A Heart With No Beat (Yandere...

By IntrovertedWriter05

225K 5.6K 3.6K

Y/N Is A Friendly Girl. She Always Stays Positive & Has An Over Protective Mother. She Never Has A Doubt In A... More

1. An Angel Who Cares
2. Times Of Try, Sorrow & Wonder
3. Just You Wait...
4. Dance With The Devil PART 1
5. Dance With The Devil PART 2
6. An Unfortunate Event
7. Unexpected Seeing
8. The Night The Moon Wasn't Visible
9. A Laughing Death?
10. Watch Your Tongue
11. A Mind Empty From Before?
12. A Sleepless Night
13. The Red Eyed & Eyeless Visitors
14. Abandoned In His Sleep
15. Never At Peace Again
16. His Sick Deadly Rage
17. A New Sanctuary...
18. She Returns With Wonder
19. Please Don't Let It Be True
21. Property Sold
23. When He Is Gone...
24. Finally Broken...
25. The Feelings She Never Knew She Would Find...
26. A Heart With No Beat...
27. Where There's A Will, There's A Way
28. He'll Feel....... Human Again......
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I Know

20. Put Yourself In More Danger...

5.3K 160 40
By IntrovertedWriter05

  It couldn't be him. Please not be him. Why didn't I see this coming. I knew what was happening now. It was Jeff. He was with my friends. What is he doing to them?! I started to panic. My heart beat quickening and my hands starting to tremble and sweat. I tried to control my breathing but it was incredibly difficult. I didn't choose to push the red button because I knew if I did. Jeff would do something horrific to them. I just had to stay on the line.

"Jeff" I whispered already knowing who it is. There was more insane laughter. The laughter made my skin crawl and made me feel suddenly nervous.

"Cat got your tongue?" Jeff laughed at the other side of the line. Indeed I was speechless. How did Jeff get my number? But more importantly, what is he going to do with my friends? Then it hit me.

"I'm going to take everyone you love away from you. I'll watch as you slowly fall into insanity, once you do, I'll be the only one there that you can turn to."

He's going to take everyone I love away from me! I can't let him do that! I won't be able to go on with life without them. Now I'm starting to regret screaming at Emma like I did earlier.

"Jeff! Please don't hurt my friends" I begged with a shaky tone. The only response I got was disgusting laughter. I have to stop Jeff. "Why shouldn't I? They're only a waste of space. I'm the one you need to be with, Y/N. Only. Me." I heard Jeff growl into the phone. "Jeff, please I'll do anything. Just don't hurt them. We can make some kind of deal." I pleaded once more. I heard Jeff giggle at my begging, my begging satisfied him. "What kind of deal, hun?" He asked sounding interested already. Good.

"If you don't hurt my friends or family, I'll~" Jeff cut me off. "You'll come with me. You'll stay with me. You'll do as I say. No backing out." Jeff said. I thought for a moment. If I go with him. I may never see my friends again, same goes with my auntie Grace. Memories of the last time I was with Jeff crossed my mind. If I go back with Jeff, I may not be freed again. I can't go through all that again.

I gulped. I could tell Jeff was getting impatient by the sounds of metal tapping on wood or some other kind of material. My head spun, debating on whether I should say yes or no. Yes or no? My palms were sweaty and my whole body was shaking. This is a decision of fate. If I say yes. I spend the rest of what's left of my life with Jeff. If I say no, he'll probably kill my friends and auntie Grace and take me either way! It sounds unfair. I just know Jeff won't let me go that easily.

I guess I've made up my mind. I'll have to go whether I like it or not. I sighed and wiped the tears I didn't know were coming from my eyes.

"Deal. Just leave my family and friends alone." I whispered. "Oh, babe. There's no need to cry. You'll be happy with me, I promise you that." Jeff cooed. I didn't buy it. Not at all. I was about to put down the phone and push the red button to end the call when I heard a scream that made me nearly jump out of my skin. A girly scream. A scream of murder. It sounded like Ray. Then there was another scream. It was Holly's.

Oh my God. Please.

I heard girl's scream for help and sobbing. I put the phone up to my ear once more. "Leave them alone, Jeff!" I yelled through the phone, tears starting to pour from my eyes. "Now, now. You're lucky I'm not killing them in front of you, lovely." Jeff chuckled. "No! Please! Leave them alone!" I screamed my tears running down my cheeks and dropping onto the floor. Jeff only laughed and I kept hearing more screams, more slashing, more chocking and more of those sick disgusting sounds.

I couldn't stop crying. Hearing all my friends die on the phone. I'll only have my auntie Grace left and she might die as well! I couldn't take hearing all of it anymore. I dropped the phone and ran for my bedroom door. I unlocked the door and rushed out. I went out the back door and ran for the forest. I didn't know what I was doing. My feet have taken over and are taking me to God knows where! I didn't want to be around Jeff any longer! I couldn't do this anymore! This was too much for me to handle!

I sprinted through the woods, tears blurring my vision, my heart pounding against my rib cage, my head aching. My friends have been murdered in cold blood by the same murderer who killed my mother. The moon was my light through the forest. The leaves on the trees were falling off it's branches and covering the dirt path through the woods.

My foot hit a sharp stone, causing me to fall and tumble to the forest floor. My legs ached. My tears ruined my makeup I had on for school. I felt like being watched. No, not that feeling. He's near. I feel it in my bones. No, I don't want to go back. I crawled on my stomach. I must've looked like a girl crawling away like she's just been stabbed.

Then, to my surprise. I heard a familiar voice calling my name. It wasn't Jeff. It wasn't auntie Grace. Of course it wasn't my friends because they were dead. This indeed was a male voice. I turned my head. I wanted to cry in joy.

There stood, with a flashlight in his hands.

Stood Peter.

He indeed was my ex boyfriend. A weak smile made it's way onto my face. I tried to get back to my feet but ended up spraining my ankle and falling back down. I cried out in pain and watched as Peter came picked me up, bridle style.

I was relieved that Peter was here. Even if he did cheat on me. He's helping me. Although, I don't feel at all safe. I just felt like this wasn't the right thing to do. I just felt like I put myself in more danger........  

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