Batman Alternate Universe--Co...

By Tempus-edax-rerum

241 12 21

The Bat has a new enemy in Gotham, and he doesn't pull his punches. Can The Bat manage to protect the people... More

Why yah gotta be so Rude?
Hitting the streets
The KGBeast
Her Sidekick Snatched
A Visit from an Old Friend
A Deal is Struck
The Rescue
To Face the Beast

Dick finds his superhero name (and other shit happens)

24 1 1
By Tempus-edax-rerum

Zoom, zoom, zoom. Barry thought as he sped back towards the abandoned apartment complex. He'd just finished making sure that Dick was going to be alright, having gotten him to the ER. Luckily it seemed the Beast had not hurt him in any serious way. Lucky for the Beast that was. Barry was hoping he'd make it back in time to give that Russian A-hole a couple super-speed slaps.

He made it to the place however, to find that the building was nothing more than a pile of smoking rubble and that a certain little black-clad figure was falling out of the sky.

This time Bruce had gotten her grapple-hook to work, one end wrapped around a buttress on a bank building. But the grapple hook had been deployed to late to save her. Her trajectory had her headed right for a Mac truck driving down the street. The hit might not kill her, but it'd probably put her out of the hero business for good.

Always quick on his feet, it was hardly a big deal at all for him to run by and save her.


"Barry?!" She cried with wide eyes, her arms wrapped tight around his neck. He'd caught her in his arms and come to a stop down the next street over.

Barry grinned. "Didn't I ever tell you Bat? I'll always be there to catch you when you fall."

"Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!" Dick said excitedly as Alfred made her way into the living room where everyone was sitting around. It had been four days since Dick had been rescued and Bruce and Alfred had convinced his parents to let him come after school to a little party they were hosting. Alfred set the cake she'd made down on the living room table for all to see. It was frosted bright orange and read in blue piped letters:

Everyone Lived!!

Bruce felt better now that the KGBeast was locked up in Blackgate Penitentiary and that Dick was safe and sound. If Dick ever asked to go out with her again the answer was going to be a firm no. At least until he was trained. Bruce had convinced the Grayson's that her teaching Dick self-defense class for free would save them money and keep their son better protected.

Yes, the Grayson's had learned all about how their little son had been kidnapped by some evil villain named the KGBeast right from Bruce and Alfred and that Bruce had gotten her good friend the Bat to join with some of her buddies to get Dick back. They were understandably upset, but all the more grateful that Bruce had gotten the Bat to save him.

Bruce looked at Dick, who was dressed in his costume with classic exposed underpants as he served cake to everyone and she smiled to herself. He had been so brave throughout his whole ordeal. I think he'll make a good side-kick one day...

"Well Dick...have you come up with a superhero name for yourself?" Supergirl asked with a smile as she forked a piece of cake.

"Yes." Dick said seriously. "I have. I've decided to call myself..."

Everyone in the room waited in silent anticipation.


"Whu?" Bruce said, squinting at her pint sized side-kick.

"Like Robin Hood! I like green and Green Arrow is my new favorite hero!" Dick said happily. Then he turned to the Emerald Archer himself. "Oliver? Can I be your sidekick for the rest of my life, say yes, say yes cause I need to know..?"

Oliver blinked in surprise while Bruce's face had gone blank with shock.

"Um," Oliver finally managed, crouching down and giving Dick a smile. "Sorry Dick, but I've got too many sidekicks right now." He patted Dick on the shoulder. "It's probably best that you stay Bruce's sidekick."

"Awwwwwwwww." Dick said, pouting. "Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy?"

The little traitor! Bruce thought jealously. After everything I've done for him! The little shit!

After that it was only a few minutes before everyone had to leave.

"Oliver! Oliver! Can I get your autograph?!" Dick cried in a frenzy as Oliver got up from the couch.

Alfred laid a hand upon Bruce's back. "It's just a phase Master Wayne, calm down..." Alfred said, knowing that her friend was steaming with jealously. She shook her head and smiled sympathetically at her liege. "I'm still your biggest fan."

Bruce snorted. "I'm my biggest fan, Alfred. Everyone knows that."

"Bye, Bruce." Barry said, coming over for a hug, wearing his usual grin.

Bruce tried to turn her body into Memory Foam and imprint Barry's body into herself. It was Alfred miming having to use a crowbar that got Bruce to remember that she had to stop hugging Barry. "Yeah uh...heheh...bye, Barry." Bruce said nervously as they parted.

She watched as Oliver wrapped an arm around Kara's shoulders and waved back to Bruce. "See ya! Good cake, Alfred!"

As Alfred walked them out, Bruce stayed in the living room and took another slice of cake.

It was very good to have friends. She'd almost let herself get blinded by her ego and push them all away. Lucky for her, they never seemed to give up on her. When she'd asked Barry for his help, he'd been as willing as ever, no hard feelings or anything. It was good to know they had her back.

And Bruce knew she might need their help when it came time for her next battle. The one against Ra's al Ghul...

On the slopes of Nanda Parbat leaned the League of Shadow's home base. It was a towering majesty of Asian style architecture, and on a balcony in the open air stood a trim older man. His thoughts were not on what was before him though, they were far away, lingering on a past student of his that had failed to graduate from his school of learning...

Ra's sighed and gripped tightly the railing before him as he gazed out on the snow covered training field 50 feet below him. He remembered showing this to Bruce for the first time. She had been so young then, so full of rash spirit. She still was...

He had admired it at the time. But her stubbornness and strong spirit had been her undoing.

She'd evolved since her expulsion, and he hadn't even had to do anything. But there was one thing she was still lacking, just as lacking as the day she'd quit the League. The inability to sacrifice the things she loved for the greater good. He had tried to teach her, but it had only ended in catastrophe. She was more in league with her friends than ever.

In the last week he had been trying to force her through initiation. It was supposed to be the final lesson he would teach her.

She had failed.

Training was over. If Bruce refused to join him in his quest for world balance, then he would be forced to take her out of commission. A student as powerful as she could not be allowed to be rouge.

He had been weak. Had let himself be swayed by seeing her in pain and given her something that was more precious than gold.

Time to put away your prejudice, Ducard. She's no longer a potential weapon, she's a danger to the cause.

It was time for The Bat to retire.

But before that, he still needed to get a replacement for the title of Ra's al Ghul. Perhaps that big dumb hunk that lived in Starling City and fancied himself some sort of new age Robin Hood would work.

Ra's snapped his fingers and a ninja stepped forward to do his will.

"Prepare my sweet jet for takeoff." Ra's said. "I think I need to go to Starling City and dress up like Green Arrow, shoot some peeps, and make Oliver Queen look like dirt."

"Aye, aye, captain!" The Ninja said, saluting.

Ra's lips lifted in a small smile. "Oliver're gonna to be my bitch..."


That's that! If you like LEAVE COMMENT! Other than that, if your interested in what comes next, read the story that I've left a link to in the comments! Hope you enjoyed!

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