New Wings

By mtdreams

5K 72 94

-Cresswell AU- New York, 1904 A broken girl has the chance of a lifetime; an escape from what she despises. B... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

119 4 2
By mtdreams

Thank you so much for being patient with all of this. It means so much that you all still read this. I've been going through a hard time, but updates will be back to normal now!

Please review on this one, and if I get ten reviews tonight I'll update the second half of the chapter tomorrow. How does that sound?


The sweat-filled, smokey streets of Brooklyn Square were more crowded than usual, and that was definitely saying something. Scarlet was wrong to have assumed that simply because the air was coming close to below freezing, people would stay in their apartments. No, it seemed as though everyone had decided that this was the opportune moment to step outside and get in her way.

She could only hope Ben didn't notice her fists clenching as they continued to get bumped and shoved around through the bustling alleyways. He remained by her side, his fist clenched around her weathered pant leg, his eyes alert and bright, despite having just woke up. It was moments like these that she understood just how much Cinder had meant to the newsies.

They'd only just left the warm fires of "Le Petite Auberge" and already the sky was beginning to dim. Scarlet was torn between wishing it was simply getting dark or hoping it wouldn't snow. Either way there was something to lose. That seemed to have become a pattern for her lately.

She shivered, clenching her red scarf more tightly around her pale neck. The sweat formed from baking over the oven had left her wet and made the chill even harder to handle. Which in turn increased her need to move.

So really, Scarlet didn't feel she needed to be blamed for cursing quite loudly when the pint-sized old lady barged into her side, knocking her with a crash onto the cobblestones. Ben jumped back, and Scarlet knew he was praying she hadn't heard his laugh, or seen the smile he was furiously trying to hide.

She let out a groan, pulling herself up by the elbows. There were still puddles from the rain the night before, so now even her scarf couldn't protect her from the muggy chill.

"Seriously, Madam? I understand being in a hurry, but it vas not necessary to--" She was cut off when the lady turned around to give her a glare that even she was a little scared by.

The woman looked almost identical to her Grandmother. Memories poured over her, soaking through her muddled mind and filling to the brim with images and moments.

Learning to bake in their cottage, flour and powdered sugar covering her face and clothes after hours of breads and beignets to sell to the neighbors.

Sitting on her bed, going over how to sew and mend, and afterwards, learning how to clean up a punctured finger. She still wouldn't forgive those knitting needles.

Or the best moments, gardening together until the sunset, then sitting on the front porch steps as Grandmama sang folk songs from the olden days of France, when wine and love were the two most important things to life.

Leaving her was the hardest part about loving Ze'ev. One could not have both.

A sharp breath left her, and her mind cleared enough to see Ben looking at her in confusion.

"Isn't youse gonna stand up Mudda?" He asked, tugging timidly on her scarf. She blinked a few times, the scent of spice and Grandmama's roses fading as the woman scoffed, shuffling away.

"Vait!" Scarlet scrambled to her feet, reaching out to the old lady. With a huff the woman turned around.

"What is it girl? I haven't got all day, or much time left in general. JUst look at me." The woman shimmied her hips, laughing scornfully. Scarlet's throat tightened. Her Grandmother was getting old too.

"Don't say such things, Madame. I only vanted to apologize. I-I do not normally act zis vay vith strangers." She made a small curtsy, an odd feeling of longing rising in her stomach.

The woman paused, then let out a toothless smile. She patted Scarlet's hand.

"I've seen that look before. I remind you of someone, don't I? I get that a lot." She hunched over to make eye contact with Scarlet's earth-colored ones. "My apologies, both for knocking you down and bringing you pain." She smiled humbly before turning to hobble away.

"Could ve talk again sometime? I own ze bed and breakfast just a few blocks from 'ere." Scarlet shouted at her back hopefully. It felt like she needed to make peace with the woman so she could make peace with what she left behind.

A jerk from her shirt brought her back to reality. Ben was glaring, his brow furrowed.

"Cinda isn't gettin any younga you knows!" She rolled her eyes but let him lead her back into the crowd.

The prison didn't look much different than the rest of the buildings around, and that's including the bars covering the windows. She unclenched one of her fists long enough to get a tight grip on Ben's hand, just in case something went awry in there.

"Golly! I'se thought I'se was freezin outside but dis is crazy." Ben exclaimed loudly. Scarlet cringed as one of the policeman on duty gave them "the stare." She had been praying this would be as painless as possible, but at this point who was she kidding?

So with a shush to Ben and a tight spine, she showed the officer her purse.

"I'm 'ere to bail out two of your inmates." She narrowed her eyes and continued the stare-down until he looked away, a little surprised. It was hard to resist smiling. Men these days. They never seemed to expect someone to ever be better, and it was always a shock to find out they weren't perfect.

"Right this way, Miss...?" He trailed off, probably wanting to put her name in the record.

"I don't think names vill be necessary, wouldn't you agree?" She casually shook the bag a little, letting the cash clink around. His eyes widened considerably.

"Miss are you bribing an officer of the law?"

"Oh please Monsieur. ZIs is Brooklyn, you really must lower your expectations for civility. Velcome to reality, now may I see my criminals si vous plaisez?"

He froze, searching her gaze for any sign of weakness.

What the poor man didn't know was that he didn't stand a chance. A few minutes later she was trudging up the stairs to the cell rooms 4-8. This was where they put the "public enemies" or the more dangerous felons. Ben had a little laugh at that.

The door unlocked with a set of brass keys, and it swung open to reveal a grimy hallway with closed off blocks. She marched forward, oblivious to his warnings. Scarlet had already slipped the right key from his pocket when he was walking ahead.

Despite his protests, she had the right cell open within a matter of seconds.

"Bonjour Mes Amis!"


After about an hour of sleeping, he was beginning to feel a bit better.


Let's back up. That was a complete lie, wasn't it? How could he possibly be feeling better? The world was ending, his Birdy taken, and his perfectly coiffed hair flattened. Life couldn't be any worse.Yet somehow he had woken up, and immediately felt better.


Because Scarlet, in all her french glory, was towering over him through the doorway of the cell, glaring down at him like a disappointed mother.

"You 'ave really done it zis time, you idiot boy!" She frowned, and Thorne let out a groan. The last thing he needed was yet another thing to feel guilty about. All of this sudden "conscience" business was making his head hurt.

But then she smiled, shoved the rest of the way into the cell, and walked towards him, her arms outstretched.

He breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that Scarlet was actually aiming for Cinder, who had to come share his cell due to lack of room. (Apparently the police had discovered where the first shots during the rally had been fired. At least they could rest knowing Peony's death had somewhat been avenged. But having a crying woman for a jail partner was not his idea of a picnic.)

Thorne's head came back to the present, as he was still standing with his arms open to embrace the empty air in front of him. Scarlet and CInder were blubbering and holding onto each other like they had known each other for waaay longer than a few days. He couldn't keep himself from rolling his eyes behind their backs. Women.

"Youse is amazin, how'd ya get us outa hea?" Cinder whimpered, trying to stifle her tears.

Ben ran out from between Scarlet's legs to slam into Thorne, crushing him with a hug.

"Youse is all betta now, isn't youse!" He laughed and hugged tighter. That was the final straw. This sappiness was getting to him.

"Oh please, can we just go? Don't we have someone to save?!" Thorne practically yelled, jostling the sentimental group out of their frenzie.

Cinder pulled back and wiped her nose, giggling a bit under her breath.

"He's right. I'se gotta hand it to ya Scarlet. I'll admit I'se thought I was gonna be stuck in hea till Levana got her gang of lawyas on me tail." SHe paused, folding her arms. "Wait just a second, does dis mean youse paid oua bail? How much do I owe ya?" Cinder automatically reached into her shirt to grab the money that was usually hidden in between the fabrics hiding her chest, only to remember she was in a blasted skirt. Glowering, she lowered her hand, thankful the lack of light hid her blush. (Or so she thought.)

Thorne cleared his throat, already incredibly uncomfortable. They were losing precious seconds, moments that Cress was losing off of her life.

Scarlet, meanwhile, was shaking her head vehemently.

"You both don't owe me a thing. Zis is the least I could do for mes amis." She looked Thorne dead in the eye. "You, on ze other 'and, 'ave to swear to get that little bird of yours back into our lives, tu comprend? We are all missing her."

He nodded impatiently, already in his mind's eye calculating the distance from here to the train station. Cinder seemed to sense this, because she stepped to block his path to the door.

"Thorne, Ise know youse is ready to give those people heck on earth, but ya gotta wait until we'se have a plan, okay? We can't just jump on a train. Ise say we'se head back to da inn until we have any more clues as to where oua girl could be." Ben nodded and moved for the exit, tugging his new mother with him.

"Youse heard da Queen of Brooklyn, let's get movin!" He shouted, running for the stairs.

Thorne clenched his eyes shut, holding back the anxiety before jogging after them.

Outside the atmosphere was filled with anticipation for the night, when work would cease and the food would come out of the ovens ready to be devoured. People were scrambling to finish last-minute errands, and most street side shops were already closed down. It was much easier to clear a path now than it had been.

He wasn't too shocked to feel bits of snowflakes melt on his lips and eyelashes as they hurried through the blocks. The article from just two weeks ago flashed through his mind. "Mayor announces large-scale plans for New Year's Eve, December 31st this year. Past celebrations in Times Square "have been nothing compared to what is to come." Walter E. Palmer, who joined in the interview, stated that there is to be a grand "sphere" dropped at midnight. More on the details in page 7."

That must only be a few days away now. He'd lost track of time in the bleak cell. If it had been any other day, and he hadn't been looking for someone who meant more than money to him, he would've spent the time dreaming up ways to celebrate New Year's, or how much cash he'd get from gambling at one of the many parties he'd get himself invited too. But it wasn't any old day, and Thorne was changed from the man he used to be. He wondered briefly if he'd recognize himself in a mirror. That thought was the most concerning worry he'd had in days.


Her thighs were already burning after the first two miles, and she couldn't help feeling ashamed. All of those days crying in the cell had left her weak. That just wasn't acceptable. To punish her body for feeling sluggish she made sure to stay ahead the rest of the group at all times, trying to earn back the muscle lost. The Queen of Brooklyn couldn't be seen as soft after all.

She kept forgetting that identity was the secret now. It was hard keeping track of what to hide and what not to. Kai had made sure of that. Her mind darkened considerably at that thought, and she slowed down just enough to catch a glimpse of Bat, still crouched in a corner, burning some papes in a coffee mug to keep warm.

She was so surprised to see another familiar face she nearly tripped over her own heel. Cinder's thoughts were moving faster than her feet could carry her, and so with one quick glance to make sure the group was still a good ten paces behind, ran up to Bat.

"Hey! Newsie!" He didn't recognize her voice, and continued, huddled in his cobwebed corner.

"It's me ya louse! Cinda. Ova hea ya bum!" She jumped into a crouch next to him, and the poor kid leapt about a mile high before recognizing her.

He burst out laughing, throwing himself into her arms.

"I'se was wondering when youse was gonna return and apologize for abandonin us, you crazy." He said, lightly punching her in the forearm. She pretended to be hurt, groaning until his chuckles turned into pure giggles. She joined in, settling down by the tiny fire.

"Well at least I has a good excuse. How comes youse neva come visit me in jail, huh?"

He frowned turning back to the burning paper and blotted ink.

"We'se didn't know Cinda, honest. Odawise we woulda all come ta bail you out. We thought you'd gone inta hidin afta da rally." She shook her head, holding her shaking hands over the ashes.


"Dat's crazy. I guess youse sent Peony into da hidin dou? We weren't able ta find ha."

She froze, accidently burning herself on the rim of the cup. He hissed sympathetically as she furiously sucked on her finger, which was already swelling. Tears weren't helping the sting.

"Uh-m. No." She coughed. "Peony didn't make it outa da rally. A shot to da heart." Each sentence came out cold and short, like she was an obituary, only stating the facts, as if she didn't care. When at the same time that couldn't be farther from the truth. She cleared her throat again before standing up, brushing the dirt off her already screwed up dress.

"I'se is really sorry, Cinda." He was staring at her with tears brimming, and it suddenly became to painful to see. She looked away, towards the group that had finally caught up to her. They were looking around so she only had moments.

"It's okay. We'se gotta keep movin. But hey, have youse hoid any news about dat prissy brat?"

"You mean Levana?" He looked completely bewildered. She huffed impatiently, placing her hands on her now-defined hips.

"Yes who else?!"

"Is youse serious? You really don't know what she did ta us?" Cinder stiffened and felt her blood run cold. Apparently it could get worse than it already seemed to be.

"What'd she do dis time?" It was barely a whisper, but he seemed to understand.

"She's blamin da newise loife fa youse's crimes. Sayin it was a bad influence on youse's 'psyche' whateva da heck dat is. Cinda, she shut down da lodgin house. It's nothing but an empty lot now."

Cinder was seeing red, feeling her face flush with heated anger. That woman just wouldn't, no, couldn't, let anyone get even a second of peace, could she?! What made people act in such a way.

Bat interrupted her thoughts again. "But it's okay, 'cause Scarlet an' the big scary fella she's with rented out da space next to dem and let us stay for a penny a day. It's cheapa and way more comfortable. The only problem is dat she's still pushin fa all newsies to be shut down and have da jobs go to adults. Like an adult could do oua job any betta!" He ended with a scoff, but the good news did nothing to ease her fury.

Cinder was through playing these games. Levana had already messed with her. Turning on Peony was a several steps too far. But messing with her family...the whole lot of newsies...

If it's war you want, then fine. You wanted to frame me as the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy.

The town hall building, still ransacked with bullet holes and chipped blocks of shiny granite, was only a few paces off route. She hoped Scarlet wouldn't mind, but even Cinder was smart enough to know there was gonna be heck to pay when she faced them again. But you know what? She just didn't care any more.

Cinder kept her head bowed, only pausing every once in awhile to adjust her sling and brush the dust from her skirt. Eventually she passed a hat stand and narrowly got away with a feathered bonnet, perfect for hiding her still-bruised face.

She made it in through the back door, past the dining hall and ballroom, up the stairs, to the left, another right, and then she was in front of Levana's office, her name inscripted on the glass door in goldleaf. Cinder rolled her eyes and braced her elbow, ready for the blood. Within seconds the glass door was no more, and she delicately stepped over the shards into the room. It was massive for just an office, with a glittering chandelier and several cushioned chairs facing the desk. A wall of bookshelves framed either side, and a massive circular window opened up into the town square beyond, which was mostly empty now that the sun had set and snow was falling rather rapidly.

She turned away from the mess of the door and eased into of the chairs, smiling slightly as her feet hit the top of the carefully organized and polished surface of the desk.

"I wasn't expecting a visit from you. To what do I owe this tremendous inconvenience?"

Levana's cold voice cut through the quiet of the room, and Cinder composed herself, hiding the rage, before swiveling in the chair to face the witch.

She was gorgeous as always, fitted into a deep purple gown with a plunging, jewel encrusted neckline exposing her china-doll skin. Masses of chocolate curls spilled down her neck, framing her flashing eyes. Every detail perfectly sculpted, every emotion perfectly hidden.

A worthy opponent. Both were in disguise, neither fully aware of why the other chose to hide their true selves. Both not particularly caring.

"Afta all dis time, Ise still got one question for youse. What did I eva do to make you hate me so much? Not that I care about ya feelins, nor am I feelin hoit, but I would like to know how to piss you off as much as I can. Any clue would be much appreciated." Cinder stood as she talked, mockingly giving a low bow.

Levana's eye twitched ever so slightly, enough to show that hadn't been what she was expecting. Thus, Cinder was already winning. And she wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"Nice place youse got hea. How many kids had ta die of starvation ta give you da money to build dis kinda thing?"

"My role as mayor's daughter allows me to care for all. I have nothing against your newsies, especially the children." She spoke as if she'd been given a script.

"That doesn't seem ta be the full truth, see, my peoples are out on da streets again tonight, and rumour has it you were da cause. Got anythin to say bout that?"

Levana gave a small shrug, stepping on the shards with a crack to approach her.

"As you so eloquently put it before, they are rumours. Nothing more." But her smile told Cinder otherwise.

"So all of dat was just ta get back at me? I'm flattered, but really it's too much." Cinder spread her hands as if to give a gift back sarcastically.

"Ah, but you're leaving out the key fact, darling. You're a criminal, and in Brooklyn, we can do whatever we want to protect the rest of the kind-hearted population." Her voice was dry. "You were given a warning. As much as I would enjoy it, I can't be considered responsible for the death of your sister or the homelessness of your little band of misfits. The truth, as much as I truly hate to admit it, is that all of this has been your fault. Because of your pride, Cinder, former King of the Newsies, your sister is dead."

Cinder lost it.

She flew at Levana, grasping a nearby shard of glass to fling it at the evil girl. There was a sharp zing, and then blood, dribbling down slowly from a thin, angled cut lining Levana's cheekbone.

She didn't even flinch, just picked up a silver polished bell off the counter and gave it two brief rings.

Cinder knew where this was going.

"Just know, Levana. I will neva stop fightin dis war. And unlike youse, I'm fightin fa more than just money and fame. I'm sidin with da kids, da orphans, da adults, da people that someday are gonna grow up and run dis place. Do you really wanna be an enemy to da future? It's your funeral sweetheart." And with a grim smirk, Cinder was climbing out of the round window into the night.

She didn't see Levana's hand clench so hard the glass in her palm hit the pure skin, sending a fistful of blood tumbling to the carpet.

The final battle had only just begun.

I love you all so much. Please read and review, every opinion and thought helps me a ton!

Love you lots,


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