A Heart With No Beat (Yandere...

By IntrovertedWriter05

222K 5.5K 3.6K

Y/N Is A Friendly Girl. She Always Stays Positive & Has An Over Protective Mother. She Never Has A Doubt In A... More

1. An Angel Who Cares
2. Times Of Try, Sorrow & Wonder
3. Just You Wait...
4. Dance With The Devil PART 1
5. Dance With The Devil PART 2
6. An Unfortunate Event
7. Unexpected Seeing
8. The Night The Moon Wasn't Visible
10. Watch Your Tongue
11. A Mind Empty From Before?
12. A Sleepless Night
13. The Red Eyed & Eyeless Visitors
14. Abandoned In His Sleep
15. Never At Peace Again
16. His Sick Deadly Rage
17. A New Sanctuary...
18. She Returns With Wonder
19. Please Don't Let It Be True
20. Put Yourself In More Danger...
21. Property Sold
23. When He Is Gone...
24. Finally Broken...
25. The Feelings She Never Knew She Would Find...
26. A Heart With No Beat...
27. Where There's A Will, There's A Way
28. He'll Feel....... Human Again......
Q&A About The Book!
I Know

9. A Laughing Death?

8.6K 217 94
By IntrovertedWriter05

  It seemed to be hours since Jeff left me alone to rot in this dull bedroom. I was starving and I was bored out of my mind. My throat was dry and my body felt like it was drying up to a desert. This is probably what it feels like for the prisoners in jail or patients in the asylum. I feel sorry for them all. They must be going through Hell just like me. I lay on the bed, staring at the roof. Remembering every memory I once had with my father and my mother. I remembered when I went on my first fishing trip with my father, we caught a huge fish. My father was thinking about having it for dinner but I chose to let the poor creature be free and that's what happened. I remembered when I first made cookies with my mother. I loved those memories and I hadn't noticed I was crying.

I sat up and wiped my tears. I should be focused on the present. Not the past. Not the future. Just the present. My heart skipped and my eyes widened when the sound of door unlocking sounded in my ears. My head turned to the door and I watched closely as the door slowly opened. I didn't change my facial expression as I watched the one and only Jeff come in, close the door behind him and walk towards me. He knelt in front of me and pulled out a key. I silently watched as he unlocked me from the shackles. When he looked back up at me again, he roughly took my wrists and helped me stand.

I let him lead me out of that dull room and into what I suppose is a living room. It was a simple living room. Had a couch, a t.v, coffee table, bookshelf and it had Lots of space. Jeff lead me to the couch and without warning, he pushed me onto the couch and pulled out a shackle. I stared at him shaking my head and mouthing him not to do it. Jeff smirked at my silent begging but ignored me and harshly attached the shackle to my ankle.

"This is just to make sure you won't escape, Doll face. But you are able to roam around the house but not outside." Jeff explained. I stared at him emotionless. "So lets set some rules here. I usually go out for the whole day but I'm mostly back by 7 so you should always have dinner ready for me. I'll need you to look after the house while I'm gone and you Can Not go running off-" Jeff paused. 'Well, not like you can anyway." He snickered giving a quick glance down at my shackled leg.

I knew begging for him to let me go wouldn't make a difference at all so I decided to stay quiet. "Righty then. I'm off! Have a good day, Doll!" Jeff said making his way towards the front door. He opened the door but he turned his head back to me. "There's also some clothes on the kitchen counter I want you to wear. You might like it!" Jeff tried to wink but failed. With that, Jeff slammed the door and I was left alone.

A strong and bored sigh was all I could give at the moment. I could already sense that my life is already becoming Hell. Who on earth does this man think he is? He just kidnaps me, treats me like a pet or house maid. I need to get out of here. All I need is a plan. That might take some time so I'll spend today to do that.
Well, while I'm cleaning I guess.

I looked down at my white tank top and black booty shorts. My tank top had red stains on it and definitely smelt of blood. I could tell it was my blood. Hopefully I don't suffer from blood lose while I'm here. I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen. On the kitchen counter, like Jeff said was a pile of folded clothes. I examined the clothes. I simple white shirt, black skinny jeans and some white under garments. I was embarrassed on how Jeff knew my size. Pervert.
I went to change and once I was done changing, I had a little roam around he house. It looked a little old and rusty and dusty but I can change that. I got the whole day for this. I gave a quick sigh.

It's going to be a long day though.

Jeff the Killer's P.O.V

The beautiful screams filled my ears, making my smile widened. Oh how I love their screams, cries and begs. I never give them any pity though. I've killed so many, I've lost count but I know I've killed more than 10. So many innocents fall to my feet, lifeless and beautiful. Beauty always comes with a price. I hadn't noticed that the sun was starting to set and it was time to return to my little Y/N.
I've left her for the whole day to clean up the cabin. I had also left her some clothes for her to wear. As I made my way through the woods towards the cabin, I was lost in my pretty thoughts. I wonder if she'll try to escape? Don't be stupid Jeff! Of course she will!
She doesn't want to be there!
She doesn't love you!
She doesn't even want to be near you!

Oh I'll make sure she'll stay near me. Whether she likes it or not!
If she doesn't love me, I'll make her love me! If that's what it takes!
And she's NEVER leaving.
She leaves, she dies.
She denies me, she dies.

I'll let her know who's in control. I'll make her scream for me. She belongs to me and me alone.
That's end of story.

Your P.O.V

"Phew!" I wiped the stream of sweat of my forehead and collapsed on the couch. I had cleaned the entire cabin and I felt quite proud of myself. The cabin was clean as clean. No bugs, no spiderwebs, no dust and no rust. But I felt like I forgot something. I start to go over the imaginary list in my head.
I've cleaned the fire place.
I've cleaned the windows.
I've vacuumed the place.
I've got rid of the dust everywhere.
I've picked all the trash up.

What else could there possibly be? Then realization hit my like a train. I've forgotten to make dinner for Jeff! I looked at the clock that hung on the wall. 6:32 pm.
"Shoot!!!" I squealed and sprung from the couch and dashed for the kitchen. Many recipes spun in my head, it was tough to pick out what I'm going to make for a serial killer. More like Jeff the Killer. I just picked a random recipe in my head and got out the pots and ingredients.

Half an hour passed, the sun was almost set and I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff just came out from nowhere behind me. I didn't dare to look at the front door as I creaked open and slowly shut. "I'm home Hun!" I heard him sing. I simply rolled my eyes and ignored him. I can't believe I'm thinking this but I'd rather die than stay here with a psychopath. As I continued to make dinner for the killer, I froze when I felt a cold breathing on the back of my neck which cause my heart to skip and my eyes to widened.

The owner of the cold breathing chuckled in my ear and two strong arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to the person. Jeff.
"It would be nice if you would release me" I growled in a rude tone. Unfortunately, that only cause Jeff's grip to tighten and pull me away from the kitchen. I gasped when he threw me down on the couch and sat on top of me, straddling me. "Now why in Hell would I want to do that?" He smirked, his face coming closer and closer to mine. "Please" I whispered in a plead. Jeff chuckled and his lips smashed in mine. The taste of blood starting to make it's way into my mouth. His lips were scarred and rough. The were also cold as ice and dry which sent shivers crawling down my spine.

I struggled to get him off me but he only made the kiss more deep, more hungry and more passionate. Jeff watched my failed attempts and decided to crank it up to the next level and bit my lips. I yelped when his tongue went straight into my mouth and searched every corner of my cavern. My body sprung into action and I bit down on his tongue. Jeff broke the kiss sat up, staring at me like I was crazy. Slowly, he smirked. "Someone's feisty." He giggled. I ignored him and pushed him off.

"Can't believe you put your slimy organ into my mouth." I mumbled as I walked away to the kitchen. As I left Jeff and went back to cooking, I could hear his laughing fits behind me.

Why can't he just laugh himself to death?  

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