarded with everything I had. Telling her that would only put her in danger.

It has already put her in danger.

I have never trusted anyone with that information.

She is going to be your wife, who else could you trust more?

"I"ll tell you, but understand that information is extremely important and must not leave this room. It stays between us two," she nodded, "The file contains information on the placement and development of a canal in Suez, Egypt."

"A canal?! I was kidnapped for a bloody canal?"

"Miss Linton, you are fond of maps are you not? Think on this: Suez lies on a strip of land separating the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, a pair of seas where the water levels are extremely unstable, therefore making it almost impossible to transport between the two seas to this day. That is until recently, I discovered a way to make it possible-

"By connecting the two seas through a canal in Suez!" She said excitedly, understanding dawning on her.

"Precisely, Miss Linton," she was so intelligent.

"So with control over an asset like that, the person in control would control the seas and trade, wouldn't they?"

"Yes, I could ask any price of anyone who wanted to use the waterway."

She thought for a moment before speaking again, "How much would you charge, Lord Dalgliesh?"


Her head shot up, "What?!"

"I would charge him nothing."


"It's simple, Miss Linton. I would never allow him to benefit from anything belonging to me. I would ruin him, force him to become decrepit, useless and eventually watch him as he falls to nothingness."

She looked up at me her eyes shining, with anger, with happiness, with satisfaction, "Good."

It was quiet for a few moments, both of us contemplating our thoughts, lost in our own minds. Then, I remembered something.



"Your family is downstairs."


"Your family is downstairs, they were the ones who told me you were missing, they've been here the whole night."

"Oh goodness, have you told them I'm alright?"

"Not yet."

She groaned before she stood up from her seat and walked to the door, then she turned and glared at me, "Well? Are you coming? I need to tell them I'm safe, goodness knows what poor Ella is thinking right now, and my aunt, she must be heartbroken. One of her nieces is supposed to marry a rich bachelor and now she's gone missing, the poor woman must be beside herself. Let's go."

"Why can't you go by yourself?"

"Because they are going to be your family too," then she turned to the door, "plus, I don't know how to get there."

I stifled a smile at her determinedness not to seem as if she did not know what she were doing, "Let's go then."

We walked out of the office in companionable silence, down the long hallway, and the many stairs. We had been walking for a few minutes when I remembered I had forgotten to ask her something, well, two somethings actually.

"Does your sister Maria know, Lord Dalgliesh well?"

"I don't think they have had more than one conversation together, so I think not, why?"

"She told me the last thing she saw you doing was speaking to him before you had disappeared."

"I did no such thing. The last thing I did before I disappeared was," she paused.

"What was it?" I urged.

She took a deep breath, her entire face colored, "The last thing I did before I disappeared was kiss you."

I could feel the tips of my ears start to burn again, "I see. So why did Maria say that, then."

"I don't know exactly, maybe she made a mistake," Lilly reasoned.

I wasn't convinced, something didn't settle right with me. But I let the topic disperse for now, I had another question that needed answering.

"Lillian, will you attend the opera with me tomorrow night?"

Lilly's POV

"Lilly! Oh, Lilly won't you wake up!"

Grumbling, I pulled the sheet up over my face and turned to face the wall. I had a rough night, and no desire to deal with my sister.

"Lilly! What is this?"

"What is what?" I turned over angrily, irritated by her persistence.

In front of me she was holding the invitation Mr. Ambrose had given me last night.

"Are we going to an opera?" Her wide eyes gleamed.

Snatching the invitation out of her hand I grumbled, "We are not going to an opera, I am going to an opera."

"With your beloved? How romantic!"

"Don't call him that, Ella, I haven't known him for long."

"But you're engaged. And you at least like him, don't you?"

"Of course I like him, but you are acting too excited about this."

"I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I just would have loved to see a opera."

I may have been irate that morning, but I was no bad sister. Seeing the look of longing on her face as she fingered the expansive lettering on the invitation made me realize that I would not be going to the opera with only Ambrose.

"Of course you can come."

Her eyes immediately lit up and she started bouncing up and down on my mattress, clapping her hands together.

"Lilly, thank you so much!"

"It's not a problem. I actually have a question for you," I lowered my voice.


"Has Maria been acting strangely recently?"

Ella seemed to ponder this for a second, "I suppose she has been keeping to herself. She also has been away from the house quite a bit, but I just assumed she had a new gentleman friend she wanted to keep a secret from us."

"Hmm, that's interesting. I think you're right. She's definitely hiding something."

"Why don't you just ask her," Ella suggested nonchalantly, "she's in the common room right now."

At first I wanted to blurt out a strong no. Ella did not know why I was really asking about Maria. She thought I was insinuating that Maria had a secret lover, when instead the situation was much more dire than that. If what I thought about Maria was correct, then she was part of a sinister and dangerous scheme; one that was directly against me. My heart told me that my own sister would never do something like that, but my brain told me that anyone was capable of anything.

"You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea Ella," I smiled at my younger sister.

I rose quickly from the mattress and descending down the stairs to find my sister. Walking into the common room I saw her knitting quietly in the corner, a look of frustration on her face.


She nearly leapt a foot in the air, and succeeded in pricking herself with one of the needles.

"Lilly! You scared me half to death," she accused me, sucking on the finger that was now bleeding.

"What are you knitting?" I asked.

"A small handkerchief," she replied quickly, looking back down at her work.

She's avoiding conversation with me.

"You've been acting strangely, Maria," I got straight to the point, "what's going on?"

"I don't know what you mean," she grumbled in reply, still not making eye contact.

"I feel you aren't happy."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, usually," I began, "A sister is supportive when the other sister gets engaged. You don't seem to be too happy with everything currently happening in my life."

"It's really none of my business," she snapped, "your life is your life.

"You're right, it is my life. But I'd enjoy it more if you were a bigger part of it."

"Just leave it alone, Lilly."

I sighed, "Okay, if that's what you want."

And I turned away, not trusting my own sister.

Ambrose's POV

For some reason, I could not bring myself to say it out loud but I could see clearly that Lilly looked exquisite for the opera. The beige dress she wore made her skin look very fair and she almost seemed to glow. Her younger sister Ella sat beside her in the carriage, twiddling her thumbs as if she was nervous.

"Is something bothering you, Ms. Linton?" I asked, addressing Ella.

"No, Mr. Ambrose, this is my first time at an opera, I'm just a bit nervous," she replied quietly.

That explained it, I had taken a liking to Ella Linton, she was quiet, reserved, shy and didn't seem likely to waste my time. That, added to the fact that Lillian adored her, put her high in my regards.

The carriage came to a halt, I stepped out and helped Lillian down before turning to get her sister, "Don't fret Miss Linton, it's all very straightforward. You socialize a bit, quite like at a ball, then find your seat and sit and watch the opera."

She smiled in gratitude, "Thank you Mr. Ambrose, and please call me, Ella."

I nodded at her before she walked ahead leaving me and Lillian some privacy. I offered her my arm and turned to look at her, she was smiling.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked.

"Ella likes you, thank you for being kind to her."

"She is tolerable."
"Tolerable! Is that the best you can do? She's a dear," she replied, laughing.

I looked down at her indulgently, she seemed to have recovered from her ordeal yesterday. And so, we walked together into the opera house.

Looking around for anything that might put a damper on our evening together, immediately I spotted Lord Dalgliesh, then I felt Lillian's hand tense on my arm before she started to pull me in his direction.

"What are you doing Miss Linton?"

"I want to catch him off guard," was her only reply. She was determined, and what was I to do but be the supportive fiancé.

She stopped a few feet behind him before slowly calling out, "Lord Dalgliesh."

He whirled around at the sound of her voice and the look on his face was akin to surprise. I had a feeling he hadn't shown that much emotion in quite a while, even his voice came out a tad strangled, "Miss Linton?"

"How terribly lovely it is to see you my lord," she said slyly .

"How- what are you doing here, Miss Linton?"

"I'm sorry if I've surprised you, Lord Dalgliesh, but I am simply here to enjoy the evening with my sister and fiancé," she smirked at him, "I don't believe I had any reason not to be here, unless you know of something I am unaware of."

His demeanor changed instantly, he was instantly the charming socialite covering the angry beast, "No, I am afraid I don't, Miss Linton."

"Well then please excuse us, I would like to enjoy the rest of this evening with my fiancé, shall we, Rikkard?"

"Please," I smiled down at her, amused at her antics.

Lilly's POV

I know it was highly unmannerly of me, but halfway through the opera I was dying to use the toilet. After gently tapping on Ambrose's shoulder to let him know I'd be "powdering my nose," I rushed quickly up the aisle to the back of the theatre. 

I found the ladies room and conducted my business, spending an unusually long time looking in the mirror before I walked back out. I didn't want to come back too quickly, so I kept a very slow pace before I entered the main part of the theatre.

Suddenly, before I knew what was happening, the back of my head was roughly grabbed and an arm snaked around my waist.

I did not need to be kidnapped twice in one week!

I turned around sharply elbowed my attacker in the gut, causing them to let go of me and stumble back.

Surprise, surprise, it was Lord Dalgliesh.

"My goodness, can you not leave me alone for a second?" I tried to push him back, but he grabbed my arms like a vice and held on tightly.

Part of me knew that I should probably yell now, but I also didn't want to cause a scene. I thought I could fight my way out of it since he was alone.

You thought wrong.

The man was strong, very strong. He had overpowered me in seconds and his hand was over my mouth, so I couldn't yell now, even if I wanted to. I really did not want to be captured again, so I slammed my foot on his toe, hoping that'd encourage him to let go.

He didn't. It was like he kidnapped people on a regular basis. Which I wouldn't be surprised about from a man like him.

Suddenly, his grip let go of me and it felt like his whole body was pulled off of mine. I immediately fell to the ground.

"Lord Dalgliesh, if you could kindly remove your hands from my fianceé," I heard Mr. Ambrose's voice say.

Getting up, I looked to see him holding Dalgliesh by the collar of his shirt.


"Lilly, go back to your seat, now," he commanded.

"What are you going to do to him?"

But before Ambrose could reply, Dalgliesh slipped out of his grip, and turned to throw him to the floor. Mr. Ambrose rose quickly and countered the throw with a swift punch to Dalgleish's gut, effectively knocking the wind out of him. Lord dalgliesh was quick to hit back, though.

What are you doing! Help him!


Figure it out, you're smart.

I turned looking for something to hit them with, when I saw something that shocked me slightly.

"Lilly, what is going on?!" Maria had appeared out of nowhere, and her eyes were wide at the two men fighting on the floor.

"Lord Dalgliesh attacked me! What on earth are you doing here? Where's Ella?"

"H-h-he," her voice faltered as she tried to get the words out, "he attacked you?"

"Yes, he did. Maria how did you get here? Please answer my questions!"

She ignored me yet again.

"Oh, Lilly, I am so so sorry! This is all my fault!" Before I could breathe another word Maria had burst into tears.

"What do you mean it's all your fault?" My eyes narrowed at my sister.

I hoped my thoughts of her sinister dealings were not true.

"I've been helping him! Giving him information about you! He told me Mr. Ambrose was going to hurt you."

"Maria!" I snapped at her.

"Mr. Ambrose isn't trying to hurt me, he has been the one that's been trying to hurt me! You can't believe everything a man tells you. You should have talked to me!"

"I am sorry, Lilly, I was only trying to help you."

I pulled my sister into my arms, and squeezed her tightly. She had done the wrong thing but for the right reasons. Hopefully she could learn from this mess.

"It's quite alright, Maria, I forgive you."

Ambrose's POV

After delivering one more blow to Lord Dalgliesh's face, I looked up to see Lilly hugging one of her sisters.

When had Maria gotten here? Then looking down at the bloody man I was currently using as a punching bag, it all made sense. Maria's questionable behavior could be explained now. He had somehow convinced her to work for him and that's why it had been all too easy for him to find Lilly's whereabouts.

"Rikkard! He can barely move, get off of him!"

Lilly snapped me back into a clear reality and I looked again at a very battered Lord Dalgliesh. Except this time I noticed he was breathing in very short jagged breaths and wasn't moving very much.

"That will teach him to stay away from us," I picked myself up from the ground.

"I'll go call Karim to pick him up now," I brushed off my suit, noting the blood stains.

"Will he be okay?" Maria asked, trembling.

"Alive? Yes. Okay? We'll see."

"Do what you need to do," Lilly nodded at me and smiled.

"Oh and," she walked up to me and pressed a small kiss onto my lips, "thank you for saving me. Though I could have probably done it myself."

"The pleasure is all mine," I gave her a minuscule smile. She may not have even caught it given how small it was.

The sharp pain in my shoulder, suddenly, took over my whole body and I winced, leaning on Lilly for support.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She immediately grasped my arm and steadied me.

"I am fine. I believe I may have hurt my shoulder," I groaned.

"We need to get you back to your office immediately, so I can help take care of these wounds."

"They are just a few scratches and scrapes, I'll be okay," I declined her help.

"Rikkard," she insisted, "please let me help."

"Fine. You may help when we get back to my office."

"Thank you," then turning to her sister she asked, "Maria can you please go get Ella? She must be worried sick."

And with that we left the opera house with no evidence of the squabble besides the faint traces of blood on the elaborate carpet.

Lilly's POV

"Rikkard," I muttered softly, "you're going to have to stop squirming."

We were alone in his office now, with Ella and Maria just outside the door waiting for me to finish patching Mr. Ambrose back together.

I was currently pressing a swab that was damp with alcohol over a few of the small cuts that were sprinkled all over his face. Only a few of them were still lightly bleeding but for the most part, they seemed to be drying up. I had spent a few minutes stretching his arm and eventually we had gotten his shoulder to pop back into place.

"Butithurts," he grumbled under his breath.

"What was that," I leaned my ear down closer to him teasingly, "I couldn't hear you."

"Ithurts," he grumbled again.

"Still cannot hear you," I sing-songed.

"It hurts, Lillian," he finally spat through gritted teeth.

"Of course it hurts, it's alcohol, it's supposed to burn a bit."

"It burns more than a bit."

"It will be okay, this stops the wounds from getting infected. I'm just cleaning them up."

"Is this what you will be like as a wife? Constantly fussing over me." He asked.

I stepped back and gave him a look of fake shock, "I am not fussing!"

"I admit, I am quite surprised Ms. Linton. I did not peg you as that type of woman."

"Well, clearly I'm a woman of many talents, and you'd be very fortunate to have me as a wife."

"Indeed I would be," Ambrose murmured.

"So where did you learn to fight?" I asked, rubbing the swab through a small cut in his eyebrow. "You seem very skilled at it."

"From my short time in America. It's a different world over there— they are not as civilized as we are," he answered me in a very matter-of-fact manner, as he usually did.

"You know," I smiled down at him as I finished putting a small bandage on the cut, "you don't have to say everything so seriously all the time."

"I am aware, Lillian," he said just as seriously.

"There's no changing you is there?"

"Believe it or not, but you have changed me."

My eyebrows raised in surprise. I had changed him? How?

"I've hardly seen the fruits of my labor then," I smirked.

"Sometimes the fruits of your labor may not be seen, but that does not mean it's not significant."

"That was very deep Mr. Ambrose, are you trying to tell me something?"

He looked up at me through his dark lashes and didn't say a word. He only stared. Finally after what seemed like a long time, he stopped staring and softly grabbed the hand I was using to clean his cuts. Wondering where this was going, I stood quietly waiting for him to say something. Looking up at me again he opened his mouth as if to say something but then closed it again.

"I was highly upset when I found out about what Lord Dalgliesh did to you," he said in his cool tone.

"I believe I could have guessed that. Though I suppose this means he won't be getting a wedding invitation?" I joked.

His lips twitched upward and a very miniscule smile formed, "No, I do not believe so."

"Who will we invite?"

"Anyone you like really, though please try to keep it to a minimum, there are only so many perfumed elderly ladies I can take at once."

I giggled, "That's ok, so long as the most important person I need to invite shows up."

He looked at me confused, "And who may that be?"

I smiled at him, "You."

And then he kissed me, he kissed me like he would never stop, he kissed me to promise me forever, he kissed me to show me his passion, he kissed me because we were in this together, forever.

The End 

Wooh that's a long one lol!!!!!!!!

Thank you guys so much for 207 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be finishing up my other fanfic soon too!!

Hope you had Happy Holidays and ur taking on the new year like a bawse!

Hugs to the Ifrit Nation.

Au revoir!!

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